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ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

Stock Code: 301330 Abbreviation of Securities: ZKTECO Announcement No.: 2024-047


2024 3rd Quarter Report

The Company and all members of the Board of Directors guarantee that the

information disclosed is true accurate and complete without any false records

misleading statements or material omissions.Important content tips:

1. The Board of Directors the Board of Supervisors directors supervisors and senior management guarantee

that the information presented in this report is true accurate and complete without any false records misleading

statements or material omissions and will undertake individual and joint legal liabilities.

2. The Company's legal representative the person in charge of the accounting work and the person in charge

of accounting institution (accounting supervisor) hereby declare that the financial information in this report is true

accuracy and complete.

3. Whether the 3rd quarter report has been audited

□ Yes □No

1ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

I. Key Financial Data

(I) Main Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether the Company performed a retroactive adjustment or restatement of the previous accounting data

□ Yes □No

Increase/decrease in this

From the beginning of

YoY change during the reporting period

Current reporting period 2024 to the end of the

reporting period compared to the same

reporting period

period last year

Operating income (RMB)


Net profit attributable to

shareholders of listed 42040658.61 -15.73% 120678385.94 -12.96%

companies (RMB)

Net profit attributable to

shareholders of listed

companies after deducting 38795453.63 -22.60% 105967658.69 -26.72%

non-recurring profits and

losses (RMB)

Net cash flows from

operating activities -- -- 136138600.04 -25.73%


Basic earnings per share



Diluted earnings per share



Weighted average return


on net assets

At the end of this At the end of the previous Increase or decrease at the end of this reporting

reporting period year period compared to the end of the previous year

Total assets (RMB) 3841374527.18 3923900732.70 -2.10%

Owner's equity

attributable to


shareholders of the listed

company (RMB)

(II) Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Gains and Losses

□Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Amount from the beginning of

Amount during this

Item 2024 to the end of the reporting Remarks

reporting period


Losses and gains from disposal of non-current

assets (including the offsetting portion of the -400990.50 -544946.06

provision for asset impairment)

2ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

Government subsidies included in current profits

and losses (except those closely related to the

normal business of the Company which are in

line with national policies and regulations 849656.13 5880119.01

enjoyed according to determined standards and

have a continuous impact on the Company's

profits and losses)

Profits and losses from fair value changes

arising from the holding of financial assets and

Mainly due to investment

financial liabilities by non-financial enterprises

income and fair value

as well as the gains and losses arising from the 5310789.65 11416299.65

changes generated by

disposal of financial assets and financial

financial products

liabilities except for effective hedging business

related to the normal operation of the Company

Capital occupancy fees charged to non-financial


enterprises included in current profits and losses

Reversal of the provision on receivables with

impairment test conducted on an individual basis 70000.00 240000.00

Other non-operating income and expenses other


than the above items

Less: income tax impact -83891.73 1194233.30

Minority interest impact


(after tax)

Total 3245204.98 14710727.25 --

Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses:

□Applicable □Not applicable

The Company does not have other specific conditions of profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and loss.Explanations on classifying any non-recurring gain/loss item mentioned in the "Explanatory Announcement for Information Disclosure

by Companies that Issue Securities to the Public No. 1 - Non-recurring Gains and Losses" as recurring Gain/loss item.□Applicable □Not applicable

The Company does not classify any non-recurring gain/loss item mentioned in the "Explanatory Announcement for Information

Disclosure by Companies that Issue Securities to the Public No. 1 - Non-recurring Gains and Losses" as recurring gain/loss item.(III) Changes and Reasons for Changes in Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

□Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Balance Sheet Items September 30 2024 January 1 2024 Change ratio Reasons

Mainly due to the purchase of financial

products investment expenses for construction

Monetary funds 1115899129.93 1990924954.78 -43.95% projects implementation of share repurchases

and distribution of profits (cash dividends) from

the previous year in current period

Mainly due to the increase in wealth

Trading financial assets 764033931.90 80980203.63 843.48% management productssuch as structured deposits

in the current period

3ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

Mainly due to the transfer of large-denomination

certificates of deposit from banks at the end of

Debt investment 14375737.01 42284596.90 -66.00% the previous period to non-current assets due

within one year

Mainly due to the construction project of the

Multimodal Biometrics Digitalization Industrial

Construction in

242871320.17 138986483.73 74.74% Base Construction Project and the new


investment in the construction of the Thai

factory in this period

Mainly due to the carry-over of the SAP system

Intangible assets 89949940.34 66016371.68 36.25% in the current period when it reaches the usable


Mainly due to the addition and renewal of office

Lease liabilities 30799092.84 19713286.21 56.24% leases in the current period

Mainly due to the decrease in the purchase

Accounts payable 154868304.31 245084182.32 -36.81% amount and the decrease in the construction

payment payable in the current period

Mainly due to the implementation of share

Treasury stock 59683228.10 784700.00 7505.87% repurchase in the current period

Income Statement January - September January - September

Change ratio Reasons

Items 2024 2023

Mainly due to a decrease in interest income and

an increase in exchange losses for the current

Financial expenses -13892864.00 -44978271.11 69.11% period (compared to exchange gains in the same

period last year)

Mainly due to the increase in the income

recognized after the expiration of the purchased

wealth management products during the

reporting period,and the investment lossesInvestment income 4917886.48 -1725758.54 384.97%

recognized after the expiration of some forward

foreign exchange contracts purchased due to

hedging the risk of exchange rate fluctuations in

the same period last year

Mainly due to the increase in the income

generated during the holding period of the

purchased wealth management products during

Gains from changes in the reporting period and the loss incurred during


fair value the holding period of some forward foreign

exchange contracts purchased due to hedging the

risk of exchange rate fluctuations in the same

period of the previous year

Mainly due to the increase in the provision for

Losses from

-5994941.10 -3428778.18 74.84% falling prices of inventories during the reporting

impairment of assets period

Mainly due to the write-off of bad debts in the

current period and the decrease in the total

Income tax expenses 8111368.11 16266701.41 -50.14%

profits of some subsidiaries resulting in a

decrease in income tax in the current period

Cash Flow Statement January - September January - September

Change ratio Reasons

Items 2024 2023

Net cash flows from Mainly due to the increase in cash payments for


operating activities goods purchased and labor services received in

4ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

the current period as well as the increase in

taxes and fees paid in the current period

Mainly due to the payment for the construction

project of the Multimodal Biometrics

Digitalization Industrial Base Construction

Net cash flows from Project the construction of the Thai factory and


investing activities the purchase expense of real estate (employee

dormitories) in the current period as well as the

increase in financial management purchases in

the current period

Mainly due to the increase in the distribution of

Net cash flows from

-181047518.00 -86869563.26 -108.41% cash dividends and payment of share repurchase

financing activities expenses in the current period

Mainly due to a decrease in net cash flow from

Net increase in cash

-501361903.62 -83173247.43 -502.79% investing activities and financing activities in the

and cash equivalents current period

5ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

II. Shareholder Information

(I) Table of the Total Number of Common Shareholders and the Number of Preferred Shareholders with

Resumed Voting Rights and Information about Top Ten Shareholders

Unit: share

Total number of preferred shareholders whose

Total number of common shareholders at the end of the

18942 voting rights have been recovered at the end of the 0

reporting period

reporting period (if any)

Particulars about the top 10 shareholders (excluding shares lent through refinancing)

Total shares Number of shares

Shareholding Pledged marked or frozen

Name of shareholder Nature of shareholder held at the with trading


period-end restrictions Share status Amount

Shenzhen ZKTeco Times Domestic non state-

30.05% 58500000 58500000 Not applicable

Investment Co. Ltd. owned legal persons 0

Che Quanhong Domestic individual 17.48% 34022300 34022300 Not applicable 0

Shenzhen JYSJ Investment Domestic non state-

7.21% 14038400 7053800 Not applicable 0

Enterprise (Limited Partnership) owned legal persons

Shenzhen JYHY Investment Domestic non state-

7.13% 13874950 6960524 Not applicable 0

Enterprise (Limited Partnership) owned legal persons

Dongguan LX Investment

Domestic non state-

Partnership Enterprise (Limited 5.08% 9880000 9880000 Not applicable 0

owned legal persons


Shenzhen JYLX Consulting Domestic non state-

2.30% 4476086 2374190 Not applicable 0

Enterprise (Limited Partnership) owned legal persons

Shenzhen JYQL Investment

Domestic non state-

Consulting Enterprise (Limited 0.78% 1521100 881400 Not applicable 0

owned legal persons


Shenzhen Gohedge Fund

Management Co. Ltd. -

others 0.35% 688580 0 Not applicable 0

Gohedge Pearl No.1 Private

Equity Fund

Shenzhen Fuhai Juanyong I

Domestic non state-

Venture Investment Fund 0.34% 666138 0 Not applicable 0

owned legal persons

(Limited Partnership)

Hong Kong Securities Clearing

Foreign legal person 0.34% 655954 0 Not applicable 0

Company Limited

Particulars about the top 10 shareholders not subject to trading restrictions

(excluding shares lent through refinancing and executive lockup shares)

Types of shares

Name of shareholder Number of shares without trading restrictions

Type Number


Shenzhen JYSJ Investment Enterprise (Limited

6984600 denominated 6984600


ordinary shares

6ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report


Shenzhen JYHY Investment Enterprise (Limited

6914426 denominated 6914426


ordinary shares


Shenzhen JYLX Consulting Enterprise (Limited

2101896 denominated 2101896


ordinary shares


Shenzhen Gohedge Fund Management Co. Ltd. -

688580 denominated 688580

Gohedge Pearl No.1 Private Equity Fund

ordinary shares


Shenzhen Fuhai Juanyong I Venture Investment Fund

666138 denominated 666138

(Limited Partnership)

ordinary shares


Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited 655954 denominated 655954

ordinary shares


Shenzhen JYQL Investment Consulting Enterprise

639700 denominated 639700

(Limited Partnership)

ordinary shares


Guangfa Securities Co. Ltd. - Bodao Growth Zhihang

536550 denominated 536550

Equity Securities Investment Fund

ordinary shares


Gu Meijuan 500000 denominated 500000

ordinary shares

Changjiang Wealth Asset Management - Bank of


Nanjing - Changjiang Wealth - ZKTeco Employee

379592 denominated 379592

Strategic Placement No.1 Collective Asset

ordinary shares

Management Plan

Shareholder Che Quanhong is elder brother of shareholder Che

Quanzhong from Shenzhen ZKTeco Times Investment Co.Ltd. and son of Che Jun partner of Dongguan LX Investment

Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership).The shareholder Che Quanhong holds 76.02% of the equity of

Shenzhen ZKTeco Times Investment Co. Ltd. being the

controlling shareholder of Shenzhen ZKTeco Times Investment

Co. Ltd. Meanwhile Che Quanhong holds 1.18% of the

property share of shareholder Dongguan LX Investment

Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) and 6.57% of the

Explanation on associated relationship and concerted actions among

property share of shareholder Shenzhen JYLX Consulting

above shareholders

Enterprise (Limited Partnership).Che Quanzhong the younger brother of shareholder Che

Quanhong holds a 23.98% equity in Shenzhen ZKTeco Times

Investment Co. Ltd.Che Jun the father of shareholder Che Quanhong holds

98.68% of the property share of Dongguan LX Investment

Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership).In addition the company does not know whether there is an

associated relationship or a concerted action relationship

among the other shareholders.Information on Top 10 shareholders of participating in margin trading


and short selling business (if any)

Note: Special explanations on the existence of repurchased accounts among the top 10 shareholders not subject to trading restrictions

7ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

As of September 30 2024 the Company's repurchased special securities account holds 2230000 ordinary shares accounting for 1.15%

of the current total share capital of the Company. As required it is not included in the list of the top 10 shareholders of the Company. It

is hereby clarified.Participation of shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of outstanding

shares not subject to trading restrictions in the lending of shares through refinancing

□ Applicable □ Not applicable

Changes to the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of outstanding shares not subject to trading restrictions compared to the

previous period due to reasons related to lending/repayment through refinancing

□ Applicable □ Not applicable

(II) Total Number of Preferred Shareholders and information about Top 10 Preferred Shareholders

□Applicable □ Not Applicable

(III) Changes in Restricted Shares

□ Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: share

Number of Number of shares Increase in Number of

Name of restricted shares released from restricted restricted shares Reason for Date of releasing from

shareholder at the beginning trading restrictions shares in this at the end of the restrictions trading restrictions

of the period in this period period period

During the tenure of

directors supervisors and

senior executives 25% of the

Executives lock

Jin Hairong 5850 5850 total number of shares held

up shares

will be unlocked every year

and the remaining 75% will

be automatically locked


Che Quanhong 34022300 34022300 shares before February 17 2026


During the tenure of

directors supervisors and

senior executives 25% of the

Executives lock

Mu Wenting 8775 8775 total number of shares held

up shares

will be unlocked every year

and the remaining 75% will

be automatically locked

During the tenure of

directors supervisors and

senior executives 25% of the

Executives lock

Fu Zhiqian 5362 5362 total number of shares held

up shares

will be unlocked every year

and the remaining 75% will

be automatically locked

Shenzhen ZKTeco Restricted

Times Investment 58500000 58500000 shares before February 17 2026

Co. Ltd. IPO

8ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

Dongguan LX

Investment Restricted

Partnership 9880000 9880000 shares before August 17 2025

Enterprise (Limited IPO


Shenzhen JYHY One quarter of the shares will


Investment be unlocked from August 17

10440787 3480263 6960524 shares before

Enterprise (Limited 2023 until all shares are


Partnership) unlocked on August 17 2026

Shenzhen JYSJ One quarter of the shares will


Investment be unlocked from August 17

10580700 3526900 7053800 shares before

Enterprise (Limited 2023 until all shares are


Partnership) unlocked on August 17 2026

Shenzhen JYQL

One quarter of the shares will

Investment Restricted

be unlocked from August 17

Consulting 1322100 440700 881400 shares before

2023 until all shares are

Enterprise (Limited IPO

unlocked on August 17 2026


Shenzhen JYLX One quarter of the shares will


Consulting be unlocked from August 17

3561285 1187095 2374190 shares before

Enterprise (Limited 2023 until all shares are


Partnership) unlocked on August 17 2026

Total 128327159 8634958 0 119692201 -- --

9ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

III. Other Important Events

□Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Some of the shares issued before the initial public offering are listed for circulation

The total number of shareholders who have lifted the restricted shares this time is 4 and the number of restricted shares listed and

traded is 8634958 shares accounting for 4.4355% of the company's total share capital. The above-mentioned shares will be lifted

from sales restrictions and will be listed for circulation on August 19 2024. For details please refer to the "Indicative Announcement

on the Listing and Circulation of Certain Shares Issued Before the Initial Public Offering" (Announcement No.: 2024-032) disclosed

by the company on www.cninfo.com.cn on August 15 2024.IV. Quarterly Financial Statements

(I) Financial Statements

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: ZKTECO CO. LTD.September 30 2024

Unit: RMB

Item September 30 2024 January 1 2024

Current assets:

Monetary funds 1115899129.93 1990924954.78

Deposit reservation for balance

Lendings to banks and other financial


Trading financial assets 764033931.90 80980203.63

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable 515096.30

Accounts receivable 480322527.13 479803313.66

Receivable financing

Prepayments 27479118.04 23457907.24

Premiums receivable

Reinsurance accounts receivable

Reserves for reinsurance contract


Other receivables 36271529.22 32744574.20

Including: interest receivable

Dividends receivable

Buying back the sale of financial assets

Inventories 353269196.71 372714784.31

Including: Data resources

Contract assets 282186.31 282186.31

Held-for-sale assets

Non-current assets due within one year 28864708.11 17257614.74

Other current assets 24882547.69 25865809.28

Total current assets 2831819971.34 3024031348.15

Non-current assets:

Loans and advances to customers

Debt investment 14375737.01 42284596.90

Other debt investment

Long-term receivables 3315367.65 2447228.23

10ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

Long-term equity investment 28847702.47 29781888.62

Other equity instrument investments

Other non-current financial assets

Investment real estate 21914609.79 23145488.85

Fixed assets 464154116.07 470121791.29

Construction in progress 242871320.17 138986483.73

Productive biological assets

Oil and gas assets

Right-of-use assets 50679184.46 38669718.86

Intangible assets 89949940.34 66016371.68

Including: Data resources

Development expenditures

Including: Data resources

Goodwill 499436.88 504803.72

Long-term deferred expenses 7450870.67 3768847.81

Deferred income tax assets 81997415.29 67257559.01

Other non-current assets 3498855.04 16884605.85

Total non-current assets 1009554555.84 899869384.55

Total assets 3841374527.18 3923900732.70

Current liabilities:

Short-term loan

Borrowings from the Central Bank

Borrowings from banks and other

financial institutions

Trading financial liabilities

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable 130269063.79 122573544.09

Accounts payable 154868304.31 245084182.32

Advances from customer

Contract liabilities 77614095.66 65331106.17

Financial assets sold for repurchase

Deposit from customers and interbank

Acting trading securities

Acting underwriting securities

Payroll payable 34466595.24 56630101.98

Taxes and dues payable 20424621.97 28892229.44

Other payables 46806419.79 36735314.36

Including: interest payable

Dividends payable

Handling charges and commissions


Reinsurance accounts receivable

Liabilities held for sale

Non-current liabilities due within one



Other current liabilities 10492065.50 16463934.35

Total current liabilities 497961358.86 592805095.07

Non-current liabilities:

Reserves for insurance contracts

Long-term loan 6964023.12 7810405.04

Bonds payable

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual bonds

Lease liabilities 30799092.84 19713286.21

11ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

Long-term payables

Long-term payroll payable

Estimated liabilities 600000.00

Deferred income 1719939.68 1853549.62

Deferred income tax liabilities 12936336.95 10329053.48

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 52419392.59 40306294.35

Total liabilities 550380751.45 633111389.42

Owner's equity:

Share capital 194679508.00 194679508.00

Other equity instruments

Including: preferred stock

Perpetual bonds

Capital reserve 2086410770.67 2075479375.13

Less: treasury stock 59683228.10 784700.00

Other comprehensive income 31893739.89 28000959.19

Special reserve

Surplus reserves 60455422.50 60455422.50

General risk reserves

Undistributed profits 941659131.72 907583024.38

Total owner's equity attributable to the


parent company

Minority interests 35578431.05 25375754.08

Total owner's equity 3290993775.73 3290789343.28

Total liabilities and owner's equity 3841374527.18 3923900732.70

Legal Representative: Jin Hairong. Person in charge of accounting work: Wang Youwu. Person in charge of accounting institution:

Fang Li

2. Consolidated income statement

Unit: RMB

Item 2024 Q3 2023 Q3

I. Total operating income 1410900152.75 1439983612.03

Including: operating income 1410900152.75 1439983612.03

Interest income

Premium earned

Income from handling charges

and commissions

II. Total operating cost 1283744507.66 1262912308.23

Including: operating cost 712445786.52 747237863.64

Interest expenses

Expenses from handling charges

and commissions

Surrender value

Net payments for insurance


Net provisions for policy reserves

Policy dividend expenses

Reinsurance expenses

Taxes and surcharges 19112324.06 14487429.74

Selling expenses 322289681.26 296766809.25

Administrative expenses 80418280.82 93319512.60

12ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

R&D expenses 163371299.00 156078964.11

Financial expenses -13892864.00 -44978271.11

Including: interest expenses 2939981.92 2461347.10

Interest income 33268254.31 45417933.63

Plus: other income 11570705.16 8430892.85

Investment income ( loss expressed


with "-")

Including: investment income


in associates and joint ventures

Gains from

derecognition of financial assets measured

at amortized cost

Gains from foreign exchange (loss

expressed with "-")

Gains from net exposure hedging

(loss expressed with "-")

Gains from changes in fair value


(loss expressed with "-")

Credit impairment loss (loss


expressed with "-")

Losses from impairment of assets


(loss expressed with "-")

Income from asset disposal (loss


expressed with "-")

III. Operating profit (loss expressed with "-



Plus: non-operating income 2507995.03 780799.31

Less: non-operating expenditure 3891679.49 3823995.51

IV. Total profit (loss expressed with "-") 141531508.60 170952187.09

Less: income tax expenses 8111368.11 16266701.41

V. Net profit (loss expressed with "-") 133420140.49 154685485.68

(I) Classification by business continuity

1. Net profit from continuing


operations (net loss expressed with "-")

2. Net profit from discontinued

operations (net loss expressed with "-")

(II) Classification by ownership

1. Net profit attributable to

shareholders of the parent company (net 120678385.94 138643533.82

loss expressed with "-")

2. Minority shareholders' profit and


loss(net loss expressed with "-")

VI. Other comprehensive income - after tax 5075837.07 1168896.86

Net of tax of other comprehensive

income attributable to the owner of the


parent company

Other comprehensive income that

cannot be transferred to profit or loss

1. Changes in re-measurement of the

defined benefit plan

2. Other comprehensive income that

cannot be transferred to profit or loss under

the equity method

13ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

3. Changes in fair value of other

equity instrument investments

4. Changes in the fair value of the

Company's own credit risk

5. Other

(2) Other comprehensive income that


will be reclassified into profit or loss

1. Other comprehensive income that

can be transferred to profit or loss under the

equity method

2. Changes in fair value of other

debt investments

3. Amount of financial assets

reclassified into other comprehensive


4. Provision for credit impairment of

other debt investments

5. Cash flow hedging reserve

6. Translation difference of foreign


currency financial statements

7. Others

After-tax net amount of other

comprehensive income attributable to the 1183056.37 -11135019.95

minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive income 138495977.56 155854382.54

Total comprehensive income attributable


to owners of the parent company

Total comprehensive income attributable


to minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share:

(I) Basic earnings per share 0.6254 0.7182

(II) Diluted earnings per share 0.6218 0.7141

In the event of a merger of enterprise under the same control in the current period the net profit realized by the combined party before

the merger is RMB 0.00 and the net profit realized by the combined party in the previous period is RMB 0.00.Legal Representative: Jin Hairong Person in charge of accounting work: Wang Youwu Person in charge of accounting institution:

Fang Li

3. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB

Item 2024 Q3 2023 Q3

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

Cash received from sale of goods and


rendering of services

Net increase in deposits from customers

and deposits in banks and other financial


Net increase in borrowings from the

Central Bank

Net increase in borrowings from banks

and other financial institutions

Cash received from receiving insurance

premiums of original insurance contracts

14ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

Net cash received from reinsurance


Net increase in deposits and investments

from policyholders

Cash received from interest handling

fees and commissions

Net increase in borrowings from banks

and other financial institutions

Net capital increase in repurchase


Net cash received from vicariously traded


Refund of taxes and surcharges 60316610.02 48522171.18

Cash received from other operating



Subtotal of cash inflows from operating



Cash paid for purchase of goods and


rendering of services

Net increase in loans and advances to


Net increase in deposits in Central Bank

and other banks and financial institutions

Cash paid for original insurance contract


Net increase in lendings to banks and

other financial institutions

Cash paid for interest handling fees and


Cash paid for policy dividends

Cash paid to and for employees 425640836.80 412108352.14

Payments of all types of taxes 70818064.05 54586811.26

Other cash payments relating to operating



Subtotal of cash outflows from operating



Net cash flows from operating activities 136138600.04 183302835.87

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

Cash received from disinvestment 902775551.21 549376181.66

Cash received from investment income 5102718.06 2499098.17

Net cash received from disposal of fixed

assets intangible assets and other long-term 64134.09 343862.87


Net cash received from disposal of

subsidiaries and other business units

Cash received from other investing



Subtotal of cash inflows from investing



Cash paid to acquire and construct fixed

assets intangible assets and other long-term 156725908.68 108652539.76


Cash paid for investments 1202931631.21 619025771.88

Net increase in pledge loans

15ZKTeco 2024 Q3 Report

Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and

other business units

Cash paid for other investing activities 6840695.00

Subtotal of cash outflows from investing



Net cash flows from investing activities -451646981.53 -182299863.94

III. Cash flows from financing activities:

Cash received from investors 2445378.21

Including: cash received by

subsidiaries from the absorption of minority


shareholders' investments

Cash received from borrowings 8500000.00

Cash received from other financing



Subtotal of cash inflows from financing



Cash paid for debt repayments 1089804.61 224246.01

Cash paid for distribution of dividends


and profits or payment of interest

Including: dividends and profits paid to


minority shareholders by subsidiaries

Cash paid for other financing activities 87725493.56 24422471.28

Subtotal of cash outflows from financing



Net cash flows from financing activities -181047518.00 -86869563.26

IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on cash


and cash equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -501361903.62 -83173247.43

Plus: beginning balance of cash and cash



VI. Closing balance of cash and cash



(II) Implementation of new accounting standards adjustment for the first time starting from

2024. Relevant project information on financial statements at the beginning of the year

□ Applicable □ Not applicable

(III) Audit Report

Whether the 3rd Quarter Report has been audited

□ Yes □ No

The Company's Q3 Report has not been audited.ZKTECO CO. LTD.Board of Directors

October 30 2024







  • 板块名称
  • 最新价
  • 涨跌幅








  • 上证A股
  • 深证A股
  • 科创板
  • 排名
  • 股票名称
  • 最新价
  • 涨跌幅
  • 股圈