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公告原文类别 2024-04-30 查看全文

Summary of the Annual Report 2023 of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co. Ltd.Stock Code:200468 Short Form of the Stock:NJ TEL B Notice No.:2024-008

Summary of the Annual Report 2023 of Nanjing

Putian Telecommunications Co. Ltd.I. Important notes

The summary of this annual report comes from the full text of the annual report. In order to fully understand the

Company's operating results financial situation and future development plan investors should carefully read the

full text of the annual report at the media designated by the CSRC.All directors attended the board meeting at which this Annual Report was considered.Prompt of modified audit opinions

□Applicable □Not applicable

Proposals for profit distribution or capital increase from provident fund for the reporting period considered by the

Board of Directors

□Applicable □Not applicable

The Company planed not to distribute cash dividends and bonus shares or increase its share capital from

provident fund.Preferred share profit distribution proposal for the current reporting period adopted by resolution of the Board of


□Applicable □Not applicable

II. Basic information of the Company

1. Company profile

Stock abbreviation NJ TEL B Stock code 200468

Stock exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Secretary of the Board of

Contact persons and contact information Securities representative


Name Li Jing Dai Yuan

Putian Technology Pioneer Putian Technology Pioneer

Park No.8 Fenghui Park No.8 Fenghui

Office address Avenue Yuhuatai District Avenue Yuhuatai District

Nanjing City Jiangsu Nanjing City Jiangsu

Province Province

Fax 86-25-52416518 86-25-52416518

1Summary of the Annual Report 2023 of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co. Ltd.

Tel. 86-25-69675805 86-25-69675865

E-mail lijing@postel.com.cn daiyuan@postel.com.cn

2. Brief introduction of major businesses or products during the reporting period

As one of the important providers of products and solutions in the field of information and

communication in China the Company has adhered to the strategy of "products + solutions +

services" and constantly accelerated product innovation industrial restructuring and

transformation and upgrading. The Company and its subsidiaries mainly operate in sectors such

as smart conferencing smart cabling smart power distribution and smart lighting. Their key

products include multimedia communication and application solutions integrated smart building

solutions industrial smart power distribution systems IoT-based grid-connected and solar

energy streetlight control systems smart optical power distribution solutions etc. These

products primarily serve large central enterprises government bodies and customers from

industries such as finance electric power and healthcare.The subsidiary Nanjing Putian Southern Telecom Co. Ltd. (hereafter referred to as

"Southern Telecom") chiefly offers multimedia communication and application solutions to

central enterprises government bodies and other large and medium-sized customers from

industries such as finance and healthcare. The subsidiary Nanjing Putian Telege IntelligentBuilding Ltd.(hereafter referred to as “Putian Telege") specializes in delivering medium to high-end integrated cabling and intelligent building system solutions. The subsidiary Nanjing

Nanman Electrical Co. Ltd. (hereafter referred to as "Nanman Electrical") provides intelligent

power distribution solutions for various scenarios such as rail transit airports ports and parks.The subsidiary Nanjing Putian Datang Information Electronics Co. Ltd. (hereafter referred to

as"Putian Datang") mainly provides customers with solar energy and grid-connected streetlight

controllers and IoT-based smart streetlight management and control solutions.The Company mainly obtains business opportunities by participating in project bidding. It

designs manufactures or purchases equipment required by customers according to project

requirements and is responsible for installation commissioning and system integration and

realizes profits after deducting cost according to contract prices. The Company's operating

performance is mainly affected by the capital expenditure information technology investments

and bidding results of central enterprises government agencies financial institutions customers

from the rail traffic industry and other industries as well as fluctuations in raw material prices

and changes in other costs.

3. Main accounting data and financial indicators

(1) Main accounting data and financial indicators in the past three years

Does the Company need to retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years

□Yes □No

Unit: yuan

2Summary of the Annual Report 2023 of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co. Ltd.

Increase or decrease at

the end of the current

By the end of 2023 By the end of 2022 year compared with the By the end of 2021

end of the previous


Total assets 826241412.27 891390055.62 -7.31% 993571982.44

Net assets attributable

to shareholders of the 5111258.66 21995336.28 -76.76% 65187412.69

listed company

Increase or decrease in

2023 2022 the current year over 2021

the previous year

Operating revenue 818334374.30 879566048.96 -6.96% 917129674.49

Net profit attributable

to shareholders of the -16884077.62 -47390545.55 64.37% -138766373.70

listed company

Net profit attributable

to shareholders of the

listed company after


deducting non-

recurring profits and


Net cash flow from


operating activities

Basic earnings per


share (yuan/share)

Diluted earnings per


share (yuan/share)

Weighted average


return on net assets

(2) Main accounting data by quarter

Unit: yuan

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Operating revenue 178539354.70 214000522.99 188206576.44 237587920.17

Net profit attributable

to shareholders of the -9934009.57 -1027887.35 -5783929.78 -138250.92

listed company

Net profit attributable

to shareholders of the

listed company after


deducting non-

recurring profits and


Net cash flow from


operating activities

Whether the above financial indicators or the sum of them are significantly different from the relevant financial

3Summary of the Annual Report 2023 of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co. Ltd.

indicators in the quarterly report and semi-annual report disclosed by the Company

□Yes □No

4. Share capital and shareholders

(1) Number of ordinary shareholders and preferred shareholders whose voting rights are restored and the

shareholding status of the top 10 shareholders

Unit: share

Total number

Total Total

of preferred

number of number of


ordinary preferred

whose voting

shareholder shareholde

Total number of rights were

s at the end rs whose

common restored at

of last voting

shareholders at the 7650 7657 0 the end of 0

month rights were

end of the reporting the previous

before the restored at

period month before

disclosure the end of


date of the the


annual reporting

date of the

report period

annual report

Shareholding of the top 10 shareholders (excluding shares lent through refinancing)

Type of Pledge marking or

Shareholdin Number of Number of non-tradable

Shareholder name shareholde freezing

g ratio shares held shares held

r Shares status Quantity


CETC Glarun owned Not


Group Co. Ltd. legal applicable


Shenwan Hongyuan Overseas


Securities (H.K.) legal 2.55% 5476788.00 0 0


Ltd. person



He Wei person in 1.44% 3104600.00 0 0






(HONGKONG) legal 1.28% 2747797.00 0 0


LIMITED person


Zheng Enyue Not

person in 1.14% 2449739.00 0 0




Sun Huiming Not

person in 0.94% 2022200.00 0 0





Gu Jinhua person in 0.87% 1871371.00 0 0



Li Mingling Natural 0.54% 1168820.00 0 Not 0

4Summary of the Annual Report 2023 of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co. Ltd.

person in applicable




Zhen Hongquan person in 0.47% 1010900.00 0 0





Xiang Yan person in 0.42% 905602.00 0 0



Description of the above- Among the top 10 shareholders CETC Glarun Group Co. Ltd. was not related to other

mentioned shareholders' shareholders and was not a party acting in concert. The Company did not know whether

association or concerted actions other shareholders were related to each other or were parties acting in concert.Description of shareholders

participating in margin financing


and securities lending business (if


Details of the top ten shareholders’ participation in share lending through refinancing business

□Applicable □Not applicable

Changes in the composition of the top ten shareholders

□Applicable □Not applicable

(2) Total number of preferred shareholders of the Company and the shareholding status of the top 10

preferred shareholders

□Applicable □Not applicable

During the reporting period there was no shareholding of preferred shareholders.

(3) Disclosure of the ownership and control relationship between the Company and the actual controller in

the form of a block diagram

State-owned Assets Supervision and

Administration Commission of the

State Council


China Electronics Technology Group



CETC Glarun Group Co. Ltd.


Nanjing Putian Telecommunications

Co. Ltd.

5. Bonds existing on the date of approval of the annual report

□Applicable □Not applicable

5Summary of the Annual Report 2023 of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co. Ltd.

III. Important matters

The year 2023 marks the beginning of the comprehensive implement of the guiding

principles of the 20th CPC National Congress. It is an important year to connect the preceding

with the following in the implementation of the “14th Five-Year Plan” and a crucial year for the

Company to fully integrate into CETC Glarun. In response to emerging historical opportunities

and challenges the Company optimized its industrial layout concentrated on its core businesses

and responsibilities and integrated research and development production and sales processes.By strengthening centralized control at its headquarters it has fostered a synergy effect thereby

enhancing operational quality and benefits. Firstly the Company further refined its industrial

configuration actively seeking out key customers in pivotal sectors. It continued to enhance its

strengths in smart cabling smart conferencing smart power distribution and smart lighting

while exiting low-margin businesses to boost financial performance. It vigorously acquired key

customers such as central enterprises and those in the financial and energy industries and

explored opportunities in the military sector. Secondly the Company escalated its investment in

technological innovation to fortify its core competitiveness. During the reporting period the

Company pursued an innovation-driven strategy continuously bolstered its core technologies

filed for 26 new patents and secured 16 new software copyrights. It received approval for 9 new

patents and secured 17 new software copyrights participated in drafting 2 national and 2

industry standards passed certification for 18 products and completed the R&D of 13

innovative technology projects. For the 19th consecutive year its subsidiary Putian Telege

maintained its third-place ranking among the "Top Ten Integrated Cabling Brands" and was

recognized as a "specialized refined characteristic and innovative" enterprise in Jiangsu

Province. Its subsidiary Southern Telecom is leveraging its video conferencing and conference

room integration businesses to boost sales of its independently controlled Ruijing software and

hardware products thereby developing differentiated solutions. As a distinguished agent for

Huawei's audio and video conferencing products the company is deepening its strategic

collaboration with Huawei in the smart collaboration market. Its subsidiary Nanman Electrical

has obtained the Weapon Equipment Quality Management System Certification and the

"Leading Brand of China Electrical Industry" honor. It passed the re-evaluation as a“Technology-based SME" and "Innovative SME" in Jiangsu Province in 2023. Its subsidiaryPutian Datang passed the re-certification of “Software Enterprise with Registered SoftwareProducts" in 2023 and launched new products such as grid-connected complementary energy-

saving controllers and smart city comprehensive management platform. Thirdly the Company

was deeply engaged in reform and innovation to substantially enhance operational quality. It

strengthened internal management ramping up efforts to streamline inefficient subsidiaries

recovering accounts receivable and clearing inventory debts strengthening cost control

revitalizing inefficient and idle assets and fostering its stable and sustainable growth. During the

reporting period the Company realized operating revenue of 818.33 million yuan and the net

profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was -16.88 million yuan a decrease of

30.51 million yuan compared with the same period of the previous year.

6Summary of the Annual Report 2023 of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co. Ltd.

Board of Directors of

Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co. Ltd.April30 2024







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