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2023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

2023 Annual Report

April 20242023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Section I Important Notice Contents and Paraphrase

The Board of Directors Board of Supervisors directors supervisors and

senior executives of the Company hereby guarantee that the contents are

authentic accurate and complete without false records misleading

representations or material omissions in the Annual Report and shall take

all the joint and several legal liabilities.Dong Mingzhu the Company's responsible person Liao Jianxiong

responsible person in charge of accounting work and Liu Yanzi the

Accounting Department's responsible person (accounting superintendent)

hereby declare and warrant that the financial report in the Annual Report

is authentic accurate and complete.All the directors have attended the meeting of the Board of Directors in

respect of deliberation of the Annual Report.The forward-looking statements such as future plans and development

strategies in the Annual Report do not constitute a substantive commitment

of the Company to investors. Investors and relevant persons should

therefore make rational investments based on an awareness of risk factors

attendant on investment and understand the differences between plans

forecasts and commitments.The Company's profit distribution proposal passed upon deliberation at the

meeting of the Board of Directors is set out as below: Based on the total

share capital of 5521943646 shares enjoying profit distribution rights at

Page 2 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

the time of disclosure of this profit distribution plan (the total stock capital

of 5631405741 shares excluding the 109462095 shares held in the

repurchase account of the Company) the Company plans to distribute all

shareholders a cash dividend of RMB23.8 (tax included) per 10 shares but

does not plan to give any bonus share (0 share tax included) or convert any

capital reserves into share capital.Page 3 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


Section I Important Notice Contents and Paraphrase... 2

Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indi... 7

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis ..... 12

Section IV Corporate Governance .................... 56

Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility .. 79

Section VI Important Matters ....................... 91

Section VII. Changes in Shares and Shareholders ... 137

Section VIII Preferred Share Related Information .. 149

Section IX Bond Related Information ............... 150

Section X Financial Statements .................... 151

Page 4 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


(I) The accounting statements signed and sealed by Dong Mingzhu the legal representative Liao Jianxiong chief accountant

and Liu Yanzi head of accounting department.(II) The original audit report sealed by Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) with

signatures and seals of certified public accountants Wu Zihao and Qiu Yiwu.(III) Originals and original drafts of all the Company's documents and announcements published on the media and CNINFO

designated by the Company within the report period.Page 5 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


Items Means Contents

Company the Company the Enterprise Gree Electric

Means Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Appliances or Gree

Zhuhai Mingjun Investment Partnership (Limited

Zhuhai Mingjun Means


GREE GROUP Means Zhuhai Gree Group Co. Ltd.Finance Company Means Zhuhai Gree Group Finance Company Limited

Jinghai Internet Technology Development Co.Jinghai Internet Means

Ltd.DunAn Environment Means Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co. Ltd.Gree Altairnano Means Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc.CSRC Means China Securities Regulatory Commission

Report Period Means January 1 2023 to December 31 2023

Page 6 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indicators

I. Company information

Stock Abbreviation Gree Electric Appliances Stock Code 000651

Stock Exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Name in Chinese Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Name Abbreviation in

Gree Electric Appliances


Name in Foreign Language (if

Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


Name Abbreviation in


Foreign Language (if any)

Legal Representative of the

Dong Mingzhu


Registered Address Room 608 No. 108 Huitong Third Road Hengqin New Area Zhuhai

Post Code of Registered



Historical Changes to the

On August 26 2021 it was changed from Jinji West Road Qianshan Zhuhai City Guangdong

Company's Registered

Province to its current registered address


Office Address Jinji West Road Qianshan Zhuhai City Guangdong Province

Post Code of Office Address 519070

Website http://www.gree.com.cn

Email gree0651@cn.gree.com

II. Contacts and contact information

Secretary of the Board of Directors Securities Affairs Representative

Name Deng Xiaobo Wu Qingqing

Jinji West Road Qianshan Zhuhai City Jinji West Road Qianshan Zhuhai City


Guangdong Province Guangdong Province

Tel. 0756-8669232 0756-8669232

Fax 0756-8614998 0756-8614998

Email gree0651@cn.gree.com gree0651@cn.gree.com

III. Information disclosure and place of the report

Website of the stock exchange to which the Company's Annual

Shenzhen Stock Exchange (http://www.szse.cn)

Report is disclosed

China Securities Journal Securities Times Shanghai Securities

Media to which the Company's Annual Report is disclosed and

News Securities Daily and CNINFO

its website


Place where the Company's Annual Report is available for

Investment Management Department of the Company


Page 7 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

IV. Alteration of registration

Unified Social Credit Code 91440400192548256N

Changes (if any) in the main business since the listing of the

No change


On December 2 2019 Gree Group and Zhuhai Mingjun signed

the Share Transfer Agreement. Gree Group planned to transfer

902359632 shares of the Company with unlimited sales

conditions held by Gree Group to Zhuhai Mingjun at a price of

RMB46.17/share; On December 13 2019 the Zhuhai

Municipal People's Government and the State-owned Assets

Supervision and Administration Commission of the State

Council (SASAC) of Zhuhai City separately approved the share

Changes (if any) in the controlling shareholders

transfer. Gree Group obtained the Transfer Registration

Confirmation issued by China Securities Depository and

Clearing Corporation Limited (CSDC) Shenzhen Branch on

February 3 2020. The share transfer registration procedures for

the transfer of this agreement have been completed and the

transfer date is January 23 2020. After the completion of the

share transfer registration the Company has neither a

controlling shareholder nor an actual controller.V. Other related information

Accounting firm engaged by the Company

Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General

Name of the accounting firm


F/17?18 Yangtze River Industry Building No. 166 Zhongbei

Office address of the accounting firm

Road Wuhan Hubei Province

Names of undersigned accountants Wu Zihao and Qiu Yiwu

Sponsor engaged by the Company to perform continuous supervision during the report period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Financial adviser engaged by the Company to perform continuous supervision during the report period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

VI. Main accounting data and financial indicators

Whether the Company has retroactive adjustment or restatement of previous accounting data

□ Yes □No


Item 2023 2022 2021

Over the Previous Year

Operating revenue



Net profits attributable

to shareholders of the 29017387604.18 24506623782.46 18.41% 23063732372.62

listed Company (yuan)

Net profits attributable

to shareholders of the


listed Company less

non-recurring profits

Page 8 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

and losses (yuan)

Net cash flows from

operating activities 56398426354.17 28668435921.27 96.73% 1894363258.72


Basic earnings per


share (yuan/share)

Diluted earnings per


share (yuan/share)

Weighted average


return on equity


Item At the End of 2023 At the End of 2022 Over the End of At the End of 2021

Previous Year

Total assets (yuan) 368053902576.37 355024758878.82 3.67% 319598183780.38

Net assets attributable

to shareholders of the 116793716103.39 96758734892.25 20.71% 103651654599.87

listed Company (yuan)

The net profits of the Company before and after deducting non-recurring profits and losses in the last three fiscal years

whichever is lower is negative and the audit report of the last year shows that the Company's ability to continue as a going

concern is uncertain

□ Yes □No

The net profits before and after deducting non-recurring profits and losses whichever is lower is negative

□ Yes □No

VII. Accounting data differences under domestic and foreign accounting standards

1. Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial report disclosed under the international

accounting standards and that disclosed under the domestic accounting standards

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

There was no difference in net profits and net assets in the financial report disclosed under the international accounting

standards and that disclosed under the domestic accounting standards during the report period.

2. Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial report disclosed under the overseas

accounting standards and that disclosed under the domestic accounting standards

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

There was no difference in net profits and net assets in the financial report disclosed under the overseas accounting standards

and that disclosed under the domestic accounting standards during the report period.VIII. Quarter-based main financial indicators

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Item Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

Operating revenue 35455753354.18 63780987835.32 55770570627.81 48971954569.78

Net profits attributable

to shareholders of 4109253018.34 8563985798.21 7418868262.12 8925280525.51

listed company

Page 9 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Net profits attributable

to shareholders of

listed companies after


deduction of non-

recurring profits and


Net cash flows from


operating activities

Whether major differences exist between the above financial indicators or their sum and those in the disclosed quarterly

report and semi-annual report

□ Yes □No

IX. Non-recurring profit and loss items and amounts

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Item Amount in 2023 Amount in 2022 Amount in 2021 Description

For details please refer

Profits and losses from disposal of non-

to this Note V. 67 68

current assets (including the write-off of 324413866.77 -51428778.52 -7498891.48

and 69 in Section X

accrued asset impairment reserves)

Financial Statements.Governmental subsidies included in the

current profits and losses (excluding the

governmental subsidies closely relating

For details please refer

to the normal business operations of the

to this Note V. 62 and

Company conforming to national 784275516.36 873695831.91 875778734.20

68 in Section X

policies and regulations enjoyed

Financial Statements.according to established standards and

having a sustained impact on the

Company's profits and losses)

Profits and losses from changes in fair

value arising from financial assets and

financial liabilities held by non-financial

enterprises and profits and losses from


disposal of financial assets and financial

liabilities except for the effective

hedging business related to the

Company's normal business operations

Fund possession costs collected from the

non-financial institution and included in 6234097.19

the current profits and losses

Reversal of impairment reserves for the

receivables under the independent 72395388.85 118276955.90 16844984.00

impairment test

For details please refer

Non-operating revenues and expenditures to Note V. 68 and 69 in


other than the above items Section X Financial

Statements.Other profit and loss items conforming to

the definition of non-recurring profits 40553390.36 -30904028.44 13691263.12

and losses

Less: Amount affecting income tax 301917937.60 64515784.15 82923289.84

Page 10 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount affecting minority equity


(after tax)

Total 1451926486.39 520375518.31 1213681477.31 --

Details of other profit and loss items conforming to the definition of non-recurring profits and losses:

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Amount in current

Item Reason

report period

Other profit and loss items conforming to the definition of non- Commissions refund of individual


recurring profits and losses income tax and others

Description of defining the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information

Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profits and Losses as recurring profit and

loss items

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

No non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for

Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profits and Losses were defined by the Company as

recurring profit and loss items.Page 11 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Industry situation of the Company during the report period

(I) Overview of industry development

1. Consumption field - stable growth in the household appliance industry and significant recovery in the air

conditioning market

In 2023 China's economy maintained an overall recovery trend while stimulating consumption was of utmost importance in

stabilizing growth. The state encouraged and promoted the exchange of old for new consumer goods. This action brought the

greater circulation of the consumer economy accelerated the emergence of replacement demand increased the sales and

export of high-efficiency products and further exploited the potential for green consumption.

1) Stable growth in the household appliance industry

In 2023 the domestic economy has significantly recovered and the household appliance industry has maintained stable

growth. According to the Annual Report of China's Household Appliance Industry in 2023 released by the National

Household Appliance Industry Information Center (NAIC) the export sales of the household appliance industry have

significantly increased with an export scale of RMB617.4 billion a year-on-year increase of 9.9%; the domestic market has

achieved stable growth with a sales scale of RMB773.6 billion a year-on-year increase of 1.7%.

2) Significant recovery in the air conditioning market

In 2023 the air conditioning market has significantly recovered. According to the total retail data released by All View Cloud

(AVC) in 2023 the air conditioning market achieved a retail volume of RMB211.7 billion a year-on-year increase of 7.5%

and a retail quantity of 60.85 million units a year-on-year increase of 6.5%. According to the data released by ChinaIOL.com

in 2023 the production of residential air conditioners was 168.692 million units a year-on-year increase of 11.1% and the

sales were 170.44 million units a year-on-year increase of 11.2% including the domestic sales of 99.597 million units a

year-on-year increase of 13.8% and the export sales of 70.843 million units a year-on-year increase of 7.8% achieving

growth in both domestic and foreign sales.

2. Industrial field - stable and upward trend in the industrial economy

According to the data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) in 2023 the industrial added

value above designated size in China increased by 4.6% year-on-year an increase of 1 percentage point year-on-year and

among them the industrial added value above designated size in the manufacturing industry increased by 5.0% year-on-year.The scale of the intelligent manufacturing industry is growing. From Made in China 2025 to Development Plan on Smart

Manufacturing During the "14th Five-Year Plan" relevant policies all take the development of advanced intelligent

manufacturing industry as the core goal to overall arrange and plan the promotion of manufacturing power. China has

initially formed an intelligent manufacturing industry system represented by automated production lines intelligent detection

and assembly equipment intelligent control systems industrial robots etc. and the scale of the industry is growing. The

Zhongshang Industry Research Institute forecasted that the market scale of intelligent manufacturing equipment in China can

exceed RMB2.97 trillion in 2023. The Forward Industry Research Institute forecasts that by 2027 the market scale of China's

intelligent manufacturing industry will reach RMB6.6 trillion of which the market scale of intelligent manufacturing

equipment is about RMB5.4 trillion and that of intelligent manufacturing system solutions is about RMB1.2 trillion. In 2023

China accelerated the technological transformation and upgrading of traditional industries strengthened the promotion of

intelligent manufacturing established 62 "lighthouse factories" accounting for 40% of the Global Lighthouse Network and

cultivated 421 national-level intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories as well as more than 10000 provincial-level

digital workshops and intelligent factories.Page 12 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

The industrial scale of air conditioning core parts and components increases significantly. According to the data released by

ChinaIOL.com in 2023 the air conditioning rotor compressor market developed at a high speed; the annual output reached

261 million units with a year-on-year increase of 12.2% and the annual sales reached 262 million units becoming the new

peak of the industry. In the domestic market the performance of rotor compressor is outstanding and it has maintained a

positive growth throughout the year. The domestic sales were expected to be 227 million units with a year-on-year increase

of 14.3%; In the export market the annual export was expected to be 35.647 million units with a year-on-year increase of

2.1%. Benefiting from the growth in the sales scale of the downstream air conditioning market in 2023 both the production

scale and the sales scale of the air conditioning motor industry increased reaching 422 million units with a year-on-year

increase of 6.8%; the domestic market output about 350 million units with a year-on-year increase of 8.4%; and the export

market output about 70 million units flat year-on-year. The growth of the compressor industry and the motor industry has

provided strong support for the development of the entire air conditioning industry.The new energy industry contributes to sustainable development. Following the path specified by China's carbon peaking and

carbon neutrality (dual carbon) phased goals the proportion of non-fossil energy production and consumption will increase

rapidly in the future. The Annual Development Report of China's Electrification in 2022 stated that the consumption

proportion of electric energy in end-use energy is expected to exceed 30% in 2025. Under the background of low-carbon

transformation and development promoting the electrification of energy systems and low-carbon power systems and

building safe and efficient new power systems and energy storage systems centering new energy will give continuous support

for achieving the goal of green low-carbon and sustainable development.II. Major businesses of the Company during the report period

Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai is a diversified and technological global industrial group and has three major

consumer brands of Gree TOSOT and KINGHOME and industrial brands of LANDA Kaibang and Xinyuan etc. Its

industry covers two major areas of household consumer goods and industrial equipment. In the consumption field it covers

residential air conditioners HVAC refrigerators washing machines water heaters kitchen appliances environmental

appliances smart buildings and smart household appliances; In the industrial field it covers high-end equipment precision

molds freezers and refrigeration equipment motors compressors capacitors semiconductor devices precision casting

equipment basic materials industrial energy storage renewable resources etc. So far Gree products have served more than

600 million consumers in more than 190 countries and regions around the world and continue to meet people's needs for a

better life.According to the data released by AVC the online retail share of Gree residential air conditioners in 2023 was 28.15%

ranking first; among them the online and offline retail shares of Gree floor-standing air conditioner were 30.28% and

34.43% respectively ranking first in the industry. According to the 2023 Report on the Development of China's Central Air

Conditioning Industry released in the ihos's HVAC and Heat Pump Gree achieved the first sales scale among mainstream

brands in the central air conditioning industry with a market scale of more than RMB20 billion in 2023 and ranked first in

the central air conditioning market for 12 consecutive years. There are obvious advantages in the market competition for

high-end products such as floor-standing air conditioners and central air conditioners.In 2023 the Company focused on consumer demands and continued to create multiple series of electrical products gradually

forming a brand image of "Gree Making Better Electric Appliances". According to the data released by AVC the online

retail market share of electric fans in 2023 was 18.07% ranking second in the industry; the online retail market share of

electric heaters is 13.10% also ranking second in the industry.Page 13 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

III. Core competence analysis

Gree Electric Appliances revolving around carrying forward industrial spirit mastering core technologies pursuing perfect

quality and providing first-class services has been making innovations in technology to attain high-quality development

provide a better life for the people create value for society promote the progress of society and achieve the corporate vision

of Gree's century-old brand.(I) Take a century-old brand as the vision and aim to create a first-class enterprise

The Company firmly follows the path of brand self-development and has established a great valuable brand with leading

core technologies excellent product quality and a complete service system. Adhering to keeping up with the times and

constantly absorbing new concepts Gree has embarked on a new era and journey of "Jointly Creating A Better Life for

Humanity" from "Gree Making Better Air Conditioners" "Gree the Master of Core Technologies" to "Made in China

Loved by the World".On the Chinese Brand Value Evaluation List the Company has consistently ranked first in the household appliance industry

for many years and the brand value has been gradually increasing. In 2023 with the outstanding comprehensive strength the

Company was again listed in "Forbes Top 2000 Global Enterprises" "Forbes Top 2000 Global Best Employers" in 2023 and

on "China's Top 500 Private Enterprises in 2023" and won the honor of "Pacesetter of Brand Value in 2023" and the honor

of the first "2023 China-chic Innovation Model Pioneer Brand" of China Media Group (CMG). In the "2023 China Brand

Value Evaluation Information" the Company ranked first in the light industry group's household appliance industry with a

brand value of RMB162.883 billion. In addition the Company won honors such as "China's World Famous Brand" "The

Most Competitive Brand in the Market" "National Quality Award" "Export Exemption Enterprise" "China Brand

Innovation Award" "China's Top 100 Light Industry Technology Enterprises" "China's Top 500 Enterprises in Credit" and

"2023 Excellent Green Development Cases". It has topped the air conditioning customer satisfaction list for 12 consecutive

years. The Company builds and establishes its brand based on perfect quality and internationally leading technology

continuously creating value for society.(II) Stick to the path of independent innovation and lead the development of the industry

Taking technology as the core driving force for development and adhering to the principles of "independent research and

development of core technologies" and "investment as needed without an upper limit" the Company has built a multi-level

and high-level research and development platform based on national scientific research platforms forming a technology

innovation system that is "enterprise-oriented market-oriented and combined industry academia and research" in such a

way as to conquer key bottleneck technologies one by one and lead the industry development.The Company has the world's largest air conditioning R&D center. It has established 16 research institutes 152 research

institutions 1411 laboratories 1 academician workstation as well as 1 national key laboratory 1 national engineering

technology research center 1 State-level Industrial Design Center and 1 State Recognized Enterprise Technology Center. In

addition it has also become a research and evaluation base for refrigeration equipment of the National Notification Enquiry

Center. As of the end of 2023 the Company has received a total of 114 important awards at the national provincial and

industrial levels and has possessed 40 "world-leading" technologies; has applied for 119261 patents including 64174

invention patents; has obtained 20416 invention patent grants making it the only household appliance enterprise to enter the

top ten in China's invention patent grants for eight consecutive years; has won 77 Chinese patent awards including 3 gold

awards for invention and 3 gold awards for appearance; and has got 14 gold awards of International Exhibition of Inventions

of Geneva and 10 gold awards of iENA. At the same time the Company is one of the first batch of national enterprise

intellectual property demonstration unit "National Patent Operation Pilot Enterprise" and won the China Trademark Gold

Award. The Company's steady increase in the number and quality of patents fully demonstrates Gree Electric Appliances's

invention and creation capabilities and international leading research and development strength to the world.(III) Pursue perfect quality and support Made in China

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One of the Company's mission is to pursue perfect quality. To this end adhering to the three major quality control principles

of "never take consumer as an experiment" "everyone is a quality inspector" and "perfect quality is achieved through

fighting" the Company has successively proposed and established the "T9 Total Quality Control Model" the "D-CTFP

Quality Technology Innovation Cycle Methodology" and Gree's 'Perfect Quality' management model of "Made in China

Loved by the World". The Company adheres to integrity management takes national and international standards as the

threshold with meeting consumer needs as the highest standard perseveres in "Made in China Loved by the World" and

contributes to China's grand goal of becoming a manufacturing and quality powerhouse.The Company actively leads or participates in the development of international standards and makes good use of its advanced

core technologies and standards to help improve the industry quality. It has led and participated in the development of 836

international and national standards including 58 international and foreign standards and has led the development of 8 ISO

and IEC international standards; and has undertaken and participated in 140 standardization organizations related to the

household appliance industry at home and abroad including 37 international and foreign standardization organizations. In

2018 Gree's 'Perfect Quality' management model of "Made in China Loved by the World" won the third China Quality

Award which is the highest award in the field of quality in China. In 2023 Gree Electric Appliances and the School of

Business Administration of South China University of Technology jointly wrote Pursuing Perfection - Innovation &

Progress: Gree Quality Model which was selected for the "Best Quality Practices in China in the 21st Century" series

published by Standards Press of China

In 2023 according to the evaluation data from the Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Center of China National Institute of

Standardization Gree's air conditioning products have maintained the industry's top customer satisfaction for 12 consecutive

years. The Company always relies on reputation to build its brand occupy the market and gain development advantages. Its

products have been exported to more than 190 countries and regions worldwide with over 600 million users witnessing the

leading technology and excellent quality of "Gree Manufacturing".(IV) Integrate online and offline business formats and create a channel ecological layout

The Company keeps establishing self-control and win-win sales channels and sales models and implements a transformation

of "new retail" marketing model integrating online and offline channels. Based on 30 regions over 30000 offline outlets and

official flagship stores of third-party e-commerce platforms the Company established a dual-line sales network covering the

whole country. The Company is closely following the trend of smart retail and actively creating offline scene marketing

models to provide an experiential and immersive shopping environment. It also applies Internet engineering technology to

sales channels. Through the construction of digital information system it connects all links of procurement logistics sales

and service to realize the digital upgrading of terminal stores and the reform of retail channel flattening and integrates online

and offline channels to improve the overall efficiency of channels and the user service level.(V) Accelerate the optimization of industrial chain layout and cultivate new quality productivity with the

craftsmanship spirit

The Company has developed into a diversified and technology-based global industrial manufacturing group covering

household consumer goods and industrial equipment. Through the means of acquisition self-research etc. it has laid out

core components production and manufacturing green recycling and other sectors in the industrial chain forming a circular

industry and enhancing the Company's core competitiveness and sustainable development capability.In terms of core industrial components the Company has strong R&D and manufacturing capabilities laying a solid

foundation for the Company's high-quality development. The Company has completed the layout of core components in the

consumption and industrial fields such as compressors motors molds controllers chips enameled wires capacitors

intelligent equipment CNC machine tools robots and cold chains. Through the acquisition of DunAn Gree Altairnano etc.the Company has further integrated the fields of refrigeration accessories new energy vehicle thermal management energy

storage and battery manufacturing equipment achieving independent and controllable core components in the consumption

and industrial sectors.Page 15 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

In terms of production layout the Company has established 77 production bases at home and abroad located in Guangdong

Chongqing Anhui Hebei Henan Hubei Hunan Jiangsu Zhejiang Tianjin Sichuan Jiangxi Shandong and Brazil. Among

them the Company has 14 air conditioning production bases in China including Zhuhai Chongqing Hefei Zhengzhou

Wuhan Shijiazhuang Wuhu Changsha Hangzhou Nanjing Luoyang Ganzhou Linyi and Zhuhai Gaolan Port. It also has

5 major household appliance production bases respectively in Zhongshan Shijiazhuang Suqian Chengdu and Changsha.

Therefore the production layout gains a highly coordinated development of industrial agglomeration and upstream and

downstream industrial chains ensures the independent manufacturing of the Company's products and core components

optimizes efficiency and further stabilizes the competitiveness of the Company's products. The Gree intelligent

manufacturing factory built by the Company in Gaolan Port Zhuhai integrates the industrial advantages of intelligent

equipment industrial Internet and digital technology and realizes self-sensing self-learning self-decision-making self-

executing and self-adapting intelligent whole-process manufacturing creating a new intelligent manufacturing factory and

empowering new quality productivity with production innovation.In terms of downstream recycling since 2010 the Company has successively established six renewable resource bases in

Changsha Zhengzhou Shijiazhuang Wuhu Tianjin and Zhuhai. These bases are mainly engaged in the recycling and

treatment of waste electrical and electronic products scrapped cars as well as the deep processing and resource recovery of

waste circuit boards and waste plastics. This action indicates that the entire industry chain from production to downstream

recycling is covered achieving green circular and sustainable development and has now reached industry leadership. Now

it has the qualification capacity of dismantling 13 million units of used household appliances 75000 vehicles 180000 tons

of recycled plastic processing capacity and 60000 tons of waste circuit board processing qualification capacity.(VI) Carry out independent talent cultivation and drive innovative development

As a technology-driven enterprise the Company has always regarded talent cultivation as an important strategic resource for

enterprise development and adhering to the concept of "no upper limit on R&D costs" provides employees with a R&D

platform to accumulate strength for technological innovation. The Company has established a set of "selection training

employment retention" talent training system. Through the construction of a learning organization continuous learning for

grassroots backbone management and other systems it promotes the inheritance of management experience sharing of R&D

technology and improvement of skills and literacy; organizes and carries out "vanguards" and college students talent training

projects targeting key groups providing comprehensive and multi-level training support for grassroots management and fresh

college students; and relying on the construction project of national-level high-skilled talent training base it cultivates high-

skilled professional talents for itself and further enhances its core competitiveness.As of the end of 2023 the Company has 50000 R&D personnel and technical workers; and the Group has 14000 newly

assessed skilled talents of which 1 has won the title of "National Technical Expert" 8 have won the title of "Guangdong

Provincial Technical Expert" 2 has won the title of "Nanyue Technical Expert" and 5 have won the title of "Zhuhai

Municipal Technical Expert". There are also 4 "Zhuhai Municipal Post Technical Expert Pacesetters" 16 "Zhuhai Municipal

Chief Technical Experts" 11 "Zhuhai Special Artisans" and 306 "Zhuhai Artisans". The Company has obvious advantages in

talent cultivation talent welfare system construction etc. and has been nominated for "Forbes Global Best Employers" for 9

consecutive years.The Company will continue to strengthen the construction of talent team share the dividends from the enterprise's

development through multiple channels such as the employee stock ownership plan talent subsidies talent housing policy-

based care for public college degree and dual-day off work system and continuously improve employee satisfaction and

happiness. In addition Gree will strengthen cooperation with universities and research institutions jointly cultivate more top-

notch innovative talents and provide strong support for the innovative development of the enterprise.Page 16 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

IV. Analysis of main business

1. Overview

Insisting on the business philosophy of "Made in China Loved by the World" relying on the efforts courage and continuous

innovation of Gree people worldwide the Company has created the best performance since its establishment 33 years ago. In

2023 the total operating revenue of the Company exceeded RMB205.18 billion a year-on-year increase of 7.82% and the

net profit attributable to the parent company exceeded RMB29.017 billion a year-on-year increase of 18.41%.(I) Adhere to independent innovation and activate new quality productivity

1. Drive innovation through technology and become an industry benchmark

Gree adheres to the concept of "Made in China Loved by the World" continuously innovates in the field of technology

drives the value chain with the innovation chain and supports the innovation chain with the value chain.During the report period in response to the long-standing problem of underground heat injury in the coal industry the

Company developed the "Key technologies and applications of new refrigeration packaged equipment for heat treatment in

deep mine" project which can generally reduce the temperature of coal mining face by more than 10°C and humidity by

more than 30% improve the working environment of underground workers and greatly increase the raw coal production

while ensuring safety. After appraisal by the China Machinery Industry Federation and Appraisal Committee the overall

technology has reached the international leading level; the "High-efficiency Heat Pump Technology Based on Floor Heat

Storage" project developed by the Company plays a huge role in promoting the integration of China's dual carbon goals and

"dual transformation" (digitalization promotes greenization) and the overall technology has reached the international leading

level; and the "Innovation and Application of a New Generation of Intelligent Environmental Control System for Ventilation

and Air Conditioning Based on Direct Expansion Technology" project developed by the Company has reached the

international leading level via expert appraisal. The Company's "High-efficiency Electrothermal Dual Drive Bacteria

Disinfection Technology and Its Application in Air Purifier" project and "Key Technologies and Industrialization of High-

efficiency and Low-noise Air Conditioner Motor" project both won the first prize of Science and Technology Award of

China National Light Industry Council; the "Key Technologies and Application of Cloud Management for Multi-split Air

Conditioning Units" project based on application characteristics won the second prize of Science and Technology Award of

China National Light Industry Council. The "Magnetic Bearing Refrigeration Compressor Key Technologies and

Industrialization" project won the first prize of the 2022 Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Award for Science

and Technology Progress and the "Development of Large-scale High-efficiency Inverter Ice-storage and Refrigerating

Centrifugal Unit and Application in Integrated Intelligent Energy" project and the "Key Technologies and Application on

High-efficiency Direct-cooling Air Conditioning Unit for Large Space" project respectively won the second prize of the

2022 Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Award for Science and Technology Progress.

During the report period the Company won 15 international design awards (9 German iF Industrie Forum Design Awards

and 6 German Red Dot Design Awards) and the AWE Innovation Award. As of the end of 2023 Gree Electric Appliances

has received a total of 114 important awards at the national provincial and industrial levels and has possessed 40 "World-

leading" technologies demonstrating Gree’s strong innovation ability.

2. Strengthen intellectual property protection and ensure independent innovation

The Company has established a scientific intellectual property reward mechanism and an annual high amount of scientific

and technological progress reward fund to reward units and individuals who have achieved outstanding results in

management and technology innovation that year greatly mobilizing the innovation enthusiasm of scientific researchers; the

Company also has developed a "full-process intellectual property management system" to achieve electronic management for

the entire life cycle of intellectual property from the source to the end.During the report period three subsidiaries of the Company were rated as National Intellectual Property Demonstration

Enterprise and three subsidiaries were rated as National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise. As of the end of 2023

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Gree Electric Appliances's 7 companies have been selected as National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise and 17

companies as National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise. By 2023 the Company has applied for 10297 patents

including 7165 invention patents and has obtained 3640 invention patent grants. In addition it has received 6 China Patent

Excellence Awards and 2 provincial patent gold awards; it also has won 3 gold 3 silver and 2 bronze awards at the

International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva and Nuremberg once again showing the power of Gree Creation to the

world.(II)Pursue perfect quality lead standard construction and provide high-quality services

1. Optimize the perfect quality management model and further promote the high-level development of enterprise


The Company vigorously promotes quality management innovation method innovation and theory innovation represented

by the proposal of the forward quality-driven "Five Steps of Quality Prevention" and the reverse quality-driven "D-CTFP

Quality Technology Innovation Cycle Methodology". With the T9 total quality control mode and PQAM perfect quality

assurance mode as the core architecture the Company integrates classic management theory with rich enterprise practice and

creatively constructs Gree Perfect Quality Management Model for its goal of "Made in China Loved by the World".During the report period the Company continuously optimized the perfect quality management model improved the

shortcomings in quality management and ensured the high-level development of enterprise quality. In order to meet the

R&D and testing needs of diversified electrical products the Company has established standard product laboratories for air

conditioners large commercial air conditioners household appliances refrigerators washing machines compressors motors

industrial robots etc. covering the performance safety noise EMC and chemical fields of air conditioners and refrigeration

units and household appliances so as to ensure product quality. In the First Selection of the Quality Control Pioneer of

Electronic and Electrical Laboratories by the China Inspection and Testing Society the Company was selected as the

"Quality Control Pioneer of Electronic and Electrical Laboratories" and became one of the first domestic enterprises to

receive this honor; the Company's "Innovative Research and Application of Residential Air Conditioner with Distributed Air

Supply" and "Research and Practice on Intelligent Testing and Traceability of Safety Performance in the Whole Process of

Digital Air Conditioning Based on the Neural Network System" projects won the second prize of the 2023 China Quality

Award; and the Company's "Research and Application of Environmental Adaptability Improvement Technology for Air

Conditioners" and "Research and Application of Quality Assurance Technology for Fully Domestic Air Conditioning

Electronic Control Systems" projects won the Excellent Award of the 2023 China Quality Award.

2. Continue to promote standardization and foster international right of speech

The Company always upholds the core concept of meeting consumer needs focuses on promoting the internationalization

process of independent innovation technology and standards and is committed to continuously achieving new breakthroughs

and competitive advantages in international standardization work.During the report period Chairperson Dong Mingzhu of the Company was awarded the highest national standardization

award - Outstanding Contribution Award of China Standard Innovation Contribution Award making her the only

entrepreneur to receive this award this time; the General Technology Requirements for Intelligent Household Appliances

(GB/T 28219-2018) which was specially developed under the leadership of the Company won the third prize of the China

Standards Innovation and Contribution Award; the Company was awarded the title of "Advanced Collective in National

Light Industry Standardization Work from 2021 to 2022"; and the Company acts as a deputy leader-level domestic

technology counterpart targeting IEC/TC59/SC59N (International Electrotechnical Commission/Performance of Household

and Similar Electrical Appliances/Electrical Air Cleaners for Household and Similar Purposes) and it is the first household

appliance manufacturer among more than 200 IEC domestic technology counterparts. The Company has been selected as one

of the first batch of national standard verification points becoming the only enterprise in the refrigeration industry to be

selected. The research and evaluation base for technical trade measures of refrigeration equipment undertaken by the

Company has been rated as one of the five excellent evaluation bases in China.Page 18 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

In 2023 Gree Electric Appliances's 11 enterprise standards were shortlisted for the 2023 Enterprise Standard Forerunner

which is an event guided by the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration for Market

Regulation while third-party evaluation agencies are responsible for selection and the number of finalists was the first in the

home appliance industry. Since 2018 Gree Electric Appliances has been listed as the Enterprise Standard Forerunner for six

consecutive years. In the past four years it has led the industry in the number of enterprise standards and has obtained a total

of 88 Enterprise Standard Forerunner certificates ranking first in the home appliance industry in terms of the number of


3. Provide high-quality services and boost quality upgrades

During the report period the Company relied on the "old for new" business model combined with its own sales and after-

sales systems to launch the integrated service model of "new machine assembly and old machine disassembly" further

mitigating the core pain points of reverse logistics recycling warehousing consolidation and other aspects significantly

improving the user replacement experience promoting the upgrading of household appliance consumption and

implementing the 5.4 million units recycling target required by the producer recycling responsibility system so that more

consumers can enjoy policy benefits of environmental protection standardization convenient recycling and resource reuse.According to the evaluation data from the Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Center of China National Institute of

Standardization since 2011 Gree's air conditioning products have maintained the industry's top customer satisfaction for 12

consecutive years.(III) Innovate high-quality products and serve a better life

1. Air conditioner sector - focus on market demands and improve product matrices

1) Residential air conditioner - target customer demands and keep moving in product optimization In 2023 according

to the report from ChinaIOL.com the Company's domestic sales of residential air conditioner reached 29.79 million units a

year-on-year increase of 4.05%. During the report period the Company enhanced the fashion of products from the

perspectives of design colors materials etc. and continued to increase investment in the design of new products in new

fields. A total of 8 new series products were launched to tailor for different consumer levels of residential air conditioners. In

terms of split-type air conditioners the Company launched a new split-type air conditioner named Satin Time which

increases the air volume through a new air duct design with a circulating air volume of up to 650 m3/h and an air supply

distance of up to 6 m; optimizes and upgrades the air guide structure effectively achieving cold air uplift that is avoiding

direct blowing to people and achieving separation of cold and hot air ducts. In terms of floor-standing air conditioners the

Company continued to improve the product matrix of the new generation of up-and-down air outlet series and launched series

products such as Satin Time and Gree·China Chic. In the process by adopting a new efficient double-suction & two-way

centrifugal fan system design and three innovative technologies the overall performance and air supply comfort of such

products were improved and the cumulative sales of the new generation of top and bottom air discharge series throughout the

year exceeded 100000 sets a year-on-year increase of 116%.

2) HVAC - empower products with technology and maintain leading in the market

The Company's HVAC sector covers over a thousand categories of 13 major series including centrifugal chiller VRF screw

chiller modular unit packaged unit condensing unit and precision air conditioner which by continuously upgrading

product technology can meet the equipment demands of different working conditions scenarios and industries and serve

major benchmarking projects. According to Aircon's 2023 China Central Air Conditioning Market Report Gree's central air

conditioner sector achieved the best market share for 12 consecutive years since 2012.* Household central air conditioner - empower products with technology and create smart homes

In the household central air conditioner sector Gree empowers products with technologies and to meet the diverse needs of

users creates smart and comfortable home systems. During the report period the Company launched two major series

namely K+ series and K+ PRO series high-efficiency inverter duct-type air conditioning units targeting mid-to-high-end

consumer groups of the factory-installed market. The energy efficiency of the entire series far exceeds the national primary

energy efficiency standard ushering in the "primary energy efficiency era" of duct-type air conditioners. At the same time

the Company launched the optional accessories: 3D air vent and purification module (for particles and formaldehyde removal)

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for duct-type air conditioners allowing customers to enjoy upgraded comfortable and healthy services. The newly launched

fresh air purifiers such as Qinyuefeng and Jingyuefeng effectively solve the problem of unsafe installation due to large-

diameter through beam drilling and provide users with a clean peaceful and comfortable bedroom fresh air experience.* Commercial VRF - rely on technological advantages and provide customers with more valuable products

During the report period the Company launched a new generation of GMV S commercial central air conditioning units

providing users with strong cooling and heating effects achieving targeted deep energy-saving and ultimate quiet experience

based on commercial premises. In the units Gree's latest generation enthalpy-adding VRF technology and upgraded GMV

Water heat pump VRF are combined and the advantages of conventional water system and VRF system are integrated to

reduce the installation space of the units and the units can be installed on the equipment floor to enhance the aesthetic value

of the building; multiple renewable resources can be utilized in the units to further improve energy efficiency.During the report period the Company continued to make efforts in project expansion in the commercial real estate and rail

transit industries and reached strategic partnerships with multiple industry-leading enterprises. It continuously exported

commercial VRF models and set benchmark sample engineering in many fields further consolidating the leading position of

commercial VRF in the industry.* Clean heating - construct full building heating and spur sustainable development

The Company is committed to developing advanced heat pump technology and equipment based on six categories of low-

temperature heat sources (air source surface water geothermal data center process industry and power plant) and centered

on three types of key heat pump equipment (air source heat pump ground source heat pump high-capacity high-temperature

heat pump) to create full-scenario high-efficient thermal energy system solutions and serve four major application scenarios

(domestic hot water building heating industrial and agricultural heat and industrial steam). At present the Company has

established a full building heating product system equipped with a series of advanced heat pump technologies such as

enhanced vapor injection vortex compressor three-cylinder and dual-stage rotor compressor permanent magnet inverter and

variable capacity screw compressor double head series centrifugal compressor air suspension/electromagnetic suspension

oil-free steam compressor and has won the leading brand award in the heat pump industry for many years.During the report period the Company launched the Huofenghuang Supreme household heating and cooling (integrated) unit

including single-heat and three-phase power special models to meet the differentiated needs of the market. Besides the

Company deepened the heat pump industry and launched commercial high-temperature heat pump water heaters and Jinquan

direct heating pressure water heaters to meet the needs of industry agriculture and high-end comfort. Relying on the

Company's innovation advantages in energy conservation research focusing on clean and green heat products in segmented

markets a new full-scenario application pattern of heat pumps has been constructed promoting the application and

development of heat pump technology in more fields.* Precision air conditioner - create self-developed brands and meet market demands

The Company focuses on the "double carbon" strategy helps the development and construction of green data centers and

contributes to the construction of a clean low-carbon safe and efficient energy system. During the report period the

Company developed the air-cooled fluorine pump inverter intelligent double-cycle air conditioning unit for machine rooms

which can automatically switch over the compressor refrigeration mode the mixed (compressor + fluorine pump)

refrigeration mode and the fluorine pump refrigeration mode according to the indoor and outdoor temperature difference in

different seasons so as to ensure the energy-saving and efficient operation of the unit under stable and reliable conditions

reduce the energy consumption of the whole unit and save the operation cost; at the same time a new and efficient cooling

method is selected to ensure the computing capacity of the server meet the requirements of low PUE construction in the data

center and ensure the operation of the server in the data center with extreme energy efficiency.* Freezing and refrigeration equipment - strengthen all cold chain products with technology and accelerate industry


Promoting the high-quality development of cold chain logistics is an important foundation to support and help rural

revitalization is to improve the quality and safety systems of fresh agricultural products "from farmland to table from the

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branches to the tongues" is to enhance the quality control ability for the whole process of pharmaceutical product logistics

and is an important guarantee to support the implementation of food safety strategy and build a healthy China.During the report period the Company launched a new -86°C ultra-low temperature freezer which can be used to store

viruses bacterial samples vaccines and biological tissues and organs. The product features a fast cooling speed due to low-

temperature enhanced heat transfer technology and combined with precise temperature control technology and multiple

enhanced insulation technology good temperature uniformity inside so it can fully meet the requirements of low-

temperature storage applications in scientific research biomedicine pharmaceutical enterprises and other fields. In response

to the call of the national green development policy the Company also launched a new low-temperature hot fluorine

defrosting refrigeration unit. It has a full range of cooling capacity of 3?12 HP and can meet the storage temperature

requirements of -25°C?15°C. Moreover It has the advantages of high energy efficiency accurate temperature control

reliable operation and others leading the industry to build a low-carbon green and energy-saving cold storage system.* Large-scale water heater - delve into market demands and continuous technology innovation and become an

industry leader

During the report period the Company launched the industrial large-capacity high-temperature centrifugal heat pump unit

characterized by outstanding energy conservation reliability and adaptability and the hot water outlet temperature is as high

as 120°C filling the gap in the high-temperature heat pump market. The unit directly uses the heat pump unit to flash the

low-pressure steam of 100°C?120°C at the primary temperature rise or with the help of steam compressor the high-pressure

steam of 120°C?160°C at the secondary enhanced temperature rise which can meet the 80°C?150°C heat requirements in

non-process industries such as food medicine and printing and dyeing and replace coal-fired and gas-fired boilers in non-

process industries with more obvious economic advantages.

2. Home appliance sector - make "better appliances" through technological innovation

Revolving around the core development strategy from "Gree Making Better Air Conditioners" to "Gree Making Better

Electric Appliances" the Company persists in the orientation of health intelligence and personalization and implements a

systematic layout realizing full coverage of industries such as kitchen appliances environmental appliances refrigerators

and washing machines and continues to build multiple series of intelligent household appliances focusing on consumer


1) Environmental appliance - dig deep into customer demands and upgrade product services

During the report period the Company developed an energy storage folding circulation fan with a built-in 5200 mAh

battery which can last about 10 h. The air speed is up to 4.6 m/s the noise is as low as 30 dB(A) and the fan has dual usage

of placing on a desk and hanging suitable for a variety of home and outdoor use scenarios. The Company also developed a

3D floor scrubber that can reach and clean dirt at edges and corners. The scrubber can intelligently sense the degree of

contamination and automatically adjust the suction or water output. In addition it is equipped with heat-conduction air drying

technology for safe drying. According to the AVC data in 2023 the Company's online retail sales of electric fans have a

market share of 18.07% ranking second in the industry.

2) Kitchen appliance - improve product technology and product quality

During the report period the Company adhered to the core positioning of "simple cooking and healthy eating" and continued

to improve the functional effect of products through technological innovation to give customers a good cooking experience.For example the steam oven developed by the Company applies the steaming and baking 2.0 technology and it adopts the

multi-dimensional heat field energy directional distribution scheme to realize simultaneous steaming and baking of three

dishes and rice without accessories improving users' convenience while ensuring good taste nutrition and no tainting of

food materials. The new 16-liter gas water heater launched by the Company adopts a new high-efficiency coilless single-row

heat exchange technology which improves the heat exchange efficiency by 10% enhances the corrosion resistance and

strengthens the reliability and durability and it is unanimously recognized by customers.

3) Refrigerator - drive product and service upgrading with innovative technology

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The Company has overcome core technical problems in the preservation of fruits vegetables and meat in the household

refrigerator industry developed world-leading key technologies for the preservation of fruits vegetables and meat in

household refrigerators and manufactured products that meet the high-quality storage requirements of food materials. During

the report period the Company launched a series of second-generation all-around freshness preservation refrigerators. The

series is equipped with a number of world-leading technologies such as fruit and vegetable preservation technology based on

self-balancing high permeability film and air source gas phase humidity natural convection supercooled meat preservation

technology and meat ultra-freezing storage technology of broadband fully sealed piston compressor. It has three core

functions: soft-freezing 2.0 ultra-freezing and fresh-keeping and photosynthetic moisturized fresh-keeping as well as

characteristic functions for example HCP full space sterilization and purification dot matrix precise temperature control

closed moisture control zone and four temperature control options. The series can further enhance the refrigerator use

experience through the design of closed exclusive space visual sterilization display easy-to-take bottle frame three-step

drawer and other details.

4) Washer and dryer combo sector - inherit core technologies and lead the industry in terms of washing and drying


For washer and dryer combo products Gree has adhered to the direction of "leading heat pump washing and drying" and "AI

intelligent washing". Guided by consumers’ demands it has been committed to meeting targeted customer demands. During

the report period after comprehensive research and upgrading on the washing drying and care of conventional clothes and

delicate clothing materials the Company launched the second-generation heat pump washer dryer achieving a significant

improvement in the washing drying and care performance and user experience. In terms of intelligent applications it can

realize one-button automatic door opening without manual pushing and pulling so as to improve user experience. After the

washing program ends it can automatically open the door to keep the air circulation in the cylinder and prevent clothes from

being stuffy and smelly. Equipped with the iCleaner2.0 all-round intelligent cleaning system the self-cleaning of the drying

filter and heat exchanger has been upgraded from passive washing to active washing + brushing improving the cleanliness to

100% and the drying efficiency of clothes and eliminating secondary pollution of clothes. In terms of health using anti-mold

and antibacterial door seals the antibacterial rate reaches 99% effectively preventing door seals from getting moldy and

breeding bacteria and maintaining a clean laundry environment. Equipped with a 60°C cylinder cleaning function high-

temperature water flow meticulously cleans the dirt and residue inside and outside the cylinder offering a clean laundry

environment. Fitted with a dual spray system it can clean the glass door and door seal rings to avoid secondary pollution

caused by foam or stain residue. Nano Ag+ ions slowly release when in contact with water and can achieve sterilization even

when washing at room temperature with a sterilization rate of over 99.9%. Steam care is intended to remove bacteria mites

with a bacteria removal rate of over 99.99% and a mite removal rate of over 99%.(IV)Grasp the core links of industrial products and assist the Company in high-quality development

Gree Electric Appliances has strong research and manufacturing capabilities in the core components of household appliances

and intelligent equipment laying solid groundwork for the Company's high-quality development.

1. Compressor sector - persist in continuous innovation and lead industry technology development

The Company has five major compressor production bases including 16 series of products of C39/C44/C48/C49/C55/C63

etc. covering over 1000 models of high-efficiency energy-saving and eco-friendly products such as fixed frequency DC

inverter different power sources different working substance dual rotors vortex type with wide application scope covering

multiple air conditioning fields such as a household commercial vehicle freezing and refrigeration dehumidification and

heating. Its product technologies are at the forefront of the industry in fields such as two-stage enthalpy-adding compressors

and three-cylinder two-stage compressor of variable volume ratio.During the report period in response to the working environment of base station air conditioning the Company developed a

new generation of high-efficiency compressors for base station air conditioning through innovative designs such as the low-

power consumption motor compact but efficient pump structure and low-friction bearing system. Due to the increase of 5%

in energy efficiency ratio they act as core power for high-efficiency base station air conditioning thus accelerating the

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Company's layout in the base station air conditioning field of the telecommunications industry. In the field of residential

floor-standing air conditioner the Company developed a new generation of ultra-efficient compressors through innovative

designs such as wear-reducing materials and low-power consumption motors with an energy efficiency ratio improvement of

5.3% leading the industry's technological development.

2. Motor sector - deepen technological innovation and become a high-quality pioneer in the industry

The Company has launched motor products in 5 major categories 24 series and over 1000 varieties and specifications with

2286 motor-specific national patents. They are mainly used in household appliances BEVs intelligent equipment high-

efficiency industries HVAC equipment and other fields and have been widely applied and recognized by customers.During the report period the Company further expanded its application of magnetic bearing technology to the field of

industrial air compressors. The magnetic bearing high-speed motor system developed for 3-kilogram air compressors has a

rotational speed of up to 40000 rpm high levitation accuracy and can achieve friction-free efficient high-speed and oil-

free operation. It is matched with the entire air compressor and its performance exceeds the national primary energy

efficiency level. This further consolidates Gree magnetic bearing leading position in the industry and helps achieve the

national "dual carbon" strategic goal.In the field of industrial motor the Company developed a new permanent magnet-assisted reluctance motor featuring high

torque density high efficiency no rare earth and a full range of 0.75 kW?315 kW. It reaches the industry's highest energy

efficiency IE5 level. Through the magnetic circuit anti-saturation design high saliency ratio rotor topology and efficient heat

dissipation technology the torque density is increased by 20% compared to asynchronous motors of the same power. This

provides the industry with an efficient low-carbon and green product frees the industrial motor industry from the constraints

of rare earth resources ensures sustainable development of the industry and plays a positive role in promoting carbon

peaking and carbon neutrality policies for the country.

3. Refrigeration accessories sector - strengthen supply chain control and improve industrial chain layout

In recent years the Company has increased its diversified layout acquired DunAn Environment optimized the supply chain

and improved its industrial chain layout. Focusing on the main business of refrigeration DunAn Environment manufactures

series of products aimed at the entire HVAC&R industry to fully support segmented fields such as residential air conditioners

commercial air conditioners air source heat pumps freezing and refrigeration and new energy vehicle thermal management.It has a state-recognized enterprise technology center a national postdoctoral workstation an academician workstation a

CNAS laboratory and a national full-performance testing center of central air conditioner. Therefore it has formed a product

development platform and core technology system with independent intellectual property rights. Relying on the R&D

platform and following the orientation of "green efficient comfortable and intelligent" technology development DunAn

Environment makes doubled efforts in research and development and pursues progress in key new products. In 2023 the

market share of DunAn Environment's cut-off valve ranked first in the world that of the four-way valve ranked second in the

world and that of the electronic expansion valve ranked second in the world.

4. Precision mold sector - vigorously develop precision machining and build a leading mold enterprise

Gree Precision Mold is an important development pillar of the Company's industrial sector. Gree Precision Mold adheres to a

high-standard quality control concept and closely revolves around the "4+1" business model that is household appliance

molds automobile molds precision molds and motor molds + mold products making it maintain a leading position. Gree

Precision Mold has set up a supporting mold center in all production bases of the Company 4 R&D platforms 1 national-

level skilled master studio 3 municipal-level skilled master studio 1 municipal-level skill workstation 1 municipal-level

model worker innovation studio and 12 technical manufacturing service centers providing customers with reliable and cost-

effective one-stop solutions.During the report period Gree Precision Mold accomplished multiple technological breakthroughs. For example a new

energy large-scale dual color mold technology was developed replacing the traditional manual pasting of sealing rings and

the production efficiency of flow energy storage battery stacks was improved by more than twice; the high-speed stamping

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technology for straight-bar iron cores at round riveting points increased the material utilization rate from 5% to 65%; and

through the optimization technology of cutting process parameters the cutting efficiency of precision machining parameters

for ball end cutters can be improved by 37% to 42% and that for round nose cutters can be improved by 23% to 28%.(V)Implement diversified and efficient operation of channels

1. Domestic sales channels: Promote digital upgrading of stores and steadily explore sinking channels

The Company vigorously promotes the construction of digital stores and by introducing a series of digital devices such as

intelligent shopping guide screens cloud shelves and electronic price tags accelerates the upgrading of health comfort and

convenience of stores allowing consumers to have a deep understanding of products.The Company seeks innovation while maintaining stability in its sinking sales channels and fully grasps platform resources

to jointly explore the market development of sinking channels. It also expands channels from the perspective of platform +

brand demonstrated by the favorable development of brand stores on JD and Tmall. During the report period the sales

performance of household appliance through channels such as JD and Tmall increased year-on-year entering a stage of

steady development.

2. Overseas channels: Vigorously develop independent brands deepen marketing transformation and expand

overseas e-commerce layout

Strengthen the overseas social media matrix and create a diverse content ecosystem. During the report period overseas social

media platforms had over 100 million online exposures and millions of user interactions widely and deeply spreading Gree's

brand philosophy. The Company actively participated in professional refrigeration exhibitions such as the Canton Fair AHR

Expo MCE and Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia and received customers from 230 countries and regions around the world

maximizing product and brand exposure and subtly highlighting Gree's product attributes and brand tone. In order to

consolidate overseas distributors' loyalty to the brand the Company held the 4th Gree Global Strategic Partners Conference

and Gree Global Dream Gala 2024 combined with creative expression and China chic of products showcasing the corporate

culture company strategy product layout and comprehensive strength to global consumers further elevating Gree's

independent brand image.Strengthen the layout of mainstream overseas retail e-commerce platforms and expand the categories in overseas markets.The Company's home appliances such as circulating fans and humidifiers have been launched on mainstream retail e-

commerce platforms such as Amazon Walmart SHOPEE LAZADA and Mercadolibre. With a high-quality and innovative

product image Gree has quickly captured the minds of local consumers and received widespread praise.During the report period the Company's products were sold to more than 190 countries and regions and its overseas business

achieved a revenue of RMB24.904 billion with independent brands accounting for nearly 70% an increase of 8% year-on-

year. We have won over 130 typical projects with a total cooling capacity of over 450000 RT including Angola Luanda

New Airport Pakistan Gwadar New Airport Ivory Coast Abidjan Stadium Peruvian Agricultural University Oman Ministry

of Defense Office Building Chinese University of Hong Kong Pitts Street Hotel in Sydney Australia covering Africa

Brazil the Middle East Australia Asia Pacific and other overseas countries and regions. We have achieved success in

various fields such as airports power plants oil fields rail transit hotels factories office buildings and special China-aid

foreign projects continuing to support Gree's international brand image.(VI)Persist in technology to achieve success and accelerate diversified development

Taking technology as the core driving force for diversified development the Company has overcome key bottleneck

technologies one after one and made continuous efforts in diversified fields such as intelligent equipment industrial products

home appliances and new energy providing growth momentum for performance.

1. Intelligent equipment - pursue continuous innovation and provide reliable intelligent manufacturing solutions

At present Gree Intelligent Equipment has established 15 R&D units 7 technology service centers and 3 provincial-level

scientific research platforms in Zhuhai Guangdong Province including 1 provincial-level enterprise technology center and 1

provincial-level manufacturing innovation center. Its products involve four major sectors: industrial robots CNC machine

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tools intelligent logistics & warehousing and factory automation and are applied to multiple fields such as home appliances

new energy automobiles and 3C. In 2023 Gree Intelligent Equipment continued to optimize its product system architecture

and focusing on series products in four major sectors: CNC machine tools industrial robots intelligent logistics &

warehousing and factory automation provided products for many leading enterprises in the industry at home and abroad

helping to upgrade automation.In the sector of CNC machine tools revolving around the electrification and light weight of new energy vehicles we have

successfully developed a series of fully closed-loop direct drive high-speed three-axis vertical machining four-axis vertical

machining and five-axis gantry CNC machine tools to meet the requirements of PACK modules and components

automotive safety components chassis integrated die-casting components and other CNC machine tool equipment. We are

committed to becoming a leader in high-speed machining system solutions for new energy vehicle components.In the sector of industrial robots revolving around the new energy market we have developed industrial robots such as GR35

GR50E and GRS20 for the lithium-ion battery and photovoltaic fields GR200 for automotive component die-casting and

GRX5 collaborative robots for matching liquid dispensing workstations providing robot automation application solutions for

the manufacturing of new energy vehicle components and assisting in the intelligent upgrading of production and

manufacturing models in the new energy vehicle industry.In the sector of intelligent logistics & warehousing we have developed dual station control technology multi-vehicle control

system and modular control system for stacker cranes and completed major project acceptance in the fields of electric power

automotive components and education. In addition the Company has completed the promotion of a high-rise and high-

efficiency intelligent three-dimensional warehouse management and scheduling system for the automotive parts industry

achieving intelligent scheduling and management of logistics from production temporary storage to distribution and

providing professional system solutions for automotive and its parts manufacturers.

2. Green energy - deepen technology innovation and build a better future

Under the "dual carbon" background China's energy green transformation is accelerating and a new type of electric power

system and energy storage system with new energy as the focus safe and efficient is gradually becoming an important

measure to achieve the "dual carbon" strategy. In recent years the Company has continued to make efforts in green energy

committed to key technology research and product development in the field of new energy and coordinated the construction

of new energy industry layouts providing assistance for the transformation and development of China's green economy.

1) Photovoltaic (storage) air conditioner - develop "zero carbon source" technology and usher in the green revolution

After ten years of technological research and development the Company innovatively integrates photovoltaic energy and air

conditioning products across borders. The world's first Gree "zero carbon source" air conditioning system won the highest

award at the 2021 Global Cooling Prize. According to the organizing committee's calculation this technology can reduce air

conditioning carbon emissions by 85.7%.During the report period the "Key Technology Research and Product Development of Power Adjustable DC

Electromechanical Equipment" project of the Company's technical team was included in the 14th National Key R&D

Program of China fully demonstrating the Company's research and development strength in this field. As of the end of 2023

the technology related to the photovoltaic (storage) DC air conditioning system has won multiple domestic and international

awards including the first Chinese Patent Gold Award in the household appliance industry the UK RAC Annual

Achievement Award and the Geneva International Invention Gold Award; the Company's "zero carbon source" system has

been applied in more than 12000 engineering scenarios in 35 countries and regions worldwide. The Company's PEDF

technology has also been applied in key projects such as the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 Hainan Boao Forum for

Asia Dammam Medical University in Saudi Arabia and Qatar Mosque exerting significant influence both domestically and


2) New energy - seize the future track and further improve industrial layout

As of the end of 2023 Gree Altairnano has won honors such as "China's Top 500 Private Enterprises in the Manufacturing

Industry" "National Quality Trustworthy Products" "Bus Safety Technology Achievement Award" the "Most Influential

Page 25 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Enterprise Award in China's Energy Storage Industry" and "Green Factory" and has been selected as the "National

Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise" and "National Top 100 Quality Inspection Integrity Benchmark Enterprises".Gree Altairnano's 18-meter dolphin bus won the "China Patent Award - Gold Award for Appearance Design" becoming the

only product selected in the new energy vehicle industry. The key technology of Gree Altairnano's high-safety and large-rate

energy storage system has been identified by the China Machinery Industry Federation as reaching the "international leading"

level and has won the second prize of Guangdong Province Science and Technology Award and the first prize of Guangdong

Mechanical Engineering Society's Science and Technology Award. The "Lithium Titanate Power Efficient Energy Storage

System" has been selected into the catalog of recommended energy-saving technologies and equipment in the field of

industry and information technologies. Gree Altairnano has been selected as one of the top 500 global new energy enterprises

for many years.During the report period Gree Altairnano's invention patent won the gold medal at the iENA in Germany. As of the end of

2023 Gree Altairnano has applied for a total of 3571 patents including 1016 invention patents; a total of 2640 patents have

been granted covering various fields such as lithium battery materials electric vehicle powertrains intelligent energy storage

etc. fully demonstrating Gree Altairnano's research and innovation capabilities in the field of new energy.* New energy vehicle - explore new markets and adhere to diversified sales channels

Insisting on independent innovation Gree Altairnano launched two series of products namely commercial vehicles and

special vehicles according to the needs of different industries. In 2023 facing a fiercely competitive market environment

Gree Altairnano adhered to diversified sales channels and product routes achieving breakthroughs in the domestic vehicle

sales market of 10 meter and 18 meter buses and logistics vehicles. Gree Altairnano's new energy buses and classic new

energy buses have been delivered to places such as Yinchuan in Ningxia Xining in Qinghai and Linyi in Shandong helping

to build demonstration zones for a green transportation powerhouse through the "public transportation + life" model.During the report period with the trend of increasing the volume of overseas new energy buses and increasing efforts to

expand overseas markets Gree Altairnano achieved breakthrough growth in overseas markets. Gree Altairnano focusing on

the field of public transportation vehicles has reached strategic cooperation with high-end customers in the Middle East

market and has delivered in bulk; in response to the high heat and desert environment in the Middle East region Gree

Altairnano made technological adjustments to the vehicle adaptability and took an active part in local BEV tourist vehicle

projects to promote the electrification process of zero-emission public transportation in the Middle East region and jointly

create a new green and low-carbon tourism experience.* Lithium battery - expand product matrices and meet market demands

During the report period Gree Altairnano achieved a breakthrough in the lithium titanate battery market. In the field of power

grid frequency modulation Gree Altairnano achieved batch application and transformation of high-rate lithium titanate

container systems and successfully undertaken the 33 million power plant project in Yuncheng Shanxi. In terms of rail

transit Gree Altairnano and CRRC Times reached a cooperation agreement and the high-power pure electric new energy

shunting locomotive equipped with a high-voltage liquid-cooled lithium titanate power battery system has been successfully

put into use in Datong Shanxi. Gree Altairnano has increased the development and promotion of independent LFP batteries

enriching the main battery product route of lithium titanate batteries and further expanding the product matrix. In the battery

sector Gree Altairnano achieved new business breakthroughs in markets in more than 20 countries including Europe the

Americas Southeast Asia Australia and Russia with the long-term customer demand increasing by 35% year-on-year;

carried out relevant overseas bus standard certification work and simultaneously explored the European pure electric bus

market; it had a cumulative sales exceeding RMB100 million of two-or three-wheeled vehicles in India with a stabilizing


3. Semiconductor - seek efficient products and continuous innovation and enhance market competitiveness

The Company has developed series products including MCU AIoT SoC and power semiconductors. The 32-bit series MCU

chips have been widely used in terminal products such as residential air conditioners commercial VRFs wire controllers and

remote controls with an annual usage of over 30 million pieces. They can be widely used in consumer electronics wearable

devices home products health and medical equipment commercial large-scale units industrial sensors high-performance

motor controls and other fields; power semiconductors such as FRD IGBT IPM and PIM have been applied in batches on

Page 26 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

inverter air conditioners with an annual usage of over 20 million pieces and can be widely used in fields such as household

appliances intelligent equipment and new energy. The developed AI chip combined with the key algorithm for the

Company's energy-saving air conditioners has been validated in mass production which can achieve energy savings of over

15% in air conditioners. The third-generation semiconductor power devices have been validated in mass production on the

Company's residential floor-standing air conditioners which can effectively improve the energy-saving efficiency of air

conditioners and reduce the overall cost of products.

4. Renewable resources - carry out social responsibilities with green renewable resource system

The Company actively practices the producer responsibility extension system and innovatively proposes the circular

development model of "green design - green manufacturing - green recycling" to ensure the green efficiency of the whole

industrial chain. Starting from 2010 the Company has established six recycling bases that mainly engage in the recycling of

waste electrical and electronic products and end-of-life vehicles as well as the intensive processing of waste circuit boards

and waste plastics in Changsha Zhengzhou Shijiazhuang Wuhu Tianjin and Zhuhai.During the report period the Company processed a total of 9.95 million sets of waste household appliances. As of the end of

2023 a total of over 56.64 million units (sets) of various waste electrical and electronic products have been processed and

approximately 719000 tons of recycled copper iron aluminum and plastic have been converted which can reduce carbon

dioxide emissions by 876100 tons and help achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.

5. Healthcare - lay out new tracks and support the development of national healthcare industry

At present breaking through the bottleneck technology in the medical field optimizing intelligent solutions and improving

the level of medical technology in China have become the main theme of innovation and development in China's medical

field. The Company has successively established a number of medical equipment companies such as Zhuhai GE HEALTH

MEDICAL Technology Co. Ltd. and Chengdu Gree Xinhui Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. and engaged in R&D and

production of medical protective products laboratory equipment and mobile medical equipment. By building a platform for

research and transformation of generic technologies the Company satisfied the customized needs of products in different

application scenarios drove the localization of equipment in biomedicine and life sciences and supported the high-quality

development of China's healthcare industry through technological innovation.

6. Prefabricated food equipment - adhere to independent innovation and build industrial clusters of prefabricated

food equipment

In 2009 the Company laid out the freezing and refrigeration industry and independently developed eight categories of cold

chain equipment including pre-cooling storage and cooling categories. Based on years of deep research in the field of

freezing and refrigeration our products have expanded into over 100 models in 17 series achieving low-temperature

preservation at a minimum of -85°C and full cold chain coverage. Zhuhai Gree Prefabricated Vegetable Equipment

Technology Development Co. Ltd. established by the Company combines automated production equipment intelligent

logistics equipment and high-end freezing and refrigeration equipment to provide customized intelligent solutions of

prefabricated food featuring equipment automation operation informatization and factory intelligence for enterprises.During the report period the Company launched a dedicated lychee preservation mobile equipment which effectively

reduced the dehydration rate of lychees prevented microbial invasion extended the preservation period and achieved a good

fruit rate of 99.8% by increasing humidity sterilization temperature control and other functions enhancing the international

competitiveness of Chinese lychees. The Company will connect the upstream and downstream industrial chains promote

vigorous development of the prefabricated food industry through technological innovation drive the upgrading of traditional

agricultural industrialization and accelerate rural economic revitalization.

7. Upgrade all categories of smart home appliances and create a beautiful living and home ecosystem

The Company adheres to independent innovation independent research and development and independent manufacturing

and builds zero-carbon healthy homes with core technology. The Company continuously upgrades the five smart living

systems of energy air health security and lighting throughout the entire house; it develops personalized spatial intelligent

Page 27 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

solutions for different living spaces such as living rooms bedrooms and kitchens to create a green efficient convenient and

safe interconnected home space.During the report period the Company deepened its layout in areas such as smart home systems smart home networks smart

voice interaction smart scenario solutions and smart product technologies. According to the "2023 Top 100 Global Smart

Home Invention Patents Ranking" released by the intellectual property industry media IPRdaily Gree ranked among the top

five globally with 3011 patents.In terms of whole-house smart home Gree Zero Carbon Health Home has settled in various parts of the country and dozens

of Gree Smart Comfortable Home stores have been established in Sichuan Chongqing Henan Anhui Guangxi Jiangxi and

other regions. Through six technologies five systems and spatial deployment Gree has achieved intelligent emission

reduction creating energy-saving environmentally friendly comfortable and healthy smart homes.In terms of centralized management platform the Company developed a comprehensive solution for smart apartments in

Wuhan Zhuhai Luoyang Jiangxi Tianjin and other regions. Equipped with the Gree smart air conditioning centralized

management system and smart door lock it provides services such as online informatization for check-in and check-out

abnormal safety alarm for residents remote control and management of apartment and dormitory appliances reduces

operating costs and personnel investment and improves the management level to give apartment residents higher quality of

life.In terms of smart home ecological interconnection Gree Standard Cloud cooperated with well-known manufacturers at home

and abroad. By providing authorized services for cooperative manufacturers Gree Standard Cloud provided convenient

inquiry and control of Gree equipment for plenty of users which improved the Company's influences and brand effect.(VII)Build a scientific talent cultivation system and promote the endogenous development momentum of the


The Company has established a set of unique "selection training employment retention" talent training system and a

comprehensive salary and benefit system to cultivate the endogenous development momentum of the enterprise.

1. Build a learning organization and meet talent demands

During the report period the Company actively advanced the establishment of a learning organization. Normalized company-

wide open courses and routine learning sessions for grassroots management leaders were implemented to nurture universally

applicable talents extensively. More than 100 public seminars were organized throughout the year attracting close to 4000

participants solidly promoting the inheritance of management expertise sharing of R&D technologies and enhancing

professional competencies.The Company persisted in carrying out the "Foundation Consolidation Project" aimed at elevating job-specific skills.Through master-apprentice programs led by renowned mentors assessment and certification processes and skill

competitions a total of 79 batches of new staff orientation training and base support training were conducted involving

4867 individuals. Additionally 29 skill contests were held engaging nearly 1000 employees and specialized training for

over 1400 personnel was organized. This approach realized standardized job training routine professional development and

competitive skill enhancement thereby reinforcing the Company's talent development. By leveraging platforms such as

Master Craftsmen Studios and Technician Workstations a skill talent cultivation system was established smoothing the

development path for skilled professionals and vigorously building a highly skilled workforce characterized by "rational

structure solid skills ample numbers and excellent quality" thereby enhancing the Company's industrial competitiveness.During this period the Company was shortlisted for the "Engineering and Technology Talent Contribution Award"

becoming the first enterprise in the home appliance industry to receive this honor.

2. Improve the talent incentive policy and stimulate the inherent potential of employees

During the report period the Company continued to promote the talent incentive policy and gave play to the exemplary

leading role of advanced employees. It set up scientific and technological progress award management innovation award

rationalization proposal award performance bonus year-end bonus and diversified bonus system and created honorary

selection activities such as advanced individuals pioneer workers gold medal employees outstanding city employees and

skill pacesetters etc. to encourage employees to innovate and give full play to their strengths.

3. Improve the employee welfare security system and create a happy and contented atmosphere within the Company.

Page 28 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

The Company consistently intensified its investment in the "Talent Sanctuary" encompassing multiple facets of life

including clothing food housing and transportation. In terms of transportation the establishment of Zhuhai Gree

Transportation Co. Ltd. provides employees with complimentary comfortable shuttle bus services effectively functioning as

a secondary transportation network in Zhuhai. Regarding living conditions the Company also invested hundreds of millions

of RMB to build Gree Kang Park and staff living areas to solve problems of staff housing leisure and entertainment. It

established a perfect employee welfare security system and a "Sunshine Fund" which met the urgent needs of employees in

difficulty. In terms of salary and benefits a well-rounded employee welfare and benefits system was established offering not

only substantial and diverse compensation packages social insurance and housing fund contributions meal allowances high-

temperature subsidies housing allowances and transportation allowances as fundamental benefits but also incentive-based

rewards like the science and technology progress award management innovation award and rationalization proposal award.

4. Continue to implement the share incentive plan and share the dividends of enterprise development

The Company consistently launched and implemented the employee stock ownership plan to improve the benefit sharing and

risk-sharing mechanism between the Company and core employees fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of

employees improve the cohesion of employees and the competitiveness of the Company and promote the long-term

sustainable and healthy development of the Company.

2. Revenue and cost

(1) Composition of operating revenue

Unit: yuan (RMB)



Item Proportion to Proportion to Increase/Decre

Amount Operating Amount Operating ase

Revenue Revenue

Total operating



By industries




Other business 29413795534.71 14.42% 35822543140.58 18.95% -17.89%

By products

Air conditioner 151216511000.13 74.14% 134859394542.06 71.36% 12.13%







Smart device 669842288.11 0.33% 432085871.36 0.23% 55.03%

Green energy 7106463576.73 3.48% 4701188530.73 2.49% 51.16%

Other main



Other business 29413795534.71 14.42% 35822543140.58 18.95% -17.89%

By regions

Domestic sales


? main business

Export sales ?


main business

Other business 29413795534.71 14.42% 35822543140.58 18.95% -17.89%

(2) Industries products regions and sales models that account for more than 10% of the Company's operating

revenue or operating profits

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Page 29 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Increase or Increase or

Increase or

Decrease in Decrease in

Decrease in

Operating Operating

Gross Gross Margin

Item Operating revenue Operating Cost Revenue over Cost over the

Margin over the Same

the Same Same Period

Period of the

Period of the of the Previous

Previous Year

Previous Year Year

By industries



ng industry




By products







By regions


sales ? main 149661934832.94 94519678129.83 36.84% 15.22% 10.35% 2.78%


Export sales

? main 24903536019.44 18988872419.76 23.75% 7.02% -4.69% 9.36%





In case the statistical caliber of the Company's main business data is adjusted during the report period the Company's main

business data will be adjusted according to the caliber at the end of the report period in the last year.□ Applicable □Not Applicable

(3) Whether the Company's revenue from physical sales is greater than that from labor services

□Yes □No

Description of a year-on-year change of 30% or more in relevant data

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

(4) Performance of significant sales contracts and purchase contracts entered into by the Company as of the report


□ Applicable □Not Applicable

(5) Composition of operating costs

Industry and product classification

Unit: yuan (RMB)




Item Proportion to Increase/Decre

Classification Proportion to Amount Amount Operating

Operating Cost ase


Page 30 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Raw materials 93909272081.72 87.94% 89062003824.55 88.01% 5.44%


Labor costs 4839203936.92 4.53% 4487688687.68 4.43% 7.83%


Depreciation 1950717636.85 1.83% 1963862221.35 1.94% -0.67%


Energy 1060398535.08 0.99% 923522729.23 0.91% 14.82%

(6) Whether there was a change in the combination scope during the report period

□Yes □No

1. Business combination not under common control

* Business combination not under common control in the current period

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Time Point of Equity Equity

Equity Acquisition Acquisition

Name of the Acquiree Equity Acquisition Acquisition

Cost Date

Acquisition Proportion Method

Ganzhou Qianjin Real Purchase


Estate Co. Ltd. by cash

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Basis for Operating Income of Net Profit of the Cash Flow of the

Determining the the Acquiree from the Acquiree from the Acquiree from the

Name of the Acquiree

Acquisition Acquisition Date to Acquisition Date to Acquisition Date to

Date the End of the Period the End of the Period the End of the Period

Ganzhou Qianjin Real Acquisition of


Estate Co. Ltd. control

* Cost and goodwill of business combination

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Cost of business combination Amount

Total cost of business combination 239485900.00

Including: Cash 239485900.00

Less: Fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired 239485903.54

Combination cost less than the share of fair value of


identifiable net asset acquired

* Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Ganzhou Qianjin Real Estate Co. Ltd.Item

Fair value on the acquisition Book value on the

date acquisition date


Monetary funds 143501.61 143501.61

Other receivables 19819308.24 19819308.24

Inventory 226354123.01 226354123.01

Other current assets 19778515.52 19778515.52

Page 31 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Subtotal of assets 266095448.38 266095448.38


Subtotal of liabilities

Net Assets 266095448.38 266095448.38

Less: Minority shareholders' equity 26609544.84 26609544.84

Net assets acquired 239485903.54 239485903.54

Page 32 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

* Gains or losses arising from the remeasurement of equity held before the acquisition date at fair value


2. Business combination under the same control


3. Reverse purchase


4. Disposal of subsidiaries

Amount of



Difference Determination

Book Value Fair Value Comprehensive

Between the Methods and

of the of the Income

Disposal Price Proportion Main

Disposal Disposal Remaining Remaining Related to

Disposal and the Share of Gains or Losses Assumptions of

Ratio of Methods Basis for Equity at the Equity at the Equity

Price of of the Remaining Arising from the Fair Value of

the Time of the Determining Consolidated Consolidated Investment of

Time Point of Losing the Time Subsidiaries' Equity on Remeasurement the Remaining

Name of Subsidiary Point of Time the Time Point Financial Financial the Original

Control Point of Net Assets at the Date of of Remaining Equity on the

Losing Point of of Losing Statement Statement Subsidiary

Losing the Level of Losing Equity at Fair Date of Losing

Control Losing Control Level on the Level on the Transferred

Control Consolidated Control Value Control at the

(%) Control Date of Date of into Investment

Statements (%) Consolidated

Losing Losing Profits and

Corresponding Financial

Control Control Losses or

to the Disposal Statement Level




Tianjin Gree Xinhui


Medical Equipment 2023-10-30 100.00 Cancelled None


Co. Ltd.SL Group Jingu


Grain Depot Co. 2023-8-25 100.00 Cancelled None


Ltd.Page 33 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount of



Difference Determination

Book Value Fair Value Comprehensive

Between the Methods and

of the of the Income

Disposal Price Proportion Main

Disposal Disposal Remaining Remaining Related to

Disposal and the Share of Gains or Losses Assumptions of

Ratio of Methods Basis for Equity at the Equity at the Equity

Price of of the Remaining Arising from the Fair Value of

the Time of the Determining Consolidated Consolidated Investment of

Time Point of Losing the Time Subsidiaries' Equity on Remeasurement the Remaining

Name of Subsidiary Point of Time the Time Point Financial Financial the Original

Control Point of Net Assets at the Date of of Remaining Equity on the

Losing Point of of Losing Statement Statement Subsidiary

Losing the Level of Losing Equity at Fair Date of Losing

Control Losing Control Level on the Level on the Transferred

Control Consolidated Control Value Control at the

(%) Control Date of Date of into Investment

Statements (%) Consolidated

Losing Losing Profits and

Corresponding Financial

Control Control Losses or

to the Disposal Statement Level




SL Group Songlin


Grain Depot Co. 2023-9-22 100.00 Cancelled None


Ltd.DunAn Sensing


Technology Co. 2023-6-5 66.58 Cancelled None


Ltd.Jilin Songliang

Modern Logistics Business

2023-5-6 100.00 Cancelled None

Development Co. registration

Ltd.Page 34 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

5. Change of combination scope for other reasons

Newly established entity in the current period:

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Net Profit from the

Net Assets at the End of

Company Name Date of Establishment Combination Date to the

the Period

End of the Period

Hunan DunAn Refrigeration Equipment


Co. Ltd.Luoyang Herun Real Estate Co. Ltd. 2023-9-28 -51151.68 -51151.68

Gree Lintanyuan (Shanghai) Technology


Co. Ltd.

(7) Significant changes or adjustments in the Company's business products or services during the report period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

(8) Main sales customers and suppliers

Main sales customers of the Company

Total sales amount of the top five customers (RMB) 36373719797.80

Proportion of total sales amount of top five customers to the


total annual sales

Proportion of sales amount of related parties in the sales


amount of top five customers to the total annual sales

Information of top five customers

Proportion to Total Annual

S/N Customer Name Sales Amount (RMB)


1 First 11643121629.28 5.68%

2 Second 8861614850.62 4.32%

3 Third 5885129357.41 2.87%

4 Fourth 5310473001.39 2.59%

5 Fifth 4673380959.10 2.28%

Total -- 36373719797.80 17.74%

Other descriptions of major customers

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Main suppliers of the Company

Total purchase amount of the top five suppliers (RMB) 37070471527.30

Proportion of total purchase amount of top five customers to


the total annual purchases

Proportion of total purchase amount of related parties in the

purchase amount of top five suppliers to the total annual 0.00%


Information of top five suppliers

Proportion to Total Annual

S/N Supplier Name Purchase Amount (RMB)


Page 35 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

1 First 10414856904.36 7.91%

2 Second 7917687520.80 6.01%

3 Third 7800951953.66 5.92%

4 Fourth 7464163661.22 5.67%

5 Fifth 3472811487.26 2.64%

Total -- 37070471527.30 28.15%

Other descriptions of major suppliers

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

3. Expenses

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Year-on-year Significant Changes

Item 2023 2022

Increase/Decrease Description

Mainly affected by the

increase in product

Sales expenses 17129639682.51 11285451112.27 51.79%

installation and

maintenance costs.Administrative



Mainly affected by the

increase in financial

Financial expenses -3526521851.75 -2206764591.65 -59.81%

expenses and interest

income.R&D expenses 6762136262.23 6281394430.40 7.65%

4. R&D investment

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Expected Impact on the

Name of Major

Project Purpose Project Progress Objectives to be Achieved Future Development of

R&D Projects

the Company

Promote the deepening

The project has development of air

been completed conditioner ventilation

and successfully modes towards healthier

Promote the iterative Realize innovative

promoted and more comfortable and

Research on lean upgrading of distributed upgrading of fans and

applied to the new more efficient directions

distributed air air supply products promote quality

products of Satin while enhancing the

supply technology through fan innovation improvement with an

Time floor production efficiency of

based on dual- and improve product APF of up to 4.50 for 3

standing air distributed ventilation

suction fans performance and exquisite HP models and up to 4.80

conditioner and products facilitating

appearance. for 2 HP models.Gree Chinoiserie their popularization and

floor standing air promotion and enriching

conditioner. the layout of product

lines.New high-speed Develop ultra-high-speed The 24K North Seasonal energy As a leading technology

compressor series compression technology American model efficiency can increase by in the industry it can

split type unit (24K to solve the problem of has been launched more than 10% low- enhance the market

North American and synchronously improving while other temperature heating competitiveness of

EU product series) air conditioner energy models are still capacity can increase by products.Page 36 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

efficiency and low- under review and more than 10% SEER

temperature heating testing. energy efficiency can

capacity. reach 29 and low-

temperature heating

capacity does not decay at

-15°C.This technology has been

identified as leading

Break through the key

internationally. It is

technologies of high-

Develop high-capacity poised to conquer the

temperature heat pump

high-temperature and pinnacle of large-

120°C + industrial compressors high-

high-efficiency capacity high-

large-capacity high- efficiency heat pump

centrifugal heat pumps Product series temperature heat pump

efficiency and high- systems and high-

above 120°C to replace development is technology enabling

temperature temperature enhanced

non-process industrial underway. foray into the market as a

centrifugal heat heat exchange achieving

boilers and assist in substitute for industrial

pump a single heat pump

industrial carbon boilers thereby

capacity of 10 MW and a

reduction. presenting a broad

heating temperature of

commercial outlook and

over 120°C.yielding substantial

societal benefits.This technology has been

Achieve a breakthrough

identified as an

Develop a COP7.0 + two- of 7.0 in the energy

international leading

stage permanent magnet efficiency level of small

level improving the

COP7.0 + two-stage variable frequency screw and medium-sized

Product series energy efficiency of

permanent magnet chiller to solve the cooling capacity chillers

development is small and medium-sized

variable frequency problem of low energy and comprehensively

underway. cooling capacity chillers

screw chiller efficiency of small and improve the energy

enhancing product

medium-sized cooling efficiency and energy-

competitiveness and

capacity chillers. saving level of screw

promoting industry

refrigeration equipment.technological innovation.The European The refrigerant charge is

Actively promote the version of the as low as 152 g Improve the entire chain

research and development product has been representing an 82% of R290 R&D testing

of green and efficient launched. The reduction compared to production warehousing

equipment respond to Australian version R32; energy efficiency and transportation.Development of

energy conservation and is planned to be reaches up to 145%; Enhance product

R290 heat pump

environmental protection developed by July maximum hot water competitiveness and

water heater

policies in various global 2024; research is output is increased by brand awareness by

markets and develop new underway on the 64% now at 546 L; and it introducing new low-

refrigerant R290 heat North American is capable of producing GWP refrigerant

pump water heaters. version of the hot water at a temperature products into the market.product. as high as 70°C.Expand the company's

cleaning appliances. Form a unique wet mop

Research zero Research on multiple cleaning technology

Development of

consumables and rolling The product has separation technologies to feature to build the

zero consumables

brush healthy drying been completed achieve zero HEPA foundation for the rapid

healthy drying floor

technology and develop and launched. consumables; research on development of the


competitive products. heat conduction drying to cleaning appliances in

achieve safe and healthy the future.drying.Research and Solve the problems of oil 1. Develop intelligent This technology has been

application of ten accumulation in the inner The product has rotary oil capture applied to the Star series

year cleaning-free chamber of the range been completed technology to reduce oil range hoods filling the

technology for the hood cleaning weakened and launched. fumes entering the fan technical gap of cleaning

inner chamber of the suction and increased and maintain stable and free in the industry and

Page 37 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

range hood noise after prolonged use. high suction. improving the core

2. Develop an oil- competitiveness of range

repellent wind wheel hood products.system that prevents oil

stains from adhering

easily achieving a 10-

year cleaning-free inner

chamber without



1. The weight loss rate of

Solve the problems of

spinach after 10 days of This technology has been

fruits and vegetables in

fruit and vegetable identified as leading

the refrigerator industry

Research and preservation is less than internationally and it is

that are prone to

application of key 7%; of great significance for

dehydration and spoilage

technologies for The product has 2. The drying rate of promoting the upgrading

short-term preservation of

preserving fruits been completed short-term preservation of of core fresh-keeping

meat that is prone to air

vegetables and meat and launched. meat for 10 days is less technologies in

drying and discoloration

in household than 5%; refrigerators enhancing

and insufficient freezing

refrigerators 3. Stable operation at - the quality of food

temperature of aquatic

38°C in the refrigerator's storage and safeguarding

products that cannot be

freezer compartment can people's dietary health.stored with high quality.be achieved.

1. Increase the seasonal

energy efficiency ratio by In response to the climate

more than 15% and obtain characteristics of the

Development of

Saudi Arabia's A-level Middle East such as high

high energy

The product is energy efficiency temperatures and

efficiency household Develop household split

under limited-run certification; abundant sunlight

split photovoltaic photovoltaic (storage) air

trial production 2. Internationally pioneer throughout the year

(storage) air conditioner products.stage. photovoltaic direct drive relevant models have

conditioner products

control technology with a been developed to

in tropical climate

comprehensive energy enhance product

utilization efficiency of competitiveness.over 99%.Develop an efficient

The energy efficiency of This can enable the

miniaturized and highly

the motor can reach the industrial motor industry

reliable series of industrial

Development of IE5 energy efficiency to break free from the

motors to solve the

efficient rare earth The product has standard in IEC60034-30- constraints of rare earth

problems of low energy

free new permanent been completed 2 without using rare earth resources for efficiency

efficiency and limited rare

magnet assisted and launched. permanent magnet improvements guiding

earth resources in three-

reluctance motor materials meeting the the industry towards

phase asynchronous

needs of various more efficient

motors in the industrial

mechanical equipment. development.field.Compared to the previous As a new generation of

generation model the main models it has been

Develop a new generation

energy efficiency can fully applied in

Development of of household 1 HP?3 HP

The product has increase by 2%?5%. The household air conditioner

household 1 HP?3 high-efficiency

been completed product can meet the systems achieving

HP high-efficiency compressors to assist in

and put into mass efficient use needs of 1 efficiency improvement

variable frequency energy conservation and

production. HP?3 HP air conditioners and further enhancing the

compressor carbon reduction of air

and is fully applied to the competitiveness of the

conditioner.Company's household air household air conditioner

conditioner systems. market.Development of Develop linear motors for The prototype is Overcome the design and Realize the autonomy of

modular high thrust the X-axis and Y-axis of currently in the process technology of core components of

linear motor the large gantry machine trial production modular linear motors machine tools improve

Page 38 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

tool 3020. stage. establish a product the market

platform and meet the competitiveness of the

related requirements of Company's machine tool

the Company's machine products and promote

tool products. the development of the

machine tool industry

towards high-speed

direct drive.Company R&D personnel

2023 2022 Change Ratio

Number of R&D personnel



Proportion of number of R&D



Educational structure of R&D personnel

Bachelor 8773 8312 5.55%

Master and above 1407 1294 8.73%

Age composition of R&D personnel

Under 30 7667 7323 4.70%


R&D investment of the Company

Item 2023 2022 Change Ratio

Amount of R&D investment



Proportion of R&D

investment to the operating 3.43% 3.40% 0.03%


Capitalization amount of


R&D investment (RMB)

Proportion of capitalized

R&D investment to R&D 3.49% 2.31% 1.18%


Reasons and influences of significant changes in the composition of R&D personnel in the Company

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Reasons for significant changes in the proportion of total R&D investment to the operating revenue compared with the

previous year

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Reasons for significant changes in capitalization rate of R&D investment and its reasonableness

□Applicable □ Not applicable

The Company's capitalized R&D investment increased by 64.77% year-on-year mainly due to the increase in capitalized

investment such as fixed assets engaged in R&D activities.

5. Cash flow

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Item 2023 2022 Year-on-year

Page 39 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


Subtotal of cash inflows from


operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflows


from operating activities

Net cash flows from operating



Subtotal of cash inflows from


investment activities

Subtotal of cash outflows


from investment activities

Net cash flows from


investment activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from


financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflows


from financing activities

Net cash flows from financing



Net increase in cash and cash



Description of the main factors affecting the significant year-on-year changes in relevant data

□Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Net cash flows from operating activities increased by 96.73% year-on-year mainly due to the increase in cash received in

connection with sales goods and labor services.

2. Net cash flows from financing activities decreased by 264.85% year-on-year mainly due to the decrease in cash received

from borrowing and an increase in cash paid for debt repayment.Reasons for significant differences between net cash flows from operating activities and net profit for the year during the

report period

□Applicable □ Not applicable

That is mainly affected by the decrease in operating receivables and the increase in operating payables. Please refer to Note V.

72 Supplementary for cash flow statement in Section X Financial Statements for details.

V. Analysis of non-main business

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

VI. Analysis of assets and liabilities

1. Significant changes in the composition of assets

Unit: yuan (RMB)

At the End of 2023 At the Beginning of 2023 Proportion Significant

Item Proportio Proportion Increase or Changes

Amount Amount

n to Total to Total Decrease Description

Page 40 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Assets Assets










Inventory 32579140028.70 8.85% 38314176763.90 10.79% -1.94%



real estate


equity 4488967031.20 1.22% 5892290568.81 1.66% -0.44%


Fixed assets 34034829116.47 9.25% 33817019391.36 9.52% -0.27%



in progress




Due to the

repayment of

current short-


26443476388.52 7.18% 52895851287.92 14.90% -7.72% term



during the











Overseas assets account for a relatively high proportion.□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Page 41 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

2. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: yuan (RMB)


Profits and Losses ent

Cumulative Fair

From Changes in Accrued Purchase Amount in Sales Amount in the

Item Beginning Amount Value Changes Other Changes Ending Amount

Fair Value in the in the the Current Period Current Period

Included in Equity

Current Period Current


Financial assets

1. Trading financial

assets (excluding


derivative financial


2. Derivative financial



3. Other debt



4. Other equity


instrument investments

5. Receivables financing 28427310345.20 -11939843.77 -23453909.25 18239280833.02 10176089668.41

6. Other non-current


financial assets

7. Others 3278106802.74 5929312.07 2781162.07 3000000000.00 2082280523.08 2366316637.89

Subtotal of financial



Total above 59010428396.82 -480660592.36 -886855181.10 26342096042.93 42655452640.32 278045191.18 42494456398.25

Financial liabilities 184811894.98 181438868.23 706893.16 4079919.91

Page 42 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Other changes

Other changes mainly refer to the reclassification of financial statements differences in foreign currency translation and interest income.Whether there was any significant change in the measurement attributes of the Company's major assets during the report period

□ Yes □No

Page 43 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

3. Restricted rights to assets as of the end of the report period

Unit: yuan (RMB)

End of Period


Book Value Restricted Reason

Required deposit reserve earnest

Monetary funds 36444669541.57

money etc.Accounts receivable 95386260.00 Pledged

Receivables financing 5033716307.04 Pledged

Contract assets 103189654.26 Pledged

Other current assets 9000000000.00 Pledged

Non-current assets due within one

1000000000.00 Pledged


Other debt investments 10090000000.00 Pledged

Long-term equity investments 310838556.07 Pledged

Fixed assets 2285127725.15 Pledged

Construction in progress 223626881.02 Pledged

Intangible assets 1436665729.28 Pledged

Other non-current assets 12180000000.00 Pledged

Others 13646580.00 Pledged

Total 78216867234.39

Page 44 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

VII. Analysis of investments

1. Overview

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Investment in the Report Period (RMB) Investment in the Same Period of Last Year (RMB) Change Range


2. Significant equity investments obtained during the report period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

3. Significant non-equity investments in progress during the report period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

4. Financial assets investments

(1) Securities investments

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Accounting Profits and Losses From Cumulative Fair Value Profits and Losses

Securities Securities Securities Initial Investment Book Value at the Purchase Amount in the Sales Amount in the Book Value at the Accounting Capital

Measureme Changes in Fair Value Changes Included in During the Report

Type Code Abbreviation Cost Beginning of the Period Current Period Current Period End of the Period Items Source

nt Model in the Current Period Equity Period

Zunyu No.1 Trading

Measured at Own

Others - Fund Trust 2891120690.09 -8010137.57 4165035779.92 1273915089.83 77957574.66 2883110552.52 financial

fair value funds

Plan assets



Lixiang Asset Measured at Own

Others - 1852280819.94 500153496.56 2528570.30 4404000000.00 3051719180.06 6394353.94 1854962886.80 financial

Management fair value funds



Page 45 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


listed on


domestic San'an

Measured at equity Own

and 600703 Optoelectroni 2000000000.00 1965635734.92 -379152347.47 -413516612.55 5727376.85 1586483387.45

fair value instrument funds

overseas cs





listed on



Measured at equity Own

and 600745 WINGTECH 884999996.60 1885465957.10 -368271878.65 632194081.85 1517194078.45

fair value instrument funds






listed on



Measured at equity Own

and 600619 Highly 1145544479.57 522205716.62 103698375.62 -519052993.48 961076.44 626491486.09

fair value instrument funds






Measured at Other debt Own

Bonds 160017 bearing bond 288405500.00 307238782.20 -1736417.62 6766380.25 7761600.00 306780382.20

fair value investments funds



deposits Trading

Measured at Own

Others - under macro 307760661.55 702522948.29 -6692032.70 300000000.00 692239338.44 1068628.85 303591577.15 financial

fair value funds

composite assets


Measured at Other debt Own

Bonds 200408 20 Nongfa 08 199203000.00 206612610.97 -1082667.73 4080477.13 5979400.00 205692010.97

fair value investments funds

23 CZBank

23238008 Measured at Other debt Own

Bonds Tier 2 Capital 200000000.00 2685600.00 2685600.00 200000000.00 3356832.86 203356832.86

2 fair value investments funds

Note 02

22 Huafa

10228093 Measured at Other debt Own

Bonds Group 180000000.00 178827514.51 7813080.00 1441800.00 14946327.87 186640594.51

4 fair value investments funds


Page 46 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Other securities investments held at


the end of the period


Total -- 11412085432.91 -753963977.38 -866576746.85 9776405642.93 10263953807.29 312810510.80 10183366387.70 -- --


Announcement disclosure date of

board's meeting for approval of April 29 2023

securities investment

(2) Derivative investments

□Applicable □ Not applicable

1) Derivative investment for speculative purposes during the report period

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB10000

Profits and

Proportion of the

Losses From

Investment Investment Amount at

Initial Changes in Cumulative Fair Value

Derivatives Investments Beginning Purchase Amount Sales Amount During Amount at the the End of the Period

Investment Fair Value Changes Included in

Type Amount During the report period the report period End of the to Net Assets at the

Amount in the Equity

Period End of the report




Futures hedging contracts 219.02 219.02 639.04 317.55 858.06 0.01%

Forward financial



Total -18262.17 -18262.17 29674.88 317.55 11342.02 0.10%

Description of whether

there was any significant

change in the accounting

No change

policies for hedging

business and specific

principles for financial

Page 47 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

accounting during the

report period as

compared to the previous

report period

Statement of actual

The actual profits and losses of futures hedging contracts during the report period were RMB123540300 and that of forward financial contracts during the report period was

profits and losses during

RMB-334089600.the report period

Description of the


hedging effect

Capital source of

Own funds

derivative investments

1. Legal risks: The Company needs to abide by laws and regulations to carry out hedging and foreign exchange fund trading business and clearly stipulate the rights and

obligations between the Company and its agencies. Control measures: In addition to studying laws regulations and market rules the designated responsible departments of

Risk analysis and the Company shall strictly review contracts clarify rights and obligations and strengthen compliance inspection to ensure that the Company's derivative investments and

description of control position meet the requirements of laws regulations and the Company's internal management system.measures for derivative 2. Operational risks: Risks caused by imperfect internal processes staff operations systems etc. Control measures: The Company has formulated corresponding management

positions during the systems that clarified the division of responsibilities and approval process of hedging and foreign exchange fund trading business and a relatively perfect supervision

report period (including mechanism to effectively reduce operational risks through risk control of business decision-making and trading processes.but not limited to market 3. Market risks: The uncertainty of commodity price changes and exchange rate fluctuations in the foreign exchange market leads to greater market risks in the future

risks liquidity risks business and foreign exchange fund trading business. Control measures: The Company's futures hedging business and foreign exchange fund trading business shall not

credit risks operational engage in speculative transactions by adhering to the principle of prudent and steady operation. For hedging business it is strictly stipulated that the number of hedging shall

risks legal risks etc.) not exceed the actual number of spot transactions and the futures positions shall not exceed the spot amount of hedging and a stop loss mechanism shall be adopted. With

regard to foreign exchange fund business the Company effectively prevents market risks by evaluating and judging the trend of foreign exchange rate and determining the

foreign exchange settlement rate through contracts.Changes in the market

price or fair value of the

product during the report

period of the invested

derivatives with the

analysis of the fair value

The fair value change income of derivatives during the report period was RMB296748800.of the derivatives

disclosing the specific

methodology used and

the setting of relevant

assumptions and


Page 48 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Involvement in lawsuits

Not applicable

(if applicable)


disclosure date of Board

of Directors for approval April 29 2023

of derivative investment

(if any)


disclosure date of

shareholder's meeting for July 1 2023

approval of derivative

investment (if any)

Special opinions of

independent directors on The independent directors of the Company believed that conducting bulk material futures hedging and foreign exchange derivative hedging business was beneficial for

the Company's derivative locking production costs controlling operational risks and improving management level. The Company has established a corresponding control system for the relevant

Investments and risk business under legal and compliant approval and implementation and with controllable risks which is in the interests of the Company and all shareholders.control

2) Derivative investment for speculative purposes during the report period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company has no derivative investment for speculative purposes during the report period.

5. Use of placements

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company had no use of placements during the report period.Page 49 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

VIII. Significant assets and equity sales

1. Significant assets sales

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company did not sell any significant assets during the report period.

2. Significant equity sales

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

IX. Analysis of main holding and joint-stock companies

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies affecting 10% or more of the Company's net profits

Unit: yuan (RMB)


Company Name Company Type Main Business Total Assets Net Assets Operating revenue Operating Profits Net Profits


Gree (Hefei)

Electric Air conditioner

Subsidiary 150000000.00 9308217007.17 4979727191.70 9378753397.98 531771935.27 454085224.53

Appliances Co. manufacturing

Ltd.Zhuhai Landa


Compressor Co. Subsidiary 93030000.00 13832678719.30 9110715685.50 10909199594.60 1005572325.67 880561916.21


Ltd.Zhuhai Gree

Xinyuan Capacitor

Subsidiary 126180000.00 3369859652.82 1110075949.21 2010003940.03 152885859.61 128885351.13

Electronics Co. manufacturing

Ltd.Zhuhai Kaibang

Motor Motor

Subsidiary 82000000.00 4055437723.78 1308663778.53 3320602636.53 148892882.43 130706244.21

Manufacturing manufacturing

Co. Ltd.Page 50 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Gree (Zhong Small

Shan) Small Home household

Subsidiary 30000000.00 1010982251.42 634354287.07 921655967.39 47760579.92 43419710.00

Appliances Co. appliance

Ltd. manufacturing

Information about the acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the report period

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: yuan (RMB)

Methods of Acquisition and Disposal of Subsidiaries During

Company Name Impact on Overall Production Operation and Performance

the Report Period

Hunan DunAn Refrigeration Equipment Co. Ltd. New 2486643.44

Jilin Songliang Modern Logistics Development Co. Ltd. Cancelled 0.01

Gree Lintanyuan (Shanghai) Technology Co. Ltd. New

Ganzhou Qianjin Real Estate Co. Ltd. Acquisition -804692.79

Luoyang Herun Real Estate Co. Ltd. New -51151.68

Tianjin Gree Xinhui Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. Cancelled

SL Group Jingu Grain Depot Co. Ltd. Cancelled 426668.73

SL Group Songlin Grain Depot Co. Ltd. Cancelled 108192.07

DunAn Sensing Technology Co. Ltd. Cancelled -4927.54

Description of major holding and participating companies


Page 51 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

X. Structured entities controlled by the Company

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

XI. Prospects for the future development of the Company

(I) Development vision of the Company

The Company will continue to adhere to its corporate vision of "To create a world-class enterprise achieving Gree's century-

old brand." Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era it remains true to its

original aspiration keeps its mission firmly in mind sticks to the real economy and adheres to the road of self-reliance and

independent innovation and development. Through innovation responsibility and green development it contributes to the

progress of human society striving to become a trusted global brand and create a better future for all.(II) 2024 business plan

1. Promote high-quality development of the enterprise with advanced enterprise Party building

The Company adheres to the guidance of the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

and promotes the implementation of the spirit of the Party Congress which is to "remember instructions be united be

grateful and strive for progress and grow together". It strengthens the construction of Party organizations and Party member

teams fully leverages the exemplary role of Party members deeply integrates Party building work with enterprise

development promotes business through Party building and promotes high-quality development of enterprise through


2. Promote the development of the enterprise with science and technology based on existing industrial advantages

As a leading manufacturing enterprise the Company relies on its advantages and is closely connected to the industrial

ecosystem constantly overcoming key bottleneck technologies. With technology as the core driving force for diversified

development industrial products intelligent equipment household appliances and new energy are the key directions for

diversified development. It continues to promote the basic strategy of diversified transformation and achieve stable

development of diversified businesses.

3. Accelerate digital intelligent transformation and continue to promote cost reduction and efficiency

The Company will accelerate the implementation of the top-level design plan for group informatization increase efforts to

build a digital enterprise improve the digital management methods and operating system of the enterprise comprehensively

carry out digital infrastructure construction plan digital goals from marketing production supply chain finance quality and

other fields and integrate the entire business process. Through applying digital technologies the Company aims to provide

superior solutions that facilitate business transformation by reducing costs decreasing consumption enhancing quality and

boosting efficiency. Additionally the acceleration of smart factory development leveraging digital technologies will pave the

way for establishing advanced demonstration sites within the group.

4. Adhere to quality first and build a solid foundation

The Company will continue to strengthen its quality concept strictly implement a prevention-oriented quality control mode

strictly control product quality and safety ensure zero safety quality accidents in after-sales service increase investment in

automated inspection and testing technology build a digital and intelligent quality control mode and use advanced standards

to promote product quality and efficiency improvement. By continuously optimizing quality management innovation and

using the "D-CTFP Quality Technology Innovation Cycle Methodology" and the "Five Steps of Quality Prevention" the

Company continues to promote the improvement of product quality level helping the "perfect quality management model" to

serve every consumer.

5. Continuously expand the channels for attracting talents and deepen the cultivation of talents

The Company strengthens the construction of reserve cadres and talent teams and refines a normalized working system for

dynamic positions among cadres gradually forming a good situation where the capable rise to the top the outstanding are

Page 52 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

rewarded the mediocre are relegated and the ineffective are removed. Targeted efforts will be made to strengthen the

introduction of talents from universities enrich the cooperation models between schools and the enterprise and continuously

enhance the supply capacity of key job talents. It focuses on key areas and groups to carry out key training projects and

accelerate the cultivation of core professional talents. The four-in-one linkage model of "government industries enterprises

universities" can integrate high-quality resources fully empower businesses and supply high-quality talent for the stable

development of the Company.

6. Strengthen audit supervision of the Company and consolidate internal security management

The Company should continue to innovate its internal audit system construction introduce advanced audit tools and means

deeply and efficiently implement audit projects continuously expand channels for information collection data monitoring

and project auditing and strengthen the crackdown on behaviors that harm the Company's interests; strengthen the

maintenance and operation of information systems to ensure efficient and controlled information systems establish a

comprehensive risk management internal control system enhance risk control facilitate rational and orderly conduct of all

office affairs and promote the healthy development of the Company.(III) Main risks to future development

1. Macroeconomic fluctuation risk

The Company's products span two major sectors: consumer goods and industrial products. Macroeconomic fluctuations affect

changes in consumer income and expenditure which in turn impact corporate decisions regarding strategic contraction or

expansion. These decisions have a bearing on the sales of the Company's products.

2. Risk of factor price fluctuations

On the one hand the raw materials for the Company's products are mainly copper steel aluminum and plastics of different

grades. The cost of main raw materials accounts for a relatively high proportion of the main business cost and fluctuations in

raw material prices will have an impact on the cost. On the other hand the rise in labor costs has become a common

phenomenon in economic development and the increase in labor costs will have a negative impact on the Company's gross


3. Risk of intensified market competition

The urbanization rate in China is gradually increasing and the ownership of major household appliances has significantly

increased leading to increasingly fierce industry competition.

4. Political risks overseas

With the uncertainties brought about by the tense overseas political situation escalating trade frictions economic

globalization overseas business may be faced with more risks.

5. Risk of exchange rate fluctuations

Exchange rate fluctuations may weaken product competitiveness bring adverse effects to product exports and may also

cause exchange losses and increase financial costs.In the face of complex and ever-changing internal and external environment and risks Gree will continuously improve its

corporate governance structure improve its standardized operation level strengthen its internal control system in accordance

with the requirements of the Company Law Securities Law and relevant laws and regulations of the China Securities

Regulatory Commission to effectively prevent and control risks ensuring the Company's sustained stable and healthy

development.Lastly the Company along with the Board of Directors sincerely thanks all our shareholders global customers partners

and all parts of society for their trust and support in Gree Electric Appliances. With the utmost consideration for the welfare

of all our shareholders the Board of Directors is dedicated to achieving the annual operational goals and working tirelessly to

generate long-term value-based investment returns for the shareholders!

Page 53 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

XII. Activities such as reception of research communication interviews during the

report period

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Type of Main Contents

Time of Method of Reception Index of Basic Information

Place of Reception Reception Discussed and

Reception Reception Object of Research

Object Material Provided

Please refer to the

information disclosed by the

Company on June 15 2023

Jihuibao: on CNINFO

June 15 https://n.jhbshow.co Company (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/n

Others Others Company operations

2023 m/live- investors ew/index) Gree Electric

text/2124749415 Appliances: 2022

Performance Explanation

Meeting Investor Relations

Activity Record Form.Please refer to the

information disclosed by the

Company on September 19

2023 on CNINFO

Quanjingwang: (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/n

September Company

https://rs.p5w.net/ht Others Others Company operations ew/index) Gree Electric

19 2023 investors

ml/140304.shtml Appliances: 000651 Gree

Electric Appliances Investor

Relations Activity Record

Form on September 19


Please refer to the

information disclosed by the

Company on September 22

2023 on CNINFO

September Company (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/n

Hong Kong Others Organization Company operations

22 2023 investors ew/index) Gree Electric

Appliances: Investor

Relations Activity Record

Form on September 22


Please refer to the

information disclosed by the

Company on October 19

2023 on CNINFO

October 19 Company

Shenzhen Others Organization Company operations (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/n

2023 investors

ew/index) Gree Electric

Appliances: Investor

Relations Activity Record

Form on October 19 2023.XIII. Implementation of the action plan for "Double Improvement of Quality and


Has the Company disclosed an action plan for "Double Improvement of Quality and Return"

□Yes □No

Page 54 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

For specific details please refer to the Announcement on Promoting the Implementation of the 'Double Improvement of

Quality and Return' Action Plan (Announcement No.: 2024-005) disclosed by the Company on February 19 2024 on

CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index).Page 55 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Section IV Corporate Governance

I. Basic status of corporate governance

The Company in strict accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China Securities Law of the People's

Republic of China other relevant national laws and regulations and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listed Companies Self-

regulatory Guidelines No. 1 ? Standardized Operation of Main Board Listed Companies has established a normative

corporate governance structure and rules of procedure for the General Meeting of Shareholders Board of Directors and

Board of Supervisors clarified the responsibilities and authorities for decision-making execution and supervision forming

an effective division of responsibilities and balance mechanism and continuously promoted the standardized operation level

of the Company safeguarding the interests of investors and the Company.The Company's governance complied with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and the requirements of the

China Securities Regulatory Commission regarding the governance of listed companies.Whether there were any significant differences between the actual state of corporate governance and the laws administrative

regulations and regulations on corporate governance of listed companies issued by the China Securities Regulatory

Commission.□ Yes □No

There were no significant differences between the actual state of corporate governance and the laws administrative

regulations and the regulations on governance of listed companies issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.II. The independence of the Company from the controlling shareholder and the actual

controller in terms of assets personnel finance organization and business of the


The Company has a sound corporate governance structure and is completely independent of the largest shareholder Zhuhai

Mingjun in assets personnel finance organization and business and the Company has an independent and complete

business operation and independent management capability.III. Horizontal competition

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

IV. Annual general meeting of shareholders and interim general meeting of

shareholders during the report period

1. General meetings of shareholders during the report period


Session of

Type of Meeting Participat Date of Convening Date of Disclosure Meeting Resolutions


ion Ratio

Announcement on the

2022 Annual Annual General Resolutions of 2022

General Meeting Meeting of 42.88% June 30 2023 July 1 2023 Annual General

of Shareholders Shareholders Meeting of


Page 56 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

(Announcement No.:

2023-031) on CNINFO


2. Convening of an interim general meeting of shareholders requested by the preferred shareholders

with restored voting rights

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Page 57 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

V. Directors supervisors and senior executives

1. Basic information

Number of


Number of Shares Number of Shares Other Number of Shares

Decreased Reasons for Increase

Employme Held at the Increased in the Increase/Dec Held at the End of

Name Sex Age Title Term Start Date Term End Date in the or Decrease of

nt Status Beginning of the Current Period rease the Period

Current Shares

Period (Shares) (Shares) (Shares) (Shares)



Chairperson Incumbent May 25 2012 February 28 2025 Ownership of

Dong employee stock

Female 69 44488492 10000000 54488492

Mingzhu President Incumbent April 24 2001 February 28 2025 ownership plan


Ownership of

Director and Secretary employee stock

Zhang Wei Male 47 Incumbent January 16 2019 February 28 2025 183328 183328

of the Party Committee ownership plan



Male 67 Director Incumbent January 16 2019 February 28 2025



Male 63 Director Incumbent May 25 2012 February 28 2025


Director Incumbent February 28 2022 February 28 2025 Secondary market

Vice President Incumbent December 26 2020 February 28 2025 increase and

Deng ownership of

Male 48 116600 116600

Xiaobo Secretary of the Board employee stock

Incumbent December 26 2020 February 28 2025

of Directors ownership plan


Liu Shuwei Female 71 Independent director Incumbent January 16 2019 February 28 2025


Male 62 Independent director Incumbent January 16 2019 February 28 2025


Xing Ziwen Male 61 Independent director Incumbent January 16 2019 February 28 2025


Male 56 Independent director Incumbent February 28 2022 February 28 2025


Cheng Min Female 43 Supervisor Incumbent November 2 2020 February 28 2025

Page 58 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Duan Secondary market

Male 60 Supervisor Incumbent January 16 2019 February 28 2025 447525 156300 603825

Xiufeng increase

Ownership of

Wang employee stock

Female 40 Employee supervisor Incumbent January 16 2019 February 28 2025 51355 51355

Fawen ownership plan


Ownership of

employee stock

Zhuang Pei Male 59 Vice President Incumbent April 16 2003 February 28 2025 5955202 420253 6375455

ownership plan


Ownership of

Tan Vice President and employee stock

Male 59 Incumbent August 30 2017 February 28 2025 1297300 488469 1785769

Jianming Chief Engineer ownership plan


Ownership of

employee stock

Shu Lizhi Male 54 Vice President Incumbent December 26 2020 February 28 2025 99719 99719

ownership plan


Ownership of

Liao President Assistant and employee stock

Male 50 Incumbent August 6 2020 February 28 2025 77663 77663

Jianxiong Finance Chief ownership plan


Ownership of

Fang employee stock

Male 46 Vice President Incumbent November 19 2021 February 28 2025 167400 391890 559290

Xiangjian ownership plan


Total -- -- -- -- -- -- 52355919 11985577 64341496 --

Whether there are cases of quit of directors and supervisors and dismissal of senior executives during the report period

□ Yes □No

Page 59 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Changes in the Company's directors supervisors and senior executives

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

2. Employment situation

Professional background major work experience and current major responsibilities of the Company's current directors

supervisors and senior executives

Ms. Dong Mingzhu with a master's degree currently serves as the Chairperson and President of Gree Electric Appliances

Inc. of Zhuhai. She successively held the posts of salesperson Vice Director of Sales Department Director of Sales

Department Deputy General Manager Vice Chairperson and President of Gree Electric Appliances.She was successively elected as a deputy of the 10th 11th 12th 13th and 14th National People's Congress a member of the

10th 11th and 12th Executive Committee of the All-China Women's Federation an expert who enjoys special government

allowances from the State Council a member of the 13th Five-Year Plan Expert Committee of the National Development and

Reform Commission a member of the Advisory Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce a United

Nations Ambassador for Sustainable Urban Development the first rotating chair of the UNDP Commission on Sustainable

Development and Chairperson of the ISO/TC86/SC4.She was awarded the "National Model Worker" "National May Day Labor Medal" "National March 8th Red Banner

Pacesetter" China Patent Gold Award the Third China Quality Award Liu Yuanzhang Quality Technology Contribution

Award Fudan University Outstanding Contribution to Enterprise Management Award Top 10 Management Innovation

Leaders · Practitioners of Tsinghua Business Review in 2018 and "China Outstanding Individual for Quality (National

Individual Quality Award)" Nomination Award for the 4th China Quality Award Advanced Individual of Private Economy

in the Fight against the COVID-19 Epidemic Outstanding Contribution Award of China Standard Innovation Contribution

Award and other honors and titles and three times has been selected by CCTV as "Economic Personality of the Year."

Mr. Zhang Wei a senior economist with a bachelor's degree currently serves as the Secretary of the Party Committee and

Director of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.He joined Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai in 1999 and successively served as the head of Gree Electric Appliances

Pipeline Branch Material Supply Department Outsourcing and Purchasing Quality Management Department Enterprise

Management Department and President Assistant and served as Vice President of Zhuhai Gree Group Co. Ltd. from 2013

to 2020 served as a director of Gree Electric Appliances from January 2019 to now and has been serving as the Secretary of

the Party Committee of Gree Electric Appliances since September 2020.Mr. Guo Shuzhan with a junior college degree currently serves as a director of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.Since August 2006 he has been serving as the Chairman and General Manager of Jinghai Internet Technology Development

Co. Ltd.; since August 2012 he has been serving as the Executive Director of Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co. Ltd.;

from May 2012 to January 2019 he served as a supervisor of the Company and since January 2019 he has been serving as a

director of the Company.Mr. Zhang Jundu with a junior college degree currently serves as a director of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.Since September 1999 he has been serving as the Chairman of Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. Sinc

August 2012 to the present he has been concurrently serving as the Executive Director and General Manager of Zhejiang

Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co. Ltd. and has served as director of the Company from May 2012 to the present.Page 60 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Mr. Deng Xiaobo with a bachelor's degree currently serves as a director Vice President and Secretary of the Board of

Directors of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.He joined Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai in December 2020 and served as Vice President and Secretary of the

Board of Directors of the Company. Since February 2022 he has been serving as Director of Gree Electric Appliances Inc.of Zhuhai.Ms. Liu Shuwei with a master's degree currently serves as an independent director of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of

Zhuhai.Ms. Liu graduated from Peking University with a master's degree in economics in 1986 and studied under the tutelage of

Professor Chen Daisun and Professor Li Yining who are renowned scholars in finance. In 2002 she was awarded "Economic

Personality of the Year" and "Touching China ? 2002 Person of the Year" by CCTV. Now she is an independent director of

Costar Group Co. Ltd. and a researcher on Chinese enterprises at the Central University of Finance and Economics. She has

served as an independent Director of the Company from January 2019 to the present.Mr. Xing Ziwen with a doctoral degree currently serves as an independent director of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of

Zhuhai.He is currently a professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University executive director of the Chinese Association of Refrigeration an

academic member of the State Key Laboratory of High-end Compressor and System State Key Laboratory of Air-

conditioning Equipment and System Energy Conservation and the candidate of several national leading talent plans

enjoying special allowance of the State Council. Professor Xing Ziwen has served as the director of the Department of

Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering Director of Compressor Research Institute and Deputy Director of the National

Engineering Center for Fluid Machinery and Compressors of School of Energy and Power Engineering Xi'an Jiaotong

University. He has won 2 National Science and Technology Progress Awards 9 Provincial and Ministerial Science and

Technology Progress Awards and the Special Award for Science and Technology Progress of the Chinese Association of

Refrigeration the Special Award for Invention and Entrepreneurship of the China Association of Inventions the

Distinguished Professor Award of the Xia Anshi Education Foundation and the Youth Innovation Award of the Ho Leung

Ho Lee Foundation etc.Mr. Wang Xiaohua a Master of Laws from the University of East London is a first-class lawyer in Guangdong Province a

national outstanding lawyer and a visiting professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. He is now an

independent director of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.He has been working at ETR Law Firm since January 1993 and is currently the honorary director and founding partner of the

law firm. He also serves as a legal advisor to units such as the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department Zhong

Nanshan Medical Foundation and the General Office of the Guangdong Provincial CPPCC. In addition he is an independent

director of Guangzhou Tower Tourism and Culture Development Co. Ltd. and ARROW Home Group Co. Ltd. He has

served as a member of the Standing Committee of Guangdong Provincial CPPCC a councilor of the All China Lawyers

Association a legal advisor to the 16th Asian Games Organizing Committee a supervisory judicial consulting expert of the

Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress the President of the Guangzhou Alumni Association of

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law a member of the Guangdong Province Law Society a member of the 9th All-

China Youth Federation the President of the Guangzhou Lawyers Association a legal consulting expert and legal advisor to

the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality. Over the past 35 years of practice he has handled more than 1000

Page 61 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

litigation arbitration and non-litigation cases and projects individually or with his team having rich experience in legal

services.Mr. Wang Xiaohua has published four monographs and co-authored four books published more than 30 papers and articles

and submitted more than 60 proposals and was praised by the Nanfang Daily News as a major proposal writer.Mr. Zhang Qiusheng with a doctoral degree is a non-practicing member of the Chinese Certified Public Accountant. He is

currently a professor at the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University the director of the

National Institute of Transportation Development the director of the China Center for Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions

and an independent director of CMST Development Co. Ltd. and Luoniushan Co. Ltd.Mr. Zhang Qiusheng has undertaken various provincial and ministerial research projects including the National Natural

Science Foundation of China the National Social Science Fund of China the National Soft Science Program as well as the

Ministry of Education the Ministry of Finance the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the

State Council and the China Securities Regulatory Commission. He has published more than 30 works (translations)

including the monograph A Framework for Mergers and Acquisitions and more than 100 academic and professional papers

and has won a second prize for national teaching achievements 4 awards for provincial and ministerial research

achievements and 2 first prizes for teaching achievements in Beijing.Ms. Cheng Min with a bachelor's degree currently serves as a supervisor of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.She serves as the President Assistant of Zhuhai Gree Group Co. Ltd. and the Chairperson of Zhuhai Gexin Development Co.Ltd. She successively held the posts of the head of the Planning Department of Zhuhai Exhibition and Convention Bureau a

member of the Party Group of Zhuhai Exhibition and Convention Bureau and the office director and secretary of the Board

of Directors of Zhuhai Gree Group Co. Ltd.Mr. Duan Xiufeng currently serves as a supervisor of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.He graduated from Shandong Party School in 1999 and has served as the Deputy General Manager and General Manager of

Shandong Gree Electric Appliance Marketing Co. Ltd. and General Manager of Shandong Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co.Ltd. He has served as a supervisor of the Company from January 2019 to the present.Ms. Wang Fawen with a master's degree a mid-level economist and human resources manager serves as the supervisor of

the staff representative of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.From 2007 to 2019 she successively served as Human Resources Specialist of the Human Resources Department Director

of the Personnel General Office Supervisor of the Performance Section Supervisor of the Training Section Assistant

Director of the Training Department Human Resources Department and Director of the Training Department; she has been

serving as a supervisor of the Employee Representative of the Company since January 2019 and the Director Assistant of the

Human Resources Department of the Company since February 2019.Mr. Zhuang Pei a senior engineer with a bachelor’s degree currently serves as the Vice President of Gree Electric

Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.He served as President’s Assistant from 2002 to April 2003 and has been serving as Vice President of the Company since

April 2003.Page 62 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Mr. Tan Jianming with a master's degree currently serves as the Vice President and Chief Engineer of Gree Electric

Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.From 1982 to 1986 he studied Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering major at Huazhong University of Science and

Technology and received his bachelor's degree; from 1986 to 1989 he continued his studies in Refrigeration and Cryogenic

Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology and received his Master's degree; after graduation in 1989

he joined Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai and successively served as a Designer Director President Assistant and

Deputy Chief Engineer etc. Since August 2017 he has been serving as the Vice President and Chief Engineer of the

Company.Mr. Shu Lizhi with a master's degree currently serves as the Vice President of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.He served as the Deputy Director and Director of Wuhan Special Commission Office of the National Audit Office. He joined

Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai in December 2019. He has served as Vice President of the Company from

December 2020 to the present.Mr. Fang Xiangjian a senior engineer with a master’s degree currently serves as the Vice President of Gree Electric

Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.From July 2004 to December 2016 he successively served as the assistant to factory manager deputy factory manager and

factory manager of the Incoming Materials Inspection Factory and Director of Quality Control Department of Gree Electric

Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai. He has been serving as the Assistant President of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai since

December 2016 and has been serving as the Vice President of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai since November 2021.He won the Guangdong May Day Labor Medal Liu Yuanzhang Quality Technical Talent Award and the Management

Talent Award of the China Management Science Society. He serves as Vice President of the China Association for Quality

Inspection Professional Committee Member of the China Fire Protection Association Member of the 8th Academic

Committee of the China Association for Quality Vice Chairman of the Green and Efficient Energy Products Professional

Committee of the China Energy Conservation Association and a member of the 3rd TC463 Committee.Mr. Liao Jianxiong with a bachelor's degree currently serves as the Finance Chief and President Assistant of Gree Electric

Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.He joined Gree in May 1993 and successively served as the head of the Financial Department of Gree (Chongqing) Electric

Appliances Co. Ltd. head of the Financial Department and President Assistant of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai.He has served as the Finance Chief and assistant to the president of the Company from August 2020 to the present.Employment in Shareholders

□Applicable □ Not applicable


Remuneration and

Name of Name of Position Held at

Term Start Date Term End Date Allowance From

Incumbent Shareholder the Shareholder

the Shareholder or


Zhuhai Gree

Cheng Min President Assistant March 1 2020 Yes

Group Co. Ltd.Jinghai Internet

President and


Guo Shuzhan Legal August 1 2006 Yes

Development Co.Representative

Ltd.Jinghai Internet

Zhang Jundu Director September 20 2023 Yes


Page 63 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Development Co.Ltd.Description of

incumbent in None


Employment in other companies

□Applicable □ Not applicable



Position Held in

Name of Name of Other and Allowance

the Other Term Start Date Term End Date

Incumbent Companies From Other


Companies or


Zhuhai Gezhen


Dong Mingzhu Management Executive Partner September 26 2019 No

Partnership (Limited


Kingdee International


Dong Mingzhu Software Group Co. August 21 2012 Yes


Ltd.Beijing Qianyuan

Guo Shuzhan Hengjiuhe Liquor Director April 25 2014 No

Co. Ltd.Xiahe Hengsheng

Guo Shuzhan Director May 1 2017 No

Hydropower Co. Ltd.Henan Shengshi

Guo Shuzhan Xinxing Gree Trade Executive Director August 1 2010 Yes

Co. Ltd.Luoyang Gree Executive Director

Guo Shuzhan Electric Appliance and General June 1 2010 No

Logistics Co. Ltd. Manager

Xiahe Hengfa

Guo Shuzhan Director June 1 2005 No

Hydropower Co. Ltd.Henan Gree

Guo Shuzhan Installation Executive Director March 10 2021 No

Engineering Co. Ltd.Henan Sanli Real

Guo Shuzhan Estate Development Supervisor November 6 2006 No

Co. Ltd.Zhejiang Tongcheng

Zhang Jundu Gree Electric Chairman September 1 1999 Yes

Appliances Co. Ltd.Ningbo Tongcheng

Zhang Jundu Gree Electric Director July 1 2013 No

Appliance Co. Ltd.Zhejiang Shengshi Executive Director

Zhang Jundu Xinxing Gree Trade and General January 1 2017 Yes

Co. Ltd. Manager

Zhejiang Ruitong

Zhang Jundu Director December 1 2014 No

Vehicle Co. Ltd.Wenzhou Tongcheng

Zhang Jundu Economic and Trade Director April 1 2012 No

Co. Ltd.Zhang Jundu Huzhou Tongcheng Director November 1 2008 No

Page 64 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Gree Electric

Appliance Co. Ltd.China Vanke Co. Independent

Liu Shuwei June 30 2017 June 29 2023 Yes

Ltd. director

Costar Group Co. Independent

Liu Shuwei April 10 2019 Yes

Ltd. director

Wang Xiaohua ETR Law Firm Honorary Director July 1 2022 Yes

ARROW Home Independent

Wang Xiaohua December 18 2019 Yes

Group Co. Ltd. director


Cultural Tourism Independent

Wang Xiaohua April 27 2021 Yes

Development Co. director

Ltd.Jinneng Holding

Zhang Independent

Shanxi Coal Industry June 5 2020 Yes

Qiusheng director

Co. Ltd.Zhang Independent

Luoniushan Co. Ltd. October 1 2022 Yes

Qiusheng director

Tianjin Lishen

Zhang Independent

Battery Joint-stock December 25 2021 Yes

Qiusheng director

Co. Ltd.Zhang Yusys Technologies Independent

August 18 2022 Yes

Qiusheng Co. Ltd. director

Zhang CMST Development Independent

October 1 2022 Yes

Qiusheng Co. Ltd. director

Zhejiang Wangzhou

Xing Ziwen Internet of Things Director November 10 2014 Yes

Technology Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gexin President and

Cheng Min Development Co. Legal September 11 2018 Yes

Ltd. Representative

Beijing Rongzhi


Duan Xiufeng Executive Director May 13 2014 March 31 2023 No


Consulting Co. Ltd.Jinan Qihui Small

Duan Xiufeng Director February 4 2009 No

Loan Co. Ltd.Shandong Blue

Economy Industrial

Duan Xiufeng Chairman November 5 2014 No

Fund Management

Co. Ltd.Jinan Jierui New Executive Director

Duan Xiufeng Energy Technology and General December 21 2016 No

Co. Ltd. Manager

Zhongfu Huaxia

Duan Xiufeng Management Chairman December 23 2005 No

Consulting Co. Ltd.Executive Director

Hainan Jierui Tongda

Duan Xiufeng and General June 15 2024 No

Investment Co. Ltd.Manager

Jinan Rural

Duan Xiufeng Commercial Bank Supervisor May 22 2020 No

Co. Ltd.Description of

incumbent in


the other


Page 65 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Penalties imposed by securities regulators on current and outgoing directors supervisors and senior executives in the report

period in the recent three years

□Applicable □ Not applicable

On December 27 2021 Mr. Duan Xiufeng a supervisor of the Company cumulatively reduced his holdings of the

Company's shares through centralized bidding amounting to 149175 shares representing 0.0025% of the total share capital

at that time. However Mr. Duan failed to disclose his share reduction plan 15 trading days prior to the first sale contravening

the provisions of the Information Disclosure Regulations for Listed Companies as well as the Several Provisions on the

Reduction of Shares Held by Shareholders Directors Supervisors and Senior Management of Listed Companies. In

response to this situation the Guangdong Branch of the China Securities Regulatory Commission has administered an

administrative regulatory measure against Mr. Duan Xiufeng in the form of a warning letter; concurrently the Shenzhen

Stock Exchange has also issued a regulatory letter to him.

3. Remuneration of directors supervisors and senior executives

Decision-making procedures determination basis and actual payment regarding the remunerations of directors supervisors

and senior executives

During the report period to fully stimulate the potential of the Board of Directors and Supervisors and create greater value

and to establish a salary assessment and incentive system that is in line with the actual situation of the Company the Board of

Directors evaluated the performance of senior executives in terms of "morality ability diligence and performance" in

accordance with relevant provisions such as the Company's Articles of Association.Remunerations of directors supervisors and senior executives in the report period

Unit: RMB10000


Total Pre-tax Remuneration

Employment Remuneration From a Related

Name Sex Age Title

Status Received From Party of the

the Company Company or



Female 69 Chairperson & President Incumbent 1213.8 Yes


Director and Secretary of the Party

Zhang Wei Male 47 Incumbent 400 No



Male 67 Director Incumbent 0 Yes



Male 63 Director Incumbent 0 Yes


Deng Director Vice President Secretary

Male 48 Incumbent 300 No

Xiaobo of the Board of Directors


Female 71 Independent director Incumbent 20 No



Male 62 Independent director Incumbent 20 No



Male 61 Independent director Incumbent 20 Yes



Male 56 Independent director Incumbent 20 No



Female 43 Supervisor Incumbent 0 Yes


Duan Male 60 Supervisor Incumbent 0 No

Page 66 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai



Female 40 Employee supervisor Incumbent 74.39 No



Male 59 Vice President Incumbent 240 No



Male 59 Vice President and Chief Engineer Incumbent 400 No


Shu Lizhi Male 54 Vice President Incumbent 220 No


Male 50 Finance Chief President Assistant Incumbent 180 No



Male 46 Vice President Incumbent 300 No


Total -- -- -- -- 3408.19 --

Explanation of other situations

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

VI. Performance of directors' duties during the report period

1. The Board of Directors during the report period

Session of Meeting Date of Convening Date of Disclosure Meeting Resolutions

For details please refer to

Announcement of Resolutions of

the 11th Meeting of the 12th

The 11th Meeting of the 12th Board of Directors

March 28 2023 March 29 2023

Board of Directors (Announcement No.: 2023-009)




For details please refer to

Announcement of Resolutions of

the 12th Meeting of the 12th

The 12th Meeting of the 12th Board of Directors

April 28 2023 April 29 2023

Board of Directors (Announcement No.: 2023-019)




For details please refer to

Announcement of Resolutions of

the 13th Meeting of the 12th

The 13th Meeting of the 12th Board of Directors

April 28 2023 April 29 2023

Board of Directors (Announcement No.: 2023-023)




For details please refer to

Announcement of Resolutions of

the 14th Meeting of the 12th

The 14th Meeting of the 12th Board of Directors

August 30 2023 August 31 2023

Board of Directors (Announcement No.: 2023-037)




The 15th Meeting of the 12th For details please refer to

October 30 2023 October 31 2023

Board of Directors Announcement of Resolutions of

Page 67 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

the 15th Meeting of the 12th

Board of Directors

(Announcement No.: 2023-041)




For details please refer to

Announcement of Resolutions of

the 16th Meeting of the 12th

The 16th Meeting of the 12th Board of Directors

December 19 2023 December 20 2023

Board of Directors (Announcement No.: 2023-051)




2. Attendance of directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and general meetings of shareholders

Attendance of directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and general meetings of shareholders

Number of Whether Fail

Times of On- Times of

Meetings of Times of Times of to Personally

site Attending Times of

the Board of Attending Absence Attend the

Attendance Meetings of Attending the

Name of the Directors Meetings of From Meetings of

at the the Board of General

Director Requiring the Board of Meetings of the Board of

Meetings of Directors via Meetings of

Attendance Directors by the Board of Directors for

the Board of Communicati Shareholders

in the Report Entrusting Directors Consecutivel

Directors on Tools

Period y Twice


6 6 0 0 0 No 1


Zhang Wei 6 6 0 0 0 No 1

Guo Shuzhan 6 1 5 0 0 No 1

Zhang Jundu 6 2 4 0 0 No 1

Deng Xiaobo 6 6 0 0 0 No 1

Liu Shuwei 6 5 1 0 0 No 1


6 4 2 0 0 No 1


Xing Ziwen 6 4 2 0 0 No 1


6 4 2 0 0 No 1


Explanation of absence from the Board of Directors for consecutively twice

3. Directors' objection to relevant matters of the Company

Whether the directors objected to relevant issues of the Company

□ Yes □No

The directors didn't raise any objection to relevant issues of the Company.

4. Other descriptions for performance of duties by directors

Whether the relevant suggestions on the Company by directors were adopted

□Yes □No

Directors' explanation on whether to adopt the suggestions

Page 68 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

During the report period the directors of the Company were able to take the best interests of the Company and shareholders

as their code of conduct faithfully performed their duties in accordance with the relevant regulations attended the meetings

of the Board of Directors and Meeting of Shareholders carefully deliberated the proposals and made suggestions and

comments on the management of the Company which played a positive role in the effective decision-making of the Board of

Directors improving the management level and standardizing the operation of the Company.VII. Specialized committees under the Board of Directors during the report period


Number of Comments Other Details of


Member Status Meetings Date of Convening Conference Content and Performance Objection


Held Suggestions of Duties (if any)


Deliberation of the

following proposals:

I. 2022 Financial


Liu Shuwei

Audit II. 2022 Annual Report

Wang Xiaohua April 28 2023

Committee and its Summary

and Zhang Wei

III. Proposal on the

Proposed Appointment of

the Company's Audit

4 Agency in 2023

Liu Shuwei

Audit Deliberation of the 2023

Wang Xiaohua April 28 2023

Committee First Quarter Report

and Zhang Wei

Liu Shuwei Deliberation of 2023 Semi-


Wang Xiaohua August 30 2023 annual Report and its


and Zhang Wei Summary

Liu Shuwei

Audit Deliberation of the 2023

Wang Xiaohua October 30 2023

Committee Third Quarter Report

and Zhang Wei

Deliberation of the 2022

Remuneration Wang Xiaohua Compensation

and Appraisal Liu Shuwei April 28 2023 Distribution Plan for

Committee and Zhang Wei Directors Supervisors and

2 Senior Executives

Deliberation of

Remuneration Wang Xiaohua

Suggestions on the Highest

and Appraisal Liu Shuwei December 12 2023

Compensation for Senior

Committee and Zhang Wei

Executives of the Company

VIII. Work of the Board of Supervisors

Whether the Board of Supervisors has identified any risks in the Company during its supervision activities during the report


□ Yes □No

The Board of Supervisors has no objection to the supervision matters during the report period.Page 69 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

IX. The Company's staff

1. Number of employees their specialties and education level

Number of on-the-job employees of the parent company at the


end of the report period (person)

Number of on-the-job employees of the main subsidiaries at the


end of the report period (person)

Total number of on-the-job employees at the end of the report


period (person)

Total number of employees receiving salaries for the current


period (person)

Number of retired employees for whom the parent company


and main subsidiaries need to bear expenses (person)


Category of specialties Number (person) of employees of specialties

Manufacturing personnel 50292

Sales personnel 2528

Technician 15282

Financial personnel 1115

Administrative personnel 3393

Total 72610

Educational level

Education level category Number of employees (person)

Bachelor’s degree or above 16507

College degree 12894

Technical secondary school and below 43209

Total 72610

2. Remuneration policy

Faced with the uncertainty and complexity of the macroeconomic environment the Company attached great importance to

and safeguards the vital interests of employees optimized and adjusted compensation plans and continuously improved the

position-based and performance-oriented compensation mechanism. At the same time the Company focused on high-quality

talents and continued to implement a project-based technology talent evaluation mechanism to motivate technology personnel

and R&D technology breakthroughs deepen the reform of the salary system build a career development channel for

employees form a reasonable flexible and effective salary system optimize the construction of the talent pool and promote

the improvement of organizational efficiency.

3. Training plan

(1) Adhere to lifelong learning management and strive to build talent highland

Firstly it is necessary to widely cultivate talents of universal applicability. Normalized company-wide open courses and

routine learning sessions for grassroots management leaders were implemented. More than 100 public seminars were

organized throughout the year attracting nearly 4000 participants solidly promoting the inheritance of management

expertise sharing of R&D technologies and enhancing professional competencies. The four-level training linkage

Page 70 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

mechanism of company department division and individual was systematically promoted and learning activities at all

levels were organized and carried out. About 7400 special training sessions were organized and more than 400000 people

participated throughout the year. Second it is necessary to strengthen key groups. The "Pioneer" talent training project was

organized and carried out training 270 grassroots management personnel; a fresh graduate training camp was carried out to

provide comprehensive and multi-level training support for nearly 800 fresh graduates. After the epidemic the resumption of

the fresh graduate onboarding ceremony for the first time has received attention and praise from all levels. Third it is

necessary to train highly skilled personnel vigorously. The Company persisted in carrying out the "Foundation Consolidation

Project" aimed at elevating job-specific skills. Through master-apprentice programs led by renowned mentors assessment

and certification processes and skill competitions a total of 79 batches of new staff orientation training and base support

training were conducted involving 4867 individuals. Additionally 29 skill contests were held engaging nearly 1000

employees and specialized training for over 1400 personnel was organized. This approach realized standardized job training

routine professional development and competitive skill enhancement. The Company focused on promoting the "Strong

Foundation Project" for highly skilled talents relying on the construction of national-level highly skilled talent training bases

to overcome difficulties actively coordinate resources closely monitor nodes efficiently promote and annually cultivate

more than 1500 highly skilled talents; at the same time it took this opportunity to promote the upgrading and transformation

of the employee training center solve the long-standing common aspiration and fully realize the maximum benefits. The

Company utilized platforms such as skilled master studios and technician workstations to establish a skilled talent training

system connect the development channels of skilled talents and focus on building a highly skilled talent team with a

"reasonable structure strong skills sufficient quantity and excellent quality" thereby enhancing the Company's industrial


(2) Adhere to the ability to empower people cultivate people and steadily promote the construction of talents

First ideological and political education is vividly implemented. The Company adhered to the guidance of political ideology

actively practiced the core values of Chinese socialism promoted advanced corporate culture served the overall development

of the enterprise and worked hard to cultivate industrial workers with moral integrity and talent for the new era. It organized

and carried out special training courses for young entrepreneurs in Zhuhai and training courses for the Company's Party

members and leaders further enhancing the ideological realm and political consciousness of "learning and implementing the

20th National Congress being the pioneer in the industry". It organized and carried out special education on "learning from

the spirit of Lei Feng becoming a helpful person" special education on "protecting the market during the peak season"

national defense education month activities ideological education on the "Young Eagle Plan" for fresh graduates and special

education on "learning from models striving for being advanced creating excellent achievements and making new

achievements". Efforts were being made to implement the guiding ideology of "raising the flag gathering people's hearts

nurturing new talents promoting culture and showcasing image" and achieve results. Second Party building is efficiently

promoted. The Company actively took the initiative bravely explored and innovated carefully designed and produced a

special issue on Party building highlighted the style of Party spirit and created a Party building brand. The Company

completed the production of Party building promotional videos and microfilms updated and improved the Party building

corridor and column in the Company's science and technology exhibition hall established a propaganda platform and created

a demonstration window to fully display the image and style of "National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization." Third

veteran service is actively advanced. The Company emphasized both business management and social responsibility and

worked hard to solidly promote the service work for retired soldiers with dedication and emotion. The Company's Veterans

Service Center was officially established to create connections actively solve difficulties and promote Party policies thereby

driving the development of the enterprise. It was awarded the first batch of "socialized army-supporting enterprises" in China

and a member unit of the Guangdong Province "Veterans Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Alliance."

(3) Adhere to the market service after sales and actively build a talent system

Page 71 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

First domestic after-sales training has been fully promoted. The Company fully supported the after-sales training work of

national sales companies with the aim of "linking training and innovation mechanisms integrating resources for targeted

training". Through organizing the 9th "Journey of Best Products ? Building the Future" technical training camp the "Keeping

Warning and Bearing Safety in Mind" peak season safety activities and precise online and offline special training activities

covering different product series more than 540000 domestic after-sales training personnel were completed achieving

hierarchical and precise levels. Second overseas after-sales training has made a strong comeback. The Company assisted in

promoting the sales of its products meeting the needs of overseas customers and supporting the resolution of after-sales

technical problems. It adopted a model of "remote training + factory training + factory return training" and completed a total

of 99 overseas customer training needs online and offline through a combination of "theoretical teaching/practical

training/engineering support/market promotion". More than 700 after-sales training sessions were organized achieving a

significant increase in the number of overseas remote training normal resumption of factory training and breakthrough in

zero factory return training enhancing the influence of the Gree brand in overseas regions. Third the system construction has

been optimized and improved constantly. The Company gradually established a sound after-sales training system to ensure

the orderly implementation of after-sales training management work. By establishing lecturer resources 32 qualified after-

sales key members were included in the lecturer library supporting the continuous improvement of 89 after-sales first level

lecturers constructing new training platform resources promoting the launch of customized functions for five batches

updating nearly 300 after-sales technical courses and activating accounts exceeding 60000; at the same time it strengthened

the management and supervision of after-sales training through the point based system.

4. Labor outsourcing

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

X. Profit distribution and conversion of capital reserves into share capital by the


Profit distribution policy during the report period especially the formulation implementation or adjustment of the cash

dividend policy

□Applicable □ Not applicable

On June 30 2023 the Company's 2022 annual general meeting of shareholders approved the 2022 Profit Distribution Plan.Based on the total share capital of the Company which was 5631405741 shares after deducting the number of shares in the

repurchase account which was 17564128 shares a cash dividend of RMB10 (tax inclusive) was distributed to all

shareholders for every 10 shares. No bonus shares were given and no capital was converted from capital reserves. A total of

RMB5613841613 in cash dividends was distributed. The plan was completed on August 9 2023.The cash dividend distribution proportion of the Company since its listing is in line with the provisions of the Articles of

Association of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai and cash dividend distribution policy of the Company is in line with

the provisions of laws and regulations such as the Articles of Association of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai and the

requirements of the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders. The criteria for dividend distribution and the dividend

distribution ratio are clear and unambiguous the relevant decision-making procedures and mechanisms are complete and the

independent directors have performed their duties and responsibilities with due diligence and have played their roles.Minority shareholders have adequate opportunities to express their opinions and demands on profit distribution and the

legitimate rights and interests of minority shareholders are fully protected.Special description of cash dividend policy

Whether to comply with the provisions of the Articles of


Association or the requirements of the general meeting's

Page 72 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


Whether the dividend criteria and ratio are clear and



Whether the relevant decision-making procedures and


mechanisms are complete:

Whether the independent directors perform their duties and


play their due roles:

If the Company does not distribute cash dividends specific

reasons should be disclosed as well as the measures to be taken Not applicable

next to enhance investor returns:

Whether the minority shareholders have the opportunity to

fully express their opinions and demands and whether their Yes

legitimate rights and interests are adequately protected:

Whether the conditions and procedures are compliant and


transparent if the cash dividend policy is adjusted or changed:

The Company is profitable during the report period and the parent company has positive profit available for distribution to

shareholders but no cash dividend distribution plan has been proposed.□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Profit distribution and conversion of capital reserves into share capital in the report period

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Number of dividend shares per ten shares (shares) 0

Dividends per 10 shares (yuan) (tax inclusive) 23.8

Number of shares converted per ten shares (shares) 0

Share capital base for the distribution plan (shares) 5521943646

Cash dividends (yuan) (tax inclusive) 13142225877.48

Amount of cash dividends by other means (e.g. share


repurchase) (yuan)

Total cash dividends (including other methods) (yuan) 16142223153.09

Distributable profits (yuan) 71086199251.37

Proportion of total cash dividends (including other methods) to


total profit distribution

Current cash dividend

If the Company is in a maturity stage and there are no significant capital expenditure arrangements the cash dividends in the

current profit distribution shall account for at least 80% of the profit distribution

Detailed description of plan for profit distribution or conversion of capital reserves into share capital

With the total share capital of 5521943646 shares (deducting 109462095 shares in the Company's repurchase account from the

total share capital of 5631405741 shares) entitled to profit distribution rights at the time of disclosure of this profit distribution

plan the Company plans to distribute a cash dividend of RMB23.8 per 10 shares to all shareholders (tax inclusive) without bonus

shares or conversion of capital reserves into share capital totaling RMB13142225877.48 of cash shares distributed and the

remaining undistributed profits will be carried forward for distribution in future years. If there is a change in the total share capital

of the Company entitled to profit distribution from the date of disclosure of the distribution plan to the date of implementation of

equity distribution registration the Company will adjust the total dividend amount accordingly based on the principle of keeping

the distribution ratio per share unchanged.XI. Implementation of the Company's equity incentive plan employee stock ownership

plan or other employee incentive measures

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Page 73 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

1. Equity incentive

Not applicable

Equity incentives received by directors and senior executives of the Company

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Appraisal mechanism and incentives of senior executives

Not applicable

2. Implementation of employee stock ownership plan

□Applicable □ Not applicable

All valid employee stock ownership plans during the report period

Proportion to

Source of funding for

Scope of Number of Total Number of the total share

Changes implementation of the

Employees Employees Shares Held (Shares) capital of listed



During the report period

due to the rescission or

termination of labor

relations between some

holders and the Company

they no longer qualified for

the employee stock

ownership plan resulting in

changes in the total number

of holders and the shares

Legal remuneration of

held by some holders.employees and self-

On November 27 2023 the

Employee financing funds

meeting of the Employee

Stock obtained through other

4513 46334473 Stock Ownership Plan 0.82%

Ownership means as permitted by

Phase I was held and the

Plan Phase I laws and

Proposal on the termination


of the Employee Stock


Ownership Plan Phase I

was reviewed and approved.The Employee Stock

Ownership Plan Phase I was

terminated prematurely and

the holder continues to

fulfill their voluntary

commitment not to sell or

set up pledges on their own

during the lockup period.Legal remuneration of

employees and self-

Employee financing funds

Stock obtained through other

3170 77163880 None 1.37%

Ownership means as permitted by

Plan Phase II laws and



Page 74 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Shareholdings of Directors Supervisors and senior executives in the employee stock ownership plan during the report period

Number of Shares Held Number of Shares Held Proportion to the

Name Title at the Beginning of the at the End of the Period total share capital of

Period (Shares) (Shares) listed companies

Chairperson &

Dong Mingzhu 10000000 46310000 0.82%


Director and

Zhang Wei Secretary of the Party 183328 300000 0.01%


Director Vice

President Secretary

Deng Xiaobo 107600 300000 0.01%

of the Board of



Wang Fawen representative 51355 30000 0.00%


Zhuang Pei Vice President 420253 300000 0.01%

Vice President and

Tan Jianming 488469 200000 0.00%

Chief Engineer

Shu Lizhi Vice President 99719 115000 0.00%

Fang Xiangjian Vice President 391890 250000 0.00%

Finance Chief

Liao Jianxiong 77663 230000 0.00%

President Assistant

Changes in asset management units during the report period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Changes in equity during the report period due to disposal of shares by holders etc.□Applicable □ Not applicable

1. During the report period due to the rescission or termination of labor relations between some holders and the Company in

accordance with the provisions of the draft of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Phase I of Gree Electric Appliances Inc.of Zhuhai their equity was sold by the management committee at the discretion of the management committee and the

original capital contribution corresponding to the disposal amount was returned to the holders. The remaining income (if any)

was enjoyed by the holders of the employee stock ownership plan.

2. On February 3 2023 the Company transferred 77163880 shares to the "Employee Stock Ownership Plan Phase II of

Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai" special account through a non-trading transfer method in the repurchase special

securities account.Exercise of shareholders' rights during the report period

During the report period both Phase I and Phase II employee stock ownership plans of the Company participated in the

voting of the 2022 annual general meeting of shareholders.Other relevant circumstances and explanations of the employee stock ownership plan during the report period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Change in members of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Management Committee

□Applicable □ Not applicable

The first shareholder meeting of Employee Stock Ownership Plan Phase II was held on March 8 2023 in the Company's

conference room through a combination of on-site and online voting. The meeting reviewed and approved the Proposal on

Electing Members of the Management Committee of Phase II Employee Stock Ownership Plan and elected Mr. Li Gangfei

Mr. Shao Liguo and Ms. Zhao Mengmeng as members of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Management Committee for

a term of three years.Page 75 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Financial impact of employee stock ownership plan on listed companies and related accounting treatment during the report


□Applicable □ Not applicable

In accordance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 11 ? Share-based Payments the total expenses recognized

for equity settled share-based payments by the Company in 2023 was RMB1413200011.24.Termination of employee stock ownership plan during the report period

□Applicable □ Not applicable

On November 27 2023 the meeting of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Phase I was held and the Proposal on the

termination of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Phase I was reviewed and approved. The Employee Stock Ownership

Plan Phase I was terminated prematurely and the holder continues to fulfill their voluntary commitment not to sell or set up

pledges on their own during the lockup period.Other statements: None

3. Other employee incentive measures

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

XII. Construction and implementation of the internal control system during the report


1. Construction and implementation of internal control

The company continued to improve the construction of internal control system and improved the management mechanism of

rules and regulations. The Company regularly reviewed the internal control system and process and improved and re-

improved the system and process. At the same time the Company strictly implemented the rules and regulations

continuously strengthened compliance management and risk management and built a perfect internal control system and

process system.The Company continued to pay attention to and strengthen the control of high-risk areas such as financial management asset

management capital activities procurement business production management sales business and engineering projects and

effectively improved the awareness of compliance management and the ability to prevent and control major risks. During the

report period the Company updated and improved its internal control system promptly in accordance with the provisions of

the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control and its accompanying guidelines taking into account changes in the

Company's internal and external environment internal organization and management requirements.Based on the determination of significant defects in internal control the Company did not have any significant defects or

material defects in internal control in the financial reporting and non-financial reporting in 2023. Through the operation

analysis and evaluation of the internal control system the Company effectively prevented the risks in operation and

management and promoted the achievement of internal control objectives. In the future the Company will continue to perfect

the internal control system standardize the implementation of the internal control system strengthen the supervision and

inspection of internal control and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the Company.

2. Details of significant defects in internal control identified during the report period

□ Yes □No

Page 76 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

XIII. Management and control of the subsidiaries during the report period


Company Integration Solutions Resolution Subsequent

Integration Plan During

Name Progress Taken Progress Resolution Plan


None None None None None None None

XIV. Internal control evaluation report or internal control audit report

1. Internal control evaluation report

Date of disclosure of the full internal

April 30 2024

control evaluation report

Index of disclosure of the full internal

CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index)

control evaluation report

The proportion of the total assets of the

units included in the scope of evaluation


to the total assets of the Company's

consolidated financial statements

The proportion of operating revenue of

the units included in the scope of

evaluation to the operating revenue of 97.00%

the Company's consolidated financial


Defect identification criteria

Category Financial statements Non-financial statements

For details please refer to the 2023 For details please refer to the 2023

Annual Internal Control Self-Evaluation Annual Internal Control Self-Evaluation

Qualitative standard Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc.of Zhuhai disclosed on of Zhuhai disclosed on

www.cninfo.com.cn on April 30 2024 www.cninfo.com.cn on April 30 2024

For details please refer to the 2023 For details please refer to the 2023

Annual Internal Control Self-Evaluation Annual Internal Control Self-Evaluation

Quantitative standard Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc.of Zhuhai disclosed on of Zhuhai disclosed on

www.cninfo.com.cn on April 30 2024 www.cninfo.com.cn on April 30 2024

Number of significant defects in the


financial statements

Number of significant defects in the non-


financial statements

Number of material defects in the


financial statements

Number of material defects in the non-


financial statements

2. Internal control audit report

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Deliberation opinion section in the internal control audit report

Page 77 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Based on the determination of significant defects in internal control in the Company's financial report as of the benchmark date of

the internal control evaluation report there were no significant defects in internal control in the financial report. We believe that

the Company has maintained effective internal control in all significant aspects of the financial report in accordance with the

requirements of the enterprise's internal control standard system and relevant regulations.Disclosure of internal control audit report Disclosure

Date of disclosure of full internal control audit report April 30 2024

Index of disclosure of the full internal control audit report CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index)

Type of internal control audit report opinions Standard unqualified audit opinion

Is there a significant defect in the non-financial statements No

Whether the accounting firm issued a non-standard opinion on the internal control audit report

□ Yes □No

Whether the internal control audit report issued by the accounting firm is consistent with the opinion of the Board of

Directors' self-evaluation report

□Yes □No

XV. Rectification of self-inspection issues in the special action on governance of listed


Not applicable

Page 78 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I. Major environmental problems

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries are listed as key pollutant discharge units published by the environmental protection department

□Yes □No

Environmental protection-related policies and industry standards

During the production and operation process the Company and its subsidiaries strictly complied with the requirements of environmental protection laws and regulations such as the

Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution Law of the People's Republic

of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution Law of the People's Republic of

China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution and Environmental Impact Assessment

Law of the People's Republic of China; strictly followed the Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants (DB 44/26-2001) Emission Standard of Volatile Organic Compounds for Furniture

Manufacturing Operations (DB44/814-2010) Takeover Criteria of Hefei West Group Wastewater Treatment Plant Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB8978-1996) Discharge

Standard Water Pollutants for Electroplating (DB 44/1597-2015) Emission Standard of Volatile Organic Compounds for Printing Industry (DB44/815-2010) Emission Limits of Air

Pollutants (DB44/27-2001) Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Industrial Kiln and Furnace (GB 9078-1996) Emission Standard of Volatile Organic Compounds for Surface Coating of

Automobile Manufacturing Industry (DB44/816-2010) Emission Standard of Pollutants for Synthetic Resin Industry (GB 31572-2015) Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants (GB 14554-

1993) and other national local and related industry environmental protection emission standards.

Administrative license for environmental protection

Company Name Application Date for the Pollution Discharge Permit Valid Period

1 Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai December 22 2022 December 21 2027

2 Gree (Hefei) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. August 20 2023 August 19 2028

3 Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co. Ltd. October 28 2022 October 27 2027

Page 79 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

4 Zhuhai Gree Xinyuan Electronics Co. Ltd. December 13 2022 December 12 2027

5 Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. June 19 2023 June 18 2028

6 Gree (Zhong Shan) Small Home Appliances Co. Ltd. June 4 2020 June 3 2025

Industry discharge standards and specific situations of pollutant discharge involved in production and business activities

Type of Major Name of Major Number Exces

Name of Discharge Total

Pollutant and Pollutant and Discharge of Distribution of Pollutant Discharge Standard Total sive

Company or Concentration/In Approved

Particular Particular Method Discharge Discharge Ports Implemented Discharge Disch

Subsidiary tensity Discharge

Pollutant Pollutant Ports arge

Phase III sewage

48.75 mg/m3


Phase IV sewage

Waste water COD 3 16 mg/m3 5.184 t/year 23.4 t/year


Phase VI sewage

19.75 mg/m3


Phase III sewage

1.08 mg/m3


Level III limit in Section II of the

Ammonia Intermittent Phase IV sewage

Waste water 3 0.12 mg/m3 Discharge Limits of Water 0.082 t/year 3.18 t/year

nitrogen emission station

Pollutants (DB44/26-2001)

Phase VI sewage

0.27 mg/m3


Gree Electric Phase III sewage 5.34 mg/m3

Appliances station


Inc. of Phase IV sewage Waste water Total nitrogen 3 1.82 mg/m3 0.517 t/year 2.4 t/year

Zhuhai station

Phase VI sewage

1.46 mg/m3


Waste gas vent 02 5.8 mg/m3

Waste gas vent 03 2.95 mg/m3

Waste gas vent 04 14.925 mg/m3 Discharge limit for section II of

Organized Waste gas vent 05 3.28 mg/m3

Emission Standard of Volatile


Waste gas Total VOCs 16 Organic Compounds for Furniture

discharge Waste gas vent 06 4.04 mg/m3 t/year t/year Manufacturing Operations in

Waste gas vent 07 2.395 mg/m3 Guangzhou (DB44/814-2010)

Waste gas vent 08 22.05 mg/m3

Waste gas vent 09 5.33 mg/m3

Page 80 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Waste gas vent 12 9.55 mg/m3

Waste gas vent 15 28.5 mg/m3

/ (Stop

Waste gas vent 16


Waste gas vent 17 4.93 mg/m3

Waste gas vent 18 14.89 mg/m3

Waste gas vent 20 4.15 mg/m3

Waste gas vent 21 12.8 mg/m3

Waste gas vent 22 3.23 mg/m3

Domestic sewage

13 mg/L

station 16.9246

Waste water COD 2 0.5153 t/year

Commercial sewage t/year

27 mg/L


Takeover criteria of Hefei West

Gree (Hefei) Domestic sewage

0.05 mg/L Group Wastewater Treatment Plant

Electric Intermittent station 1.69546

Waste water NH3-N 2 and Level III criteria of Integrated 0.0173 t/year None

Appliances emission Commercial sewage t/year

9.46 mg/L Wastewater Discharge Standard

Co. Ltd. station


Domestic sewage

3.85 mg/L

station 2.4178

Waste water TN 2 0.1056 t/year

Commercial sewage t/year

10.11 mg/L



Waste water Total zinc 1 Area C sewage station 0.176 mg/L Discharge Standard Water 0.0376 t/year 0.29 t/year


Pollutants for Electroplating (DB

Workshop wastewater

44/1597-2015) Table 2 Pearl River

Intermittent pre-treatment

Waste water Total nickel 1 0.018 mg/L Delta Emission Limits 0.0003 t/year 0.015 t/year

emission discharge outlet (Area

Corresponding to 200%


Electrophoresis drying Emission Standard for Volatile 2023

3.66 mg/m3

waste gas vent 1 Organic Compounds for Printing Pollutant


Electrophoresis drying Industry (DB44/815-2010) Discharge

Landa 6.16 mg/m3

waste gas vent 2 Emission Standard for Volatile Permit None


Painting waste gas Organic Compounds in Furniture Approval: Co. Ltd. 5.55 mg/m3

vent 1 Manufacturing Industry A total of


Waste gas Total VOCs 6

discharge Painting waste gas

(DB44/814-2010) 1.207 t/year 2.49 t/year

3.26 mg/m3

vent 2 Emission Limits for Air Pollutants of VOCs

Painting waste gas (DB44/27-2001) from

1.24 mg/m3

vent 3 Emission Standard of Volatile electrophor

Organic Compounds for Printing esis drying

Painting room waste

19.76 mg/m3 Industry (GB 9078-1996)Emission waste gas

gas vent Standard of Volatile Organic painting

Page 81 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Compounds for Printing Industry waste gas

(GB 9078-1996) and tooling

Emission Standard of Volatile coating

Organic Compounds for Surface painting

Coating of Automobile room waste

Manufacturing Industry gas

Screen printing waste / (Stop (DB44/816-2010)

gas vent production) Emission Standard of Pollutants for

Injection molding Electroplating (GB 21900-2008)

1.79 mg/m3

waste gas vent

Hydrocarbon cleaning The

1.8 mg/m3

discharge outlet pollutant

Cleaning drying waste discharge

7 1.44 mg/m3 0.373 t/year

gas vent 1 permit in

Cleaning drying waste 2023 is not

1.94 mg/m3

gas vent 2 approved

Cleaning drying waste

1.56 mg/m3

gas vent 3

Dip coating waste gas

2.67 mg/m3


Industrial sewage


Waste water pH value 1 discharge outlet WS- 7.65 mg/L /



Industrial sewage


Waste water Chromaticity 1 discharge outlet WS- 5 /



Industrial sewage

Suspended Intermittent

Waste water 1 discharge outlet WS- 4 mg/L 0.1032 t/year

matter emission

39214A Level I criteria of maximum


Zhuhai Industrial sewage allowable discharge concentration

Chemical Intermittent pollutant

Kaibang Waste water 1 discharge outlet WS- 9 mg/L of class II pollutants (section II) in 0.0212 t/year

oxygen demand emission discharge

Motor 39214A Discharge Limits of Water None

permit in

Manufacturi Five-day Industrial sewage Pollutants (DB 44/26-2001) in

Intermittent 2023 is not

ng Co. Ltd. Waste water biochemical 1 discharge outlet WS- 0.6 mg/L Guangdong 0.0016 t/year

emission approved

oxygen demand 39214A

Industrial sewage


Waste water Phosphate 1 discharge outlet WS- 0.175 mg/L 0.0005 t/year



Industrial sewage

Ammonia Intermittent

Waste water 1 discharge outlet WS- 0.058 mg/L 0.0002 t/year

nitrogen emission


Intermittent Industrial sewage

Waste water Total nitrogen 1 2.485 mg/L 0.0065 t/year

emission discharge outlet WS-

Page 82 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


Industrial sewage


Waste water Petroleum 1 discharge outlet WS- 0.06 mg/L 0.0002 t/year



Die-casting waste gas

<20 mg/m3

vent FQ-39214A

Particulate Organized

Waste gas 2 Melting aluminum /

matter discharge

waste gas vent FQ- <20 mg/m3


Die-casting waste gas Emission limits of atmospheric


vent FQ-39214A pollutants from process waste gas


Waste gas Sulfur dioxide 2 Melting aluminum (Section II) in Emission Limits of /


waste gas vent FQ- ND Air Pollutants (DB 44/27-2001) in

39214A1 Guangdong

Die-casting waste gas

11.5 mg/m3

vent FQ-39214A


Waste gas Nitrogen oxide 2 Melting aluminum 0.1372 t/year


waste gas vent FQ- ND


Dip coating waste gas

1 0.005 mg/m3

vent FQ-39214B

Organized Industrial products 0.00009

Waste gas Benzene

discharge center dip coating t/year

1 ND

waste gas vent


Dip coating waste gas Emission limits of VOCs in

1 0.165 mg/m3

vent FQ-39214B Emission Standard of Volatile

Toluene + Organized Industrial products Organic Compounds for Surface

Waste gas 0.0401 t/year

Xylene discharge center dip coating Coating of Automobile

1 11.5 mg/m3

waste gas vent Manufacturing Industry (DB

FQ-39214G 44/816-2010) in Guangdong

Dip coating waste gas

1 <20 mg/m3

vent FQ-39214B

Particulate Organized Industrial products

Waste gas /

matter discharge center dip coating

1 <20 mg/m3

waste gas vent


Dip coating waste gas Emission limits of VOCs in

1 ND

vent FQ-39214B Emission Standard of Volatile


Waste gas Nitrogen oxide Industrial products Organic Compounds for Surface /


1 center dip coating ND Coating of Automobile

waste gas vent Manufacturing Industry (DB

Page 83 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

FQ-39214G 44/816-2010) in Guangdong

Dip coating waste gas

1 ND

vent FQ-39214B

Organized Industrial products

Waste gas Sulfur dioxide /

discharge center dip coating

1 ND

waste gas vent


Dip coating waste gas


vent FQ-39214B

Organized Industrial products

Waste gas NMHC 0.0100 t/year

discharge center dip coating


waste gas vent


Dip coating waste gas

1 <1 (grade)

vent FQ-39214B

Ringelman Organized Industrial products

Waste gas <1 (grade)

emittance discharge center dip coating

1 <1 (grade)

waste gas vent


Dip coating waste gas

1 26.5 mg/m3

vent FQ-39214B

Organized Industrial products

Waste gas Total VOCs 0.0695 t/year

discharge center dip coating

1 8.4 mg/m3

waste gas vent


Organized waste gas




monitoring port Emission Standard of Pollutants for

Organized waste gas Synthetic Resin Industry (GB

FQ-11859 31572-2015) Table 9 Enterprise

ND The

Gree (Zhong after-treatment boundary air pollutant


Shan) Small monitoring port concentration limits and local

Organized discharge

Home Waste gas Benzene 4 Organized waste gas standards of Guangdong Province 0.5183 t/year None

discharge permit in

Appliances FQ-008199 after- the one with stricter concentration

2023 is not

Co. Ltd. treatment monitoring ND limits for unorganized emissions


port of waste gas monitoring in section II of the

treatment equipment Emission Limits of Air Pollutants

Organized waste gas (DB 44/27-2001);




monitoring port

Page 84 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Organized waste gas


9.97 mg/m3


monitoring port

Organized waste gas


0.03 mg/m3


monitoring port


Waste gas Toluene 4 Organized waste gas 0.3307 t/year


FQ-008199 after-

treatment monitoring 0.08 mg/m3

port of waste gas

treatment equipment

Organized waste gas


0.01 mg/m3


monitoring port

Organized waste gas


1.37 mg/m3


monitoring port

Organized waste gas


0.03 mg/m3


monitoring port


Waste gas Xylene 4 Organized waste gas 0.2688 t/year


FQ-008199 after-

treatment monitoring 0.12 mg/m3

port of waste gas

treatment equipment

Organized waste gas




monitoring port

Organized waste gas


22.8 mg/m3


monitoring port


Waste gas VOCs 3 Organized waste gas 0.7165 t/year


FQ-008199 after-

treatment monitoring 0.70 mg/m3

port of waste gas

treatment equipment

Page 85 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Organized waste gas


0.16 mg/m3


monitoring port

Organized waste gas

Organized FQ-11859

Waste gas NMHC 1 0.97 mg/m3 0.5441 t/year

discharge after-treatment

monitoring port

Monitoring port before

Organized oil fume and waste gas

Waste gas Oil fume 1 0.6 mg/m3 0.0001 t/year

discharge treatment


North of 2nd floor

<20 mg/m3

roof: DA001

Table 2 Level II Criteria in Section

Particulate Organized North of 2nd floor

Waste gas 3 <20 mg/m3 II of Emission Limits of Air /

matter discharge roof: DA004

Pollutants (DB 44/27-2001)

North of 2nd floor

<20 mg/m3

roof: DA005

Table 2 (Section II of emission

limits) of the Emission Standards

for Volatile Organic Compounds in

Organized South of Building 2

Waste gas NMHC 1 2.14 mg/m3 the Printing Industry (DB44/815- 0.0925 t/year

discharge roof: DA002

2010): lithography (excluding

lithography on metal ceramics and

glass) and flexographic printing


South of Building 2

Zhuhai Gree 0.00265 mg/m3 Table 2 Level II Criteria in Section pollutant

Xinyuan Tin and its Organized

roof: DA002

Waste gas 2 II of Emission Limits of Air 0.0002 t/year discharge

Electronics compounds discharge South of Building 2


0.00319 mg/m3 Pollutants (DB 44/27-2001) permit in

Co. Ltd. roof: DA003 2023 is not

Table 2 Level II Criteria in Section

Lead and its Organized South of Building 2 0.00002 approved

Waste gas 1 0.002 mg/m3 II of Emission Limits of Air

compounds discharge roof: DA003 t/year

Pollutants (DB 44/27-2001)

Emission Standards for Odor

Organized Northwest of Building Pollutants (GB 14554-1993) Table

Waste gas Ammonia 1 3.84 mg/m3 0.1350 t/year

discharge 1 roof: DA006 2 Emission Standard Value of Odor


Table 2 Level II Criteria in Section

Sulfuric acid Organized Northwest of Building

Waste gas 1 0.2 mg/m3 II of Emission Limits of Air 0.0073 t/year

mist discharge 2 roof: DA007

Pollutants (DB 44/27-2001)

Table 2 Level II Criteria in Section

Hydrogen Organized Northwest of Building

Waste gas 1 72.2 mg/m3 II of Emission Limits of Air 0.2612 t/year

chloride discharge 2 roof: DA007

Pollutants (DB 44/27-2001)

Page 86 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Table 2 Level II Criteria in Section

Organized Northwest of Building

Waste gas Nitrogen oxide 1 3 mg/m3 II of Emission Limits of Air 0.0461 t/year

discharge 2 roof: DA007

Pollutants (DB 44/27-2001)

Total volatile

Organized North of Building 1 Table 2 (Section II of emission

Waste gas organic 1 2.40 mg/m3 limits) of the Emission Standards 0.1057 t/year discharge roof: DA008

compounds for Volatile Organic Compounds in

Toluene + Organized North of Building 1 the Printing Industry (DB44/815-

Waste gas 1 0.101 mg/m3 0.0028 t/year

Xylene discharge roof: DA008 2010): lithography (excluding

Organized North of Building 1 lithography on metal ceramics and

Waste gas Benzene 1 0.004 mg/m3 0.0042 t/year

discharge roof: DA008 glass) and flexographic printing

Total nitrogen

Waste water 0.926 mg/L 0.0218 t/year



Waste water 0.33 mg/L 0.0023 t/year

phosphorus (P)


Waste water nitrogen (NH3- 0.454 mg/L 0.0070 t/year

N) Longshan No. 3 Road Level II Limit in Section II of


Waste water pH value 1 industrial wastewater Discharge Limits of Water emission 7.1 /

WS-124635: DW001 Pollutants (DB44/26-2001)

Waste water Total copper 0.006 mg/L 0.0001 t/year


Waste water 9 mg/L 0.2469 t/year


Waste water Petroleum 0.17 mg/L 0.0073 t/year


Waste water 80 mg/L 0.4820 t/year

oxygen demand

Treatment of pollutants

1. Wastewater pollution prevention and control facilities

The Company and its subsidiaries are equipped with corresponding wastewater treatment facilities and full-time environmental management operation and monitoring personnel in accordance

with the environmental protection requirements of the construction project. So far the systems are in normal operation and have been discharged in a stable manner without over-standard


2. Waste gas pollution prevention and control facilities

Page 87 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

The waste gas pollution prevention and control facilities of the Company's subsidiaries operated normally and the indicators of waste gas monitoring were in compliance with national and local

emission standards without over-standard discharge.

3. Solid waste treatment and disposal facilities

The Company implements the classification and collection system of hazardous waste and entrusts the disposal to the unit with the corresponding disposal qualification. General industrial solid

waste are handed over to resource recycling manufacturers for recycling and disposal after being classified in the factory and there is no illegal disposal.Environment self-monitoring scheme

The Company and its subsidiaries formulate self-monitoring plans in accordance with the requirements of pollutant discharge permits and environmental impact assessment and entrust third-

party qualified testing units to carry out environmental monitoring; online automatic monitoring is adopted for key discharge outlets and data is uploaded online with local ecological and

environmental authorities for real-time management.Contingency plan for environmental emergencies

In order to implement the requirements of the national Measures on Emergency Management of Environmental Emergencies and related laws and regulations and to ensure environmental

emergencies to be dealt with in a timely orderly efficient and appropriate manner to protect the personal safety of the employees and to reduce property losses each subsidiary of the Company

formulates an emergency plan for environmental emergencies and reported it to the environmental protection department for filing.Investment in environmental governance and protection and payment of environmental protection taxes

Unit: RMB10000

Company Name Investment in Environmental Protection and Governance Environmental Protection Taxes Paid

1 Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai 473 9.06

2 Gree (Hefei) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. 250 0.43

3 Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co. Ltd. 350 1.89

4 Zhuhai Gree Xinyuan Electronic Co. Ltd. 70 0.15

5 Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 300 1.02

6 Gree (Zhong Shan) Small Home Appliances Co. Ltd. 72 0.42

Page 88 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Measures and effects are taken to reduce carbon emissions during the report period

□Applicable □ Not applicable

The Company attaches great importance to energy conservation and emission reduction. With the vision of "making the sky bluer and the earth greener" it has always practiced the development

concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" actively responded to the national "dual carbon (carbon peaking and carbon neutrality)" strategy and as a domestic

"photovoltaic (storage)" and "zero-carbon source" air conditioner technology leader committed to promoting clean and low-carbon energy consumption in production and operation and creating

a healthy and green quality life for consumers and society.In recent years the Company has continuously carried out the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions at the company level and has continuously implemented carbon reduction measures

including vigorously developing photovoltaic power generation continuously investing in energy-saving technological transformation and continuously deepening resource regeneration and

recycling effectively reducing the Company's total carbon emissions. In 2023 the Company carried out 335 energy-saving technical transformation projects saving 75.806 million kWh of

electricity 836000 m3 of natural gas and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 45042 t.In 2023 the Company used 572 million kWh of nuclear power and 28.06 million kWh of photovoltaic power and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 16003 t an increase of 9.8% over 2022.Combined with the lithium titanate energy storage cabinet independently developed by Gree for peak shaving and valley filling 160 MWh of energy storage was invested and the cumulative

peak shaving was 72 million kWh of electricity.Administrative penalties for environmental problems during the report period

Impact on the Production

The Company's Corrective

Name of Company or Subsidiary Reason for Penalty Violation Penalty Results and Operation of Listed




Other environmental information that should be disclosed

None.Other environmental-related information

None.Page 89 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

II. Social responsibility

In 2023 Gree Electric Appliances actively fulfilled its responsibilities in environmental protection social responsibility and corporate governance especially in intelligent manufacturing green

innovation and safeguarding the rights and interests of stakeholders and fulfilled the mission of promoting the sustainable development of the industry. (For details please refer to the 2023

Environmental Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Report published by the Company on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index) on April 30 2024)

III. Consolidation and expansion of achievements in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization


Page 90 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Section VI Important Matters

I. Fulfillment of commitments

1. Commitments fulfilled by the actual controller(s) shareholders related parties acquirers and the Company within the report period and commitments not yet fulfilled by the end

of the report period

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Reason for Commitment Commitment Party Commitment Type Commitment Content Committed Time Commitment Period Fulfillment

1. The Transferee

commits to lock up all

Gree shares acquired as

a result of the transfer

upon completion of the

registration of the

transfer and not to

transfer them for 36

months from the date of

completion of the

registration of the

Commitments in the Zhuhai Mingjun

Share sale restriction transfer; if there are

acquisition report or Investment Partnership December 2 2019 January 23 2023 Fulfilled

commitment relevant laws and

equity change report (Limited Partnership)

regulations requiring the

lock-up period of the

transferred shares to

exceed the above lock-

up period committed by

the Transferee the

Transferee agrees to

extend the lock-up

period of the shares

accordingly to comply

with the prescribed

Page 91 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


2. Upon completion of

this share transfer the

Transferee shall comply

with the above share

lock-up undertaking for

the shares acquired by

the Transferee as a result

of the share bonus and

capital increase of the

listed company.Letter of Commitment on

Maintaining the

Independence of Listed

Companies: To ensure

the independent

operation of the listed

company after this

equity transfer Zhuhai

Mingjun Zhuhai

Zhuhai Mingjun Xianying and Zhuhai

Investment Partnership Yuxiu make the

(Limited Partnership); following commitments:

Commitments in the

Zhuhai Xianying Equity Maintain independence (I) To ensure asset

acquisition report or December 2 2019 Long-term effective In progress

Investment Partnership of listed companies independence and

equity change report

(Limited Partnership); completeness of the

Zhuhai Yuxiu listed company: 1. To

Investment Co. Ltd. ensure that Gree Electric

Appliances will be

equipped with the

relevant production

system auxiliary

production system as

well as supporting

facilities related to its

business operations

have the right to own or

Page 92 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

use the land workshop

and machines and

facilities relating to its

business operations as

well as the ownership or

use right to its

trademarks patent

technologies and know-

how and have an

independent purchase

system of raw materials

and sales system of

products. 2. To ensure

that Gree Electric

Appliances has

independent and

complete assets and all

of its assets are under

the control of Gree

Electric Appliances and

are independently

owned and operated by

Gree Electric

Appliances. 3. To ensure

that Zhuhai Mingjun and

other enterprises

controlled by Zhuhai

Mingjun will not

illegally occupy the

assets of Gree Electric

Appliances in any way;

and will not use the

assets of Gree Electric

Appliances or provide

guarantee for the debts

of Zhuhai Mingjun and

other enterprises under

Page 93 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

its control with Gree

Electric Appliances'

assets.(II) To ensure the

independence of the

personnel of the listed

company: 1. To ensure

that the labor personnel

and remuneration

management of Gree

Electric Appliances is

completely independent

from its affiliated

enterprises. 2. The

recommendation of

directors supervisors

and senior executives by

the enterprise to Gree

Electric Appliances is

made through legal

procedures and does not

surpass the decisions on

personnel appointment

and removal made by

the Board of Directors

and the General Meeting

of Shareholders of Gree

Electric Appliances.(III) To ensure the

financial independence

of the listed company: 1.To ensure that Gree

Electric Appliances will

establish an independent

financial department and

an independent financial

accounting system and

Page 94 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

will have a standardized

and independent

financial accounting

system. 2. To ensure that

Gree Electric

Appliances will open

bank accounts

independently and will

not share bank accounts

with its affiliated

enterprises. 3. To ensure

that the financial

personnel of Gree

Electric Appliances will

not work part-time in its

affiliated companies. 4.To ensure that Gree

Electric Appliances pays

taxes independently in

accordance with the law.

5. To ensure that Gree

Electric Appliances can

make independent

financial decisions and

that the intended

Transferee will not

illegally interfere with

Gree Electric

Appliances's fund

utilization and

scheduling.(IV) To ensure the

independence of units of

the listed company: 1.To ensure that Gree

Electric Appliances will

establish a sound

Page 95 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

corporate governance

structure and will have

an independent and

complete organizational

structure. 2. To ensure

that the internal

management bodies of

Gree Electric

Appliances will exercise

their powers and

functions independently

in accordance with laws

regulations and the

Articles of Association

of the Company.(V) To ensure the

business independence

of the listed company: 1.To ensure that Gree

Electric Appliances will

have the assets

personnel qualification

and ability to carry out

business activities

independently and will

have the ability to

operate independently

and continuously in the

market. 2. To ensure not

to interfere with the

business activities of

Gree Electric

Appliances except

through the exercise of

shareholders' rights. 3.To ensure the enterprise

and other enterprises

Page 96 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

under its control shall

avoid horizontal

competition with Gree

Electric Appliances. 4.To ensure that when the

enterprise and other

enterprises under its

control conduct

necessary and

unavoidable affiliate

transactions with Gree

Electric Appliances the

enterprise will conduct

fair operation in

accordance with the

marketization principle

and at fair prices and

perform transaction

procedures and

information disclosure

obligations in

accordance with relevant

laws and regulations and

regulatory documents.If any one of the above

commitments is

violated the enterprise

will be willing to bear

all the liabilities arising

therefrom and fully

compensate or

reimburse all direct or

indirect losses caused to

Gree Electric

Appliances.Commitments in the Zhuhai Mingjun Commitment on Letter of Commitment on

December 2 2019 Long-term effective In progress

acquisition report or Investment Partnership avoiding horizontal Avoiding Horizontal

Page 97 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

equity change report (Limited Partnership); competition Competition: To avoid

Zhuhai Xianying Equity horizontal competition

Investment Partnership with listed company

(Limited Partnership); Zhuhai Mingjun Zhuhai

Zhuhai Yuxiu Xianying and Zhuhai

Investment Co. Ltd. Yuxiu make the

following commitments:

1. The enterprise and

other enterprises under

its control the

controlling shareholder

and actual controller of

the enterprise will not

engage in the same or

similar business with

Gree Electric

Appliances and its

subsidiaries directly or

indirectly in the future

so as to avoid possible

direct or indirect

business competition

with Gree Electric

Appliances and its


2. If other enterprises

under the control of the

enterprise further

expand their business

scope the other

enterprises under the

control of the enterprise

will take all possible

measures to avoid

horizontal competition

with Gree Electric

Appliances and its

Page 98 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

subsidiaries on the

principle of giving

priority to safeguarding

the rights and interests

of Gree Electric


3. If Gree Electric

Appliances and its

subsidiaries or related

regulatory authorities

determine that the

enterprise and other

enterprises under its

control are engaging in

or will engage in any

business which

constitutes horizontal

competition with Gree

Electric Appliances and

its subsidiaries the

enterprise will give up

or urge the enterprise's

direct or indirect holding

company to give up any

business or business

opportunities that may

result in horizontal

competition or urge

such business or

business opportunities to

be provided with a

priority to Gree Electric

Appliances or its

wholly-owned and

holding subsidiaries on a

fair and reasonable basis

or to be transferred to

Page 99 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

other unrelated third


4. If any one of the

above commitments is

violated the enterprise

will be willing to bear

all the liabilities arising

therefrom and fully

compensate or

reimburse all direct or

indirect losses caused to

Gree Electric

Appliances.Letter of Commitment on

Standardizing the

Affiliated Transactions:

In order to safeguard the

interests of public

shareholders and

maintain the sustainable

and healthy

Zhuhai Mingjun development of the

Investment Partnership listed company Zhuhai

(Limited Partnership); Mingjun Zhuhai

Commitments in the Commitment on

Zhuhai Xianying Equity Xianying and Zhuhai

acquisition report or standardizing the December 2 2019 Long-term effective In progress

Investment Partnership Yuxiu make the

equity change report affiliated transactions

(Limited Partnership); following commitments:

Zhuhai Yuxiu 1. To ensure that the

Investment Co. Ltd. future affiliated

transactions between the

enterprise and other

enterprises under its

control and Gree

Electric Appliances will

be fair and conducted in

accordance with the

normal code of business

Page 100 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

conduct; and the

enterprise commits to

further regulate

affiliated transactions

with Gree Electric

Appliances and its


2. The enterprise will

perform its obligations

as a shareholder of Gree

Electric Appliances in

good faith and goodwill

and for affiliated

transactions that cannot

be avoided or exist on

reasonable grounds it

will sign a standard

affiliated transaction

agreement with Gree

Electric Appliances in

accordance with the law

and fulfill the approval

procedures in

accordance with relevant

laws regulations rules

other regulatory

documents and the

Articles of Association;

the price of affiliated

transactions will be

determined in

accordance with fair and

reasonable market

prices and the price of

affiliate transactions will

be fair; it will perform

the information

Page 101 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

disclosure obligations of

affiliated transactions in

accordance with relevant

laws regulations and the

Articles of Association;

it will not use affiliated

transactions to illegally

transfer the funds and

profits of Gree Electric

Appliances or damage

the interests of Gree

Electric Appliances and

affiliated shareholders.

3. To ensure that the

enterprise and other

enterprises under its

control will in

accordance with the

provisions of laws

regulations and the

Articles of Association

when deliberating

affiliated transactions

involving the enterprise

and other enterprises

under its control

effectively abide by the

avoidance procedure

during the voting on

affiliated transactions at

the meeting of the board

of shareholders or the

general meeting of

shareholders of Gree

Electric Appliances.Commitments in the Maintain independence Letter of Commitment on

Dong Mingzhu December 2 2019 Long-term effective In progress

acquisition report or of listed companies Maintaining the

Page 102 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

equity change report Independence of the

Listed Company: To

ensure the independent

operation of the listed

company after this

equity transfer I make

the following


(I) To ensure asset

independence and

completeness of the

listed company: 1. To

ensure that Gree Electric

Appliances will be

equipped with the

relevant production

system auxiliary

production system as

well as supporting

facilities related to its

business operations

have the right to own or

use the land workshop

and machines and

facilities relating to its

business operations as

well as the ownership or

use right to its

trademarks patent

technologies and know-

how and have an

independent purchase

system of raw materials

and sales system of

products. 2. To ensure

that Gree Electric

Appliances has

Page 103 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

independent and

complete assets and all

of its assets are under

the control of Gree

Electric Appliances and

are independently

owned and operated by

Gree Electric

Appliances. 3. To ensure

that Zhuhai Mingjun and

other enterprises

controlled by Zhuhai

Mingjun will not

illegally occupy the

assets of Gree Electric

Appliances in any way;

and will not use the

assets of Gree Electric

Appliances or provide

guarantee for the debts

of Zhuhai Mingjun and

other enterprises under

its control with Gree

Electric Appliances'

assets.(II) To ensure the

independence of the

personnel of the listed

company: 1. To ensure

that the labor personnel

and remuneration

management of Gree

Electric Appliances is

completely independent

from its affiliated

enterprises. 2. The

recommendation of

Page 104 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

senior executives by me

to Gree Electric

Appliances is conducted

in accordance with legal

procedures.(III) To ensure the

financial independence

of the listed company: 1.To ensure that Gree

Electric Appliances will

establish an independent

financial department and

an independent financial

accounting system and

will have a standardized

and independent

financial accounting

system. 2. To ensure that

Gree Electric

Appliances will open

bank accounts

independently and will

not share bank accounts

with its affiliated

enterprises. 3. To ensure

that the financial

personnel of Gree

Electric Appliances will

not work part-time in its

affiliated companies. 4.To ensure that Gree

Electric Appliances pays

taxes independently in

accordance with the law.

5. To ensure that Gree

Electric Appliances can

make independent

Page 105 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

financial decisions and

that the intended

Transferee will not

illegally interfere with

Gree Electric

Appliances's fund

utilization and

scheduling.(IV) To ensure the

independence of units of

the listed company: 1.To ensure that Gree

Electric Appliances will

establish a sound

corporate governance

structure and will have

an independent and

complete organizational

structure. 2. To ensure

that the internal

management bodies of

Gree Electric

Appliances will exercise

their powers and

functions independently

in accordance with laws

regulations and the

Articles of Association

of the Company.(V) To ensure the

business independence

of the listed company: 1.To ensure that Gree

Electric Appliances will

have the assets

personnel qualification

and ability to carry out

Page 106 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

business activities

independently and will

have the ability to

operate independently

and continuously in the

market. 2. To ensure

that except through the

exercise of shareholders'

rights and the

performance of

functions and duties of


executive of the listed

company I will not

interfere in the business

activities of Gree

Electric Appliances. 3.To ensure that I and

other enterprises under

my control will avoid

substantial horizontal

competition with Gree

Electric Appliances. 4.To ensure that when

conducting necessary

and unavoidable

affiliated transactions

with Gree Electric

Appliances I and other

enterprises under my

control will conduct fair

operation in accordance

with the marketization

principle and at fair

prices and perform

transaction procedures

and information

Page 107 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

disclosure obligations in

accordance with relevant

laws and regulations and

regulatory documents.If any one of the above

commitments is

violated I will be

willing to bear all the

liabilities arising

therefrom and fully

compensate or

reimburse all direct or

indirect losses caused to

Gree Electric

Appliances.Letter of Commitment on

Avoiding Horizontal

Competition: I make the

following commitments:

1. I and other enterprises

under my control will

not engage in the same

or similar business with

Gree Electric

Appliances and its

Commitments in the

Avoiding horizontal subsidiaries in a direct

acquisition report or Dong Mingzhu December 2 2019 Long-term effective In progress

competition or indirect manner in the

equity change report

future so as to avoid

possible direct or

indirect business

competition with Gree

Electric Appliances and

its subsidiaries. 2. If

other enterprises under

my control further

expand their business

scope the other

Page 108 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

enterprises under my

control will take all

possible measures to

avoid horizontal

competition with Gree

Electric Appliances and

its subsidiaries on the

principle of giving

priority to safeguarding

the rights and interests

of Gree Electric

Appliances. 3. If Gree

Electric Appliances and

its subsidiaries or related

regulatory authorities

determine that I and

other enterprises under

by control are engaging

in or will engage in any

business which

constitutes horizontal

competition with Gree

Electric Appliances and

its subsidiaries I will

give up or urge my

direct or indirect holding

company to give up any

business or business

opportunities that may

result in horizontal

competition or urge

such business or

business opportunities to

be provided with a

priority to Gree Electric

Appliances or its

wholly-owned and

Page 109 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

holding subsidiaries on a

fair and reasonable basis

or to be transferred to

other unrelated third

parties. 4. If any one of

the above commitments

is violated I will be

willing to bear all the

liabilities arising

therefrom and fully

compensate or

reimburse all direct or

indirect losses caused to

Gree Electric

Appliances.Letter of Commitment on

Standardizing the

Affiliated Transactions:

I make the following

commitments: 1. To

ensure that the future

affiliated transactions

between me and other

enterprises under my

control and Gree

Commitments in the

Standardizing affiliated Electric Appliances will

acquisition report or Dong Mingzhu December 2 2019 Long-term effective In progress

transactions be fair and conducted in

equity change report

accordance with the

normal code of business

conduct; and that I

commit to further

standardize affiliated

transactions with Gree

Electric Appliances and

its subsidiaries. 2. I will

perform my obligations

as a shareholder of Gree

Page 110 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Electric Appliances in

good faith and in

goodwill and for

affiliated transactions

that cannot be avoided

or exist on reasonable

grounds I will sign a

standard affiliated

transaction agreement

with Gree Electric

Appliances in

accordance with the law

and fulfill the approval

procedures in

accordance with relevant

laws regulations rules

other regulatory

documents and the

Articles of Association;

the price of affiliated

transactions will be

determined in

accordance with fair and

reasonable market

prices and the price of

affiliate transactions will

be fair; I will perform

the information

disclosure obligations of

affiliated transactions in

accordance with relevant

laws regulations and the

Articles of Association;

I will not use affiliated

transactions to illegally

transfer the funds and

profits of Gree Electric

Page 111 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Appliances or damage

the interests of Gree

Electric Appliances and

affiliated shareholders.

3. To ensure that I and

other enterprises under

my control will in

accordance with the

provisions of laws

regulations and the

Articles of Association

when deliberating

affiliated transactions

involving me and other

enterprises under my

control effectively abide

by the avoidance

procedure during the

voting on affiliated

transactions at the

meeting of the board of

shareholders or the

general meeting of

shareholders of Gree

Electric Appliances.

1. The Transferee

commits that it will

maintain the overall

stability of the

management team of

Commitments in the Zhuhai Mingjun

Gree Electric

acquisition report or Investment Partnership Other commitments December 2 2019 Long-term effective In progress

Appliances within the

equity change report (Limited Partnership)

scope of its authority

upon completion of the

transfer and that there

will be no significant

changes in the

Page 112 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

governance structure of

Gree Electric


2. The Transferee

commits not to initiate

any suggestion or

proposal to relocate the

headquarters and

registered office of Gree

Electric Appliances

from Zhuhai during the

period of direct or

indirect shareholding of

Gree Electric

Appliances and to

actively urge all parties

to ensure that the

headquarters and

registered office of Gree

Electric Appliances will

not be relocated from

Zhuhai; if any

shareholder proposes

any suggestion or

proposal to relocate the

headquarters and

registered office of Gree

Electric Appliances

from Zhuhai the

Transferee commits to

attend the shareholders'

meeting and to vote

against such proposal.

3. The Transferee

commits to make its best

effort and ability to

make effective industrial

Page 113 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

investment and strategic

resource introduction for

the economic

development of Zhuhai

and to promote Gree to

make new contributions

to the sustainable and

healthy economic

development of Zhuhai.

4. Zhuhai Mingjun

commits to actively

exercise the

shareholders' voting

right at the shareholders'

meeting of the listed

company involving

dividend payment and to

urge its nominated

directors to vote in favor

of the resolution of the

Board of Directors on

the dividend payment

ratio of not less than

50% of the annual net

profit of the listed

company.During the period of

holding shares of Gree

Electric Appliances the

Company will fully

During the period of

assume all reasonable

Zhuhai Gree Group Co. being a shareholder of

Other commitments Other commitments expenses and economic June 14 2019 In progress

Ltd. Gree Electric

losses (if any) incurred


by Gree Electric

Appliance due to the

Company's termination

of the Residual Equity

Page 114 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Incentive Plan.Whether commitments


are fulfilled on time

If commitments are not

fulfilled within the

deadline detail the

specific reason for Not applicable

fulfillment failure and

the work plan for the

next step

2. The Company's assets or projects involve earnings forecast and the report period is still in the earnings forecast period and the Company explains the assets or projects that

achieve the original earnings forecast and the relevant reasons

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

II. The listed company's non-operating funds occupied by the controlling shareholders and their affiliated parties

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

No controlling shareholder or its affiliated party occupied non-operating funds of the listed company in the report period of the Company.III. Violation of external guarantees

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company has no violation of external guarantees during the report period.IV. Statement by the Board of Directors on the latest "Non-standard Audit Report"

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Page 115 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

V. Statement by the Board of Directors Board of Supervisors and independent directors (if any) on the "Non-standard Audit Report"

of the accounting firm in the report period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

VI. Description of changes in accounting policies accounting estimates or corrections of significant accounting errors compared to the

previous year's financial statement

□Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Changes in major accounting policies and accounting estimate

(1). Changes of major accounting policies

On December 13 2022 the Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting Standards for Enterprises Interpretation No.16 (hereinafter referred to as "Interpretation No.16"). According to the

requirements of the Ministry of Finance the content of "deferred income tax related to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction is not applicable to the accounting treatment of

initial recognition exemption" came into effect on January 1 2023. According to the relevant requirements the Company made corresponding changes to the accounting policies and this

change in accounting policies not had a significant impact on the Company's financial indicators such as total assets total liabilities net assets and net profit.The following shows adjustments to the financial statements at the beginning of the year of the first implementation of the new accounting standard for the first time starting from 2023:

Unit: RMB

Amount as at December 31 2022 (before change) Amount as at January 1 2023 (after change)

Statement Item

Consolidated Statements Company's statement Consolidated Statements Company's statement

Non-current assets:

Deferred income tax assets 14598866870.23 11399848879.09 14644877571.11 11399848879.09

Total non-current assets 99884719906.36 68573037866.58 99930730607.24 68573037866.58

Page 116 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Total assets 355024758878.82 286630030242.19 355070769579.70 286630030242.19

Non-current liabilities:

Deferred income tax liabilities 2225127743.74 710194350.26 2271138444.62 710194350.26

Total non-current liabilities 36776774049.04 28240257442.77 36822784749.92 28240257442.77

Total liabilities 253148710864.63 229227597889.80 253194721565.51 229227597889.80

Total liabilities and shareholders'



(2). Changes in major accounting estimates

None.VII. Description of changes in the consolidated statement scope in comparison with the financial statements of last year

□Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Business combinations not under common control

* Business combination not under common control in the current period

Unit: RMB

Time Point of Equity Equity Acquisition Equity Acquisition

Name of the Acquiree Equity Acquisition Cost Acquisition Date

Acquisition Proportion Method

Ganzhou Qianjin Real Estate Co. Ltd. 2023/10/31 239485900.00 90.00% Purchase by cash 2023/10/31


Unit: RMB

Page 117 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Operating Income of the Acquiree Net Profit of the Acquiree from the Cash Flow of the Acquiree from the

Basis for Determining the

Name of the Acquiree from the Acquisition Date to the Acquisition Date to the End of the Acquisition Date to the End of the

Acquisition Date

End of the Period Period Period

Ganzhou Qianjin Real Estate Co. Ltd. Acquisition of control -804692.79 3947533.56

* Cost and goodwill of business combination

Unit: RMB

Cost of business combination Amount

Total cost of business combination 239485900.00

Including: Cash 239485900.00

Less: Fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired 239485903.54

Combination cost less than the share of fair value of identifiable net asset acquired -3.54

* Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date

Unit: RMB

Ganzhou Qianjin Real Estate Co. Ltd.Item

Fair value on the acquisition date Book value on the acquisition date


Monetary funds 143501.61 143501.61

Other receivables 19819308.24 19819308.24

Page 118 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Inventory 226354123.01 226354123.01

Other current assets 19778515.52 19778515.52

Subtotal of assets 266095448.38 266095448.38


Subtotal of liabilities

Net Assets 266095448.38 266095448.38

Less: Minority shareholders' equity 26609544.84 26609544.84

Net assets acquired 239485903.54 239485903.54

* Gains or losses arising from the remeasurement of equity held before the acquisition date at fair value


2. Business combination under the same control


3. Reverse purchase


4. Disposal of subsidiaries

Page 119 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount of

The Determinatio


Difference n Methods


Between the Book Value Fair Value and Main

e Income

Disposal Price Proportion of the of the Assumptions

Disposa Related to

Disposa Disposal and the Share of Remaining Remaining Gains or of the Fair

Time l Ratio Basis for Equity

l Price Methods of the Remainin Equity at the Equity at the Losses Arising Value of the

Point of the Determinin Investment of

of the of the Subsidiaries' g Equity Consolidate Consolidate from Remaining

Name of of Time g the Time the Original

Time Time Net Assets at on the d Financial d Financial Remeasuremen Equity on the

Subsidiary Losing Point of Point of Subsidiary

Point of Point of the Level of Date of Statement Statement t of Remaining Date of

Contro Losing Losing Transferred

Losing Losing Consolidated Losing Level on the Level on the Equity at Fair Losing

l Control Control into

Control Control Statements Control Date of Date of Value Control at the

(%) Investment

Correspondin (%) Losing Losing Consolidated

Profits and

g to the Control Control Financial

Losses or

Disposal Statement


Investment Level


Tianjin Gree


2023- Cancelle Business

Medical 100.00 None

10-30 d registration


Co. Ltd.SL Group

Jingu Grain 2023- Cancelle Business

100.00 None

Depot Co. 8-25 d registration

Ltd.SL Group

Songlin 2023- Cancelle Business

100.00 None

Grain Depot 9-22 d registration

Co. Ltd.DunAn

Sensing 2023- Cancelle Business

66.58 None

Technology 6-5 d registration

Co. Ltd.Jilin

Songliang 2023- Cancelle Business

Modern 100.00 None 5-6 d registration



Page 120 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

t Co. Ltd.

5. Change of combination scope for other reasons

Newly established entity in the current period:

Unit: RMB

Net Profit from the Combination Date

Company Name Date of Establishment Net Assets at the End of the Period

to the End of the Period

Hunan DunAn Refrigeration Equipment Co. Ltd. 2023-2-7 22486643.44 2486643.44

Luoyang Herun Real Estate Co. Ltd. 2023-9-28 -51151.68 -51151.68

Gree Zero Carbon Source (Shanghai) Technology Co. Ltd. 2023-10-20

VIII. Engagement and disengagement of accounting firms

Accounting firm currently employed

Name of domestic accounting firm Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)

Remuneration for the domestic accounting firm (RMB10000) 396

Consecutive years for the domestic accounting firm to render audit service 9 years

Name of Certified Public Accountants of the domestic accounting firm Wu Zihao and Qiu Yiwu

Consecutive years for the Certified Public Accountants of domestic accounting firm to render

2 years and 3 years

audit service

Whether a new accounting firm was hired for the current period

Page 121 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

□ Yes □No

Engagement of an accounting firm for internal control auditing financial adviser or sponsor

□Applicable □ Not applicable

During the year the Company hired Union Power CPAs Co. Ltd. (Special General Partnership) as the accounting firm for internal control audit of the Company.IX. Delisting after disclosure of the Annual Report

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

X. Matters related to bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company was not involved in any matter related to bankruptcy reorganization in the report period.XI. Major legal action or arbitration

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company was not involved in any major legal action or arbitration for the report period.XII. Punishment and rectification

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company was not involved in any punishment or rectification during the report period.XIII. Integrity status of the Company and its controlling shareholder(s) and actual controller(s)

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Page 122 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

XIV. Significant affiliated transactions

1. Affiliated transactions associated with day-to-day operation

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Pricing Whether Available

Amount of Proportion Approved Settlement

Parties to Type of Content of Principles Price of it Market

Affiliated to Amount Transaction Method of Date of

Affiliated Associatio Affiliated Affiliated for Affiliated Exceeds Price of

Transactions of Similar Amount Affiliated Disclosur Disclosure Index

Transaction n Transactio Transaction Affiliated Transaction the Similar

(RMB10000 Transaction (RMB10000 Transaction e

s n s Transaction s Approve Transaction

) s ) s

s d Limit s


where Based on

directors the market

Zhejiang of the price to be Disclosed on CNINFO

Shengshi Company determined Payment (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/inde

Sale of Sale of Market Market April 29

Xinxing act as subject to 588512.94 3.37% 659000 before x) on April 29 2023 announcement

goods products price price 2023

Gree Trade executive the delivery number: 2023-012

Co. Ltd. directors negotiation

and between the

general two parties



Based on


the market


Henan price to be Disclosed on CNINFO


Shengshi determined Payment (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/inde

of the Sale of Sale of Market Market April 29

Xinxing subject to 467338.10 2.68% 400000 before x) on April 29 2023 announcement

Company goods products price price 2023

Gree Trade the delivery number: 2023-012

act as

Co. Ltd. negotiation


between the


two parties

Total -- -- 1055851.04 -- 1059000 -- -- -- -- --

Details of large-amount sales return Not applicable

Actual fulfillment (if any) in the report period In fiscal year 2023 the Company expected that the total amount of daily related transactions with the above-mentioned associated parties would

when the total amount is estimated by category not exceed RMB10.59 billion and the actual amount was RMB10.559 billion which did not exceed the expected amount.Page 123 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

for the daily affiliated transaction that will

incur in the current period

Cause for the large difference between the

transaction price and market reference price (if Not applicable


2. Affiliated transactions of acquisition or sales of assets or equity

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company was not involved in any affiliated transaction of acquisition or sales of assets or equity in the report period.

3. Affiliated transactions of common foreign investment

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company was not involved in any affiliated transaction of common foreign investment during the report period.

4. Affiliated credits and liabilities

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company was not involved in any affiliated credit or liability in the report period.

5. Transactions with finance companies with which the Company with association

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

There is no deposit loan credit or other financial business between the Company and its affiliated financial companies and the affiliated parties

6. Transactions between the financial company under the Company's control and the affiliated parties

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

There is no deposit loan credit or other financial business between the finance company under the Company's control and the affiliated parties.Page 124 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

VII. Other significant affiliated transactions

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company was not involved in other significant affiliated transactions during the report period.XV. Significant contracts and their fulfillment

1. Information about trusteeship contracting and lease

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company was not involved in any trusteeship during the report period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company was not involved in any contracting matter during the report period.

(3) Lease

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company was not involved in any lease during the report period.

2. Significant guarantee

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB10000

External guarantees by the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding guarantees to subsidiaries)

Object of Disclosure Guarantee Actual Date Actual Guarantee Collateral (if Counter- Guarantee Whether the Is it a

Page 125 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Guarantee Date of the Amount of Incurring Guarantee Type any) guarantee (if Period Fulfillment is Guarantee for

Announcement Amount any) Completed Affiliated

Related to the Parties




Total amount of external guarantees Total actual amount of external

approved during the report period guarantees incurred during the

(A1) report period (A2)

Total amount of external guarantees Total actual external guarantee

approved at the end of the report balance at the end of the report

period (A3) period (A4)

Guarantee of the Company to its subsidiaries


Date of the Is it a

Actual Counter- Whether the

Object of Announcement Guarantee Actual Date Guarantee Collateral (if Guarantee Guarantee for

Guarantee guarantee (if Fulfillment is

Guarantee Related to the Amount of Incurring Type any) Period Affiliated

Amount any) Completed

Guarantee Parties


From the

Nanjing Walsin actual date of

April 29 2023 30491.14 Pledged Note pool None No

Metal Co. Ltd. guarantee to

June 7 2024

Zhuhai Gree From the

Green Control actual date of

April 29 2023 2735.46 Pledged Note pool None No

Technology Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

Gree (Nanjing) 1900000 From the

Electric actual date of

April 29 2023 461.06 Pledged Note pool None No

Appliances Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

Zhuhai Gree

From the


actual date of

Environment April 29 2023 13180.66 Pledged Note pool None No

guarantee to

Technology Co.June 7 2024

Ltd.Page 126 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Gree (Hangzhou) From the

Electric actual date of

April 29 2023 801.73 Pledged Note pool None No

Appliances Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

Gree Changsha From the

HVAC actual date of

April 29 2023 781.11 Pledged Note pool None No

Equipment Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

Zhuhai Gree

From the

Mechanical and

actual date of

Electrical April 29 2023 8257.28 Pledged Note pool None No

guarantee to

Engineering Co.June 7 2024

Ltd.Gree TOSOT From the

(Suqian) Home actual date of

April 29 2023 2948.57 Pledged Note pool None No

Appliances Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

From the

Gree (Anji)

actual date of

Precision Mould April 29 2023 98.3 Pledged Note pool None No

guarantee to

Co. Ltd.June 7 2024

Gree (Wuhu) From the

Electric actual date of

April 29 2023 734.43 Pledged Note pool None No

Appliances Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

Zhuhai Gree From the

Intelligent actual date of

April 29 2023 27445.02 Pledged Note pool None No

Equipment Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

Zhuhai Gree I

Zhuhai Gree From the

Intelligent actual date of

April 29 2023 14698.51 Pledged Note pool None No

Equipment guarantee to

Technology June 7 2024

Institute Co. Ltd.Gree (Wuhan) From the

April 29 2023 3022.57 Pledged Note pool None No

Electric actual date of

Page 127 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Appliances Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

Gree (WuAn)

From the


actual date of

Equipment April 29 2023 6206.91 Pledged Note pool None No

guarantee to


June 7 2024

Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gree

Electric From the

Appliances actual date of

April 29 2023 1426.44 Pledged Note pool None No

Intelligent guarantee to

Manufacturing June 7 2024

Co. Ltd

Gree (Chengdu) From the

Electric actual date of

April 29 2023 56354.33 Pledged Note pool None No

Appliances Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

From the

Zhuhai Gree

actual date of

Precision Mold April 29 2023 22988.46 Pledged Note pool None No

guarantee to

Co. Ltd.June 7 2024

Zhuhai Kaibang From the

Motor actual date of

April 29 2023 77.59 Pledged Note pool None No

Manufacturing guarantee to

Co. Ltd. June 7 2024

From the

Zhuhai Gree New actual date of

April 29 2023 4052.92 Pledged Note pool None No

Material Co. Ltd. guarantee to

June 7 2024

From the

Gree (Wuhan)

actual date of

Precision Mould April 29 2023 1348.87 Pledged Note pool None No

guarantee to

Co. Ltd.June 7 2024

Gree (Wuhan) From the

Intelligent actual date of

April 29 2023 3241.67 Pledged Note pool None No

Equipment Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

Page 128 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Gree (Linyi) From the

Electric actual date of

April 29 2023 6328.01 Pledged Note pool None No

Appliances Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

From the

Zhuhai Edgeless

actual date of

Integrated Circuit April 29 2023 200 Pledged Note pool None No

guarantee to

Co. Ltd.June 7 2024


From the


actual date of

Electric April 29 2023 560.3 Pledged Note pool None No

guarantee to

Appliances Co.June 7 2024


From the

Gree (Meishan)

actual date of

Electric April 29 2023 345.93 Pledged Note pool None No

guarantee to

Enterprises Ltd.June 7 2024

Gedianxincai From the

(Ma'anshan) actual date of

April 29 2023 1906.26 Pledged Note pool None No

Technology Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

Zhuhai Gree From the

Electronic actual date of

April 29 2023 49730.54 Pledged Note pool None No

Components Co. guarantee to

Ltd. June 7 2024

Total amount of guarantees to Total amount incurred of

subsidiaries approved during the 1900000 guarantees to subsidiaries 260424.07

report period (B1) during the report period (B2)

Total amount of guarantees to Total actual guarantee balance

subsidiaries approved at the end of 1900000 to subsidiaries at the end of the 260424.07

the report period (B3) report period (B4)

Guarantee of subsidiaries to subsidiaries

Disclosure Is it a

Actual Counter- Whether the

Object of Date of the Guarantee Actual Date Guarantee Collateral (if Guarantee Guarantee for

Guarantee guarantee (if Fulfillment is

Guarantee Announcement Amount of Incurring Type any) Period Affiliated

Amount any) Completed

Related to the Parties

Page 129 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai



Zhejiang DunAn

Joint liability

Hetian Metals May 18 2023 50000 June 29 2023 10090 3 years No No


Co. Ltd.Zhejiang DunAn

Joint liability

International April 29 2023 20000


Trade Co. Ltd.Zhejiang DunAn

Artificial October 27 November 20 Joint liability

30000 30000 3 years No No

Environment Co. 2023 2023 guarantee

Ltd.Zhejiang DunAn

Artificial January 3 Joint liability

30000 30000 3 years No No

Environment Co. 2023 guarantee

Ltd.Zhejiang DunAn

Artificial Joint liability

May 18 2023 20000 June 29 2023 20000 3 years No No

Environment Co. guarantee

Ltd.From the

effective date

of the


Zhuhai Gree contract to

Altairnano three years

December 29 January 5 Joint liability

Electric 5600 None None after the date No No

2022 2023 guarantee

Appliance Co. of expiration of


Ltd. the


period of the

debt under the

main contract

Zhuhai The guarantee

Guangtong December 29 March 12 Joint liability period is two

30000 None None No No

Automobile Co. 2022 2023 guarantee years from the

Ltd. Chengdu effective date

Page 130 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Guangtong of the

Automobile Co. independent

Ltd. and Tianjin contract to the

Gree Altairnano date of the

New Energy Co. performance

Ltd. period of the

last installment

of the debt

under the main

contract.If the main

contract is a

loan contract

the guarantee

period under

this contract is

three years

from the day

after the

expiration of

the loan term

under the main

contract; if the

Gree Altairnano December 29 March 14 Joint liability

31900 Yes None creditor No No

New Energy Inc. 2022 2023 guarantee

announces the

early due of

the loan

according to

the provisions

of the main

contract the


period shall be

three years

from the day

after the early

due date of the

Page 131 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

loan.The creditor's


guaranteed by

the mortgagor

Zhuhai Gree are during the

Altairnano period from

December 29 Joint liability

Electric July 18 2023 1000 Yes None July 21 2023 No No

2022 guarantee

Appliance Co. to January 21

Ltd. 2027

(including the

start date and



From January

13 2023 to

January 12

2028 the

creditor's rights

were formed

by the

mortgagee and

the debtor's

Gree Altairnano December 29 January 18 Joint liability

50000 Yes None handling of No No

New Energy Inc. 2022 2023 guarantee



agreements.This period is

the period for


the maximum

amount of

secured debt.It is a series of

Gree Altairnano December 29 October 11 Joint liability debts under the

27000 Yes None No No

New Energy Inc. 2022 2023 guarantee financing


Page 132 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

initiated by the

debtor through

the bank

network supply

chain "E

Xintong" from

September 26

2023 to

September 25


From the

effective date

of the


contract to


three years

Guangtong December 29 January 5 Joint liability

35000 None None after the date Yes No

Automobile Co. 2022 2023 guarantee

of expiration of



period of the

debt under the

main contract

From the

effective date

of the


contract to

three years

Gree Altairnano December 29 January 5 Joint liability

55000 None None after the date Yes No

New Energy Inc. 2022 2023 guarantee

of expiration of



period of the

debt under the

main contract.Gree Altairnano December 29 July 16 2023 10000 Joint liability Yes None Mortgage right Yes No

Page 133 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

New Energy Inc. 2022 guarantee and mortgage

guarantee debt

exist at the

same time and

the mortgage

right is


after the

creditor's rights

are paid off.Total amount of guarantees to Total amount incurred of

subsidiaries approved during the 455500 guarantees to subsidiaries 335590

report period (C1) during the report period (C2)

Total amount of guarantees to Total actual guarantee balance

subsidiaries approved at the end of 455500 to subsidiaries at the end of the 235590

the report period (C3) report period (C4)

Total amount of company guarantee (i.e. total of the first three major items)

Total amount of guarantee approved Total amount of guarantees

during the report period 2355500 incurred during the report 596014.07

(A1+B1+C1) period (A2+B2+C2)

Total amount of approved Total actual guarantee balance

guarantees at the end of the report 2355500 at the end of the report period 496014.07

period (A3+B3+C3) (A4+B4+C4)

Proportion of actual total guarantees (i.e. A4+B4+C4) to the


Company's net assets


Balance of guarantees provided to shareholders effective controllers


and their affiliated parties (D)

Debt guarantee balance provided directly or indirectly for guaranteed

parties with an debt ratio exceeding 70% (E)

Amount of the total guarantee exceeding 50% of net assets (F)

Total amount of the three guarantees mentioned above (D+E+F)

Explanation (if any) where a guarantee liability or evidence is Not applicable

Page 134 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

indicating the possibility of assuming joint and several liabilities for

unexpired guarantee contracts during the report period

Explanation of external guarantees provided in violation of prescribed

Not applicable

procedures (if any)

Explanation of the specific situation of using composite guarantee


3. Entrusting others to execute any cash asset management

(1) Entrusted financial management

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Overview of entrusted financial management during the report period

Unit: RMB10000

Amount incurred by

Source of funds for entrusted Impaired amount for overdue

Specific type entrusted financial Undue balance Overdue uncollected amount

financial management uncollected amount


Bank financial products Own funds 414355.10 414355.10

Trust financial products Own funds 432943.41 388211.06

Securities traders' financial

Own funds 386687.68 190889.05


Total 1233986.19 993455.21

Specific situation of high-risk entrusted financial management with large individual amounts or low security and poor liquidity

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Expected inability to recover principal or other situations that may lead to impairment in entrusted financial management

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Page 135 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

(2) Entrusted loan

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company was not involved in any entrusted loan during the report period.

4. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company did not enter into any other significant contract during the report period.XVI. Description of other significant matters

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

There were no other significant matters that needed to be explained during the report period.XVII. Significant matters of the Company's subsidiaries

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Page 136 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Section VII. Changes in Shares and Shareholders

I. Changes in shares

1. Changes in share capital

Unit: share

Before this change Increase and decrease of this change (+ -) After this change


Quantity Percentage New issue Bonus issue converted from Others Subtotal Quantity Percentage

reserved funds

I. Shares with





1. Shares held

by the State

2. Shares held

by state-owned

legal person

3. Shares held

by other 39266939 0.70% 8989182 8989182 48256121 0.86%

domestic capital


Shares held by

domestic legal


Shares held

by domestic 39266939 0.70% 8989182 8989182 48256121 0.86%

natural person

Page 137 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

4. Shares held

by foreign



Shares held by

foreign legal


Shares held

by foreign

natural person

II. Shares

without trading




1. RMB


common share



listed foreign


3. Overseas

listed foreign


4. Others

III. Total

number of 5631405741 100.00% 0 0 5631405741 100.00%


Page 138 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Causes for changes in share capital

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Approval of share changes

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Transfer of share changes

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Effect of share changes on financial indicators such as basic earnings per share diluted earnings per share and net assets per

share attributable to common shareholders of the Company for the latest year and the latest period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Other contents deemed necessary by the Company or required to be disclosed by the securities regulatory authority

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

2. Changes in restricted shares

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: share

Number of Number of Number of Number of

Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted

Name of Reasons for

Shares at the Shares Shares Lifted in Shares at the Date of Lifting

Shareholder Restriction

Beginning of Increased in the the Current End of the

the Period Current Period Period Period


Dong Mingzhu 33366369 7500000 40866369 executive share -



Zhang Wei 137496 137496 executive share -



Deng Xiaobo 87450 87450 executive share -



Duan Xiufeng 335644 117225 452869 executive share -



Wang Fawen 38516 38516 executive share -



Zhuang Pei 4466401 315190 4781591 executive share -



Tan Jianming 972975 366352 1339327 executive share -



Shu Lizhi 74789 74789 executive share -



Liao Jianxiong 58247 58247 executive share -



Fang Xiangjian 125550 293917 419467 executive share -


Page 139 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Total 39266939 8989182 0 48256121 -- --

II. Securities issuance and listing

1. Securities issuance (excluding preferred shares) during the report period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

2. Description of changes in the Company's total number of shares and shareholder structure and

asset and liability structure

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

3. Existing internal employee share

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Page 140 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

III. Shareholders and actual controller(s)

1. Number of shareholders and their shareholding status

Unit: share

Total number of Total number of

common preferred

Total number of Total number of preferred shareholders

shareholders as of shareholders with

common with restored voting rights (if any) at the

the end of the restored voting

shareholders at the 613839 507379 0 end of the previous month before the 0

previous month rights (if any) at

end of the report disclosure date of the Annual Report

before the the end of the

period (See Note 8)

disclosure date of report period (See

the Annual Report Note 8)

Shareholdings of shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares or the top 10 shareholders (excluding shares lent through refinancing)

Number of Shares Number of Shares Pledge Tag or Freezing

Number of Shares Increase/Decrease

Name of Nature of Shareholding With Trading Without Trading

Held at the End of During the Report

Shareholder Shareholder Proportion Restriction Restriction

the Report Period Period Share status Quantity

Conditions Held Conditions Held

Zhuhai Mingjun

Investment Domestic non-

Partnership state-owned legal 16.02% 902359632 0 0 902359632 Pledged 902359632

(Limited person


Hong Kong

Securities Foreign legal


Clearing person

Company Ltd.Jinghai Internet

Domestic non-


state-owned legal 6.86% 386043038 3121800 0 386043038 0

Development Co.person

Ltd.Zhuhai Gree State-owned legal


Group Co. Ltd. person

China Securities Domestic non-


Finance state-owned legal

Page 141 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Corporation person


Gree Electric

Appliances Inc.of Zhuhai -

Others 1.37% 77163880 77163880 0 77163880 0

Employee Stock

Ownership Plan

Phase II

Domestic natural

Dong Mingzhu 0.97% 54488492 10000000 40866369 13622123 0


Industrial and

Commercial Bank

of China Limited -


Others 0.60% 33568621 15005100 0 33568621 0

CSI 300 Trading

Open-end Index


Investment Fund

Central Huijin

Asset State-owned legal


Management Co. person


Basic Pension

Insurance Fund Others 0.40% 22465556 Unknown 0 22465556 0

15012 Portfolio

Situation (if any) where a strategic

investor or general legal person


becomes one of top 10 shareholders due

to placement of new shares (see Note 3)

Description of association or concerted Zhuhai Mingjun Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Dong Mingzhu are the persons acting in concert. Except for that the Company

action of the above shareholders does not know whether there is an association between the above shareholders or whether they are persons acting in concert.Description of above-mentioned

shareholders’ involvement in


entrusting/being entrusted with and

waiving voting rights

Special note on the existence of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai held 109462095 shares in the repurchase special securities account at the end of the report period with a

Page 142 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

repurchase accounts among the top 10 shareholding ratio of 1.94%.shareholders (if any) (see Note 10)

Shareholding of the top 10 shareholders of shares without trading restriction conditions

Type of shares

Name of Shareholder Number of shares without trading restriction conditions held at the end of the report period

Type of shares Quantity

Zhuhai Mingjun Investment Partnership RMB common


(Limited Partnership) share

Hong Kong Securities Clearing RMB common


Company Ltd. share

Jinghai Internet Technology RMB common


Development Co. Ltd. share

RMB common

Zhuhai Gree Group Co. Ltd. 193895992 193895992


China Securities Finance Corporation RMB common


Limited share

Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

RMB common

- Employee Stock Ownership Plan 77163880 77163880


Phase II

Industrial and Commercial Bank of

China Limited - Huatai-PineBridge CSI RMB common


300 Trading Open-end Index Securities share

Investment Fund

Central Huijin Asset Management Co. RMB common


Ltd share

Basic Pension Insurance Fund 15012 RMB common


Portfolio share

Agricultural Bank of China Co. Ltd.-

RMB common

Dacheng High-tech Industry Equity 20641701 20641701


Securities Investment Fund

Description of the association or

concerted action between the top 10

shareholders of circulating shares

Zhuhai Mingjun Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Dong Mingzhu are the persons acting in concert. Except for that the Company

without trading restriction conditions as

does not know whether there is an association between the above shareholders or whether they are persons acting in concert.well as between the top 10 shareholders

of circulating shares without trading

restriction conditions and the top 10

Page 143 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


Description of the participation of the

top 10 common shareholders in margin


trading and securities lending business

(if any) (see Note 4)

Lending shares of the top 10 shareholders participating in refinancing business

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: share

Lending shares of the top 10 shareholders participating in refinancing

Shares Lent Through Refinancing at the

Ordinary Account and Credit Account Ordinary Account and Credit Account Shares Lent Through Refinancing at the

Beginning of the Period and Not Yet

Name of Holdings at the Beginning of the Period Holdings at the End of the Period End of the Period and Not Yet Repaid Repaid

Shareholder (Full

Name) Proportion to Proportion to Proportion to Proportion to

Total Quantity Total Share Total Quantity Total Share Total Quantity Total Share Total Quantity Total Share

Capital Capital Capital Capital

Zhuhai Gree


Group Co. Ltd.Industrial and

Commercial Bank

of China Limited -



CSI 300 Trading

Open-end Index


Investment Fund

Changes in the top 10 shareholders compared with the previous period

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: share

Changes in the top ten shareholders from the end of the previous period

Name of Shareholder (Full Additions/Exits During Number of Shares Lent Through Refinancing at the End of Number of Shares Held by Shareholders in Ordinary

Name) the Report Period the Period and Not Yet Repaid Accounts and Credit Accounts and Shares Lent by

Page 144 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Refinancing and Not Yet Returned at the End of the Period

Proportion to Total Share Proportion to Total Share

Total Quantity Total Quantity

Capital Capital

Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of

Zhuhai - Employee Stock Addition 0 0.00% 77163880 1.37%

Ownership Plan Phase II

Industrial and Commercial Bank

of China Limited - Huatai-

PineBridge CSI 300 Trading Addition 20300 0.00% 33588921 0.60%

Open-end Index Securities

Investment Fund

Central Huijin Asset

Addition 0 0.00% 26291256 0.47%

Management Co. Ltd

Basic Pension Insurance Fund

Addition 0 0.00% 22465556 0.40%

15012 Portfolio

Foresea Life Insurance Co. Ltd.Exit 0 0.00% Unknown Unknown

? Hai Li Nian Nian

Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of

Zhuhai ? Employee Stock Exit 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Ownership Plan Phase I

HHLR Management Pte. Ltd. ?

Exit 0 0.00% 15445807 0.27%

HHLR China Fund

Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Exit 0 0.00% 3363222 0.06%

Note: Foresea Life Insurance Co. Ltd. - Hai Li Nian Nian's ordinary account and credit account holdings are not among the top 200 of the Company at the end of the year

Whether the top 10 common shareholders and top 10 common shareholders without trading restriction conditions of the Company conducted agreed repurchase transactions in the report period

□ Yes □No

The top 10 common shareholders and top 10 common shareholders without trading restriction conditions of the Company didn't conduct agreed repurchase transactions in the report period.Page 145 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

2. The Company's controlling shareholder

Nature of controlling shareholder: No controlling entity

Type of controlling shareholder: No controlling shareholder

Description of the situation that the Company has no controlling shareholder

On December 2 2019 Gree Group signed the Share Transfer Agreement Between Zhuhai Gree Group Co. Ltd. and Zhuhai

Mingjun Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) on 15% of the Shares of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

with Zhuhai Mingjun to transfer 902359632 shares of the listed company held by Zhuhai Mingjun. After the transaction was

completed the single largest shareholder Zhuhai Mingjun and its concerted action person Dong Mingzhu could not pass

specific resolutions based on their actual voting rights of the listed company's shares which was not enough to have a

significant impact on the resolutions of the shareholders' meeting of the listed company nor could they decide the election of

more than half of the members of the board of directors of the listed company. Therefore the listed company had no

controlling shareholders and actual controllers. For more details please refer to the Reply to the Inquiry Letter from

Shenzhen Stock Exchange disclosed by the Company on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index) on January 18


Change in controlling shareholder during the report period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

There was no change in the controlling shareholder of the Company during the report period.

3. Actual controller of the Company and its person acting in concert

Nature of the actual controller: No actual controller

Type of the actual controller: No actual controller

Description of the situation that the Company has no actual controller

On December 2 2019 Gree Group signed the Share Transfer Agreement Between Zhuhai Gree Group Co. Ltd. and Zhuhai

Mingjun Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) on 15% of the Shares of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

with Zhuhai Mingjun to transfer 902359632 shares of the listed company held by Zhuhai Mingjun. After the transaction was

completed the single largest shareholder Zhuhai Mingjun and its concerted action person Dong Mingzhu could not pass

specific resolutions based on their actual voting rights of the listed company's shares which was not enough to have a

significant impact on the resolutions of the shareholders' meeting of the listed company nor could they decide the election of

more than half of the members of the board of directors of the listed company. Therefore the listed company had no

controlling shareholders and actual controllers. For more details please refer to the Reply to the Inquiry Letter from

Shenzhen Stock Exchange disclosed by the Company on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index) on January 18


Whether there are shareholders with a shareholding ratio of more than 10% at the ultimate control level of the Company

□Yes □No

□Legal person □ Natural person

Shareholding at the ultimate control level

Name of Shareholder Legal

at the Ultimate Control Representative/Person Date of Establishment Organization Code Main Business

Level in Charge

Zhuhai Mingjun Zhuhai Xianying May 11 2017 91440400MA4WJBCR Business scope

Page 146 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Investment Partnership Equity Investment 4W recorded in the

(Limited Partnership) Partnership (Limited agreement: Equity

Partnership) investment. (Items that

need to be approved in

accordance with law

can only be operated

after approval by

relevant departments)

Equity of other

domestic and overseas

listed companies

controlled by the


shareholder at the

ultimate control level

during the report


Change in the actual controller in the report period

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

There has been no change in the actual controller of the Company during the report period.Block diagram of the property rights and control relationship between the Company and the actual controller

The Company has no actual controller.The actual controller controls the Company through a trust or other asset management methods

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

4. The cumulative number of shares pledged by the controlling shareholder or the largest shareholder of the

Company and its persons acting in concert reached 80% of the number of shares held by them in the Company.□Applicable □ Not applicable

Whether it

Total Amount Is There a

Affects the

of Stock Source of Risk of Debt

Company Type of Specific Repayment Stability of

Pledge Repayment Repayment

Name Shareholder Purpose Period the Control

Financing Funds or

of the

(RMB10000) Liquidation




Repayment Own funds

Investment The largest April 30

1620400 of original and self- No No

Partnership shareholder 2027

loan financing



5. Other corporate shareholders holding more than 10% of shares

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

6. Restrictions on shareholding reduction by controlling shareholder(s) actual controller(s)

restructuring parties and other committed entities

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Page 147 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

IV. Specific implementation of share repurchase during the report period

Progress of implementation of share repurchase

□Applicable □ Not applicable

Proportion of


Shares to the

Number of Proposed Number of

Program Proportion to Proposed Underlying

Shares to be Repurchase Repurchase Shares

Disclosure Total Share Repurchase Stocks

Repurchased Amount Purpose Repurchased

Time Capital Period Involved in

(shares) (RMB10000) (shares)

the Equity


Plan (if any)


based on a


price limit of Not less than Not more


RMB50 per RMB1.5 than 12

Not less than incentive or

share not billion months

October 31 0.53% and employee

less than (inclusive) and from 91897967

2023 not more stock

30000000 not more than October 30

than 1.07% ownership

shares and RMB3 billion 2023


not more (inclusive)




Implementation progress of reducing holdings of repurchased shares through centralized bidding

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Page 148 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Section VIII Preferred Share Related Information

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company did not have any preferred shares during the report period.Page 149 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Section IX Bond Related Information

□ Applicable □Not Applicable

Page 150 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Section X Financial Statements

I. Audit report

Type of audit opinion Standard unqualified opinion

Signing date of audit report April 29 2024

Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General

Name of audit agency


Document number of audit report ZHS ZI (2024) No. 0500139

Name of certified public accountant Wu Zihao and Qiu Yiwu

Audit report text

Audit Report

ZHS ZI (2024) No. 0500139

All shareholders of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai:

I. Audit opinion

We have audited the financial statements of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai (hereinafter referred

to as "your company") including the Consolidated and Company's Balance Sheets as of December 31

2023 and 2023 Consolidated and Company's Income Statements 2023 Consolidated and Company's Cash

Flow Statements and 2023 Consolidated and Company's Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity

and Notes to Financial Statements.In our opinion the attached financial statements have been prepared in all material aspects in accordance

with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and fairly reflected the consolidated and your

company's financial position of your company as of December 31 2023 and the consolidated and

Company's operating results and cash flows in 2023.II. Basis for forming audit opinions

We have conducted our audit work according to the provisions of the Audit Standards for Certified Public

Accountants of China. The part related to "CPA's responsibility for the audit of financial statements" in the

audit report further elaborates our responsibilities under these standards. In accordance with the Code of

Ethics for Certified Public Accountants of China we are independent of your company and perform other

responsibilities in respect of professional ethics. We believe that the audit evidence obtained by us is

Page 151 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

sufficient and appropriate providing a basis for expressing our audit opinion.III. Key audit matters

The key audit matters are the matters that are deemed to be the most important ones in the current financial

statement audit according to our professional judgment. The response to these matters is based on the

overall audit of the financial statements and the formation of audit opinions. We do not give separate

opinions on these matters.(I) Accrual of inventory falling price reserves

Key audit matters Coping methods

Refer to "Note III. 14" "Note V. 11" and 1. Understand evaluate and test the effectiveness of the

"Note V. 66" in the financial statements. design and execution of internal controls related to the

recognition of inventory falling price reserves;

As of December 31 2023 the book value of

inventory in your company's consolidated 2. Evaluate the significant judgments assumptions and

balance sheet was RMB32579140000 estimates involved in management's calculation of net

wherein the book balance of inventory was realizable value and review the basis and documents on

RMB37063809400 and the inventory falling which management determines the future selling price

price reserves was RMB4484669300. of the inventory and the costs incurred until completion

(if related) the sales expenses and the related taxes and

Recognition of the inventory falling price


reserves depends on the estimation of the net

realizable value of the inventory. For 3. Carry out audit procedures such as inspection and

recognition of the net realizable value of the recalculation especially for the determination of the net

inventory the management should estimate realizable value of the inventory we carried out

the future selling price of inventory the costs recalculation according to relevant data;

(if related) to be incurred until completion the

4. Analyze and review the inventory aging to determine

sales expenses and the related taxes and fees.whether the corresponding inventory falling price

In consideration of the importance of reserves are sufficient;

recognition of the inventory and inventory

5. Supervise the inventory-taking and during the

falling price reserves to the consolidated

supervising process in addition to paying attention to

financial statements and the complicated

the authenticity and accuracy of the inventory the focus

calculation process of inventory falling price

was also on the usage status of the inventory whether

reserves and significant judgments

there was inventory in a stagnant or defective condition

assumptions and estimates of the management

to evaluate the adequacy of the accrual of inventory

involved when the net realizable value of the

falling price reserves;

inventory is determined there may be error or

6. Review the adequacy of the disclosure of information

potential management bias. Therefore we

Page 152 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Key audit matters Coping methods

identified it as a key audit matter for your related to inventory falling price reserves in "Note III.company. 14" "Note V. 11" and "Note V. 66" in the financial

statements.(II) Revenue recognition

Key audit matters Coping methods

Please refer to "Note III. 32" and "Note V. 1. Understand evaluate and test the effectiveness of

55" in the financial statements. internal control design and operation related to revenue


In 2023 and 2022 Consolidated Financial

Statements of your company the revenue 2. Review sales contract samples understand the delivery

from selling goods was RMB203979266400 terms of the transaction evaluate whether the business

and RMB188988382700 respectively an model is consistent with revenue recognition evaluate

increase of 7.93% year-on-year. whether the sales contract terms comply with industry

practices and whether the revenue recognition

Since the amount is significant and revenue is

accounting policies comply with the requirements of

one of the key business indicators of your

Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises;

company and whether it is based on real

transactions and whether it is included in the 3. Check the original supporting documents related to

appropriate accounting period has a revenue recognition such as orders delivery notes and

significant impact on the financial statements arrival receipts based on audit sampling to evaluate

we consider revenue recognition as a key whether revenue has truly incurred and whether it has

audit matter. been recognized in accordance with accounting policies;

4. Implement the letter verification procedure and check

the original documents and payment status for

discrepancies in the response letter to evaluate the

accuracy and authenticity of the revenue amount


5. Carry out an analysis program to analyze from different

dimensions such as monthly fluctuations sales regions

product categories and product profit margins to verify

the reasonableness of the transaction;

6. Carry out cut-off test program and post-test program to

check for any revenue intertemporal or sales return to

Page 153 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Key audit matters Coping methods

address revenue intertemporal;

7. Review the adequacy of the disclosure of information

related to revenue recognition in "Note III. 32" and

"Note V. 55" in the financial statements.IV. Other information

The management of your company is responsible for other information. Other information includes the

information covered in the 2023 Annual Report of your company excluding the financial statements and

our audit reports.Our audit opinions published on financial statements do not cover any other information and we will not

publish any form of forensic conclusion on other information.In connection with our audit of the financial statements our responsibility is to read other information

identified above and in doing so consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with

the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially

misstated.Based on the work we have performed if we determine that there is a material misstatement in other

information we should report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.V. Responsibilities of management and governance for financial statements

The management of your company (hereinafter referred to as the "management") is responsible for

preparing the financial statements in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises to achieve a fair presentation and for designing implementing and maintaining

internal control that is necessary to ensure that the financial statements are free from material misstatements

whether due to frauds or errors.When preparing financial statements the management is responsible for evaluating your company's ability

to continue as a going concern disclosing matters related to going concern (if applicable) and applying the

assumption of going concern unless the management plans to liquidate your company cease operations or

has no other realistic choice.The governance is responsible for overseeing your company's financial reporting process.VI. CPA's responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements

Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements as a whole are free

Page 154 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

from material misstatements caused by fraud or error and to issue an audit report containing an audit

opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high-level assurance but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in

accordance with the audit standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exits. Misstatements

may be caused by fraud or error and are generally considered material if they are reasonably expected

individually or collectively to affect the economic decisions made by users of the financial statements.We exercised professional judgment and maintained professional skepticism when conducting the audit in

accordance with the auditing standards. We also:

(I) Identified and assessed the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements whether due to

fraud or error designed and performed audit procedures responsive to those risks and obtaineded audit

evidence that was sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a

material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than the one resulting from error as fraud may involve

collusion forgery omissions misrepresentations or the override of internal control.(II) Obtained an understanding of internal control related to the audit in order to design appropriate audit

procedures.(III) Evaluated the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting

estimates and related disclosure made by management of your company.(IV) Concluded on the appropriateness of using the going concern assumption by the management of your

company and concluded based on the audit evidence obtained whether a material uncertainty exited

related to events or conditions that might cast significant doubt on our company's ability to continue as a

going concern. If we concluded that there was a significant uncertainty we were required by audit

standards to draw the attention of report users to the relevant disclosures in the financial statements in the

audit report; if such disclosures were inadequate we should express a non-unqualified opinion. Our

conclusions were based on the information available as of the audit report date. However future events or

conditions may result in your company ceasing to continue as a going concern.(V) Evaluated the overall presentation structure and content of the financial statements and evaluate

whether the financial statements fairly reflect relevant transactions and events.(VI) Obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence for the financial information of your company's

entity or business activities to express an opinion on the financial statements. We were responsible for

guiding supervising and implementing group audits. We assume full responsibility for the audit opinions.We communicated with the governance regarding among other matters the planned audit scope schedule

Page 155 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

and major audit findings including any significant defects in internal control that we identified during our

audit.We also provided a statement to the governance regarding the observed professional moral requirements

related to independence and communicated with the governance about all the relationships and other

matters that might be reasonably considered to affect our independence as well as the related

countermeasures (if applicable).From the matters discussed with the governance we have determined which are the most important for the

audit of the current financial statements and therefore constitute key audit matters. We described these

matters in the audit report unless laws and regulations prohibit public disclosure of these matters or in rare

cases we determined that the matter should not be communicated in the audit report if it was reasonably

anticipated that the negative consequence caused by communicating a matter in the audit report exceeds the

benefit generated in terms of public interests.Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special Certified Public Accountant of China:

General Partnership) (engagement partner):

Wu Zihao

Certified Public Accountant of China:

Qiu Yiwu

Wuhan China April 29 2024

Page 156 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Consolidated Balance Sheet

December 31 2023

Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances Inc.Unit: yuan (RMB)

of Zhuhai

Item Note December 31 2023 January 1 2023

Current assets:

Monetary funds V. 1 124104987289.62 157484332251.39

Lending funds

Trading financial assets V. 2 9614423403.40 3867203363.52

Derivative financial assets V. 3 108919513.22

Notes receivable V. 4 87340130.52 6818428.95

Accounts receivable V. 5 16099477117.56 14824742623.45

Receivables financing V. 7 10176089668.41 28427310345.20

Advance payments V. 8 2492647395.31 2344668845.48

Other receivables V. 9 826558622.42 804277958.80

Including: Interests receivable

Dividends receivable 19936649.83 1260498.66

Buying back the sale of financial assets V. 10 3932338954.49

Inventory V. 11 32579140028.70 38314176763.90

Contract assets V. 6 838812133.65 1047739817.94

Assets held for sale

Non-current assets due within one year V. 12 2411633459.29 3314191633.19

Other current assets V. 13 24868941754.15 4704576940.64

Total current assets 228141309470.74 255140038972.46

Non-current assets:

Disbursement of loans and advances V. 14 543726609.23 719799280.27

Debt investment V. 15 1150744482.05 150351500.00

Other debt investments V. 16 16363841665.96 14340348882.97

Long-term receivables V. 17 62185327.12 116084973.52

Long-term equity investments V. 18 4488967031.20 5892290568.81

Other equity instrument investments V. 19 3864865509.37 4669455797.90

Other non-current financial assets V. 20 4428003204.49

Investment real estate V. 21 633262161.10 634689201.98

Fixed assets V. 22 34034829116.47 33817019391.36

Construction in progress V. 23 6563911378.94 5966678892.16

Usufruct assets V. 24 842250508.12 207344779.05

Intangible assets V. 25 10827694521.82 11621853071.43

Development expenditures

Goodwill V. 26 1452496852.11 1659358399.03

Long-term unamortized expenses V. 27 24275474.94 22862393.90

Deferred income tax assets V. 28 16561437021.81 14644877571.11

Other non-current assets V. 29 42498105445.39 1039712699.26

Total non-current assets 139912593105.63 99930730607.24

Total assets 368053902576.37 355070769579.70

Legal representative: Person in charge of accounting work: Person in charge of the accounting agency:

Page 157 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Consolidated Balance Sheet (Continued)

December 31 2023

Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances Inc.Unit: yuan (RMB)

of Zhuhai

Item Note December 31 2023 January 1 2023

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings V. 31 26443476388.52 52895851287.92

Borrowings from the central bank

Loans from other banks

Transaction financial liabilities

Derivative financial liabilities V. 32 4079919.91 184811894.98

Notes payable V. 33 23741128400.12 38609900819.74

Accounts payable V. 34 41147359221.95 32856071488.87

Advance receipts

Contract liabilities V. 35 13588771210.88 14972336715.45

Financial assets sold for repurchase

Deposits from customers and interbank V. 36 254616899.35 219111069.61

Payroll payable V. 37 4288611386.29 3897862091.84

Taxes and dues payable V. 38 4337631560.28 3819424639.48

Other payables V. 39 5513266516.82 10912406666.89

Including: Interests payable

Dividends payable 5572388.92 5620664762.67

Liabilities held for sale

Non-current liabilities due within one year V. 40 20605521073.03 255342537.57

Other current liabilities V. 41 61058837178.77 57748817603.24

Total current liabilities 200983299755.92 216371936815.59

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings V. 42 39035742535.09 30784241211.21

Bonds payable

Including: Preferred share

Perpetual bond

Lease liabilities V. 43 767007951.92 146836620.66

Long-term payables V. 44 27028498.30 104644415.20

Long-term payroll payable V. 45 195057663.00 175712728.00

Estimated liabilities

Deferred income V. 46 3527855598.12 3340211330.23

Deferred income tax liabilities V. 28 2871757157.58 2271138444.62

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 46424449404.01 36822784749.92

Total liabilities 247407749159.93 253194721565.51

Shareholders' equity:

Share capital V. 47 5631405741.00 5631405741.00

Other equity instruments

Including: Preferred share

Perpetual bond

Capital reserves V. 48 1352522393.67 496102011.66

Less: Treasury share V. 49 4942723911.44 5643935587.86

Other comprehensive income V. 50 275538293.30 2042901605.04

Special reserves V. 51 26969643.44 25845351.28

Surplus reserves V. 52 1731130024.40 2241118692.92

General risk provisions V. 53 507223117.40 507223117.40

Undistributed profits V. 54 112211650801.62 91458073960.81

Total equity attributable to shareholders of


the parent company

Minority equity 3852437313.05 5117313121.94

Total equity 120646153416.44 101876048014.19

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 368053902576.37 355070769579.70

Legal representative: Person in charge of accounting work: Person in charge of the accounting agency:

Page 158 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Consolidated Income Statement

January to December 2023

Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai Unit: yuan (RMB)

Item Note 2023 2022

I. Total operating revenue 205018123834.21 190150672542.13

Including: Operating revenue V. 55 203979266387.09 188988382706.68

Interest income V. 56 1038856837.77 1162289741.08

Fee and commission income 609.35 94.37

II. Total operating costs 170774052191.66 162107253847.61

Including: Operating costs V. 55 141625549746.95 139784387882.78

Interest expense V. 56 126399291.44 82118835.96

Fee and commission expenses 503529.63 423034.83

Taxes and surcharges V. 57 2114184492.83 1612243409.40

Sales expenses V. 58 17129639682.51 11285451112.27

Administrative expenses V. 59 6542161037.82 5267999733.62

R&D expenses V. 60 6762136262.23 6281394430.40

Financial expenses V. 61 -3526521851.75 -2206764591.65

Including: Interest expenses 2962205439.75 2836743431.08

Interest income 6189969897.82 4646747718.69

Add: Other income V. 62 900669135.95 879809512.05

Income from investments (losses expressed with "?") V. 63 217156605.23 86883941.74

Including: Investment income from joint ventures or associates 93222443.16 -3324287.24

Income from the derecognition of financial assets measured at

amortization costs

Income from net exposure hedging (losses expressed with "?")

Income from changes in fair value (losses expressed with "-") V. 64 437583988.72 -343575705.11

Credit impairment losses (losses expressed with "?") V. 65 -824045112.30 -416368773.22

Asset impairment losses (losses expressed with "?") V. 66 -2493579694.08 -966679009.51

Income from disposal of assets (losses expressed with "?") V. 67 382923791.69 608425.71

III. Operating profits (losses expressed with "?") 32864780357.76 27284097086.18

Add: Non-operating revenue V. 68 128371808.52 59810331.36

Less: Non-operating expenses V. 69 177448328.09 126522574.93

IV. Total profits (total losses expressed with "?") 32815703838.19 27217384842.61

Less: Income tax expenses V. 70 5096680924.60 4206040489.50

IV. Net profit (net losses expressed with "?") 27719022913.59 23011344353.11

(I) Classification by business continuity:

1. Net profits from continuing operations (net losses expressed with "?") 27719217635.33 23011552161.18

2. Net profits from discontinuing operations (net losses expressed with "?") -194721.74 -207808.07

(II) Classification by ownership:

1. Net profits attributable to shareholders of the parent company (net losses


expressed with "?")

2. Minority profits and losses (net losses expressed with "?") -1298364690.59 -1495279429.35

VI. Net of tax of other comprehensive income V. 50 -1335306322.73 -9157870577.73

(I) Net of tax of other comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of the


parent company

1. Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into profits and losses -1419870672.10 -9426072167.28

(1) Changes arising from remeasurement of the defined benefit plan -15837466.00 -8601949.00

(2) Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to profits and losses


under the equity method

(3) Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments -551560996.38 -4668090705.04

(4) Changes in fair value of the Company's own credit risk

(5) Others

2. Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profits and losses 66432933.68 264969417.05

(1) Other comprehensive income that can be transferred to profits and losses under


the equity method

(2) Changes in fair value of other debt investments 5646351.69 51928741.98

(3) Amount of financial assets reclassified into and included in other comprehensive


(4) Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments 2753149.69 -3667360.51

(5) Cash flow hedging reserves 1650685.72 -24846643.18

(6) Difference arising from translation of financial statements in foreign currency 56222094.40 241554678.76

(7) Others

(II) Net of tax of other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders 18131415.69 3232172.50

VII. Total comprehensive income 26383716590.86 13853473775.38

(I) Total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of the parent company 27663949865.76 15345521032.23

(II) Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders -1280233274.90 -1492047256.85

VIII. Earnings per share:

(I) Basic earnings per share (yuan/share) 5.22 4.43

(II) Diluted earnings per share (yuan/share) 5.22 4.43

Legal representative: Person in charge of accounting work: Person in charge of the accounting agency:

Page 159 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

January to December 2023

Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai Unit: yuan (RMB)

Item Note 2023 2022

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services 222450716185.76 191722692750.88

Net increase in deposits from customers and interbank 35681305.16 36042751.33

Net increase in borrowings from the central bank

Net increase in loans from other banks -300000000.00

Cash received for interests fees and commissions 404330867.02 316385822.75

Net increase in loans from other banks

Net increase in repurchase business capital -746500000.00

Refund of taxes and levies 3267420421.11 3671277018.74

Other cash received related to operating activities V. 71 (1) 2838768145.79 3887782462.69

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 228996916924.84 198587680806.39

Cash payments for goods acquired and services received 122277671203.25 140307498966.97

Net increase in customer loans and advances 3751715000.00 -3541760000.00

Net increase in deposits with central bank and interbank funds 121006301.94 -142968622.64

Net increase in lending funds

Cash paid for interests fees and commissions 126487510.44 72151067.99

Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 11191368139.74 10236422672.26

Payments of all types of taxes 17572921744.39 12501020989.21

Other cash paid related to operating activities V. 71 (1) 17557320670.91 10486879811.33

Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities 172598490570.67 169919244885.12

Net cash flows from operating activities 56398426354.17 28668435921.27

II. Cash flows from investment activities:

Cash received from the recovery of investment V. 71 (2) 21852693438.10 6897604278.47

Cash received from return on investment 688434561.28 96017802.71

Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets intangible assets 1931290335.02 22767686.65

a nNde to tchaesrh lroencge-itveerdm f raossme ttsh e disposal of subsidiaries and other business 35000000.00 67258353.52

u nOitths er cash received related to investment activities V. 71 (2) 24715882326.50 3443556899.78

Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities 49223300660.90 10527205021.13

Cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed assets intangible 5425734302.92 6036136315.75

a sCsaestsh apnadid o ftohre ri nlovnesgt-mteernmt sa ssets V. 71 (2) 84267244633.47 13467910481.50

Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units 239342398.39 2031361368.42

Other cash paid related to investment activities V. 71 (2) 308198670.53 26048629646.87

Subtotal of cash outflows from investment activities 90240520005.31 47584037812.54

Net cash flows from investment activities -41017219344.41 -37056832791.41

III. Cash flows from financing activities:

Cash received from absorbing investment 32000000.00

Including: Cash received from subsidiaries absorbing minority 32000000.00

s hCaarsehh oreldceeri viendv efsrtomme nbtosr rowings V. 71 (3) 68622584547.14 102926746831.03

Other cash received related to financing activities V. 71 (3) 20203186178.80 20000000.00

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 88825770725.94 102978746831.03

Cash repayments of amounts borrowed V. 71 (3) 87009692089.60 60908105526.39

Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or interest payment 13811350664.09 18469103441.58

Including: Dividends and profits paid to minority shareholders by 111193450.56 49000000.00

s uObtshiedri acraieshs paid related to financing activities V. 71 (3) 4362544531.09 13678745549.95

Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities 105183587284.78 93055954517.92

Net cash flows from financing activities -16357816558.84 9922792313.11

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash 136149039.88 268517494.64

Veq. uNiveat liennctrse ase in cash and cash equivalents -840460509.20 1802912937.61

Add: Beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents 31754656695.61 29951743758.00

VI. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents 30914196186.41 31754656695.61

Legal representative: Person in charge of accounting work: Person in charge of the accounting agency:

Page 160 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

January to December 2023

Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai Unit: yuan (RMB)


Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company

Other equity

Item instruments

Minority equity Total equity

Other comprehensive General risk Other

Share capital Perpe Capital reserves Less: Treasury share Special reserves Surplus reserves Undistributed profits Subtotal

Preferre income provisions s

tual Others

d share


I. Ending balance of the previous year 5631405741.00 496102011.66 5643935587.86 2042901605.04 25845351.28 2241118692.92 507223117.40 91458073960.81 96758734892.25 5117313121.94 101876048014.19

Add: Changes in accounting policies

Early error correction

Business combination under common



II. Beginning balance of the current year 5631405741.00 496102011.66 5643935587.86 2042901605.04 25845351.28 2241118692.92 507223117.40 91458073960.81 96758734892.25 5117313121.94 101876048014.19

III. Increase or decrease in the current


year (decrease expressed with "?")

(I) Total comprehensive income -1353437738.42 29017387604.18 27663949865.76 -1280233274.90 26383716590.86

(II) Capital invested and reduced by



1. Ordinary shares invested by



2. Capital invested by holders of other

equity instruments

3. Amount of share-based payments


recognized in shareholders' equity

4. Others -554905778.70 -701211676.42 -3255546661.73 -313591772.67 -3422832536.68 118395040.77 -3304437495.91

(III) Profit distribution 2704897285.76 -8318738898.76 -5613841613.00 -111193450.56 -5725035063.56

1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves 2704897285.76 -2704897285.76

2. Withdrawal of general risk provisions

3. Distribution to shareholders -5613841613.00 -5613841613.00 -111193450.56 -5725035063.56

4. Others

(IV) Internal carry-over of shareholders'



1. Transfer of capital reserves into capital

(or share capital)

2. Transfer of surplus reserves into

capital (or share capital)

3. Surplus reserves for making up losses

4. Changes in defined benefit plan

carried forward to retained earnings

5. Other comprehensive income carried


forward to retained earnings

6. Others

(V) Special reserves 1124292.16 1124292.16 6233025.27 7357317.43

1. Withdrawal in the current period 5017397.69 5017397.69 6563685.31 11581083.00

2. Amount used in the current period 3893105.53 3893105.53 330660.04 4223765.57

(VI) Others

IV. Ending balance of this year 5631405741.00 1352522393.67 4942723911.44 275538293.30 26969643.44 1731130024.40 507223117.40 112211650801.62 116793716103.39 3852437313.05 120646153416.44

Legal representative: Person in charge of accounting work: Person in charge of the accounting agency:

Page 161 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity (Continued)

January to December 2023

Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai Unit: yuan (RMB)


Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company

Item Other equity


Minority equity Total equity

Other comprehensive General risk Other

Share capital Perpe Capital reserves Less: Treasury share Special reserves Surplus reserves Undistributed profits Subtotal

Preferre income provisions s

tual Others

d share


I. Ending balance of the previous year 5914469040.00 125874127.56 19579646233.43 11204004355.27 22403846.26 1983727107.74 505599356.30 103475223000.17 103651654599.87 4273796566.64 107925451166.51

Add: Changes in accounting policies

Early error correction

Business combination under common



II. Beginning balance of the current year 5914469040.00 125874127.56 19579646233.43 11204004355.27 22403846.26 1983727107.74 505599356.30 103475223000.17 103651654599.87 4273796566.64 107925451166.51

III. Increase or decrease in the current


year (decrease expressed with "?")

(I) Total comprehensive income -9118287340.45 24506623782.46 15388336442.01 -1488212820.78 13900123621.23

(II) Capital invested and reduced by



1. Ordinary shares invested by



2. Capital invested by holders of other

equity instruments

3. Amount of share-based payments


recognized in shareholders' equity

4. Others -283063299.00 -13935710645.57 -1983727107.74 -12097640969.32 -428720730.49 2354840060.61 1926119330.12

(III) Profit distribution 2237070151.57 1623761.10 -24462568724.67 -22223874812.00 -61203558.59 -22285078370.59

1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves 2237070151.57 -2237070151.57

2. Withdrawal of general risk provisions 1623761.10 -1623761.10

3. Distribution to shareholders -22223874812.00 -22223874812.00 -61203558.59 -22285078370.59

4. Others

(IV) Internal carry-over of shareholders'



1. Transfer of capital reserves into

capital (or share capital)

2. Transfer of surplus reserves into

capital (or share capital)

3. Surplus reserves for making up losses

4. Changes in defined benefit plan

carried forward to retained earnings

5. Other comprehensive income carried


forward to retained earnings

6. Others

(V) Special reserves 3441505.02 3441505.02 5740133.58 9181638.60

1. Withdrawal in the current period 6207315.33 6207315.33 6367313.24 12574628.57

2. Amount used in the current period 2765810.31 2765810.31 627179.66 3392989.97

(VI) Others

IV. Ending balance of this year 5631405741.00 496102011.66 5643935587.86 2042901605.04 25845351.28 2241118692.92 507223117.40 91458073960.81 96758734892.25 5117313121.94 101876048014.19

Legal representative: Person in charge of accounting work: Person in charge of the accounting agency:

Page 162 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Balance Sheet of Company

December 31 2023

Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances Inc.Unit: yuan (RMB)

of Zhuhai

Item Note December 31 2023 January 1 2023

Current assets:

Monetary funds 108942922385.17 138498302123.84

Trading financial assets 9239143613.00 3826643235.64

Derivative financial assets 95917736.67

Notes receivable

Accounts receivable XVI. 1 5005378177.86 2811623322.77

Receivables financing 7524899223.47 24888338026.70

Advance payments 30848777000.48 28967607814.23

Other receivables XVI. 2 4860219830.31 3602220649.55

Including: Interests receivable

Dividends receivable

Inventory 6554892982.74 9662044202.39

Contract assets

Assets held for sale

Non-current assets due within one year 2275251779.59 3275847602.74

Other current assets 21109801963.63 2524365397.75

Total current assets 196457204692.92 218056992375.61

Non-current assets:

Debt investment 1150744482.05 150351500.00

Other debt investments 15167794246.58 13312747743.53

Long-term receivables

Long-term equity investments XVI. 3 29745489074.58 29292448754.90

Other equity instrument investments 3720140478.30 4498529086.64

Other non-current financial assets 4428003204.49

Investment real estate 15267230.92 17569355.86

Fixed assets 1920285695.06 3291354893.44

Construction in progress 827683995.65 460979229.34

Usufruct assets

Intangible assets 538236487.90 823495905.07

Development expenditures


Long-term unamortized expenses

Deferred income tax assets 12918181096.41 11399848879.09

Other non-current assets 39079582229.05 897709314.22

Total non-current assets 105083405016.50 68573037866.58

Total assets 301540609709.42 286630030242.19

Legal representative: Person in charge of accounting work: Person in charge of the accounting agency:

Page 163 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Balance Sheet of Company (Continued)

December 31 2023

Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances Inc.Unit: yuan (RMB)

of Zhuhai

Item Note December 31 2023 January 1 2023

Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings 14746805059.21 39282170543.24

Transaction financial liabilities

Derivative financial liabilities 4079919.91 36789650.89

Notes payable 20930759577.37 35967986466.43

Accounts payable 56619857856.76 49009643905.62

Advance receipts

Contract liabilities 8477695446.71 9160537495.63

Payroll payable 1538244958.36 1584146109.11

Taxes and dues payable 2617451988.73 2053684659.63

Other payables 3127041358.88 8044168532.69

Including: Interests payable

Dividends payable 602881.87 5614444494.87

Liabilities held for sale

Non-current liabilities due within one year 19446383711.42

Other current liabilities 59082715501.14 55848213083.79

Total current liabilities 186591035378.49 200987340447.03

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings 36308065111.81 27272830327.56

Bonds payable

Including: Preferred share

Perpetual bond

Lease liabilities

Long-term payables

Long-term payroll payable 195057663.00 175712728.00

Estimated liabilities

Deferred income 143416179.21 81520036.95

Deferred income tax liabilities 1306743893.80 710194350.26

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities 37953282847.82 28240257442.77

Total liabilities 224544318226.31 229227597889.80

Shareholders' equity:

Share capital 5631405741.00 5631405741.00

Other equity instruments

Including: Preferred share

Perpetual bond

Capital reserves 1893049118.18 479849106.94

Less: Treasury share 4942723911.44 5643935587.86

Other comprehensive income 585972104.35 2390383701.31

Special reserves

Surplus reserves 2742389179.65 2240943653.27

Undistributed profits 71086199251.37 52303785737.73

Total equity 76996291483.11 57402432352.39

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 301540609709.42 286630030242.19

Legal representative: Person in charge of accounting work: Person in charge of the accounting agency:

Page 164 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Income Statement of Company

January to December 2023

Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai Unit: yuan (RMB)

Item Note 2023 2022

I. Operating revenue XVI. 4 134653638564.88 119790450591.45

Less: Operating costs XVI. 4 87964474582.78 84193036470.44

Taxes and surcharges 859092997.83 612252827.55

Sales expenses 15103736810.10 10387387452.52

Administrative expenses 1821653380.75 1052070843.18

R&D expenses 5011334301.81 4858805454.26

Financial expenses -3106751273.76 -2676657645.12

Including: Interest expenses 2614299954.46 2088897062.24

Interest income 6174406252.36 4994497152.18

Add: Other income 51153924.37 197947953.08

Income from investments (losses expressed with "?") XVI. 5 4277964743.44 3978824626.50

Including: Investment income from joint ventures or associates -6685965.10 -13564461.54

Income from the derecognition of financial assets measured at

amortization costs

Income from net exposure hedging (losses expressed with "?")

Income from changes in fair value (losses expressed with "-") 225560468.94 -21732079.44

Credit impairment losses (losses expressed with "?") -143073661.64 29008430.71

Asset impairment losses (losses expressed with "?") -1011653917.67 -116830227.19

Income from disposal of assets (losses expressed with "?") 385145031.19 -12890.45

II. Operating profits (losses expressed with "?") 30785194354.00 25430761001.83

Add: Non-operating revenue 69675985.99 9279405.22

Less: Non-operating expenses 2865046.70 2780548.68

III. Total profits (total losses expressed with "?") 30852005293.29 25437259858.37

Less: Income tax expenses 3803032435.67 3066558342.67

IV. Net profit ("?" for net loss) 27048972857.62 22370701515.70

1. Net profits from continuing operations (net losses expressed with "?") 27048972857.62 22370701515.70

2. Net profits from discontinuing operations (net losses expressed with "?")

V. Net of tax of other comprehensive income -1393059564.60 -9272631892.47

1. Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into profits and losses -1385556900.05 -9308453566.04

(1) Changes arising from remeasurement of the defined benefit plan -15837466.00 -8601949.00

(2) Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to profits and losses


under the equity method

(3) Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments -514673683.37 -4551976587.74

(4) Changes in fair value of the Company's own credit risk

(5) Others

2. Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profits and losses -7502664.55 35821673.57

(1) Other comprehensive income that can be transferred to profits and losses

under the equity method

(2) Changes in fair value of other debt investments -9130605.80 60670722.32

(3) Amount of financial assets reclassified into and included in other

comprehensive income

(4) Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments

(5) Cash flow hedging reserves 1627941.25 -24849048.75

(6) Difference arising from translation of financial statements in foreign currency

(7) Others

VI. Total comprehensive income 25655913293.02 13098069623.23

Legal representative: Person in charge of accounting work: Person in charge of the accounting agency:

Page 165 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Cash Flow Statement of Company

January to December 2023

Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai Unit: yuan (RMB)

Item Note 2023 2022

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services 144179376788.30 109450181009.15

Refund of taxes and levies 2331542341.22 1435352776.76

Other cash received related to operating activities 42036996855.66 46980196866.35

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 188547915985.18 157865730652.26

Cash payments for goods acquired and services received 118570609203.77 116205098866.43

Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 3156268049.00 3092307818.11

Payments of all types of taxes 11257710858.48 7430521751.61

Other cash paid related to operating activities 10627695536.89 8763205023.74

Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities 143612283648.14 135491133459.89

Net cash flows from operating activities 44935632337.04 22374597192.37

II. Cash flows from investment activities:

Cash received from the recovery of investment 21792641532.16 6392709278.47

Cash received from return on investment 761944706.94 100686978.57

Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets intangible assets


and other long-term assets

Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business


Other cash received related to investment activities 17579810310.30 3859149215.21

Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities 41653172429.99 10352552150.25

Cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed assets intangible


assets and other long-term assets

Cash paid for investments 81994120506.79 13307412872.29

Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business



Other cash paid related to investment activities 4190445611.95 27971602744.39

Subtotal of cash outflows from investment activities 86719821712.68 45012665023.14

Net cash flows from investment activities -45066649282.69 -34660112872.89

III. Cash flows from financing activities:

Cash received from absorbing investment

Cash received from borrowings 53605339999.39 72179295627.37

Other cash received related to financing activities 9273478862.85 2320913943.00

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 62878818862.24 74500209570.37

Cash repayments of amounts borrowed 55186410550.58 29745813719.56

Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or interest payment 13409157688.67 18022950452.52

Other cash paid related to financing activities 3390981384.42 15019655898.35

Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities 71986549623.67 62788420070.43

Net cash flows from financing activities -9107730761.43 11711789499.94

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash



V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -9376566100.13 -412245606.84

Add: Beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents 19554231293.07 19966476899.91

VI. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents 10177665192.94 19554231293.07

Legal representative: Person in charge of accounting work: Person in charge of the accounting agency:

Page 166 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity of Company

January to December 2023

Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai Unit: RMB


Other equity instruments

Item Less: Treasury Other comprehensive Special Undistributed

Share capital Preferred Perpetual Capital reserves Surplus reserves Total equity

Others share income reserves profits

share bond

I. Ending balance of the previous year 5631405741.00 479849106.94 5643935587.86 2390383701.31 2240943653.27 52303785737.73 57402432352.39

Add: Changes in accounting policies

Early error correction


II. Beginning balance of the current year 5631405741.00 479849106.94 5643935587.86 2390383701.31 2240943653.27 52303785737.73 57402432352.39

III. Increase or decrease in the current


year (decrease expressed with "?")

(I) Total comprehensive income -1393059564.60 27048972857.62 25655913293.02

(II) Capital invested and reduced by -


shareholders 2244112466.83

1. Ordinary shares invested by shareholders

2. Capital invested by holders of other equity


3. Amount of share-based payments


recognized in shareholders' equity


4. Others -701211676.42 -313766812.32 -1856667602.73


(III) Profit distribution 2704897285.76 -8318738898.76 -5613841613.00

1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves 2704897285.76 -2704897285.76

2. Distribution to shareholders -5613841613.00 -5613841613.00

3. Others

(IV) Internal carry-over of shareholders'



1. Transfer of capital reserves into capital (or

share capital)

2. Transfer of surplus reserves into capital (or

share capital)

3. Surplus reserves for making up losses

4. Changes in defined benefit plan carried

forward to retained earnings

5. Other comprehensive income carried


forward to retained earnings

6. Others

(V) Special reserves

1. Withdrawal in the current period

2. Amount used in the current period

(VI) Others

IV. Ending balance of this year 5631405741.00 1893049118.18 4942723911.44 585972104.35 2742389179.65 71086199251.37 76996291483.11

Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Head of Accounting Department:

Page 167 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity of Company (Continued)

January to December 2023

Prepared by: Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai Unit: RMB


Other equity instruments

Item Capital Less: Treasury Other comprehensive Special Undistributed

Share capital Preferred Perpetual Surplus reserves Total equity

Others reserves share income reserves profits

share bond

I. Ending balance of the previous year 5914469040.00 109621222.84 19579646233.43 11663015593.78 1983727107.74 66028087909.15 66119274640.08

Add: Changes in accounting policies

Early error correction


II. Beginning balance of the current



III. Increase or decrease in the current


year (decrease expressed with "?")

(I) Total comprehensive income -9231566879.24 22370701515.70 13139134636.46

(II) Capital invested and reduced by -


shareholders 1983727107.74

1. Ordinary shares invested by


2. Capital invested by holders of other

equity instruments

3. Amount of share-based payments


recognized in shareholders' equity


4. Others -283063299.00 -13935710645.57 -11668920238.83



(III) Profit distribution 2237070151.57 -24460944963.57


1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves 2237070151.57 -2237070151.57


2. Distribution to shareholders -22223874812.00


3. Others

(IV) Internal carry-over of


shareholders' equity

1. Transfer of capital reserves into capital

(or share capital)

2. Transfer of surplus reserves into

capital (or share capital)

3. Surplus reserves for making up losses

4. Changes in defined benefit plan carried

forward to retained earnings

5. Other comprehensive income carried


forward to retained earnings

6. Others

(V) Special reserves

1. Withdrawal in the current period

2. Amount used in the current period

(VI) Others

IV. Ending balance of this year 5631405741.00 479849106.94 5643935587.86 2390383701.31 2240943653.27 52303785737.73 57402432352.39

Legal Representative: Chief Accountant: Head of Accounting Department:

Page 168 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Notes to 2023 Financial Statements

I. Basic information of the Company

Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") was founded in

December 1989 with the unified social credit code of 91440400192548256N.As of December 31 2023 the registered capital and share capital of the Company was

RMB5631405741.00. Please refer to Note “V. 47. Share” capital for details of the share capital.Registered address organizational form and address of the Company

The organizational form of the Company: a company limited by shares

The Company's registered address and headquarters address: Room 608 No. 108 Huitong Third Road

Hengqin New Area Zhuhai

Nature of business and main business activities of the Company

The Company is a manufacturing enterprise mainly engaged in the production and sales of air-

conditioners and their accessories as well as home appliances and their accessories.Names of the parent company and the ultimate parent company

As of December 31 2023 the Company had no parent company and no actual controller.Approved submitter and approved submission date of the financial statements

This financial report was submitted under approval by the Board of Directors of the Company as of April


II. Preparation basis of financial statements

Preparation basis

The Company prepares the financial statements on the basis of a going concern and according to the

transactions and events actually incurred and the disclosure provisions in the Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises ? Basic Standards (promulgated by the Ministry of Finance Order No. 33 revised by

the Ministry of Finance Order No.76) and the specific accounting standards the Implementation Guide for

the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises the Interpretations of the Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises and other applicable regulations promulgated and revised by the Ministry of Finance

on and after February 15 2006 (collectively referred to as the "Accounting Standards for Business

Enterprises") as well as the Preparation Rules for Information Disclosure by Companies Offering

Securities to the Public No. 15 ? General Provisions on Financial Reports (Revised in 2023) promulgated

by China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC").Page 169 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

According to the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises the Company's

accounting is based on an accrual basis. Except for certain financial instruments the financial statements

are measured on the basis of historical cost. If an asset is impaired the corresponding impairment provision

shall be made in accordance with relevant regulations.Going concern

The financial statements were presented on a going-concern basis. The management carefully evaluated

factors of the Company in the future 12 months since December 31 2023 such as the macro policy risk

market operation risk current and long-term profitability and solvency of the enterprise financial

flexibility and the management's intention of changing the operation policy and held that no event can

generate significant influence on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.III. Major accounting policies and accounting estimates

Specific accounting policies and accounting estimate suggestions:

The Company and its subsidiaries are mainly engaged in the production and sales of air-conditioners and

their accessories as well as home appliances and their accessories. The Company has prepared several

specific accounting policies and accounting estimates for transactions and events such as revenue

recognition based on the actual production management characteristics and in accordance with

provisions of the related Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. For details see the detailed

description in Note III herein.Statements regarding observance of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements prepared by the Company conform to the requirements of the Accounting

Standards for Business Enterprises and give a true and complete view of the financial position of the

Company on December 31 2023 and the related information such as operating results and cash flows in

2023. Besides the financial statements prepared by the Company in all the major aspects also conform to

the disclosure requirements of financial statements and their notes in the Preparation Rules for Information

Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 15 revised by the China Securities

Regulatory Commission as revised in 2023.Accounting period

The accounting period of the Company includes one year and interim periods. An interim period covers

six-month a quarter and a month. The accounting year of the Company commences on January 1 and ends

on December 31 of each year.Operating cycle

The normal operating cycle refers to the period from the Company's purchase of assets used for processing

to achieving of cash or cash equivalent. The Company regards 12 months as one operating cycle and uses it

as the liquidity classification standard for assets and liabilities.Page 170 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Functional currency

RMB is the functional currency used by the Company. Some subsidiaries of the Company adopt

currencies other than RMB as the functional currency.Determination method and selection basis of importance criteria

Item Importance Criteria

The amount of accrual by individual item accounts for more

Important receivables with bad debt

than 5% of the ending balance of various receivables and the

reserves accrued by individual item

amount is greater than RMB100 million

The single recovery or reversal amount accounts for more

Recovery or reversal of important

than 5% of the ending balance of various receivables and the

receivables bad debt reserves

amount is greater than RMB100 million

The wrote-off amount accounts for more than 5% of the

Actual write-off of important receivables ending balance of various receivables and the amount is

greater than RMB100 million

Advance payments aged over one-year account for more than

Important advance payments aged over

10% of the ending balance of advance payments and the

one year

amount is greater than RMB100 million

The ending balance of a single project is greater than

Important construction in progress

RMB100 million

Accounts payable/other payables aged over 1 year account

Important accounts payable and other for more than 10% of the ending balance of accounts

payables aged over one year payable/other payables and the amount is greater than

RMB100 million

Contractual liabilities aged over 1 year account for more than

Important contractual liabilities aged

10% of the ending balance of contractual liabilities and the

over one year

amount is greater than RMB100 million

Subsidiary's ending net assets/total ending assets/total

Important non-wholly-owned

current profit account for more than 10% of the Company's


ending net assets/total ending assets/total current profit

The ending book value of long-term equity investments in a

single investee accounts for more than 5% of the Company's

Important joint ventures or associates ending net assets or the current investment profit and loss

under the equity method accounts for more than 10% of the

Company's consolidated net profit for the current period

Individual investment activities account for more than 10%

Important investment activities of the total cash inflows or outflows related to received or

paid investment activities

Page 171 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under common control and

business combinations not involving enterprises under common control

Business combination refers to the transaction or event of combining two or more independent enterprises

to form a reporting entity. Business combination is classified into business combination involving

enterprises under common control and business combination not involving enterprises under common


(1) Business combination under common control

A business combination under common control is a business combination in which the enterprises

participating in the combination are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties before and after the

combination and the control is not temporary. For business combinations involving enterprises under

common control the party that obtains the right to control other enterprises participating in the combination

on the combination date is the combined party and other enterprises participating in the combination are

the combined party. The combination date refers to the date on which the combining party actually obtains

the right to control the combined party.Where business combination involving enterprises under common control arises from one transaction or

equities of investees under common control are obtained step by step through multiple transactions and

these transactions belong to a package deal the Company will recognize the cost of combination according

to the share of carrying amount of net assets obtained for the combined party in the ultimate controlling

party's consolidated financial statements on the combination date. The difference between the carrying

amount of the consideration paid for the combination (or total par value of the issued shares) and the

combination cost is adjusted to capital reserve; if the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the

difference any excess is adjusted against retained earnings.Costs incurred that are attributable to the business combination made by the Company including

intermediary costs such as the audit fee legal service charge appraisal and consultation costs and other

related overhead expenses are charged to profits and losses in the period in which they are incurred; the

transaction expenses directly attributable to the consideration paid for the combination through the issuance

of equity instruments are credited against the capital reserve; if the capital reserve is not sufficient any

excess is adjusted against retained earnings; the transaction expenses directly attributable to the

consideration paid for the combination through the issuance of debt instruments are recorded into the

initially recognized amount of debt instruments. Where the equities of investees under common control are

obtained step by step through multiple transactions to achieve a business combination but these

transactions do not belong to a package deal the Company will recognize the cost of the combination

according to the share of carrying amount of net assets to be enjoyed by the combined party after the

combination in the ultimate controlling party's consolidated financial statements on the combination date.The difference between the combination cost and the sum of the carrying amount of long-term equity

investments prior to the combination plus the carrying amount of the consideration newly paid for further

acquisition of shares on the date of combination is adjusted to capital reserve (capital premium or share

capital premium); if the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference any excess is adjusted

Page 172 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

against retained earnings. For the equity investment held before the date of combination accounting

treatment is not performed temporarily for other comprehensive incomes that are accounted for using the

equity method or recognized using financial instruments and accounted according to the measurement

standard for recognition. When this investment is disposed of accounting treatment is conducted using the

basis the same as that used by the investee to directly dispose of relevant assets or liabilities directly. For

other changes in owners' equities other than the net profits and losses other comprehensive income and

profit distribution in net assets of the investee that are recognized because of accounting using the equity

method accounting treatment is not conducted temporarily; they shall be transferred to the profits and

losses of the current period at the time of disposing of this investment.

(2) Business combinations not under common control

A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in

which all combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and

after the combination. For business combinations not involving enterprises under common control the

party that obtains the right to control other enterprises participating in the combination on the date of

combination is the acquiring party and other enterprises participating in the combination are the acquired

party. The date of acquisition refers to the date on which the acquiring party actually obtains the right to

control the acquired party.For the business combination implemented through one transaction the cost of business combination refers

to the fair value of assets paid liabilities incurred or assumed and equity securities issued by the Company

on the date of acquisition for obtaining the right to control the acquired party. On the date of acquisition

the assets liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained by the Company from the acquired party are

recognized at fair value.For a business combination realized by two or more transactions of exchange the accounting treatment for

the combination costs shall be made by distinguishing individual financial statements and consolidated

financial statements:

In the individual financial statements where the held shares are accounted using the equity method prior to

the date of acquisition the cost of the combination of the investment is the aggregate of the carrying

amount of the equity investment of the acquired party held before the date of acquisition and the investment

cost newly increased on the date of acquisition. For other related comprehensive income accounting

treatment is performed during the disposal of the investment using the basis the same as that used by the

investee to dispose of relevant assets or liabilities directly; the owner's equity that is recognized due to

other changes in owner's equities other than the net profits and losses other comprehensive income and

profit distribution of the investee is accordingly transferred to the profits and losses of the current period at

the time of disposing of this investment. Where the equity investment held before the date of acquisition is

recognized using financial instruments and undergoes accounting treatment according to the measurement

standard the cost of the combination of the investment is the aggregate of the fair value of the equity

investment recognized according to this standard and the newly increased investment cost. The difference

between the fair value of the originally held shares and the carrying amount and all the cumulative fair

Page 173 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

value changes originally recorded into other comprehensive income are transferred to the investment

income of the current period.In the consolidated financial statements the shares of the acquired party held before the date of acquisition

shall be remeasured based on the fair value of such shares on the date of acquisition and the difference

between their fair value and the carrying amount shall be charged to the investment income of the current

period; where the shares of the acquired party held before the date of acquisition involve other

comprehensive income under the accounting of the equity method and other changes in owners' equities

other than the net profits and losses other comprehensive income and profit distribution other

comprehensive income and other changes in owners' equities concerned with them shall be transferred to

the investment income in the period in which the date of acquisition is included (excluding other

comprehensive income arising from changes in the net assets or net liabilities of the benefit plan

remeasured and redefined by the investee). The summation of the fair value of the shares of the acquired

party held before the date of acquisition on the date of acquisition and newly increased investment costs on

the date of acquisition shall be the combination cost of the investment.Costs incurred that are attributable to the business combination made by the Company including

intermediary costs such as the audit fee legal service charge appraisal and consultation costs and other

related overhead expenses are charged to profits and losses in the period in which they are incurred. The

transaction expenses directly attributable to the consideration paid for the combination through the issuance

of equity instruments are credited against the capital reserve; if the capital reserve is not sufficient any

excess is adjusted against retained earnings; the transaction expenses directly attributable to the

consideration paid for the combination through the issuance of debt instruments are recorded into the

initially recognized amount of debt instruments.In the Company the positive balance between the business combination cost and the fair value of the

identifiable net assets obtained by the Company from the acquired party shall be recognized as goodwill

and subsequently measured after the accumulated provision for impairment is deducted from the cost; the

negative balance between the business combination cost and the fair value of the identifiable net assets

obtained by the Company from the acquired party shall be charged to profits and losses of the current

period after being checked.

(3) Principle of judging whether multiple transactions are "a package deal"

When the terms and conditions of multiple transactions and the economic impact thereof accord with one

or more of the following cases usually it indicates that these transactions shall undergo accounting

treatment as "a package deal":

1) These transactions are concluded at the same time or concluded in consideration of mutual influence;

2) Only the whole of these transactions can achieve a complete business result;

3) The occurrence of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one of the other transactions;

4) One transaction is not economical when considered separately but economical when taken into account

together with other transactions.Preparation of consolidated financial statements

Page 174 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

(1) Principles for determining the scope of consolidated financial statements

The consolidation scope of consolidated financial statements shall be determined on the basis of control.Control means that the Company owns the power to the investee enjoys variable return by participating

relevant activities of the investee and has the capacity of using the power to the investee to affect its return


(2) Preparation of consolidated financial statements

The Company prepares the consolidated financial statements of the Company are prepared by the Company

based on individual financial statements of the Company and subsidiaries and according to other relevant

data. During the preparation of consolidated financial statements the accounting policy and accounting

period of the Company shall be consistent with those of subsidiaries and the inter-company major

transactions and balances shall be offset.For the subsidiary added due to a business combination involving enterprises under common control in the

Report Period the Company adjusts the amount at the beginning of the period in the consolidated balance

sheet incorporates the revenue expense and profit of this subsidiary from the beginning of the period for

consolidation to the end of the report period into the consolidated profit statement includes its cash flow

into the consolidated cash flow statement and adjusts relevant items in the comparative statements; for the

subsidiary added due to business combination not involving enterprises under common control the

Company does not adjust the amount at the beginning of the period in the consolidated balance sheet but

only incorporates the revenue expense and profit of this subsidiary from the date of acquisition to the end

of the report period into the consolidated profit statement and its cash flow into the consolidated cash flow

statement.The portion of owners' equity of the subsidiaries that isn't attributable to the Company shall be separately

presented as the minority equity under the owners' equity in the Consolidated Balance Sheet. The portion of

the subsidiary's current net profits and losses attributable to minority equity is presented as the "Minority

profits and losses" item in the Consolidated Income Statement. The share of comprehensive income of the

subsidiaries in the current period that is attributable to the minority equity shall be presented as the item of

"Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders" under the total comprehensive income

in the Consolidated Profit Statement. Where the losses of a subsidiary undertaken by minority shareholders

exceed the share enjoyed by minority shareholders in the owners' equities of this subsidiary at the

beginning of the period the balance shall still be adjusted against the minority shareholders' equity.For the acquisition of the subsidiary's shares owned by minority shareholders thereof in the consolidated

financial statements the difference between the long-term equity investment newly obtained because of the

acquisition of minority shareholders' shares and the share of net assets of the subsidiary to be enjoyed and

continuously calculated according to the proportion of newly added shares from the acquisition date or

consolidation date is adjusted to capital reserve; if the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the

difference any excess is adjusted against retained earnings.For the transaction for which a part of equity investment is disposed of but the right to control this

subsidiary is not lost in the consolidated financial statements the difference between the disposal price and

Page 175 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

the share of net assets of the subsidiary to be enjoyed accordingly for disposal of the long-term equity

investment and continuously calculated from the acquisition date or consolidation date is adjusted to capital

reserve (capital premium or share capital premium); if the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the

difference any excess is adjusted against retained earnings.Where the right to control the original subsidiary is lost due to disposal of a part of equity investment or

other reasons the residual shareholding shall be remeasured at fair value on the date of losing the control

right; the result of the sum of the consideration obtained from the equity disposal plus the fair value of

residual shareholding minus the share of net assets of the original subsidiary that should be enjoyed and is

continuously calculated according to the original proportion of held shares from the acquisition date shall

be charged to the investment income in the period when the control right is lost and adjusted against the

goodwill at the same time; other comprehensive income related to the original subsidiary's equity

investment shall be transferred to the investment income of the current period when the control right is lost.Where the equity investment for a subsidiary is disposed of step by step through multiple transactions till

the control right is lost and all the transactions belong to a package deal accounting treatment shall be

performed for the transactions by deeming all the transactions as one item for disposing of the subsidiary

and losing the control right; however prior to loss of the control right the difference between every

disposal price and the share of net assets of this subsidiary to be enjoyed accordingly for investment

disposal shall be recognized as other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements and at

the time of losing the control right be jointly transferred to the profits and losses in the period when the

control right is lost.Where the equity investment for a subsidiary is disposed of step by step through multiple transactions till

the control right is lost and the transactions do not belong to a package deal all the transactions before the

loss of the right to control the subsidiary shall be handled according to the regulations of the Company on

partial disposal of the subsidiary's long-term equity investment provided that the Company does not lose

the right to control the subsidiary.This report period does not involve buying-in and selling-out of the same subsidiary's equity or selling-out

and buying-in turn.Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment of co-management

Joint arrangement refers to the arrangement for joint control by two or more participants.

(1) Joint arrangement classification

A joint arrangement is classified into co-management and joint venture. Co-management refers to the joint

arrangement where the parties to the venture enjoy relevant assets of this arrangement and assume relevant

liabilities of this arrangement. A joint venture refers to a joint arrangement where the parties to the venture

only enjoy rights to the net assets of this arrangement.

(2) Accounting treatment of co-management

1) The Company recognizes the following items related to the quantum of interest in co-management and

performs accounting treatment in accordance with provisions of the corresponding Accounting Standards

for Business Enterprises:

Page 176 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

a. Independently held assets as well as the jointly held assets to be recognized according to the share of the


b. Independently undertaken liabilities as well as the jointly undertaken liabilities to be recognized

according to the share of the Company;

c. Revenue generated by selling the output share of co-management that is enjoyed by the Company enjoys;

d. Revenue that is generated by selling the output during co-management and recognized according to the

share of the Company;

e. Independently incurred expense as well as the expense incurred by co-management and recognized

according to the share of the Company.

2) Where the Company puts assets into or sells assets to the parties to co-management (except that the

assets constitute business) before the said assets are sold to a third party by the parties to co-management

the Company recognizes only the part in the profits and losses arising from this transaction that is

attributable to other participants in the co-management. In case the put or sold assets involve the asset

impairment losses complying with provisions in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8

? Impairment of Assets the Company shall recognize the said loss in full.Where the Company purchases assets from the parties to co-management (except that the assets constitute

business) before said assets are sold to a third party the Company recognizes only the part in the profits

and losses arising from this transaction that is attributable to other participants in the co-management. In

case the purchased assets involve asset impairment losses complying with provisions in the Accounting

Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 ? Impairment of Assets the Company shall recognize this part of

loss according to the share to undertake.Determination criteria for cash and cash equivalents

The cash refers to the enterprise's money on hand and deposits for payment at any time. Cash equivalents

refer to investments held by the enterprise that are short in term (generally referring to those expiring

within not more than 3 months from the date of acquisition) high in liquidity convertible to the known

amount of cash and insignificant in risk of change of value.Foreign currency transactions and translation of financial statements in foreign currency

(1) Method of translation for foreign currency transactions

At the time of initial recognition of a foreign currency transaction of the Company the amount in the

foreign currency shall be translated into the amount in RMB currency at the spot exchange rate of the

transaction date (generally referring to the medial rate of foreign exchange quotation published by the

People's Bank of China at the date of transaction the same below).

(2) Treatment of monetary items of foreign currencies and non-monetary items of foreign currencies on

the balance sheet date

For the monetary items of foreign currencies the translation is done according to the spot rate of the

balance sheet date. The exchange difference generated from the difference between the spot rate of the

current balance sheet date and the time of initial recognition of a foreign currency or the previous balance

Page 177 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

sheet date is charged to the profits and losses of the current period except that the exchange difference

generated from foreign currency borrowings relating to assets of which the acquisition or production

satisfies the capitalization conditions is capitalized in accordance with the Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises No. 17 ? Borrowing Costs. For the non-monetary items of foreign currencies

measured by historical cost translation is done according to the spot rate of the transaction date without

change in their amount in functional currency. Non-monetary items of foreign currencies such as shares

and funds measured at fair value are translated as per the spot rate on the date when their fair value is

confirmed. The differences between the translated amounts in functional currency and the original amounts

in functional currency are recorded into current profits and losses as fluctuations in fair value (including

fluctuation in exchange rates).

(3) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

The Company translates the financial statements expressed in foreign currency into ones expressed in RMB

currency according to the following provisions.The assets and liabilities in the balance sheet shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the balance

sheet date except for the "undistributed profits" item. Other items of owners' equity are converted at the

spot exchange rate at the time of occurrence. The asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be

translated at an average exchange rate. The difference arising from the translation of financial statements in

foreign currency generated by the above method shall be separately presented under the owner's equity item

in the balance sheet. The foreign currency cash flow statement shall be translated at the average exchange

rate on the cash flow date. The amount of influence of the exchange rate change on cash shall be presented

separately under the adjusted item in the cash flow statement.Financial instruments

A financial asset or financial liability can be recognized when the Company becomes one party of financial

instrument contract.

(1) Classification recognition and measurement of financial assets

According to the business mode for management of the financial assets and the characteristics of the

contractual cash flows of the financial assets the Company classifies the financial assets as financial assets

measured at amortized cost; financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in other

comprehensive income; financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits

and losses.The financial assets initially recognized by the Company shall be measured at fair value. For the financial

assets measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses the transaction

expenses thereof are directly included in the current profits and losses; for other categories of financial

assets the transaction expenses thereof are included in the initially recognized amount. For the accounts

receivable or notes receivable arising from the sale of products or the provision of services which do not

include or consider significant financing components the initial recognition amount is based on the

expected amount of consideration that the Company is entitled to receive.

1) Financial assets measured at amortization costs

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The Company's business model for managing financial assets measured at amortization cost is to collect

contractual cash flows and the contractual cash flow characteristics of such financial assets are consistent

with basic borrowing arrangements that is cash flows generated on a specific date are for the payment of

principal and interest based on the outstanding principal amount. The Company adopts the effective interest

rate method for such financial assets and performs subsequent measurement based on amortization cost.The gains or losses arising from their amortization or impairment are included in the current profits and


2) Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income

The Company's business model for managing such financial assets aims at the collection of contractual

cash flows and sales and the contractual cash flow characteristics of such financial assets are consistent

with the basic lending arrangements. The company measures such financial assets at fair value and their

changes are recognized in other comprehensive income but impairment losses or gains exchange profits

and losses and interest income calculated using the effective interest rate method are recognized in the

current profits and losses.In addition the Company designates some non-transaction equity instrument investments as financial assets

measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income. The Company includes the

relevant dividend income of such financial assets in the current profits and losses with changes in fair value

included in other comprehensive income. When the financial assets are derecognized the cumulative gains

or losses previously included in other comprehensive income will be transferred from other comprehensive

income to retained income but will not be included in the current profits and losses.

3) Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income

The Company classifies financial assets other than those measured at amortized cost and those measured at

fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income as financial assets measured at fair value

with changes included in the current profits and losses In addition in the initial recognition in order to

eliminate or significantly reduce the accounting mismatch the Company designated some financial assets

as financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses. For such

financial assets the Company uses fair value for subsequent measurement and the changes in fair value are

included in the current profits and losses.

(2) Classification recognition and measurement of financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are initially classified as financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes

included in the current profits and losses and other financial liabilities. For the financial liabilities measured

at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses the transaction expenses thereof are

directly included in the current profits and losses; for other financial liabilities the transaction expenses

thereof are included in the initially recognized amount.

1) Financial liabilities are measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses

Financial liabilities are measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses

including transaction financial liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) and financial

liabilities designated at initial recognition as measured at fair value with changes included in the current

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profits and losses.Transaction financial liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) are subsequently

measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses except for those related to

hedge accounting.For financial liabilities designated as those measured at fair value at the initial recognition with changes

included in the current profits and losses the changes of fair value caused by changes in the Company's

own credit risk are included in other comprehensive income and when the liabilities are derecognized the

cumulative changes in fair value caused by changes in own credit risk included in other comprehensive

income are transferred to retained earnings. Other changes in fair value are included in current profits and

losses. Suppose the accounting mismatch in profits and losses may be caused or expanded as the effects of

changes in the own credit risk of such financial liabilities are processed in the above manner. In that case

the Company will include all gains or losses of such financial liabilities (including the amount affected by

changes in the Company's own credit risk) included in the current profit and loss.

2) Other financial liabilities

Except for financial liabilities and financial guarantee contracts formed by the transfer of financial assets

that do not meet the conditions for derecognition or continue to be involved in the transferred financial

assets other financial liabilities are classified as financial liabilities measured at amortized cost and are

subsequently measured at amortized cost. Gains or losses arising from derecognition or amortization are

included in the current profits and losses.

(3) Basis for the recognition and method for the measurement of financial assets

Financial assets that meet one of the following conditions shall be derecognized:

1) The contract right to receive the cash flow of the financial assets is terminated;

2) The financial assets have been transferred and almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of the

financial assets are transferred to the transferring party;

3) The financial assets have been transferred. Although the enterprise has neither transferred nor retained

almost all the risks and rewards of the ownership of the financial assets it has given up control over the

financial assets.Suppose the enterprise has neither transferred nor retained almost all the risks and rewards of the ownership

of the financial assets and has not given up control over the financial assets. In that case the relevant

financial assets shall be recognized according to the extent of continued involvement in the transferred

financial assets and the relevant liabilities shall be recognized accordingly. The degree of continued

participation involvement in the transferred financial assets refers to the level of risk faced by the enterprise

due to changes in the value of the financial assets.Suppose the overall transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for derecognition. In that case the

difference between the book value of the transferred financial assets and the sum of the consideration

received due to the transfer and the cumulative amount of changes in fair value originally included in other

comprehensive income is included in the current profits and losses.Suppose the partial transfer of financial assets satisfies the conditions for derecognition. In that case the

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book value of the transferred financial assets will be apportioned between the portion derecognized and the

portion not derecognized according to their relative fair values and the difference between the sum of the

consideration received for the transfer and the amount of cumulative changes in the fair value which was

previously directly recognized in owner's equity and which should be apportioned to the portion

derecognized. The above book amount apportioned will be included in the current profits and losses.The Company must determine whether almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets

have been transferred before endorsing the transfer of financial assets sold by means of recourse and

financial assets held. If almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset have been

transferred to the transferee the financial asset will be derecognized; if the risks and rewards of the

ownership of the financial asset have been retained the financial asset will not be derecognized; if almost

all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset have not been transferred or retained the

enterprise needs to continue to determine whether it retains control over the asset and performs accounting

treatment in accordance with the principles described in the preceding paragraphs.

(4) Derecognition of financial liabilities

If the present obligation for a financial liability has been fully or partially discharged the financial liability

or the relevant portion thereof will be derecognized. Suppose the Company (borrower) signs an agreement

with the lender to replace the original financial liability by assuming a new financial liability and the

contract terms of the new financial liability and the original financial liability are substantially different. In

that case original financial liability will be derecognized and the new financial liability will be recognized

at the same time. Suppose a material amendment is made to the contractual terms for the original financial

liability or the relevant portion thereof. In that case the original financial liability will be derecognized and

the new financial liability will be recognized according to the amended terms at the same time.If the financial liability or the relevant portion thereof is derecognized the difference between the book

value of the financial liability derecognized and the consideration paid for it (including the non-cash asset

transferred or the liability assumed) will be included in the current profits and losses.

(5) Offsetting financial assets with financial liabilities

When the Company has the legal right to offset the financial asset and the financial liability with the

recognized amount and such legal rights are currently enforceable and the Company plans to settle in the

net or simultaneously realize the financial asset and liquidate the financial liability the financial asset and

the financial liability will be presented in the balance sheet in net amounts after mutual offset. In addition

financial assets and financial liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet and are not offset

against each other.

(6) Method for determining the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities

Fair value refers to the price that a market participant can receive for the sale of an asset or need to pay for

the transfer of a liability in the orderly transaction that occurs on the measurement date. For financial

instruments for which there is an active market the fair value thereof will be determined by the Company

based on the quotation in the active market. Quotation in the active market refers to the price that is easily

obtained from exchanges brokers industry associations pricing service agencies etc. on a regular basis

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and represents the price of market transactions that actually occur in fair trading. For financial instruments

for which there is no active market the fair value thereof will be determined by the Company using

valuation techniques. The value appraisal techniques include the prices adopted by the parties who are

familiar with the condition in the latest market transaction of their own free will the current fair value

obtained by referring to other financial instruments of the same essential nature the cash flow

capitalization method and the option pricing model etc. At the time of valuation the Company adopts a

valuation technique that is applicable in the current circumstances and that there is sufficient available data

and other information to support selects the input values consistent with the asset or liability characteristics

considered by the market participants in the transaction of the underlying asset or liability and as far as

possible uses relevant observable input values. Unobservable input values are used where the relevant

observable input values are not available or are not practicable.

(7) Equity instruments

Equity instruments refer to contracts that can prove ownership of the residual equity in assets of the

Company after deduction of all the liabilities. The Company treats issues (including refinancing)

repurchases sale or cancellation of equity instruments as changes in equity and transaction expenses

related to equity transactions are deducted from equity. The Company does not recognize changes in the

fair value of equity instruments.If the Company's equity instruments distribute dividends (including "interest" generated by instruments

classified as equity instruments) during the existence period such dividends will be treated as profit

distribution.Impairment of financial assets

Financial assets of which the Company needs to recognize impairment losses include financial assets

measured at amortization cost and debt instrument investments measured at fair value with changes

included in other comprehensive income mainly including notes receivable receivables financing

accounts receivable contract assets other receivables loans and advances debt investment other debt

investment long-term receivables etc.

(1) Recognition methods of provision for impairment

Based on the expected credit loss the Company makes an impairment provision. It recognizes credit

impairment loss according to the applicable expected credit loss measurement method (general method or

simplified method) for the above items.Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows that are due to the Company in

accordance with the contract and all the cash flows that the Company expects to receive (i.e. all cash

shortfalls) discounted at the original effective interest rate. Among them for purchased or originated

credit-impaired financial assets the Company discounts the difference at the credit-adjusted effective

interest rate of the financial assets.The general method for measuring expected credit losses is that the Company assesses on each balance

sheet date whether the credit risk of financial assets has increased significantly since initial recognition. If

the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition the Company measures the loss

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provisions according to the amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses. If the credit risk has not

increased significantly since initial recognition the Company measures the loss provisions according to the

amount equal to 12-month expected credit losses. The Company considers all reasonable and valid

information including forward-looking information when assessing expected credit losses.For financial instruments with lower credit risk on the balance sheet date the Company assumes that their

credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition.

(2) Judgment standards for whether the credit risks have increased significantly since the initial


Suppose the probability of default of a financial asset in the expected lifetime determined on the balance

sheet date is significantly higher than the probability of default in the expected lifetime determined at the

time of initial recognition. In that case it indicates that the credit risk of the financial asset has increased

significantly. Except for special circumstances the Company uses the change in default risk that occurs

within the next 12 months as a reasonable estimate of the change in default risk that occurs throughout the

lifetime to determine whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition.

(3) Assessment methods of the expected credit risks based on combinations

The Company assesses the credit risks of the financial assets with significantly different credit risks

respectively such as accounts receivable from disputes with the other party or litigation and arbitration and

receivables with obvious signs indicating that the debtor is likely to be unable to fulfill the repayment

obligation etc.In addition to the financial assets whose credit risks are assessed respectively the Company divides the

financial assets into different combinations based on their common risk characteristics. It assesses the credit

risks on the basis of combinations.

(4) Accounting treatment methods for financial assets impairment

At the end of the period the Company calculates the estimated credit losses of various financial assets. If

the estimated credit losses are greater than the book value of the current impairment provisions the

difference is recognized as an impairment loss; if the estimated credit losses are smaller than the book value

of the current impairment provisions the difference is recognized as an impairment gain.

(5) Recognition methods of the credit losses of all kinds of financial assets

1) Notes receivable and receivables financing ? notes receivable

For notes receivable and receivables financing ? notes receivable the Company measures the loss reserves

according to the amount of the expected credit losses during the whole duration. Based on the credit risk

characteristics of notes receivable and receivables financing ? notes receivable financial assets are divided

into different combinations:

Item Basis for recognition of combinations

Banker's acceptance bill The acceptor is a banking institution

Financial company

The acceptor is a financial company

acceptance bill

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Item Basis for recognition of combinations

Trade acceptance draft The acceptor is a company other than a bank institution or financial company

2) Accounts receivable receivables financing ? accounts receivable and contract assets

For accounts receivable that do not contain significant financing components accounts receivable that

contain significant financing components receivables financing ? accounts receivable and contract assets

the Company measures loss reserves based on an expected credit loss amount equivalent to the entire

duration. Expected credit losses related to contract assets are included in asset impairment losses.In addition to accounts receivable of which credit risk is individually assessed the Company divides

accounts receivable into different combinations based on their credit risk characteristics:

Item Basis for recognition of combinations

Combination 1: Account

The combination takes the account age of accounts receivable as the basis for the combination

age combination

The combination takes the dismantling subsidy of waste electrical and electronic products

Combination 2: Low risk

receivable from government departments and new energy vehicle subsidies as the basis for the



Combination 3: No risk The combination takes the receivables from related units within the scope of consolidation as

combination the basis for the combination

3) Disbursement of loans and advances

The Company measures impairment losses using an amount equivalent to 12-month or lifetime expected

credit losses based on whether the credit risk of disbursement of loans and advances has increased

significantly since initial recognition.

4) Other receivables

The Company measures impairment losses using an amount equivalent to 12-month or lifetime expected

credit losses based on whether the credit risk of other receivables has increased significantly since initial

recognition. In addition to other receivables of which credit risk is individually assessed the Company

divides other receivables into different combinations based on their credit risk characteristics:

Item Basis for recognition of combinations

Combination 1: Account age The combination takes the account age of other receivables as the basis for the

combination combination

Combination 2: Low risk The combination takes the receivable government grain deposits as the basis for the

combination combination

Combination 3: No risk The combination takes the receivables from related units within the scope of consolidation

combination as the basis for the combination

5) Debt investment

Debt investment mainly accounts for bond investment measured at amortization cost. The Company

measures impairment losses using an amount equivalent to 12-month or lifetime expected credit losses

based on whether the credit risk of other debt investments has increased significantly since initial


6) Other debt investments

Other debt investments mainly account for the debt instrument investments measured at fair value with

changes included in other comprehensive income. The Company measures impairment losses using an

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amount equivalent to 12-month or lifetime expected credit losses based on whether the credit risk of other

debt investments has increased significantly since initial recognition.

7) Long-term receivables

The Company's long-term receivables are incomes from the sales of goods collected in installments. The

Company measures the loss reserves according to the amount of the expected credit losses during the whole

duration.Receivables financing

For notes receivable and accounts receivable classified as measured at fair value and of which changes are

included in other comprehensive income the portion within one year (including one year) from the date of

acquisition is presented as receivables financing while the portion beyond one year is presented as other

debt investment. For related accounting policies please refer to Note “III. 11. Financial instruments” and

Note “III. 12. Impairment of financial assets”.Inventory

(1) Inventory classification

The Company's inventories mainly include raw materials work in progress and contract performance costs

finished products development costs and development products.Development cost refers to the property that has not been completed and is for sale; the Company accounts

for the land use rights purchased and used for commercial housing development as the development cost.Development product refers to the property that has been completed and is to be sold.

(2) Valuation method for delivered inventories

The Company mainly adopts the planned cost method for inventory accounting while some subsidiaries

adopt the actual cost method for inventory accounting.Inventories accounted for with the planned cost method are valued at planned cost upon shipment and at

the end of the month the planned cost is adjusted to the actual cost based on the cost difference of the

current month; inventories accounted for using the actual cost method mainly use the weighted average

method at the end of each month to value the issued inventory.Development cost and product development costs include land transfer fees infrastructure expenditures

construction and installation engineering expenditures borrowing costs incurred before the development

project is completed and other related costs incurred in development. When carrying forward the cost for

product development the total cost is allocated between the sold and unsold properties in proportion to the

construction area.

(3) Basis for determining the net realizable value of inventory and accrual method for inventory

depreciation reserves

At the balance sheet date inventories are measured at the lower cost and net realizable value. If the cost of

inventories is higher than the net realizable value a provision for the decline in the value of inventories

shall be made and shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period whereas a provision for

the decline in the value of inventories has been made if the value of the said inventories is resumed later

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the said value shall be transferred back from the provision for the decline in value of the inventories. Net

realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of

completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes.

(4) Inventory system

The Company's inventory adopts the perpetual inventory system.

(5) Amortization methods of low-value consumables and packing materials

Low-value consumables and packing materials are written off in full when issued for use.Contract assets

The Company presented the right to collect payments from customers which the customers have not yet

paid the contract consideration. While the Company has fulfilled its performance obligations in accordance

with the contract and which is not unconditional (that is only depending on the passage of time) as

contract assets in the balance sheet. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are

presented in net amount and contract assets and contract liabilities under different contracts are not offset.For the determination and accounting treatment of expected credit losses of contract assets please refer to

Note “III. 12. Impairment of financial assets”.Contract costs

(1) Determination of asset amount related to contract costs

The Company's asset related to contract costs includes contract acquisition cost and contract obtain cost.If the incremental cost incurred by the Company to obtain the contract is expected to be recovered it will

be recognized as an asset as the contract acquisition cost. However if the amortization period of the asset

does not exceed one year it will be included in current profits and losses when it is incurred.If the cost incurred by the Company for the performance of the contract does not fall within the scope

specified in the accounting standards for business enterprises other than the Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises No. 14 ? Revenues (Revised in 2017) it shall be recognized as an asset as the contract

performance cost when the following conditions are met simultaneously: * the cost is directly related to a

current or expected contract including direct labor cost direct material cost manufacturing expense (or

similar expense) cost clearly borne by the customer and other costs incurred only due to the contract; *

the cost increases the Company's future resources for fulfilling its performance obligations; and * the cost

is expected to be recovered.

(2) Amortization of assets related to contract costs

The Company’s assets related to contract costs are amortized on the same basis as the recognition of goods

income related to the asset and included in the current profits and losses.

(3) Impairment of assets related to contract costs

When recognizing the impairment loss of assets related to the contract cost the Company shall first

recognize the impairment loss of other assets related to the contract and recognized in accordance with

other relevant corporate accounting standards; then based on the fact that the book value is higher than the

difference between the residual consideration expected to be obtained by the Company due to the transfer

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of the goods related to the asset and the estimated cost to be incurred for the transfer of the relevant goods

the excess part shall be withdrawn for impairment provision and recognized as asset impairment losses.If the depreciation factors in the previous period change later causing the aforementioned difference above

to be higher than the book value of the asset the Company will transfer back the previously-made

provision for impairment and include it in the current profits and losses. While the book value of the asset

after transferring back can not exceed the book value of the asset at the date of transferring back under the

assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.Assets held for sale

(1) Recognition standard

Where the Company recovers its book value by selling (including the non-monetary asset exchange with

commercial substance; it is the same below) not continuously using a non-current asset or disposal group

it shall be classified into the category of assets held for sale. The non-current asset or disposal group to be

classified into the category of assets held for sale shall meet the following conditions at the same time:

According to the practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions they can be sold

immediately under the current circumstances;

Selling is extremely likely to happen. That is to say that the Company has made the decision to a selling

plan and has obtained recognized purchase commitment and selling is expected to be completed within one

year. If it can be sold only after being approved by the relevant authority organization or supervision

department of the Company according to relevant requirements it should have been approved. Recognized

purchase commitment refers to a purchase agreement with a legally binding force that the Company

concludes with other parties which includes important clauses of the transaction price time and enough

strict default punishment etc. with which the possibility to lead to major adjustment or cancellation of

agreement is tiny.The non-current asset or disposal group acquired by the Company for resale shall be classified as the held

for sale on the acquisition date if it meets the requirements of “expected to be sold within one year” on the

acquisition date and it is likely to meet the other classification conditions for holding for sale in the short

term (usually three months).The disposal group refers to a group of assets that are disposed of as a whole in a transaction through sale

or other means and the liabilities that are directly related to these assets and transferred in the transaction.Where the goodwill obtained in the merger of enterprises is apportioned for the asset group or asset group

combination to which the disposal group belongs according to Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.8

? Impairment of Assets this disposal group should contain the goodwill apportioned to the disposal group.

(2) Accounting treatment

For the non-current asset and disposal group that is classified as the category held for sale the Company

carries out initial measurement or re-measurement according to the smaller result of the net value of the

book value and the fair value minus the net amount of the disposal expense. Where the net value of the fair

value minus the disposal cost is lower than the original book value the difference is confirmed as assets

impairment losses and included in the current profits and losses and the provision for impairment of the

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assets held for sale is made at the same time; for the amount of assets impairment losses confirmed by the

disposal group held for sale the book value of the goodwill in the disposal group is deducted first and then

its book value is deducted in proportion according to the ratios of the book values of various non-current

assets applicable to the measurement of the category held for sales in the disposal group.Where the net value of the fair value of non-current assets held for sale on the balance sheet date minus the

selling expense increases subsequently the previous write-down amount is restored and will be transferred

back in the amount of assets impairment loss after classification as the category held for sales is confirmed

and the amount transferred back shall be included in the current profits and losses. Asset impairment losses

recognized before the classification are not transferred back.Where the net value of the fair value of the disposal group held for sale on the balance sheet date minus the

selling expense increases subsequently the previous write-down amount is restored and will be transferred

back in the amount of asset impairment losses confirmed for non-current assets applicable to the

measurement provisions of the category held for sale after classification as the category held for sales and

the amount transferred back shall be included in the current profits and losses.For the deducted book value of goodwill and the non-current assets applicable to the measurement

provisions of the category held for sale the asset impairment losses confirmed before classification as the

category held for sales shall not be transferred back. For the amount subsequently transferred back for asset

impairment losses recognized in the disposal group held for sale its book value is increased in proportion

according to the ratios of the book values of various non-current assets applicable to measurement

provisions of the category held for sales in the disposal group excluding the goodwill. The non-current

assets held for sale or non-current assets in the disposal group are not made for provision for impairment or

amortized and the interests on debts and other expenses in the disposal group held for sale will be

confirmed continuously.The measurement methods of the category held for sale do not apply to the deferred income tax assets

financial assets complying with the specifications of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22

? Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments investment real estate and biological assets

measured at fair value contract rights produced in the insurance contract and the assets produced in the

welfare of the workers and they are measured according to the relevant criteria or corresponding

accounting policies formulated by the Company. Where the disposal group contains the non-current assets

applicable to the measurement method of the category held for sale the measurement method of the

category held for sale is applicable to the whole disposal group. The related accounting standards apply to

the measurement of liabilities in the disposal group.When the non-current assets or disposal group is removed from the disposal group held for sale because it

does not meet the classification condition of the category held for sale anymore and will not be classified as

the category held for sale or non-current assets it shall be measured according to the smaller one of the

following two:

1) In the case of the book value before being classified into the held for sale category the amount adjusted

according to the depreciation amortization or impairment that should have been recognized under the

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assumption that it is not classified as held for sale category;

2) Recoverable amount.

Long-term equity investments

The long-term equity investments mainly include the equity investment held by the Company that can take

control over the investee and have a significant impact as well as the equity investment in its joint venture.

(1) Judgment standards of control and significant influence

Judgment standards of control:

1) The Company owns the power to the investee;

2) The Company enjoys variable returns by participating in relevant activities of the investee;

3) The Company is able to use the power over the investee to influence the Company's return amount;

4) The Company acknowledges the control force for the investee that meets the above three conditions.

Judgment standards of significant influence:

1) The Company has the power to participate in the decision-making of the investee's financial and

operating policies but does not control or jointly control the formulation of these policies with other


2) Where the Company is able to exert a significant impact on the investee it is the associated enterprise of

the Company;

3) The investee under common control by the Company and other participants is a joint venture of the

Company. Common control means that any participant cannot independently control this arrangement and

any participant with the right to common control of this arrangement can prevent other participants or the

combination of participants from independently controlling this arrangement.

(2) Determination of the investment cost of the long-term equity investment

The long-term equity investment of the Company is measured at the investment cost at the time of

acquisition. Typically the investment cost refers to the assets paid liabilities incurred or undertaken and

the fair value of equity securities issued for the acquisition of this investment including the costs directly

attributable to the acquisition. However for the long-term equity investment formed by a business

combination involving enterprises under common control the investment cost is the share of the carrying

amount of the combined party's net assets acquired on the combination date in the ultimate controlling

party's consolidated financial statements.

(3) Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investments and methods of profits and losses


The Company adopts the cost method to calculate the long-term equity investment that can control the

investee and the equity method to calculate the investment of associated enterprise and joint venture.The price of a long-term equity investment accounted for by employing the cost method shall be included

in its initial investment cost. If there are additional investments or disinvestments the cost of the long-term

equity investment shall be adjusted. The cash dividends or profits declared to be distributed by the investee

shall be recognized as investment income and charged to profits and losses of the current period.When the Company employs the equity method for accounting for the long-term equity investment if the

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investment cost of a long-term equity investment is more than the investing enterprise's attributable share

of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets for the investment the investment cost of the long-

term equity investment may not be adjusted; if the investment cost of a long-term equity investment is less

than the investing enterprise' attributable share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets for

the investment the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted. The difference

shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period.When the Company employs the equity method for accounting for the long-term equity investment the

Company first adjusts the investee's net profits and losses and other comprehensive income in aspects such

as the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of investment acquisition accounting

policy and accounting period. Then it recognizes the current-period investment profits and losses and other

comprehensive income based on the net profits and losses and other comprehensive income shares of the

investee that should be enjoyed or shared. For other changes in owners' equities other than the net profits

and losses other comprehensive income and profit distribution the carrying amount of the long-term

equity investment shall be adjusted and recorded into the owners' equities.For the unrealized internal transaction profits and losses that arise between the Company and the associates

and joint ventures the part attributable to the Company shall be calculated according to the shareholding

proportion and the investment profits and losses shall be recognized on the basis of offsetting.For the long-term equity investments held already prior to January 1 2007 for the associates and joint

ventures if there is any equity investment difference on the debit side the investment profits and losses

shall be recognized after deduction of the equity investment difference on the debit side amortized by the

straight-line method according to the original residual maturity.

(4) Recognition of common control and significant influences on the investee

Common control is recognized as the control that does not exist unless the investing parties unanimously

agree on sharing the control power over the relevant important financial and operating decisions of the

investee according to the provisions of the contract.Significant influences will be recognized where there is power to participate in making decisions on the

financial and operating policies of the investee but not to control or do joint control together with other

parties over the formulation of these policies. When the Company holds more than 20.00% (inclusive) but

less than 50.00% of voting shares of the investee directly or indirectly through a subsidiary significant

influences on the investee shall be recognized unless there is clear evidence indicating that the Company

cannot participate in production and management decision-making of the investee in this situation and

therefore cannot generate significant influences; if the Company holds less than 20.00% (exclusive) of

voting shares of the investee usually the Company is not deemed to have a significant influence on the

investee unless there is clear evidence indicating that the Company can participate in production and

management decision-making of the investee in this situation and therefore can generate significant


(5) Conversion of accounting method of long-term equity investment

Where the equity investment originally held by the Company which is unable to control is not under

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common control with or has no significant influences on the invested entity is converted into an investment

for an associate or joint venture due to additional investment the investment shall be accounted by the

equity method instead and the Company shall use the fair value of the original equity investment plus the

fair value of the consideration paid to acquire the newly added investment as the initial investment cost

accounted by the equity method instead. The difference between the fair value and carrying amount of the

originally held equity investment prior to the additional investment and the cumulative fair value changes

originally recorded into other comprehensive income shall be transferred to the current-period profits and

losses accounted by the equity method instead.For the originally held investments for associates and joint ventures if they are not able to be under

common control with or have significant influences on the invested entity if they are not able to be under

common control with or have significant influences on the invested entity due to reasons such as partial

disposal accounting treatment must be performed for residual equity investments according to the

recognition and measurement standards for financial instruments. The difference between the fair value and

carrying amount on the date on which the common control or significant influence is lost shall be charged

to profits and losses of the current period. When accounting based on the equity method is terminated for

other related comprehensive income originally subject to accounting of equity method accounting

treatment is performed using the basis the same as that used by the investee to directly dispose of relevant

assets or liabilities directly; all the owners' equities that are recognized due to other changes in owners'

equities other than the net profits and losses other comprehensive income and profit distribution of the

investee shall be transferred to the profits and losses of the current period when accounting based on the

equity method is terminated.Where the originally held investments for associates or joint ventures are converted to investments for

subsidiaries due to additional investment in the individual financial statements the sum of the carrying

value of the acquired party's equity investment held prior to the acquisition date and the investment cost

newly added on the acquisition date shall be used as the initial investment cost of such an investment; for

the equity investment held prior to the acquisition date other comprehensive income recognized due to

accounting of the equity method shall undergo accounting treatment using the basis the same as that used

by the investee to directly dispose of relevant assets or liabilities when such an investment is disposed of.When the influencing capability of the investee is converted from control to a significant influence or

common control together with other investors due to investment disposal the long-term equity investment

cost for which recognition shall be terminated is first carried over according to the proportion of

investment disposal. On such a basis the remaining long-term equity investment cost is compared with the

share attributable to the Company in the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of

original investment which is calculated according to the remaining shareholding proportion. For the

goodwill part to be embodied in the investment evaluation the carrying amount of long-term equity

investment shall not be adjusted; where the investment cost is less than the share attributable to the

Company in the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of original investment any

excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings when the long-term equity investment cost is adjusted.Page 191 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

For the share attributable to the Company in the investee's realized net profits and losses between

acquisition of the original investment and conversion to accounting of the equity method due to investment

disposal the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted meanwhile any excess

shall be adjusted against retained earnings for the share attributable to the Company in the investee's

realized net profits and losses (excluding the cash dividends or profits distributed or declared to distribute)

from acquisition of the original investment to the beginning of the period in which the investment is

disposed of and the current-period profits and losses shall be adjusted for the share attributable to the

Company in the investee's realized net profits and losses from the beginning of the period in which the

investment is disposed of to the investment disposal date; the share attributable to the Company in the

invested entity's changes in other comprehensive income shall be recorded into other comprehensive

income when the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment is adjusted; the share attributable to

the Company in the investee's other changes in owners' equities arising from reasons other than the net

profits and losses other comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be recorded into "Capital

reserves ? other capital reserves" when the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment is adjusted.After the cost method is converted to the equity method for the long-term equity investment the share

attributable to the Company in the investee's realized net profits and losses other comprehensive income

and other changes in owners' equities shall be calculated and recognized according to provisions of the

standard in the future period.For the originally held long-term equity investment that is able to control the investee if the shareholding

proportion declines due to reasons such as partial disposal and the investment cannot be able to control be

under common control with or have significant influences on the investee accounting treatment must be

performed for remaining equity investments according to the recognition and measurement standards for

financial instruments. The difference between the fair value and carrying amount on the date of control loss

shall be recorded in the investment income of the current period.In the process of holding the long-term equity investment if the Company decides to sell all or part of the

held equity of the investee in consideration of all aspects the carrying amount of the long-term equity

investment corresponding to the sold equity shall be carried over accordingly. The difference between the

selling price and the carrying amount of long-term equity investment for disposal shall be recognized as

disposal profits and losses.If the Company disposes of all the long-term equity investments accounted by the equity method when

accounting based on the equity method is terminated for other related comprehensive income originally

subject to accounting of equity method accounting treatment is performed using the basis the same as that

used by the investee to directly dispose of relevant assets or liabilities; all the owners' equities that are

recognized due to changes in other owners' equities other than the net profits and losses other

comprehensive income and profit distribution of the investee shall be transferred to the investment income

of the current period when accounting based on the equity method is terminated; if a part of the long-term

equity investment accounted by the equity method is disposed of and the residual equity is still accounted

using the equity method other related comprehensive income originally subject to accounting of equity

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method shall be handled using the basis the same as that used by the investee to directly dispose of relevant

assets or liabilities and be carried over by proportion and the owners' equities that are recognized due to

other changes in owners' equities other than the net profits and losses other comprehensive income and

profit distribution of the invested entity shall be carried over to the investment income of the current period

according to the proportion.Investment real estate

The Company's investment real estate includes a land use right that is leased out a land use right held for

transfer upon capital appreciation and a building that is leased out.The Company's investment real estate is measured at its cost and the Company uses the cost model for a

subsequent measurement of its investment real estate. The depreciation and amortization of the investment

real estate shall be made in accordance with the accounting policies of fixed assets or intangible assets of

the Company.When the Company changes the purpose of the investment real estate such as for self-use it shall transfer

the relevant investment real estate to other assets.See Note “III. 25. Impairment of long-term assets” for the impairment test method and impairment reserve

accrual method of investment real estate.Fixed assets

(1) Recognition standard of fixed assets

The Company's fixed assets refer to tangible assets held for the production of commodities provision of

labor services lease or operation and management with a service life exceeding one accounting year.Fixed assets can not be recognized unless they simultaneously meet the conditions as follows:

1) The economic interests related to the fixed assets are likely to flow into the enterprise;

2) The cost of this fixed asset can be measured reliably.

(2) Measurement of fixed assets

The fixed assets are measured at cost.

1) The cost of a purchased fixed asset consists of the purchase price the relevant taxes freight loading and

unloading fees professional service fees and other expenses that bring the fixed asset to the expected

conditions for use and that may be relegated to the fixed asset;

2) If the payment for a fixed asset is delayed beyond the normal credit conditions and it is of financing

nature in effect the cost of the fixed asset shall be recognized based on the present value of the purchase

price. The difference between the actual payment and the present value of the purchase price shall be

included in the current profits and losses within the credit period unless it shall be capitalized in

accordance with Accounting Standards No. 17 ? Borrowing Costs.

3) The cost of self-constructed fixed assets consists of the necessary expenditures incurred before the assets

reach the predetermined usable state;

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4) The cost invested in a fixed asset by the investor shall be recognized in accordance with the value as

stipulated in the investment contract or agreement other than those of unfair value as stipulated in the

contract or agreement;

5) The costs of fixed assets acquired through the exchange of non-monetary assets recombination of

liabilities merger of enterprises and lease shall be respectively recognized in accordance with the

Accounting Standards No. 7 ? Exchange of Non-monetary Assets Accounting Standards for Enterprises

No. 12 ? Debt Restructuring Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 20 ? Merger of Enterprises and

Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 21 ? Leases.

(3) Classification of fixed assets

The Company's fixed assets are classified into houses and buildings machinery equipment electronic

equipment and transportation equipment and otherwise.

(4) Depreciation of fixed assets

1) Recognition of depreciation method and service life expected net salvage value rate and annual

depreciation rate:

The depreciation of fixed assets shall be made by the straight-line method. The yearly depreciation rate

recognized according to the category service life and expected net salvage value rate of fixed assets is as


Expected net salvage value Annual depreciation

Category of fixed assets Expected service Life (year)

rate (%) rate (%)

Houses and buildings 5.00 20.00 4.75

Machinery equipment 5.00 6.00-10.00 9.50-15.83

Electronic equipment 5.00 2.00-3.00 31.67-47.50

Transportation equipment 5.00 3.00-4.00 23.75-31.67

Others 5.00 3.00-5.00 19.00-31.67

Depreciation of fixed assets of which a provision for impairment has been made: For a fixed asset of which

a provision for impairment has been made the depreciation of the fixed asset shall be made based on the

amount of deducting its expected net salvage value depreciation amount and provision for impairment

from the original price of the fixed asset and remaining service life of the fixed assets.For the fixed assets that have reached the intended usable condition but not prepared the final account for

completion their costs shall be recognized at their estimated value and their depreciation shall be made

accordingly; after completion of the final account for completion the original estimated value of the fixed

assets shall be adjusted by their actual costs but the original depreciation amount does not require adjusting.

2) Check of service life expected net salvage value and depreciation method of fixed assets:

The Company shall at least at the end of each year have a check on the service life expected net salvage

value and the depreciation method of the fixed assets. If the Company finds that there is any difference

between the expected service life and the previously estimated service life of a fixed asset the expected

service life of the fixed asset shall be adjusted; if there is any difference between the amount of expected

net salvage value and the previously estimated amount of the net salvage value the expected net salvage

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value shall be adjusted; if any significant change is made on the form of the realization of the expected

economic benefits concerning a fixed asset the method for the depreciation of the fixed asset shall be

changed. If any change is made to the service life expected net salvage value and depreciation method of a

fixed asset it shall be regarded as a change in the accounting estimates.

(5) Treatment of subsequent expenditures for fixed assets

Subsequent expenditures incurred on a fixed asset refer to repair expenses renovation expenses repair

costs and decoration expenses incurred in the course of the use of the fixed asset. Their accounting

treatment is as follows: Where subsequent expenditures of a fixed asset such as renovation expenses meet

the conditions of recognizing the fixed asset they shall be recorded into the cost of the fixed asset and the

carrying amount of the replaced part of the subsequent expenditures shall be deducted; where subsequent

expenditures of a fixed asset such as repair costs do not meet the conditions of recognizing the fixed asset

they shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period in which they are incurred; where the

decoration expenses of a fixed asset meet the conditions of recognizing the fixed asset they shall be

measured in a single detail account of "Fixed Assets" and the depreciation of the fixed asset shall be made

separately by the straight-line method in a shorter time of the period of two decorations and remaining

usable life of the fixed asset.The improvement expenditures incurred on a fixed asset leased by operating leases shall be capitalized and

reasonably amortized as long-term prepaid expenses.

(6) Impairment test method and accounting and drawing method for impairment provision of fixed assets

See Note “III. 25. Impairment of long-term assets” for the impairment test method and accounting and

drawing method for impairment provision of fixed assets.Construction in progress

The term "construction in progress" refers to all necessary expenditures incurred before the acquired fixed

assets enable the project to reach expected usable condition including project direct materials direct

employee compensation installation costs for equipment to be installed and project construction project

management fees net profits and losses of project commissioning and approved capitalized borrowing


(1) Valuation of construction in progress

The Company's construction in progress shall be measured individually by the construction project and

valuated at actual cost.

(2) The time when construction in process is carried forward to fixed assets

When the construction in progress reaches the expected usable condition they shall be transferred to fixed

assets at their actual cost. For the fixed assets that have reached the expected usable condition but have not

prepared the final account for completion they shall be charged to the account at their estimated value.They shall be adjusted after their actual value is recognized.See Note “III. 25. Impairment of long-term assets” for the impairment test method and accounting and

drawing method for impairment provision of constructions in progress.Page 195 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs are interests and other costs incurred by the Company in connection with the borrowing of

the funds including interests amortization of discounts or premiums related to borrowings ancillary costs

incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings and exchange differences arising from foreign

currency borrowings.

(1) Recognition of capitalization of borrowing costs

The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition construction or production of a

qualifying asset shall be capitalized and the amounts of other borrowing costs incurred shall be recorded

into the profits and losses of the period in which they are incurred. Qualifying assets are fixed assets

investment real estate and inventories that necessarily take a substantial period of time for acquisition

construction or production to get ready for their intended use or sale.

(2) Period of capitalization of borrowing costs

1) The time point of capitalization of borrowing costs:

The capitalization of borrowing costs commences only when all the following conditions are satisfied:

a. Expenditures for the asset have been incurred;

b. Borrowing costs have been incurred; and

c. Activities relating to the acquisition construction or production of the asset that is necessary to prepare

the asset for its intended use or sale have commenced.

2) The time point of ceasing capitalization of borrowing costs:

Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset acquired constructed or produced

becomes ready for its intended use or sale. The subsequent borrowing costs shall be recorded in the profits

and losses of the current period.

3) Recognition of suspending capitalization of borrowing costs:

When an abnormal interruption occurs during the construction or production of an asset that satisfies the

conditions for capitalization and the interruption continues for more than three months consecutively the

capitalization of borrowing expense will be paused the borrowing expense incurred during the suspension

will be included in the current profits and losses.

(3) Computing method of capitalizing amount of borrowing costs

During the capitalization period the amount of interest (including amortization of discounts or premiums)

to be capitalized for each accounting period shall be recognized as follows:

1) If a specialized loan is borrowed for the purchase construction or production of assets that meet the

capitalization conditions the amount shall be determined based on the actual interest expenses incurred in

the current period of the specialized loan minus the interest income obtained from depositing unused loan

funds in the bank or the investment income obtained from temporary investments;

2) Where general funds are borrowed for the acquisition construction or production of a qualifying asset

the amount of interest to be capitalized on such general borrowings shall be calculated and recognized by

applying a capitalization rate of such general borrowings to the weighted average of the excess amounts of

accumulated expenditures on the asset over and above the amounts of special borrowings. The

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capitalization rate shall be calculated and recognized by the weighted average interest rate of general

borrowings.Where there is any discount or premium the amount of discounts or premiums that shall be amortized

during each accounting period shall be recognized by the real interest rate method and an adjustment shall

be made to the amount of interest in each period. During the period of capitalization the amount of interest

capitalized during each accounting period shall not exceed the amount of interest actually incurred to the

relevant borrowings in the current period.Ancillary costs in connection with special borrowings that are incurred before the qualifying asset acquired

constructed or produced becomes ready for its intended use or sale shall be capitalized on the basis of the

incurred amount when they are incurred and they shall be recorded into the cost of the qualifying asset;

those incurred after the qualifying asset acquired constructed or produced becomes ready for its intended

use or sale shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of the incurred amount when they are incurred and

shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The ancillary costs arising from a general

borrowing shall be recognized as expenses at their incurred amount when they are incurred and shall be

recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.Usufruct assetsFor the determination method of right-of-use asset and accounting treatment method please see Note “III.

35. Lease”.

Intangible assets

An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance owned or controlled

by the Company. Intangible assets can be recognized only when they meet the conditions simultaneously as


a. They are consistent with the definition of intangible assets;

b. The economic benefits related to intangible assets are likely to flow into the Company; and

c. The cost of intangible assets can be measured reliably.

(1) Measurement of intangible assets

The intangible assets shall be measured according to their cost or fair value (if increased through business

combination not involving enterprises under common control).

(2) Subsequent measurement

The Company shall analyze and judge the service life of intangible assets when it obtains intangible assets.If the Company is unable to forecast the period when the intangible asset can bring economic benefits to it

it shall be regarded as an intangible asset with an uncertain service life.With regard to an intangible asset with limited service life its amortization amount shall be the amortized

by expected realization pattern of its economic benefits. If the Company is unable to recognize the

anticipated realization pattern reliably intangible assets shall be amortized by the straight-line method.The Company shall at least at the end of each year check the service life and the amortization method of

intangible assets with limited service life. If necessary it shall adjust the said service life and amortization

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method.With regard to an intangible asset with uncertain service life its amortization amount shall not be

amortized but the Company shall check the service life of the said intangible asset every year and shall

carry out an impairment test for it.

(3) Estimation of service life

As for intangible assets with limited service life the estimation of their service life generally considers the

following factors:

1) The general life cycle of products manufactured by using the assets and information about the service

life of similar assets available;

2) Present situation of technologies and process and estimation for future development trends;

3) Market demand of products manufactured or services rendered by using the assets;

4) Expected actions of present or potential competitors;

5) Expected maintenance expenses for economic capacity from the assets and the Company's expected

capability to pay relevant expenses;

6) Laws and regulations or similar restrictions relating to the control period of the assets such as

concession period and lease period;

7) Relevance with a service life of other assets held by the Company etc.

(4) Division of research expenditures and development expenditures included in expenditures for internal

research and development projects

1) Research expenditures in internal research and development projects shall be recorded into the profits

and losses of the current period when they are incurred.

2) The expenditures for the development stage of internal R&D projects shall be recognized as intangible

assets when the following conditions are met at the same time:

a. The development of the intangible asset is completed to make the use or sale of the intangible assets

feasible technically;

b. Have the intent to complete the intangible assets and use or sell them;

c. How the intangible asset will generate economic benefits including the ability to demonstrate the

existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or if it is to be used

internally the usefulness of the intangible asset;

d. Availability of adequate technical financial and other resources to complete the development and to use

or sell the intangible asset;

e. Ability to measure reliably the expenditure that is attributable to the intangible asset during its

development.Where the expenditures at the research stage or at the development stage cannot be distinguished all

expenditures to research and development shall be included in the current profits and losses.

(5) Impairment test method and accounting and drawing method of impairment provision for intangible


See Note “III. 25. Impairment of long-term assets” for the impairment test method and accounting and

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drawing method of impairment provision for intangible assets.Impairment of long-term assets

On the balance sheet date if there is any sign showing possible impairment of assets (referring to the assets

other than inventories equity instruments that have no quoted price and reliable fair value measurement in

active market investment real estate measured by fair value model consumable biological assets assets

formed under construction contract deferred income tax assets residual value not guaranteed by the renter

in the financing lease and financial assets) their recoverable amount shall be estimated on the basis of

single item assets. Where it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of the single item assets the

recoverable amount of the assets shall be recognized on the basis of their asset group or combination of

asset groups.The recoverable amount shall be recognized in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair value of

the single item assets asset group or combination of asset groups less the disposal expenses and the

present value of the expected future cash flow of the single item assets asset group or combination of asset

groups.Where the recoverable amount of the single item assets is lower than their carrying amount a provision for

the asset impairment shall be made accordingly on the basis of the difference between the carrying amount

of the single item assets and their recoverable amount. Where the recoverable amount of an asset group or a

combination of asset groups is lower than its carrying amount it shall be recognized as the corresponding

impairment loss. The amount of the impairment loss shall first charge against the carrying amount of

goodwill which is apportioned to the asset group or combination of asset groups then charge it against the

carrying amount of other assets in proportion to the weight of other assets in the asset group or combination

of asset groups with the goodwill excluded. The charges against the carrying amount of the assets above

shall be treated as the impairment loss of the single item assets (including the goodwill) and a provision for

impairment of the single item assets shall be made accordingly.Once the above loss of asset impairment is recognized it shall not be transferred back in future accounting

periods.Long-term unamortized expenses

Long-term deferred expenses refer to the expenses incurred by the Company but attributable to the current

and subsequent accounting periods of more than one year (excluding one year) including the expenses for

improvement of fixed assets leased by operating lease.Long-term deferred expenses shall be recorded into the account based on their actual amount of

expenditure and shall be averagely amortized by their beneficial period. If long-term deferred expenses can

not benefit subsequent accounting periods the unamortized value of the project shall be all transferred to

the profits and losses of the current period.Contract liabilities

Contract liability refers to the Company's obligation to transfer goods to customers for consideration

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received or receivable from customers. If before the Company transfers the goods to the customer the

customer has paid the contract consideration or the Company has obtained the unconditional right to

receive payment the Company will at the earlier time point between the actual payment by the customer

and the payment due present the amount received or receivables as contract liabilities. Contract assets and

contract liabilities under the same contract are presented in net amount and contract assets and contract

liabilities under different contracts are not offset.Employee compensation

(1) Accounting treatment of short-term compensation

In the accounting period during which employees provide services to the Company the Company

recognizes the short-term compensation actually incurred as liabilities and charges them to the current-

period profits and losses or relevant asset costs.

(2) Accounting treatment for post-employment benefits

Post-employment benefits can be divided into the defined contribution plan and the defined benefit plan

1) In the accounting period during which employees provide services for the Company the amount to be

deposited calculated based on the defined contribution plan is recognized as liabilities and included in the

current profits and losses or relevant asset costs.

2) The accounting treatment for the defined benefit plan generally includes the following steps:

a. According to the Expected Cumulative Benefit Unit (ECBU) method unbiased and mutually consistent

actuarial assumptions are used to estimate relevant demographic and financial variables quantify the

obligations arising from the defined benefit plan and determine the period to which the obligations relate;

b. If there are assets in the defined benefit plan the deficit or surplus formed by deducting the present value

of the defined benefit plan obligation from the fair value of the defined benefit plan assets shall be

recognized as net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan. For the defined benefit plan with

surplus the Company should measure the net assets based on the surplus or asset ceiling of the benefit plan

(whichever is lower). The asset ceiling refers to the present value of the economic interest that can be

obtained by the Company from refunding or reducing future contributions to the defined benefit plan.c. At the end of the period the costs of employee compensation arising from the defined benefit plan are

recognized as service costs net interest on net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan and

changes arising from the remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets. The service costs and net interest on

net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan are included in the current profits and losses or

relevant asset costs. In contrast changes arising from the remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets are

included in other comprehensive income and cannot be transferred back to profits and losses in subsequent

accounting periods. However the amount recognized in other comprehensive income can be transferred

within the equity section;

d. Recognize a settlement gain or loss during settlement of the defined benefit plan.

(3) Accounting treatment for termination benefits

The liabilities of employees' wages and salaries that arise from the termination benefits shall be recognized

on the earlier one of the following two dates and included in the current profits and losses:

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1) When the Company cannot unilaterally cancel the termination benefits provided as a result of a plan to

terminate employment or a proposal to downsize;

2) When the Company recognizes the cost or expense related to reconstruction involving the payment of

termination benefits.

(4) Accounting treatment for other long-term employee benefits

For other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to its employees that comply with the

defined contribution plan accounting treatment shall be conducted in accordance with the defined

contribution plan. For benefits other than these accounting treatment will be undertaken in accordance with

the defined benefit plan. However the portion of the relevant employee compensation costs that relate to

"changes arising from remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan" shall be

included in the current profits and losses or related asset costs.Lease liabilitiesFor the methods of recognition and accounting treatment of lease liabilities please refer to Note “III. 35.Lease”.Estimated liabilities

(1) Recognition criteria of estimated liabilities

When business related to contingencies such as external guarantee pending litigation or arbitration product

quality assurance staff reduction loss contract restructuring obligations and fixed asset disposal

obligations that meet the following conditions it shall be recognized as liabilities:

1) The liabilities are current obligations undertaken by the Company;

2) The fulfillment of the liabilities might cause outflow of economic benefits from the enterprise;

3) The amount of the liabilities can be reliably measured.

(2) Measurement methods of estimated liabilities

Accrued liabilities shall be measured on the best estimate of the expenditures required to fulfill current

obligations. If there is a continuous range for the necessary expenses and if all the outcomes within this

range are equally likely to occur the best estimate shall be determined by the midpoint of the range. In

other cases the best estimate shall be determined by the following methods:

1) When a contingency is related to a single item the best estimate shall be determined based on the most

probable amount;

2) When a contingency is related to multiple items the best estimate shall be calculated and determined

based on all possible amounts and their probabilities of occurrence.If all or part of the expenditure required to settle the estimated liabilities of the Company is expected to be

compensated by a third party or other parties the amount of compensation shall be separately recognized as

an asset only when it is virtually certain that the compensation will be obtained. The amount recognized for

the compensation shall not exceed the book value of the recognized estimated liabilities.Page 201 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Share-based payment

(1) Accounting treatment of share-based payment

Share-based payment refers to the transaction of granting equity instruments or bearing liabilities

recognized on the basis of equity instrument for obtaining services from employees or other parties. The

share-based payment is classified into equity-settled share-based payment and cash-settled share-based


1) Equity-settled share-based payment

The equity-settled share-based payments in exchange for services provided by employees are measured at

the fair value of the equity instruments granted to employees on the grant date. The fair value is calculated

by the straight-line method and included in the relevant costs or expenses based on the best estimate of the

number of vested equity instruments in the vesting period when it is vested only after the service in the

vesting period is completed or the specified performance terms are met. When it is vested immediately after

grant it is included in relevant costs or expenses on the grant date and the capital reserve is increased

accordingly.On each balance sheet date during the vesting period the Company makes the best estimate of subsequent

information such as the latest change in the number of vesting employees to correct the estimated number

of vested equity instruments. The aforementioned estimated influences are included in current relevant

costs or expenses and the capital reserves are adjusted correspondingly.The equity-settled share-based payment in exchange for the services of other parties shall be measured at

the fair value of the services of other parties on the obtaining date if the services of other parties can be

measured reliably; the equity-settled share-based payment shall be measured at the fair value of the equity

instruments on the obtaining date of the services of other parties if the fair value of the services of other

parties cannot be measured reliably while the fair value of the equity instruments can be measured reliably

and be included in the relevant costs or expenses and the shareholders' equity shall be increased


2) Cash-settled share-based payment

The cash-settled share-based payments are measured at the fair value of liabilities determined based on

shares or other equity instruments undertaken by the Company. When it is vested immediately after grant

it is included in relevant costs or expenses on the grant date and the liabilities are increased

correspondingly; if it is vested after completing the services in the vesting period or meets the specified

performance terms the current obtained services are included in costs or expenses based on the best

estimate of vesting and at fair value of liabilities borne by the Company on each balance sheet date of the

vesting period and the liabilities are increased correspondingly.On each balance sheet date and settlement date before the settlement of the relevant liabilities re-measure

the fair value of the liabilities with the changes included in the current profits and losses.

(2) Relevant accounting treatment for amending and terminating share-based payment plan

When the Company amends the share-based payment plan if the fair value of equity instruments granted is

increased due to the amendment the increase of the services obtained will be recognized correspondingly

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by the increase of the fair value of equity instruments. The increase in the fair value of equity instruments

refers to the difference between the fair value of equity instruments before and after amendment on the

amendment date. If the amendment reduces the total fair value of the share-based payment or adopts other

unfavorable methods to the employees the accounting treatment of the obtained services will be continued

as if the modification has never occurred unless the Company cancels part or all of the equity instruments

granted.During the vesting period if the granted equity instrument is canceled the Company will handle the

cancellation as an accelerated vesting the amount that shall be recognized during the remaining vesting

period is immediately included in the current profits and losses with the capital reserves recognized at the

same time. If an employee or other party can choose to meet the non-vesting conditions but fails to meet

them during the vesting period the Company shall treat that as a cancellation of the grant of equity


When the contract between the Company and the customer simultaneously meets the following conditions

the Company recognizes the revenue at the point when the customer obtains control over the relevant goods:

the parties to the contract have approved the contract and promised to perform their respective obligations;

the contract clarifies the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract in relation to the transferred

goods or the provided services; the contract has clear payment terms related to the transferred goods; the

contract has commercial substance that is the performance of the contract will change the risk time

distribution or amount of the Company's future cash flow; and the consideration that the Company is

entitled to obtain due to its transfer of goods to customers is likely to be recovered.At the commencement date of the contract the Company identifies each individual performance obligation

in the contract and allocates the transaction price to each individual performance obligation in accordance

with the relative proportion of the stand-alone selling price of the goods promised by each individual

performance obligation. When determining the transaction price the Company considers the impact of a

variable consideration major financing components in the contract non-cash consideration consideration

payable to customers and other factors.The Company recognizes the transaction price allocated to each individual performance obligation as

revenue at the point when the customer obtains control over the relevant goods. When judging whether the

customer has obtained control over the goods the Company considers the following signs: where the

Company has the current right to receive payment for the goods that is the customer has the current

payment obligation for the goods; where the Company has transferred the legal ownership of the goods to

the customer that is the customer has the legal ownership of the goods; where the Company has

transferred the goods to the customer in kind that is the customer has taken possession of the goods in

kind; where the Company has transferred the main risks and payments of the ownership of the goods to the

customer that is the customer has obtained the main risks and payments of the ownership of the goods;

where the customer has accepted the goods; and other signs that the customer has obtained control over the

goods.Page 203 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

The Company mainly sells air conditioners and their accessories and household appliances and their

accessories which usually only include the performance obligations of the transferred goods.

(1) Revenue from selling goods

1) For the revenue from domestic sales of products the Company mainly adopts the form of payment in

advance. The Company recognizes the revenue when the product is outbound and delivered to the

purchaser the shipping document is issued or the customer's receipt is obtained the amount of revenue

from product sales is determined the payment for goods is recovered or the receipt certificate is obtained

and the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in.

2) In terms of the export sales income the Company recognizes the revenue when the products are declared

and departed according to the contract the bill of lading is obtained and the amount of the sales revenue is


(2) Revenue from rendering labor services

1) For the revenue from warehousing services the Company will settle the revenue on a monthly basis by

the working hours and standard wages of the services provided facilities used and related expenses and

the amount of revenue has been determined;

2) For the revenue from material processing services the Company recognizes the revenue when the

materials are processed according to the contract and delivered to the customer to obtain the customer's

signed receipt and the amount of revenue has been determined;

3) The Company's service charge and commission income include the service charge income of acceptance

business service charge income of entrusted loan etc.For the service charge and commission income the completion time of the contractual performance

obligations is determined according to the business settlement sheet formulated through settlement with the

customer when the business is completed and the specific amount of revenue is recognized according to

the terms and ratios stipulated in the business contract or agreement.

(3) Income from the transfer of the right to use assets

Income from the transfer of the right to use assets includes interest income rental income etc.The Company recognizes the income from the transfer of the right to use assets when the income amount

can be reliably measured and the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise.

1) The interest income of the Company mainly includes the interest income from deposits in financial

enterprises and loan interest income. Interest income from deposits in financial enterprises is recognized on

a regular basis based on the time of deposit and the effective interest rate. Loan interest refers to the income

recognized by the Company for granting self-operated loans and accruing interest on a regular basis. The

loan interest income is recognized according to the effective interest rate method.The effective interest rate method refers to the method of calculating the amortized cost and interest income

or interest expense for each period based on the effective interest rate financial assets or financial liabilities.The effective interest rate refers to the interest rate used to discount the future cash flows of a financial

asset or financial liability within the expected period of existence or applicable shorter period into the

current book value of the financial asset or financial liability. When determining the effective interest rate

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the Company estimates future cash flow based on all contractual terms of financial assets or financial

liabilities but does not consider the loss of future credits. All the charges transaction fees and premiums

or discounts paid or collected by the Company as part of the effective interest rate shall be considered when

determining the effective interest rate.

2) The recognition conditions for the rental income of the Company are as follows:

a. A lease contract agreement or other settlement notices recognized by the Lessee are available;

b. The obligations stipulated in the contract are fulfilled; the lease invoice is issued and the price has been

obtained or will be obtained for sure;

c. The rental cost can be measured reliably.Government grants

Government grants refer to the Company's free acquisition of monetary and non-monetary from the

government excluding capital invested by the government as the owner. Government grants consist of

asset related government grants and income related government grants.Government grants obtained by the Company for the purchase construction or forming the long-term

assets in other ways are defined as asset related government grants and all the other government grants are

defined as income related government grants. If the government document does not specify the grant object

the following mode is adopted to classify the subsidies into income related government grants and asset

related government grants:

(1) If the government document specifies the item to which the grant aims the allocation should be based

on the relative proportion of the expenditure amount to form assets and the expenditure amount included in

expenses in the budget of this specific item and this allocation proportion needs to be reviewed on every

balance sheet date and changed when necessary;

(2) If the government document provides only a general presentation of the purpose without specifying the

specific item the grants shall be regarded as income related government grants.The asset related government grants are recognized as deferred income upon acquisition and are included

in the profits and losses in reasonable and systematic installments over the useful life of the asset when the

relevant asset reaches its intended usable state. Where the relevant assets are sold transferred scrapped or

damaged before the end of their useful lives the undistributed deferred income balance is transferred to the

current profits and losses of the asset disposal.In terms of income related government grants those are used for compensating the related expenses or

losses in the later period are recognized as deferred income upon acquisition and included in the current

profits and losses during the period when the relevant costs or losses are recognized; those are used for

compensating the related cost expenses or losses incurred are included in the current profits and losses

directly upon acquisition.Government grants related to daily activities are included in other income; government grants not related to

daily activities are included in non-operating revenue and expenses.

(3) If policy preferential loans are obtained with interest discounts accounting treatment should be carried

out by distinguishing between the following two ways of obtaining them:

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1) Where the financial department disburses the discount interest fund to the lending bank the lending bank

provides a loan to the Company at a policy preferential interest rate the fair value of the loan is used as the

entry value of the loan the borrowing cost is calculated according to the effective interest rate method and

the difference between the actual amount received and the fair value of the loan is recognized as deferred

income. The deferred income is amortized using the effective interest rate method during the duration of

the loan to offset the relevant borrowing cost;

2) Where the financial department disburses the discount interest fund to the Company directly the

corresponding discount is used to offset the relevant borrowing costs.

(4) Government grants that are monetary assets are measured at the amount received or receivable.

Government grants that are non-monetary assets are measured at the fair value; if the fair value cannot be

reliably acquired they are measured at the nominal amount. The Company usually recognizes and

measures government grants based on the actual amount received upon receipt. However funds that have

conclusive evidence at the end of the period indicating that they meet the relevant conditions stipulated in

the financial support policy and are expected to receive financial support are measured at the amount

receivable. Government grants measured at the amount receivable shall simultaneously comply with the

following conditions:

1) The authoritative government department has confirmed the amount of receivable grants by issuing a

document or can be independently and reasonably calculated in accordance with the relevant provisions of

the officially issued financial fund management measures and it is predicted that its amount is not subject

to significant uncertainty;

2) The basis is the financially supported projects and their financial fund management measures that are

officially released by the local finance department and actively disclosed in accordance with the provisions

of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Disclosure of Government Information as well as

its financial fund management measures and the management measures should be inclusive (any enterprise

meeting the defined conditions can apply for the grants) rather than specially formulated for specific


3) Other conditions that shall be met according to specific conditions of the Company and this matter of

grants.Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

The deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are calculated and recognized based on

the difference between the tax base of the assets and liabilities and their book values (temporary difference).For deductible losses that can be deducted from taxable income in subsequent years in accordance with the

provisions of the tax law the corresponding deferred income tax assets are recognized. For temporary

differences arising from the initial recognition of goodwill the corresponding deferred income tax

liabilities are not recognized. For temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of assets or

liabilities arising from non-business combination transactions that neither affect accounting profits nor

taxable income (or deductible losses) the corresponding deferred income tax assets and deferred income

tax liabilities are not recognized. At the balance sheet date the deferred income tax assets and deferred

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income tax liabilities are measured at the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets are

expected to be recovered or the liabilities are expected to be settled.The Company recognizes the deferred income tax assets to the extent of the amount of the taxable income

which it is most likely to acquire and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary differences

deductible losses and tax deductions.Deferred income tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences arising from the

investments in subsidiaries joint ventures and associates except to the extent that both of the following

conditions are met: the Company is able to control the timing of the transferring back of the temporary

differences; and it is likely that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred

income tax assets are recognized for all deductible temporary differences associated with investments in

subsidiaries joint ventures and associates if all the following conditions are met: it is likely that the

deductible temporary difference will be transferred back in the foreseeable future and it is likely that

taxable profit in the future will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be

utilized.The deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities that meet the following conditions

are presented at the net amount after offsetting:

1) The deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities relate to the income taxes levied by

the same taxation authority on the same taxpayer of the Company; and

2) The taxpayer of the Company has a legal right to settle current income tax assets and current income tax

liabilities on a net basis.Lease

Lease refers to a contract in which the Company transferred or acquired the right to control the use of one

or more identified assets for a certain period of time in exchange for or payment of consideration. On the

contract commencement date the Company evaluates whether the contract is a lease or includes a lease.

(1) With the Company as the Lessee

1) Initial measurement

On the commencement date of the lease term the Company will recognize the right to use the leased assets

during the lease term as the right-of-use asset and recognize the current value of the unpaid lease payment

amount as a lease liability except for short-term leases and low-value asset leases. When calculating the

current value of the lease payment amount the Company uses the implied interest rate in lease as a

discount rate. If the implied interest rate in lease cannot be determined the Lessee incremental borrowing

interest rate is used as the discount rate.Right-to-use assets should be initially measured at cost. The cost includes:

a. The initially measured amount of the lease liabilities;

b. The lease payments made on or before the commencement date of the lease term if there is a lease

incentive deduct the amount related to the lease incentive that has been enjoyed;

c. The initial direct expenses incurred by the Lessee;

d. The estimated cost that the Lessee will incur for dismantling and removing the leased assets restoring

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the site where the leased assets are located or restoring the leased assets to the state agreed in the lease


2) Subsequent measurement

The Company calculates and distills depreciation by referring to fixed asset depreciation policies (see Note

“III. 20. Fixed assets”). If the Company can reasonably determine the obtaining of the ownership of the

leasing assets when the lease term expires it will calculate and distill depreciation within the remaining

service life of the leasing asset. Where it is impossible to reasonably determine if the ownership of the

leased assets can be acquired upon the expiration of the lease term the Company will make depreciation

within a shorter period between the lease term and the remaining useful life of the leased assets.For lease liabilities the Company calculates its interest expenses for each period of the lease term at a fixed

periodic interest rate and includes them in the current profits and losses or in the cost of related assets. The

variable lease payment amount that is not included in the measurement of lease liabilities is included in the

current profits and losses or cost of related assets when actually incurred.After the lease term starts in case of changes in the substantial fixed payment amount the estimated

amount payable of the guarantee residual value the index or ratio used for determining the lease payment

amount a change in the evaluation results or actual vesting of the purchase option renewal option or

termination option the Company re-measures the lease liability based on the current value of the changed

lease payment amount and adjusts the book value of the right-of-use assets accordingly. If the book value

of the right-of-use assets has been reduced to zero but the lease liabilities still need to be further reduced

the Company will include the remaining amount in the current profits and losses.

3) Short-term leases and low value asset leases

For short-term leases (with a lease term of no more than 12 months from the beginning of the lease) and

low-value asset leases the Company adopts a simplified treatment method to include the lease payment

amount into the cost of relevant asset costs or the current profits and losses during the lease term by the

straight-line method or other systematic and reasonable methods instead of recognizing the right-of-use

assets and lease liabilities.

(2) With the Company as the lessor

On the commencement date of the lease the Company divides the lease into financial lease and operating

lease based on the essence of the transaction. Financial lease refers to the lease that transfers substantially

almost all risks and rewards associated with the ownership of the assets. Operating lease refers to the leases

other than the financial lease.

1) Operating leases

The Company adopts the straight-line method to recognize the lease payment amount of the operating lease

as the rental income during the lease term. Variable lease payments in connection with the operating lease

that are not included in lease payment are included in the current profits and losses when actually incurred.

2) Financial lease

On the beginning date of the lease term the Company recognizes the financial lease receivables and

derecognizes the financial lease assets. The financial lease receivables are initially measured by the net

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lease investment (the sum of the unguaranteed residual value and the present value of the lease payments

that have not been received on the beginning date of the lease term discounted at the implied interest rate of

the lease) and interest income during the lease term is calculated and recognized at a fixed periodic interest

rate. The variable lease payments obtained by the Company that are not included in the measurement of net

lease investment are included in the current profits and losses when actually incurred.Discontinued operation

Discontinued operation refers to a constituent part that meets one of the following conditions can be

distinguished separately and has been disposed of or classified as held for sale:

(1) This constituent part represents an independent main business or a separate main business area;

(2) This constituent part is part of an associated plan for disposing of an independent main business or a

separate main business area;

(3) This constituent part is a subsidiary specially acquired for resale.

The Company presents the profits and losses from continuing operations and the profits and losses from

discontinued operations in the Consolidated Income Statement and the Income Statement respectively. For

the non-current asset or disposal group held for sale that does not comply with the definition of

discontinued operation its impairment loss and amount transferred back and profits and losses from

disposal shall be presented as profits and losses from continuing operations. The impairment losses and

amount transferred back of discontinued operations and other operating profits and losses as well as profits

and losses from disposal are presented as profits and losses from discontinued operations.For the discontinued operations presented in the current period the information previously presented as

profits and losses from continuing operations is re-presented as profits and losses from discontinued

operations for comparable accounting period in the current financial statements. Where the disposal group

that is intended to be discontinued rather than sold meets the conditions for the relevant constituent part in

the definition of discontinued operations it is presented as discontinued operation from the date of

discontinuation of use. Where the control over a subsidiary is lost due to reasons such as selling the

investment in the subsidiary and this subsidiary complies with the definition of discontinued operations the

relevant profits and losses from discontinued operations are presented in the Consolidated Income

Statement.Segment report

The Company determines the operating segments based on the internal organizational structure

management requirements and internal reporting systems determines the report segments based on the

operating segments and discloses segment information.Operating segments refer to the constituent part of the Company that meets the following conditions at the

same time:

(1) This constituent part can generate revenue and expenses in daily activities;

(2) The management of the Company can regularly evaluate the operating results of the constituent part to

determine the allocation of resources and evaluate its performance;

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(3) The Company can obtain the relevant accounting information of this constituent part such as its

financial status operating results and cash flows. If two or more operating segments have similar economic

characteristics and meet certain conditions they can be merged into one operating segment.Share repurchase

If the Company's shares are acquired due to registered capital reduction or employee rewards the amount

actually paid shall be treated as treasury shares and shall be registered at the same time for future reference.If the repurchased shares are cancelled the difference between the total face value of the cancelled shares

and the amount actually paid for the repurchase shall be offset against capital reserve. If the capital reserve

is insufficient the offset shall be made against retained earnings. If the repurchased shares are rewarded toemployees of the Company as equity settled share-based payments refer to Note “III. 31. Share-basedpayment” for corresponding accounting treatment.Hedging

To avoid certain risks the Company hedges certain financial instruments as hedging instruments. Hedge

that meets the prescribed conditions will be handled by the Company using hedge accounting methods. The

Company's hedging includes fair value hedging cash flow hedging and hedging of net investment in

overseas operations.At the beginning of the hedging the Company officially designates the hedging tool and the hedged item

and prepares written documents on the hedging relationship and the risk management strategy and risk

management objectives of the Company engaged in hedging. In addition the Company will continue to

assess the effectiveness of the hedging when and after the hedging begins.

(1) Fair value hedging

For eligible hedging instruments designated as fair value hedging the gains or losses generated thereby are

included in the current profits and losses. If a hedging instrument is used to hedge non-trading equity

instrument investment (or its component) that is selected to be measured at fair value with changes

included in other comprehensive income the gains and losses generated by the hedging instrument are

included in other comprehensive income. Gains or losses of a hedged item arising from the hedged risk

exposure is included in the current profits and losses while the book value of the hedged item is adjusted.If a hedged item is measured at fair value the gains or losses incurred by the hedged item due to the hedged

risk exposure are included in the current profits and losses or other comprehensive income and there is no

need to adjust the book value of the hedged item.When the Company revokes the designation of the hedging relationship the hedging instrument has

expired or been sold the contract is terminated or exercised or the conditions for the use of hedge

accounting are no longer met terminate the use of hedge accounting.

(2) Cash flow hedging

For eligible hedging instruments designated as cash flow hedging the portion of the gains or losses

generated thereby that is determined to be an effective hedge is included in other comprehensive income

while the portion that is determined to be an ineffective hedge is included in the current profits and losses.Page 210 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

If the expected transaction causes the Company to subsequently recognize a non-financial asset or non-

financial liability or if the expected transaction of the non-financial asset or non-financial liability forms a

firm commitment applicable to fair value hedge accounting the Company will transfer out the amount of

cash flow hedge reserve originally recognized in other comprehensive income and include it in the initial

recognition amount of the asset or liability. For other cash flow hedging the Company will during the

same period when the expected cash flow being hedged affects profits or losses transfer out the amount of

cash flow hedge reserve originally recognized in other comprehensive income and include it in the current

profits and losses.If it is expected that all or part of the net losses originally included in other comprehensive income cannot

be compensated in the future accounting period transfer the portion which cannot be compensated out and

include it in the current profits and losses.When the Company terminates the use of hedge accounting for cash flow hedging the accumulated cash

flow hedge reserves that have been included in other comprehensive income are retained when future cash

flows are expected to continue to occur and are transferred out of other comprehensive income and

included in the current profits and losses when future cash flows are expected to no longer appear.

(3) Hedging of net investment in overseas operations

Hedging of net investment in overseas operations is accounted for using a method similar to the cash flow

hedging. Among the gains or losses of hedging instruments the portion that is determined to be an effective

hedging is included in other comprehensive income while the portion that is determined to be an

ineffective hedging is included in the current profits and losses.Gains and losses that have been included in other comprehensive income are transferred out of other

comprehensive income and included in the current profits and losses when disposing of overseas operations.Safe production expenses

Some subsidiaries of the Company withdraw safe production expenses in accordance with national

regulations and include them in the costs of related products or current profits and losses.Where the expenses for production safety extracted are of a cost nature the special reserves shall be

directly written off. If the expenses for safe production extracted are used to form fixed assets the expenses

incurred by the account collection of "construction in progress" shall be recognized as fixed assets when the

safety project is completed and reaches the expected serviceable state; at the same time write off special

reserves based on the cost of forming fixed assets and recognize accumulated depreciation of the same

amount. The fixed asset will no longer be depreciated in the future.Risk reserve

In accordance with regulations such as the Administrative Measures for the Reserve Accrual of Financial

Enterprises ("Accrual Measures") (CJ [2012] No. 20) issued by the Ministry of Finance the subsidiaries of

the Company in financial industry have established a general risk reserve on the basis of withdrawing asset

impairment provision of assets to compensate for potential losses related to risk assets that have not yet

been identified. This general risk reserve is treated as a profit distribution and is an integral part of the

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owner's equity which in principle should be no less than 1.5% of the ending balance of risk assets.According to the requirements of the accrual measures if the proportion of the general reserve balance of

financial enterprises to the ending balance of risk assets is difficult to reach 1.5% at one time it can be paid

in installments and in principle it should not exceed 5 years.Changes in major accounting policies and accounting estimate

(1) Changes in major accounting policies

On December 13 2022 the Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting Standards for Enterprises

Interpretation No.16 (hereinafter referred to as "Interpretation No.16"). According to the requirements of

the Ministry of Finance the content of "deferred income tax related to assets and liabilities arising from a

single transaction is not applicable to the accounting treatment of initial recognition exemption" came into

effect on January 1 2023. According to the relevant requirements the Company made corresponding

changes to the accounting policies and this change in accounting policies did not have a significant impact

on the Company's financial indicators such as total assets total liabilities net assets and net profit.The following shows adjustments to the financial statements at the beginning of the year of the first

implementation of the new accounting standard for the first time starting from 2023:

Unit: RMB

Amount as of December 31 2022 (before

Amount as of January 1 2023 (after change)


Statement Item

Consolidated Consolidated

Company's statement Company's statement

Statements Statements

Non-current assets:

Deferred income tax



Total non-current



Total assets 355024758878.82 286630030242.19 355070769579.70 286630030242.19



Deferred income tax



Total non-current



Total liabilities 253148710864.63 229227597889.80 253194721565.51 229227597889.80

Total liabilities and


shareholders' equity

(2) Changes in major accounting estimates

None.IV. Taxes

Main tax categories and tax rates

Category Tax Basis Tax Rate

Value added from sales of goods or

Value-added tax 13.00% 9.00% 6.00% etc.provision of labor services

Urban maintenance

Turnover tax payable 7.00% 5.00%

& construction tax

Page 212 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Category Tax Basis Tax Rate

Education surcharge Turnover tax payable 3.00%

Local education

Turnover tax payable 2.00%


Business income tax Taxable income 34.00% 25.00% 20.00% 16.50% 15.00% etc.[Note 1] The Company's subsidiaries including Gree Hong Kong Electric Appliances Sales Co. Ltd.Yinlong Electric Vehicle (Hong Kong) Group Co. Ltd. and Energy Storage Technology (China) Group

Co. Ltd. operate in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region where the profit tax rate is 16.50%.[Note 2] The Company's subsidiaries Gree (Brazil) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. and Brazil United

Electric Appliances Industry and Commerce Co. Ltd. operate in Brazil with a federal business income

tax rate of 34.00% in Brazil.[Note 3] The Company's subsidiaries DunAn Precision Machinery (USA) Group Co. Ltd. DunAn

Microstaq Inc. and Altairnano Inc. operate in the United States and are subject to paying federal taxes

and state taxes. The federal tax rate is 21.00% while the state tax rates for DunAn Precision and DunAn

Microstaq are 0.50%?1.00% of gross profit on sales.[Note 4] The Company's subsidiary DunAn Metals (Thailand) Co. Ltd. operates in Thailand where the

business income tax rate is 20.00%.[Note 5] The Company's subsidiary Japan DunAn International Co. Ltd. is located in Japan where the

business income tax rate is 23.20%.[Note 6] The Company's subsidiary DunAn Korea Co. Ltd. operates in South Korea where the business

income tax rate is 10.00%.[Note 7] The Company's subsidiary DunAn International (Europe) GmbH operates in Frankfurt

Germany where the business income tax rate is 15.00%;

[Note 8] Some subsidiaries of the Company are small and low-profit enterprises subject to the

Announcement No.12 of 2023 issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration

of Announcement on Further Supporting the Development of Small and Micro Enterprises and

Individual Businesses in Relevant Tax Policies where the taxable income is calculated at a reduced rate

of 25.00% and the business income tax is paid at a rate of 20.00%.Tax preferences

(1) The Company was identified as a high-tech enterprise in 2023 and has been enjoying preferential

policies for high-tech enterprises (High-tech Enterprise Certificate No. GR202344009175). The

Company applied the income tax rate of 15.00% which is valid for 3 years.

(2) Deemed to be high and new tech enterprises the following subsidiaries of the Company applied the

enterprise income tax rate of 15.00% in 2023.Page 213 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Date of Obtaining

High-tech Enterprise the High-tech Valid

No. Name of Taxpayer

Certificate No. Enterprise Period


1 Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co. Ltd. GR202344010890 December 2023 3 years

2 Hefei Landa Compressor Co. Ltd. GR202334001713 October 2023 3 years

3 Zhengzhou Landa Compressor Co. Ltd. GR202341000260 November 2023 3 years

4 Wuhan Landa Compressor Co. Ltd. GR202342000821 October 2023 3 years

5 Gree Electric Enterprise (Maanshan) Ltd. GR202334005154 November 2023 3 years

6 Zhuhai Gree Xinyuan Electronics Co. Ltd. GR202244010903 December 2022 3 years

7 Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. GR202144007599 December 2021 3 years

8 Hefei Kaibang Motor Co. Ltd. GR202334002919 October 2023 3 years

9 Henan Kaibang Motor Co. Ltd. GR202341001262 November 2023 3 years

10 Gree (Hefei) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. GR202334003315 October 2023 3 years

11 Zhuhai Gree Daikin Precision Mold Co. Ltd. GR202244010633 December 2022 3 years

12 Zhuhai Gree Dakin Device Co. Ltd. GR202144007849 December 2021 3 years

Green Refrigeration Equipment Engineering

13 GR202344006183 December 2023 3 years

Research Center of Zhuhai Gree Group Co. Ltd.

14 Gree (Zhengzhou) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. GR202341000272 November 2023 3 years

15 Gree (Wuhan) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. GR202242006898 November 2022 3 years

Gree (Shijiazhuang) Small Home Appliances

16 GR202213000723 October 2022 3 years

Co. Ltd.

17 Gree (Wuhu) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. GR202334001396 October 2023 3 years

18 Gree (Shijiazhuang) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. GR202213000331 October 2022 3 years

19 Zhuhai EWPE Information Technology Inc. GR202244010117 December 2022 3 years

20 Gree (Changsha) HVAC Equipment Co. Ltd. GR202343003172 October 2023 3 years

Gree TOSOT (Suqian) Home Appliances Co.

21 GR202332019062 December 2023 3 years


22 Wuhu Gree Precision Manufacturing Co. Ltd. GR202234003673 October 2022 3 years

23 Zhuhai Gree Precision Mold Co. Ltd. GR202344006995 December 2023 3 years

Zhuhai Gree Intelligent Equipment Technology

24 GR202344006963 December 2023 3 years

Institute Co. Ltd.

25 Gree New Material Co. Ltd. GR202244008332 December 2022 3 years

26 Gree (Hangzhou) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. GR202333008152 December 2023 3 years

27 Gree (Nanjing) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. GR202232008326 November 2022 3 years

28 Gree (Luoyang) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. GR202241002986 December 2022 3 years

29 Zhuhai Edgeless Integrated Circuit Co. Ltd. GR202144007551 December 2021 3 years

30 Hefei Kinghome Electrical Co. Ltd. GR202134001678 September 2021 3 years

Zhuhai Gree Mechanical and Electrical

31 GR202344009878 December 2023 3 years

Engineering Co. Ltd.Page 214 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Date of Obtaining

High-tech Enterprise the High-tech Valid

No. Name of Taxpayer

Certificate No. Enterprise Period


Zhuhai Gree Green Renewable Resources Co.

32 GR202244004245 December 2022 3 years


33 Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc. GR202144004177 December 2021 3 years

34 Zhuhai Guangtong Automobile Co. Ltd. GR202344009746 December 2023 3 years

Zhuhai Gree Altairnano Electric Appliance Co.

35 GR202144006478 December 2021 3 years


36 Hebei Gree Titanium New Energy Co. Ltd. GR202213004750 December 2022 3 years

37 Northern Aotai Nanotechnologies Co. Ltd. GR202113001126 September 2021 3 years

38 Zhuhai Gree Intelligent Equipment Co. Ltd. GR202244003127 December 2022 3 years

39 Zhejiang DunAn Thermal Technology Co. Ltd. GR202333008719 December 2023 3 years

40 Zhuhai DunAn Thermal Technology Co. Ltd. GR202144001846 December 2021 3 years

41 Tianjin Huaxin Machinery Co. Ltd. GR202212000479 November 2022 3 years

42 Hangzhou Safety Equipment Co. Ltd. GR202333000665 December 2023 3 years

43 Zhejiang DunAn Hetian Metals Co. Ltd. GR202133006933 December 2021 3 years

44 Zhuhai Huayu Metal Co. Ltd. GR202144002525 December 2021 3 years

45 Chongqing Huachao Metal Co. Ltd. GR202151100597 November 2021 3 years

46 Zhejiang DunAn Machinery Co. Ltd. GR202133002758 December 2021 3 years

Zhejiang DunAn Electro-Mechanical Technology

47 GR202133001775 December 2021 3 years

Co. Ltd.

48 Suzhou Huayue Metal Co. Ltd. GR202332005590 November 2023 3 years

DunAn Automotive Thermal Management

49 GR202333001123 December 2023 3 years

Technology Co. Ltd.

50 Jiangsu Tongsheng Heat Exchanger Co. Ltd. GR202332010309 December 2023 3 years

Jilin Songliang Seed Industry Technology Co.

51 GR202222000173 November 2022 3 years

Ltd.DunAn (Wuhu) Zhongyuan Automatic Control

52 GR202134000039 September 2021 3 years

Co. Ltd.

(3) The following subsidiaries of the Company enjoy the country's western development policy and

applied the income tax rate of 15.00%.No. Name of Taxpayer Start time

1 Gree (Chongqing) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. 2008/1/1

2 Chongqing Landa Compressor Co. Ltd. 2015/1/1

3 Chongqing Kaibang Motor Co. Ltd. 2013/1/1

4 Gree Chengdu Xinhui Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. 2020/4/8

5 Gree (Chengdu) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. 2022/1/1

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No. Name of Taxpayer Start time

6 Gree (Ganzhou) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. 2023/1/1

7 Chengdu Guangtong Automobile Co. Ltd. 2017/6/13

(4) The following subsidiaries of the Company are entitled to enjoy the preferential policy of business

income tax in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin with an income tax rate of


No. Name of Taxpayer Start time

1 Zhuhai Mingruida Supply Chain Technology Co. Ltd. 2022/1/1

(5) According to the Announcement on the Value-Added Tax Deduction Policy for Advanced

Manufacturing Enterprises (Announcement No. 43 of 2023 issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State

Taxation Administration) from January 1 2023 to December 31 2027 advanced manufacturing

enterprises are allowed to deduct the value-added tax payable by an additional 5% of the deductible input

tax amount in the current period; the Company and some of its subsidiaries enjoy the above preferential


(6) According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Value-

added Tax Policies for Software Products (CS [2011] No. 100) general value-added taxpayers who sell

software products developed and produced by themselves will be subject to refund policy for the portion of

their actual value-added tax burden exceeding 3%. Some subsidiaries of the Company are subject to value-

added tax refund if the actual value-added tax burden exceeds 3%.V. Notes to items in consolidated financial statements

For the following note items (including notes to the main items of the parent company's financial

statements) unless otherwise specified "the end of the period" means December 31 2023 "the beginning

of the period" means January 1 2023 and "the end of the previous year" means December 31 2022 "the

current year" refers to 2023 and "the previous year" refers to 2022. Unless otherwise stated the amount

unit is Yuan.Monetary funds

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Cash on hand 747248.45 678327.53

Bank deposit 57386642916.17 67106080448.62

Other monetary funds [Note 1] 35532754818.90 48296387517.05

Deposits in the central bank [Note 2] 1388929188.19 1267324345.11

Deposits in other banks 23842392737.43 36150447388.93

Subtotal 118151466909.14 152820918027.24

Accrued interest 5953520380.48 4663414224.15

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Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Total 124104987289.62 157484332251.39

Including the total amount deposited outside mainland



[Note 1] The balance at the end of the period of other monetary capital refers to banks' acceptance bill

deposits guarantee deposits letter of credit deposits etc. where the restricted fund was


[Note 2] The statutory deposit reserve in the Company's deposits in the central bank is

RMB1382019092.73 and its use is restricted;

[Note 3] Except in above situations there are no other funds in the ending balance of monetary funds

that are restricted in use or have potential recovery risks due to mortgage pledge or freezing.Trading financial assets

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Financial assets measured at fair value with changes


included in other comprehensive income

Including: Debt instrument investment 9591172203.40 3845900963.52

Equity instrument investments 23251200.00 21302400.00

Total 9614423403.40 3867203363.52

Derivative financial assets

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Foreign exchange derivatives 108919513.22

Total 108919513.22

Notes receivable

(1) Notes receivable presentation by categories

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Trade acceptance draft 87340130.52 6818428.95

Total 87340130.52 6818428.95

(2) Notes receivable have pledged at the end of the period


(3) Notes receivable that have been endorsed or discounted at the end of the period and have not yet due

on the balance sheet date

Amount Derecognized at the Amount Recognized at the


End of the Period End of the Period

Page 217 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount Derecognized at the Amount Recognized at the


End of the Period End of the Period

Trade acceptance draft 2600520.63

Total 2600520.63

Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by account age

Account age Ending Balance Beginning balance

Within 1 year 13969080305.98 12746203387.66

1?2 years 1399796274.58 1416147908.71

2?3 years 1134033141.29 877548093.14

Over 3 years 3089537345.23 2577872659.51

Subtotal 19592447067.08 17617772049.02

Less: Bad debt reserves 3492969949.52 2793029425.57

Total 16099477117.56 14824742623.45

[Note] The Company's accounts receivable with an account age of over 1 year are mainly subsidy

receivables for dismantling waste electrical and electronic products and payments for new energy vehicles.

(2) Bad debt accrual method by categories

Ending Balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proporti Credit loss

Amount Amount

on (%) rate (%)

Accounts receivable with bad

debt reserves accrued by 1289240411.21 6.58 1183947802.62 91.83 105292608.59

individual item

Accounts receivable with bad

debt reserves accrued by 18303206655.87 93.42 2309022146.90 12.62 15994184508.97


Including: Account age



Low-risk portfolio 2019400830.00 10.31 402698807.66 19.94 1616702022.34

Total 19592447067.08 100.00 3492969949.52 17.83 16099477117.56


Beginning balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proport Credit loss

Amount Amount

ion (%) rate (%)

Accounts receivable with bad

debt reserves accrued by 1345411996.82 7.64 1116288302.43 82.97 229123694.39

individual item

Accounts receivable with bad

debt reserves accrued by 16272360052.20 92.36 1676741123.14 10.30 14595618929.06


Including: Account age



Page 218 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Beginning balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proport Credit loss

Amount Amount

ion (%) rate (%)

Low-risk portfolio 1709908749.00 9.71 201026279.51 11.76 1508882469.49

Total 17617772049.02 100.00 2793029425.57 15.85 14824742623.45

1) Accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by individual item

Ending Balance

Company Name

Credit loss

Book balance Bad debt reserves Reason for accruing

rate (%)

It is expected to be

69 units in total 1289240411.21 1183947802.62 91.83 difficult to recover

in full

Total 1289240411.21 1183947802.62 91.83


Beginning balance

Company Name

Credit loss

Book balance Bad debt reserves Reason for accruing

rate (%)

It is expected to be

69 units in total 1345411996.82 1116288302.43 82.97 difficult to recover

in full

Total 1345411996.82 1116288302.43 82.97

2) In the portfolio accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by account age portfolio

Ending Balance

Account age

Book balance Bad debt reserves Credit loss rate (%)

Within 1 year 13447724928.12 672386248.32 5.00

1?2 years 1072880131.92 203605581.83 18.98

2?3 years 792595070.82 229609905.14 28.97

Over 3 years 970605695.01 800721603.95 82.50

Total 16283805825.87 1906323339.24 11.71

3) In the portfolios the Accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by low risk portfolio

Ending Balance

Company Name

Book balance Bad debt reserves Credit loss rate (%)

Low-risk portfolio 2019400830.00 402698807.66 19.94

Total 2019400830.00 402698807.66 19.94

(3) Bad debt reserves accrued recovered or reversed in the current period

Change of the current period

Category Beginning balance Ending Balance



ferring back

Accrual by individual



Account age portfolio 1475714843.63 430660213.05 51717.44 1906323339.24

Page 219 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Change of the current period

Category Beginning balance Ending Balance



ferring back

Low-risk portfolio 201026279.51 201672528.15 402698807.66

Total 2793029425.57 699992241.39 51717.44 3492969949.52

[Note] There was no significant recovery or reversal of bad debt provisions during the current period.

(4) Accounts receivable actually written off in the current period

Item Written Off Amount

10 units in total 51717.44

Total 51717.44

(5) Accounts receivable and contract assets of the top 5 debtors in terms of ending balance collected by


The total amount of accounts receivable and contract assets of the top 5 debtors in terms of ending balance

collected by debtors is RMB4925454628.46 accounting for 23.54% of the ending balance of accounts

receivable and contract assets and the amount of bad debt provision is RMB1062641020.88.Contract assets

(1) Contract assets

Ending Balance Beginning balance


Impairment Impairment

Book balance Book Value Book balance Book Value

provision provision





l item


age 1006698488.92 422787788.10 583910700.82 1127165757.29 395385285.59 731780471.70





Total 1331845547.38 493033413.73 838812133.65 1517521890.75 469782072.81 1047739817.94

(2) Bad debt reserves accrued recovered or reversed in the current period


Item Beginning balance Total

g back in the current period

Accrual by individual item 7841594.46 7841594.46

Account age portfolio 395385285.59 27402502.51 422787788.10

Low-risk portfolio 66555192.76 -4151161.59 62404031.17

Total 469782072.81 23251340.92 493033413.73

[Note] There was no significant recovery or reversal of bad debt provisions during the current period.

(3) Contract assets actually written off in the current period

None.Receivables financing

Page 220 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

(1) Receivables financing presentation by categories

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Notes receivable measured at fair value 9795997038.02 28274911539.46

Including: Bank acceptance draft 9652625873.81 28016413651.48

Financial company acceptance bill 143371164.21 258497887.98

Accounts receivable measured at fair value 380092630.39 152398805.74

Including: Accounts receivable 380092630.39 152398805.74

Total 10176089668.41 28427310345.20

(2) Receivables financing pledged by the Company at the end of the period

Item Pledged Amount at the End of the Period

Banker's acceptance bill 5033716307.04

Total 5033716307.04

(3) Receivables financing that has been endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period

but not yet due at the balance sheet date

Amount Derecognized at the Amount Recognized at the


End of the Period End of the Period

Banker's acceptance bill 30462789477.03

Financial company acceptance bill 981153.01

Total 30463770630.04

(4) Receivables financing ? credit impairment provision of accounts receivable

1) Credit impairment provision accrued by portfolios

Ending Balance

Item Bad debt reserves

Book balance Change in fair value Book Value

Accounts receivable 380092630.39 380092630.39 22939575.95

Total 380092630.39 380092630.39 22939575.95

2) Changes in credit impairment provision


Item Beginning balance Ending Balance

g back

Accounts receivable 18346188.11 4593387.84 22939575.95

Total 18346188.11 4593387.84 22939575.95

(5) Receivables financing actually written off in the current period

None.Advance payments

(1) Prepayments presented by account age

Account age Ending Balance Beginning balance

Page 221 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount Proportion (%) Amount Proportion (%)

Within 1 year 2305877292.53 92.51 2099933220.14 89.56

1?2 years 43605485.46 1.75 188034392.04 8.02

2?3 years 98923012.64 3.97 9925947.44 0.42

Over 3 years 44241604.68 1.77 46775285.86 2.00

Total 2492647395.31 100.00 2344668845.48 100.00

(2) Significant prepayments aged over one year


(3) Prepayments of the top 5 prepayment objects in terms of ending balance collected by prepayment


The aggregate balance amount of prepayments of the top 5 suppliers in the balance collected by the

supplier was RMB1474084591.94 accounting for 59.14% of the total balance of prepayments at the

end of the period.Other receivables

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Dividends receivable 19936649.83 1260498.66

Other receivables [Note 1] 806621972.59 803017460.14

Total 826558622.42 804277958.80

[Note 1] Other receivables in the table above refer to other receivables after deduction of interest

receivables and dividends receivable;

[Note 2] The Company has no interest receivable balance at the end and the beginning of the period.

(1) Dividends receivable

1) Dividends receivable

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Dividends receivable 19936649.83 1260498.66

Total 19936649.83 1260498.66

2) Important dividends receivable aged over 1 year


(2) Other receivables

1) Disclosure by account age

Account age Ending Balance Beginning balance

Within 1 year 559642182.51 175729511.54

1?2 years 49650562.46 411297254.70

2?3 years 87315224.98 100645380.37

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Account age Ending Balance Beginning balance

Over 3 years 559302826.00 500287750.22

Subtotal 1255910795.95 1187959896.83

Less: Bad debt reserves 449288823.36 384942436.69

Total 806621972.59 803017460.14

2) Classification by nature of payment

Nature of payment Ending Balance Beginning balance

Intercourse funds 763529291.78 661459896.83

Equity and asset transfer payments 492381504.17 526500000.00

Subtotal 1255910795.95 1187959896.83

Less: Bad debt reserves 449288823.36 384942436.69

Total 806621972.59 803017460.14

3) Disclosure by classification of bad debt reserves accrual methods

Ending Balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proportion Credit loss

Amount Amount

(%) rate (%)

Other accounts receivable with

bad debt reserves accrued by 510787480.98 40.67 354908028.59 69.48 155879452.39

individual item

Other accounts receivable with

bad debt reserves accrued by 745123314.97 59.33 94380794.77 12.67 650742520.20


Including: Account age



Total 1255910795.95 100.00 449288823.36 35.77 806621972.59


Beginning balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proportion Credit loss

Amount Amount

(%) rate (%)

Other accounts receivable with

bad debt reserves accrued by 510842233.78 43.00 298353952.59 58.40 212488281.19

individual item

Other accounts receivable with

bad debt reserves accrued by 677117663.05 57.00 86588484.10 12.79 590529178.95


Including: Account age



Total 1187959896.83 100.00 384942436.69 32.40 803017460.14

Other accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by individual item

Ending Balance

Company Name

Credit loss rate

Book balance Bad debt reserves Reason for accruing


It is expected to be

Unit 1 172325809.58 129244357.19 75.00

difficult to to

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Ending Balance

Company Name

Credit loss rate

Book balance Bad debt reserves Reason for accruing


Recover in full

It is expected to be

Unit 2 221500000.00 110750000.00 50.00 difficult to recover

in full

It is expected to be

13 units remaining 116961671.40 114913671.40 98.25 difficult to recover

in full

Total 510787480.98 354908028.59 69.48


Beginning balance

Company Name

Credit loss rate

Book balance Bad debt reserves Reason for accruing


It is expected to be

Unit 1 172380562.38 86190281.19 50.00 difficult to recover

in full

It is expected to be

Unit 2 221500000.00 110750000.00 50.00 difficult to recover

in full

It is expected to be

13 units remaining 116961671.40 101413671.40 86.71 difficult to recover

in full

Total 510842233.78 298353952.59 58.40

Other receivables in the portfolio with the accrual of bad debt reserves by the aging

Ending Balance

Account age

Book balance Bad debt reserves Credit loss rate (%)

Within 1 year 559642182.51 27982109.24 5.00

1?2 years 48506430.27 6714536.70 13.84

2?3 years 85315224.98 12990629.28 15.23

Over 3 years 51659477.21 46693519.55 90.39

Total 745123314.97 94380794.77 12.67

4) Accrual of bad debt reserves

Phase I Phase II Phase III

Expected credit loss for

Bad debt reserves Expected credit Expected credit loss for Total

the entire duration (no

losses in the the entire duration (credit

credit impairment

next 12 months impairment occurred)


Beginning balance 8562921.73 376379514.96 384942436.69

Accrual in the current



Wrote-off in the current



Ending Balance 27982109.24 421306714.12 449288823.36

5) Bad debt reserves accrued recovered or reversed in the current period

Category Beginning balance Change of the current period Ending Balance

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nsferring back

Accrual by individual



Account age portfolio 86588484.10 7832310.67 40000.00 94380794.77

Total 384942436.69 64386386.67 40000.00 449288823.36

[Note] There is no significant recovery or transfer back of bad debt reserves during the current period.

6) Other receivables were actually written off in the current period

Item Written Off Amount

1 units in total 40000.00

7) Other receivables of top 5 debtors in terms of ending balance collected by debtors

The total amount of other receivables of top 5 debtors in terms of ending balance collected by debtors is

RMB751557816.50 accounting for 59.84% of the total balance of ending balance of other receivables

and the amount of bad debt provision is RMB260 736456.91.

8) Other receivables due to centralized fund management

None.Buying back the sale of financial assets

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Bonds 3930985000.00

Accrued interest 4431450.15

Subtotal 3935416450.15

Less: Provision for impairment 3077495.66

Total 3932338954.49


(1) Classification of inventories

Ending Balance

Item Inventory falling price


Book balance Book Value

provision of contract

performance costs

Raw materials 7057081762.87 1425810833.17 5631270929.70

Goods in process and


contract performance costs

Finished goods 21827045795.09 2943541383.93 18883504411.16

Development costs 5674994638.60 5674994638.60

Development products 369809931.38 369809931.38

Total 37063809370.80 4484669342.10 32579140028.70


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Beginning balance

Inventory falling price



Book balance Book Value

provision of contract

performance costs

Raw materials 10672997728.11 1009327287.63 9663670440.48

Goods in process and


contract performance costs

Finished goods 23183839506.90 1770944083.73 21412895423.17

Development costs 4834028484.47 4834028484.47

Total 41094448135.26 2780271371.36 38314176763.90

(2) Inventory falling price reserves and impairment provision of contract performance costs

Increased amount in the Decreased amount in

current period the current period

Item Beginning balance Ending Balance

Accrual Write-off amount

Raw materials 1009327287.63 520096944.19 103613398.65 1425810833.17

Unfinished goods 115317125.00 115317125.00

Finished goods 1770944083.73 1442784118.73 270186818.53 2943541383.93

Total 2780271371.36 2078198187.92 373800217.18 4484669342.10

Specific bases for making a provision for the decline in the value of inventories and reasons for reversing

or writing off the provision for the decline in the value of inventories in the current period:

The specific basis for making a provision for the Write-off of inventory falling price reserves in


decline in value of inventories the current period

Inventory cost or net realizable value whichever

Raw materials Received or sold in the current period

is lower

Inventory cost or net realizable value whichever

Unfinished goods Received or sold in the current period

is lower

Inventory cost or net realizable value whichever

Finished goods Sold in the current period

is lower

(3) Capitalization amount of borrowing costs included in the ending balance of inventory


(4) Amortization amount of contract performance costs in the current year of RMB272628491.22.

Non-current assets due within one year

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Other debt investments are due within 1 year 2181118917.45 3000000000.00

Long-term receivables due within 1 year 55162876.25 41094547.81

Subtotal 2236281793.70 3041094547.81

Add: Accrued interest of other debt investments due within


1 year

Less: Provision for impairment 1263229.85 2750517.36

Total 2411633459.29 3314191633.19

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Other current assets

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Input tax to be deducted and prepaid tax 2225932314.59 2057987526.82

Bond products 100000000.00

Monetary investment products 22059399315.54 2415000000.00

Others 181031697.63 189229261.68

Subtotal 24566363327.76 4662216788.50

Add: Accrued interests 341107724.98 72656393.15

Less: Provision for impairment 38529298.59 30296241.01

Total 24868941754.15 4704576940.64

Disbursement of loans and advances

(1) Distribution of enterprises and individuals

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Loans and advances measured at amortized costs:

Issuance of corporate loans and advances 558000000.00 737270000.00

Including: (1) Loans 558000000.00 492550000.00

(2) Discount 244720000.00

Subtotal 558000000.00 737270000.00

Add: Accrued interests 671437.49 961030.27

Less: Provision for impairment 14944828.26 18431750.00

Book value of issued corporate loans and advances 543726609.23 719799280.27

(2) Changes in loan loss reserves

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Beginning balance 18431750.00 106975750.00

Transferring back to the current period 3486921.74 88544000.00

Ending Balance 14944828.26 18431750.00

Debt investment

(1) Debt investment

Ending Balance Beginning balance

Impai Impair

Item rment ment

Book balance Book Value Book balance Book Value

provi provis

sion ion

Debt investment 1149000000.00 1149000000.00 150000000.00 150000000.00

Accrued interest 1744482.05 1744482.05 351500.00 351500.00

Page 227 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Ending Balance Beginning balance

Impai Impair

Item rment ment

Book balance Book Value Book balance Book Value

provi provis

sion ion

Total 1150744482.05 1150744482.05 150351500.00 150351500.00

(2) Debt investment

Ending Balance Beginning balance

Item Effective Effective

Coupon Coupon

Face value interest Date Due Face value interest Date Due

rate rate

rate rate


Guoshi 999000000.00 5.30% 5.30% 2025-9-30

trust plan





l Bank



Total 1149000000.00 150000000.00

(3) Accrual of impairment provision

None.Page 228 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Other debt investments

(1) Other debt investments

Ending Balance


loss reserves


recognized in

Cost Accrued interest Change in fair value Book Value




Treasury bond 316621828.84 3551890.42 6786591.16 326960310.42

Corporate bonds and financial bonds 899720207.58 14149657.51 9897862.42 923767727.51

Negotiable certificate of deposit 16667335007.45 803512433.47 17470847440.92

Subtotal 17883677043.87 821213981.40 16684453.58 18721575478.85

Less: Other debt investments due


within 1 year

Total 15703342951.71 644599085.96 15899628.29 16363841665.96


Beginning balance


loss reserves


recognized in

Cost Accrued interest Change in fair value Book Value




Treasury bond 315342376.29 3551890.42 8069643.71 326963910.42

Corporate bonds and financial bonds 699557264.91 13484589.02 -12404624.91 700637229.02

Negotiable certificate of deposit 16052655138.75 535940207.52 16588595346.27

Subtotal 17067554779.95 552976686.96 -4334981.20 17616196485.71

Page 229 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Beginning balance


loss reserves


recognized in

Cost Accrued interest Change in fair value Book Value




Less: Other debt investments due


within 1 year

Total 14067554779.95 277129084.22 -4334981.20 14340348882.97

[Note] Other debt investment held by the Company is classified as financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income

based on the management's intention and the cash flow of the contract and listed as other debt investments and non-current assets due within 1 year according to

its liquidity. On December 31 2023 there was no significant difference between the cost of the Company's negotiable certificate of deposit and its fair value.

(2) Other debt investments

Ending Balance Beginning balance

Other debt items Effective Effective

Coupon Coupon

Face value interest Date Due Face value interest Date Due

rate (%) rate (%)

rate (%) rate (%)

February 26 September

2024 to 10 2023 to

Negotiable certificate of deposit 16667000000.00 3.10-4.00 3.10-4.00 16050000000.00 3.20-4.00 3.20-4.00

October 21 October 21


16 coupon-bearing bond 17 200000000.00 2.74 3.10 2026-08-04 200000000.00 2.74 3.10 2026-08-04

20 Nongfa 08 200000000.00 3.45 3.54 2025-09-23 200000000.00 3.45 3.54 2025-09-23

23 CZBank Tier 2 Capital Note 02 200000000.00 3.50 3.50 2033-11-27

22 Huafa Group MTN006 180000000.00 4.20 4.20 2025-04-25 180000000.00 4.20 4.20 2025-04-25

Page 230 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Ending Balance Beginning balance

Other debt items Effective Effective

Coupon Coupon

Face value interest Date Due Face value interest Date Due

rate (%) rate (%)

rate (%) rate (%)

22 Huafa Group MTN009B 180000000.00 4.00 4.00 2025-06-20 180000000.00 4.00 4.00 2025-06-20

16 coupon-bearing bond 17 100000000.00 2.74 3.44 2026-08-04 100000000.00 2.74 3.44 2026-08-04

21 Huafa Group MTN007 70000000.00 4.65 4.65 2024-06-28 70000000.00 4.65 4.65 2024-06-28

22 Huafa Group MTN012B 60000000.00 3.75 3.75 2025-08-16 60000000.00 3.75 3.75 2025-08-16

22 coupon-bearing bond 19 20000000.00 2.60 2.61 2032-09-01 20000000.00 2.60 2.61 2032-09-01

19 Huafa Group MTN008B 10000000.00 5.30 5.31 2024-12-11 10000000.00 5.30 5.31 2024-12-11

Total 17887000000.00 17070000000.00

[Note] Other debt investments in the table above include other debt investments due within one year.Page 231 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Long-term receivables

(1) Long-term receivables

Ending Balance


Book balance Bad debt reserves Book Value

Goods of installment sales 186803996.60 26735849.27 160068147.33

Less: Unrealized financing



Less: Long-term accounts


receivable due within 1 year

Less: Reclassified to other


current assets

Total 63642746.00 1457418.88 62185327.12


Beginning balance


Book balance Bad debt reserves Book Value

Goods of installment sales 235996799.59 32095022.13 203901777.46

Less: Unrealized financing



Less: Long-term accounts


receivable due within 1 year

Less: Reclassified to other


current assets

Total 118805622.25 2720648.73 116084973.52

[Note] The Company reclassifies long-term receivables due within 1 year to non-current assets due within 1

year and reclassifies overdue long-term receivables to other current assets.

(2) Disclosure by classification of bad debt reserves accrual methods

Ending Balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proportion Credit loss

Amount Amount

(%) rate (%)

Long-term accounts receivable

with bad debt reserves accrued

by individual item

Long-term accounts receivable

with bad debt reserves accrued 63642746.00 100.00 1457418.88 2.29 62185327.12

by portfolios

Including: Account age



Total 63642746.00 100.00 1457418.88 2.29 62185327.12


Beginning balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proportion Credit loss

Amount Amount

(%) rate (%)

Long-term accounts receivable

with bad debt reserves accrued

by individual item

Page 232 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Beginning balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proportion Credit loss

Amount Amount

(%) rate (%)

Long-term accounts receivable

with bad debt reserves accrued 118805622.25 100.00 2720648.73 2.29 116084973.52

by portfolios

Including: Account age



Total 118805622.25 100.00 2720648.73 2.29 116084973.52

Long-term accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by portfolios

Ending Balance

Account age

Book balance Bad debt reserves Credit loss rate (%)

Goods of installment sales 63642746.00 1457418.88 2.29

Total 63642746.00 1457418.88 2.29

(3) Bad debt reserves accrued recovered or reversed in the current period


Category Beginning balance Ending Balance

g back

Goods of installment sales 2720648.73 -1263229.85 1457418.88

Total 2720648.73 -1263229.85 1457418.88

(4) Long-term accounts receivable were actually written off in the current period

None.Page 233 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Long-term equity investments

Beginning balance Increase/Decrease in the Current Period Ending Balance


Profits and Declared

Adjustment of al of

Investee losses on distribution of

Impairment Additional Decreased other impair Impairment

Original value investment cash Original value

provision Investment Investment comprehensive ment provision

recognized by dividends or

income reserv

equity method profits


I. Joint ventures

SL Group

Jiangwan Rice


Industry Co.Ltd

Subtotal 1166358.97 -7424.29 1158934.68

II. Associates

Gree (Vietnam)

Electric 1940009.35 1940009.35 1940009.35 1940009.35

Appliances Inc.Outlook All


Media Co. Ltd.Wuhan Digital

Design and

Manufacturing 15239073.92 301716.52 150000.00 15390790.44


Center Co. Ltd.Coresing




Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Ronglin







Zhuhai Jiayao



Page 234 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Beginning balance Increase/Decrease in the Current Period Ending Balance


Profits and Declared

Adjustment of al of

Investee losses on distribution of

Impairment Additional Decreased other impair Impairment

Original value investment cash Original value

provision Investment Investment comprehensive ment provision

recognized by dividends or

income reserv

equity method profits



Co. Ltd.Henan Yuze



Leasing Co.Ltd.Zhuhai Hanling









New Energy 97017695.89 -4781436.49 92236259.40


Co. Ltd.Guizhou



New Energy

Co. Ltd.Ningxia

Nenggu New

Energy 194350.24 -164803.35 29546.89


Co. Ltd.Beijing Liyin




Co. Ltd.Sichuan Jinshi

Leasing Co. 293539194.32 21397575.85 527247.07 4625461.17 310838556.07

Ltd.Zhuji Rushan



Page 235 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Beginning balance Increase/Decrease in the Current Period Ending Balance


Profits and Declared

Adjustment of al of

Investee losses on distribution of

Impairment Additional Decreased other impair Impairment

Original value investment cash Original value

provision Investment Investment comprehensive ment provision

recognized by dividends or

income reserv

equity method profits









Energy Saving 228893881.80 40179812.17 6636258.28 275709952.25

System Co.Ltd.Subtotal 5893064219.19 1940009.35 989000.00 463197890.11 93229867.45 -1013488757.99 20848332.67 4489748105.87 1940009.35

Total 5894230578.16 1940009.35 989000.00 463197890.11 93222443.16 -1013488757.99 20848332.67 4490907040.55 1940009.35

[Note 1] The change in other comprehensive income in the current period of the joint venture of the Company Zhuhai Ronglin Equity Investment Partnership

(Limited Partnership) is due to the fluctuation of the share price of Wingtech Technology Co. Ltd. held by it and the disposal of the equity of Wingtech Technology

Co. Ltd.;

[Note 2] According to the partnership agreement of Zhuhai Ronglin Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as "Zhuhai Ronglin")

the Company invested in Zhuhai Ronglin as a limited partner. Upon the decision of all partners the general partner is entrusted to perform partnership affairs. For

matters related to the partnership submitted by the general partner to all partners for discussion the voting method of one partner one vote and unanimously

approved by all partners is implemented to make resolutions. The Company has no control over Zhuhai Ronglin and Zhuhai Ronglin is not included in the scope of

consolidation of the Company's statements during the report period.Other equity instrument investments

(1) Other equity instrument investments

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Page 236 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

San'an Optoelectronics Co. Ltd. 1586483387.45 1965635734.92

Wingtech Technology Co. Ltd. 1517194078.45 1885465957.10

Shanghai Highly (Group) Co. Ltd. 626491486.09 522205716.62

RSMACALLINE-HSHS 125653291.82 143361786.48

COFCO Trading (Suibin) Agricultural Development Co.


Ltd.Xinjiang Joinworld Company Limited 2043265.56 145786602.78

Total 3864865509.37 4669455797.90

(2) Non-trading equity instrument investment

Reasons for

Accumulated Amount Reason for

Accumulated gains amount

Gains included in Losses included losses included in transferred designation as

included in other transferred

Dividend other in other other from other measured at fair value

comprehensive from other

Item income comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive with changes

income at the end comprehensive

recognized income in the income in the income at the end income to included in other

of the current income to

current period current period of the current retained comprehensive

period retained

period earnings income


Based on the



Optoelectronics Co. 5727376.85 379152347.47 413516612.55

intention and

Ltd.contractual cash flow

Based on the

RSMACALLINE- management's


HSHS intention and

contractual cash flow

Based on the

Shanghai Highly management's


(Group) Co. Ltd. intention and

contractual cash flow

COFCO Trading Based on the

(Suibin) Agricultural management's


Development Co. intention and

Ltd. contractual cash flow

Page 237 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Reasons for

Accumulated Amount Reason for

Accumulated gains amount

Gains included in Losses included losses included in transferred designation as

included in other transferred

Dividend other in other other from other measured at fair value

comprehensive from other

Item income comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive with changes

income at the end comprehensive

recognized income in the income in the income at the end income to included in other

of the current income to

current period current period of the current retained comprehensive

period retained

period earnings income


Based on the

Xinjiang Joinworld management's Sales of some


Company Limited intention and shares

contractual cash flow

Based on the

Wingtech management's


Technology Co. Ltd. intention and

contractual cash flow

Total 12140738.21 103698375.62 844453961.02 633036831.20 1516298031.63 83614348.15

Page 238 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Other non-current financial assets

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in other


comprehensive income

Total 4428003204.49

Investment real estate

Investment real estate using cost measurement model

Item Houses and buildings Land use rights Total

I. Original book value

1. Beginning balance 1031496189.10 50861964.09 1082358153.19

2. Increased amount in the current period 119082596.25 119082596.25

Including: (1) Transfer-in from fixed assets 115729609.69 115729609.69

(2) Transfer-in from construction in



3. Decreased amount in the current period 19783075.82 19783075.82

Including: Transfer to fixed assets 19783075.82 19783075.82

4. Ending balance 1130795709.53 50861964.09 1181657673.62

II. Accumulated depreciation and accumulated


1. Beginning balance 435542379.87 12126571.34 447668951.21

2. Increased amount in the current period 111573872.36 906133.57 112480005.93

Including: (1) Accrual or amortization 70886924.36 906133.57 71793057.93

(2) Transfer-in from fixed assets 40686948.00 40686948.00

3. Decreased amount in the current period 11753444.62 11753444.62

Including: Transfer to fixed assets 11753444.62 11753444.62

4. Ending balance 535362807.61 13032704.91 548395512.52

III. Impairment provision

IV. Book value

1. Book value at the end of the period 595432901.92 37829259.18 633262161.10

2. Book value at the beginning of the period 595953809.23 38735392.75 634689201.98

[Note] As of December 31 2023 the book value of investment real estate ? houses and buildings of

which the Company has not obtained the property ownership certificates was RMB45588201.73.Page 239 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Fixed assets

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Fixed assets [Note] 34023728822.05 33810042180.83

Fixed assets in liquidation 11100294.42 6977210.53

Total 34034829116.47 33817019391.36

[Note] The fixed assets in the table above refer to the fixed assets after deduction of the fixed assets in liquidation.

(1) Fixed assets


Item Houses and buildings Machinery equipment Electronic equipment Other equipment Total


I. Original book value

1. Beginning balance 31875670110.98 27559215436.70 1494692518.12 2443114320.58 797370152.11 64170062538.49

2. Increased amount in the current



Including: (1) Purchase 207940.00 780448700.31 127006803.19 210908503.76 58617873.17 1177189820.43

(2) Transfer-in from


investment real estate

(3) Transfer-in from


construction in progress

3. Decreased amount in the


current period

Including: (1) Disposal or



(2) Transfer to


investment real estate

4. Foreign currency financial


statement translation

5. Ending balance 34566715171.17 28956185091.99 1600846651.52 2616424306.42 842944909.05 68583116130.15

II. Accumulated depreciation

1. Beginning balance 9146684939.16 17073717000.50 1244171703.27 2203916723.13 673587840.24 30342078206.30

2. Increased amount in the current



Page 240 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


Item Houses and buildings Machinery equipment Electronic equipment Other equipment Total


Including: (1) Accrual 1663820018.34 2542268079.80 115919795.12 224753815.21 87469381.66 4634231090.13

(2) Transfer-in from


investment real estate

3. Decreased amount in the


current period

Including: (1) Disposal or



(2) Transfer to


investment real estate

4. Foreign currency financial


statement translation

5. Ending balance 10685292657.00 19230335206.88 1340579120.06 2394411674.51 748766912.10 34399385570.55

III. Impairment provision

1. Beginning balance 13788472.27 3861058.83 179924.90 112695.36 17942151.36

2. Increased amount in the current



Including: Accrual 43997287.74 97206774.93 244907.04 33041.95 578646.91 142060658.57

3. Decreased amount in the


current period

Including: Disposal or scrapping 98088.74 18146.27 116235.01

4. Foreign currency financial


statement translation

5. Ending balance 57785760.01 101084907.65 244907.04 194820.58 691342.27 160001737.55

IV. Book value

1. Book value at the end of the



2. Book value at the beginning of


the period

Page 241 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

[Note] As of December 31 2023 the book value of the Company's fixed assets ? houses and buildings of which the Company has not obtained the certificate of

title was RMB15446032647.23. The acquisition of certificate of title is mainly affected by the progress of project final acceptance and the Company is still

processing according to the schedule.

(2) Temporary idle fixed assets

The Company has no significant temporary idle fixed assets.

(3) Fixed assets leased out through operating leases

The Company has no significant fixed assets leased out through operating leases.

(4) Fixed assets in liquidation

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Fixed assets in liquidation 11100294.42 6977210.53

Total 11100294.42 6977210.53

Construction in progress

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Construction in progress [Note] 6563911378.94 5966678892.16

Total 6563911378.94 5966678892.16

[Note] The construction in progress in the above table refers to the construction in progress after deduction of construction materials.

(1) Construction in progress

Ending Balance Beginning balance

Item Impairme


Book balance Book Value Book balance nt Book Value



Gree Titanium Project 1740587474.47 21644400.92 1718943073.55 2127613084.25 54413.75 2127558670.50

Zhuhai Intelligent


Manufacturing Project

Page 242 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Ending Balance Beginning balance

Item Impairme


Book balance Book Value Book balance nt Book Value



Zhuhai Electronic


Component Project

Gree HQ Project 827683995.65 827683995.65 460979229.34 460979229.34

Wuhan Mold Project 283100962.02 283100962.02 129629721.74 129629721.74

Zhuhai Electrical Project 165437659.94 165437659.94 41939278.97 41939278.97

Wuhan HVAC Project 111944374.67 111944374.67 22518193.06 22518193.06

Others 667077101.70 667077101.70 2424766056.76 2424766056.76

Total 6585555779.86 21644400.92 6563911378.94 5966733305.91 54413.75 5966678892.16

(2) Currentd changes in important construction in progress

The amount Including: the

The amount

transferred to capitalization

Increased amount in transferred to fixed Disposal in the

Item Beginning balance investment real Ending Balance amount of interest

the current period assets in the current current period

estate in the in the current


current period period

Gree Titanium Project 2127613084.25 83545315.94 470570925.72 1740587474.47

Zhuhai Intelligent


Manufacturing Project

Zhuhai Electronic


Component Project

Gree HQ Project 460979229.34 385390418.43 18685652.12 827683995.65

Wuhan Mold Project 129629721.74 193811851.36 40340611.08 283100962.02 3297330.57

Zhuhai Electrical



Wuhan HVAC



Others 2424766056.76 2251406882.24 4003980143.85 3352986.56 1762706.89 667077101.70 416885.31

Page 243 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

The amount Including: the

The amount

transferred to capitalization

Increased amount in transferred to fixed Disposal in the

Item Beginning balance investment real Ending Balance amount of interest

the current period assets in the current current period

estate in the in the current


current period period

Total 5966733305.91 5619759724.48 4995821557.08 3352986.56 1762706.89 6585555779.86 5189684.54

[Note] The capitalization amount of interest for the current period includes government grants for loan interest discounts.Page 244 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Usufruct assets

Item Housing and buildings

I. Original book value

1. Beginning balance 302875919.25

2. Increased amount in the current period 737787974.66

Including: Renting 737787974.66

3. Decreased amount in the current period 16037696.01

Including: Due 16037696.01

4. Ending balance 1024626197.90

II. Accumulated depreciation

1. Beginning balance 95531140.20

2. Increased amount in the current period 102120476.76

Including: Accrual 102120476.76

3. Decreased amount in the current period 15275927.18

Including: Due 15275927.18

4. Ending balance 182375689.78

III. Impairment provision

IV. Book value

1. Book value at the end of the period 842250508.12

2. Book value at the beginning of the period 207344779.05

Intangible assets

Item Land use rights Patent rights and others Total

I. Original book value

1. Beginning balance 11195701778.22 3605169628.21 14800871406.43

2. Increased amount in the


current period

Including: Purchase 45576665.79 9946571.33 55523237.12

3. Decreased amount in the


current period

Including: (1) Disposal 387560731.04 17178156.77 404738887.81

(2) Write-off 5431360.00 5431360.00

4. Ending balance 10853717712.97 3592506682.77 14446224395.74

II. Accumulated


1. Beginning balance 1463282355.57 997254432.13 2460536787.70

2. Increased amount in the


current period

Page 245 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Item Land use rights Patent rights and others Total

Including: Accrual 233546094.22 264334728.93 497880823.15

3. Decreased amount in the


current period

Including: (1) Disposal 52644262.72 4220257.48 56864520.20

(2) Write-off 5431360.00 5431360.00

4. Ending balance 1644184187.07 1251937543.58 2896121730.65

III. Impairment provision

1. Beginning balance 718481547.30 718481547.30

2. Increased amount in the


current period

Including: Amortization 8670282.34 13409396.37 22079678.71

3. Decreased amount in the


current period

Including: (1) Disposal 12953296.18 12953296.18

(2) Write-off 5199786.56 5199786.56

4. Ending balance 8670282.34 713737860.93 722408143.27

IV. Book value

1. Book value at the end of


the period

2. Book value at the


beginning of the period

[Note 1] Write-off amount of intangible assets ? patent right and others in the current period were the

used quota licensing rights;

[Note 2] As of December 31 2023 the book value of intangible assets of which the Company has not

obtained the property ownership certificates was RMB31273.85.[Note 3] No intangible assets were formed through the Company's internal research and development in

the current period.Goodwill

(1) Original book value of goodwill

Increase in the Decrease in the

Name of Investee or matters forming Beginning current period current period

Ending Balance

goodwill balance Formed by


business merger

Zhejiang DunAn Artificial


Environment Co. Ltd.Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc. 612777583.92 612777583.92

Nanjing Walsin Metal Co. Ltd. 274115040.11 274115040.11

Hefei Kinghome Electrical Co. Ltd. 51804350.47 51804350.47

Page 246 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Increase in the Decrease in the

Name of Investee or matters forming Beginning current period current period

Ending Balance

goodwill balance Formed by


business merger

Shenyang Water and Heat Source


Development Co. Ltd.Total 2137371150.04 2137371150.04

(2) Goodwill impairment provision

Decrease in

Increase in the current

the current

Name of Investee or matters forming Beginning period

period Ending Balance

goodwill balance

Accrual Others Disposal

Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc. 151720775.11 206861546.92 358582322.03

Nanjing Walsin Metal Co. Ltd. 274115040.11 274115040.11

Hefei Kinghome Electrical Co. Ltd. 51804350.47 51804350.47

Shenyang Water and Heat Source


Development Co. Ltd.Total 478012751.01 206861546.92 684874297.93

(3) Information about the asset group or asset group combination in which the goodwill is located

Is it consistent

Composition and basis of the asset group or Operating segments and

Company Name with previous

combination basis


Operating assets of an asset group (excluding

Classified by company

Gree Altairnano non-operating assets and surplus assets) based on

management requirements Yes

asset group the asset group that can generate independent

and business modules

cash flows

Asset group of Including fixed assets construction in progress DunAn Hetian and

DunAn right-of-use assets intangible assets long-term Zhuhai Huayu classified

Environment unamortized expenses and other long-term by company management Yes

refrigeration assets based on the asset group that can generate requirements and business

accessories independent cash flows modules

Including fixed assets construction in progress DunAn Electro-

Asset group of

right-of-use assets intangible assets long-term Mechanical classified by


unamortized expenses and other long-term company management Yes


assets based on the asset group that can generate requirements and business


independent cash flows modules

Including fixed assets construction in progress DunAn Thermal and

Asset group of

right-of-use assets intangible assets long-term Zhuhai Thermal


unamortized expenses and other long-term classified by company Yes


assets based on the asset group that can generate management requirements


independent cash flows and business modules

Asset group of Including fixed assets construction in progress DunAn thermal

DunAn right-of-use assets intangible assets long-term management classified

Environment unamortized expenses and other long-term by company management Yes

thermal assets based on the asset group that can generate requirements and business

management independent cash flows modules

Page 247 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

(4) Specific determination method of recoverable amount

1) Determined based on the net amount after deducting disposal expenses from fair value

Impairment amount

of goodwill Determination of

Recoverable Key

Item Book Value attributable to fair value and Basis for determining key parameters

amount parameters

shareholders of the disposal expenses

parent company

Determine the replacement cost based on market inquiry local

engineering cost information of each park depreciation rate of

Fair value

Gree Altairnano service life and survey depreciation rate and determine the

13279725255.23 12600822902.34 206861546.92 Fair value disposal

asset group fair value based on the replacement cost; confirm disposal


expenses based on property rights transaction costs stamp

taxes and additional taxes

Total 13279725255.23 12600822902.34 206861546.92

[Note] In accordance with the Asset Evaluation Report on the Asset Group Including the Recoverable Amount of Goodwill Assets Involved in the Impairment Test of

the Goodwill Formed by the Merger of GREE Altairnano New Energy Inc. by Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai (ZZH [2024] ZI No. HZ1107) issued by

Zhejiang Zhongheng Real Estate Land Assets Appraisal Consulting Co. Ltd. the amount of goodwill impairment attributable to the parent company in the current

period is RMB206861546.92 and the recoverable amount of the asset group is calculated by using the method of net amount after deducting disposal expenses from

fair value in the assessment report;

2) Determine based on the present value of expected future cash flows

Basis for

Key parameters for

Impai determining Basis for

Years in the the stable period

Recoverable rment Key parameters for the forecast parameters determining key

Item Book Value forecast (growth rate profit

amount amou period (growth rate and profit rate) during the parameters during

period rate and discount

nt forecast the stable period



Asset group of

Revenue growth

DunAn 5 years + Revenue growth rate: Pre-tax wacc

rate: 2.00%

Environment 5336747308.36 5463000000.00 perpetual 6.59%?21.16% [Note 2] calculated from

Discount rate:

refrigeration period Gross margin: 14.04%?19.67% industry data



Asset group of Revenue growth

5 years + Revenue growth rate: Pre-tax wacc

DunAn rate: 2.00%

940384243.78 1743000000.00 perpetual 9.31%?20.78% [Note 2] calculated from

Environment Discount rate:

period Gross margin: 21.63%?23.75% industry data

thermal 14.27%

Page 248 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Basis for

Key parameters for

Impai determining Basis for

Years in the the stable period

Recoverable rment Key parameters for the forecast parameters determining key

Item Book Value forecast (growth rate profit

amount amou period (growth rate and profit rate) during the parameters during

period rate and discount

nt forecast the stable period



Asset group of

Revenue growth

DunAn 5 years + Revenue growth rate: Pre-tax wacc

rate: 2.00%

Environment 438875471.77 2981000000.00 perpetual 10.00%?99.71% [Note 3] [Note 2] calculated from

Discount rate:

thermal period Gross margin: 23.37%?27.62% industry data



Asset group of Revenue growth

5 years + Revenue growth rate: Pre-tax wacc

DunAn rate: 2.00%

328324949.71 2717000000.00 perpetual 8.00%?14.72% [Note 2] calculated from

Environment Discount rate:

period Gross margin: 25.58%?28.49% industry data

equipment 14.27%

Total 7044331973.62 12904000000.00

[Note 1] According to the Asset Evaluation Report on the Recoverable Amount of the Asset Group (Including Goodwill) of Zhejiang DunAn Artificial

Environment Co. Ltd. Involved in the Goodwill Impairment Test of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai for the Preparation of Financial Reports (BJYCPB ZI

(2024) No. A101) issued by Beijing Yachao Asset Appraisal Co. Ltd. there is no impairment of goodwill and the recoverable amount of the asset group is

calculated by using the method of the present value of expected future cash flows in the assessment report;

[Note 2] The recoverable amount of the asset group or asset group combination containing goodwill is based on the profit forecast determined by the management

of DunAn Environment. The basis for revenue growth is mainly due to the future development of foreign markets. The increase in profit margin was mainly due to

the fact that the revenue in the foreign market was higher than that in the domestic market and the cost was estimated based on the historical annual average

production cost resulting in a gradual increase in profit rate;

[Note 3] The reason for the higher revenue growth rate of the thermal management asset group is that it is still in the start-up stage and the historical revenue

growth rate is relatively high.Page 249 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Long-term unamortized expenses

Increased amount in Amortization amount

Item Beginning balance Ending Balance

the current period in the current period

Renovation costs and



Total 22862393.90 14390031.04 12976950.00 24275474.94

Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets not offset

Ending Balance Beginning balance

Item Deductible

Deductible temporary Deferred income tax Deferred income


differences assets tax assets


Accrued expenses 81894353560.58 12299777470.95 74646872375.32 11202831506.36

Assets impairment



Deductible losses 7607177645.41 1383660092.05 8528191787.64 1667323200.67

Payroll payable 2403160852.09 368434495.66 1488929099.06 230456696.17

Lease liabilities 855196661.01 210201073.63 212875571.23 47385845.47




Changes in fair value of

other equity instrument 270341234.04 40551185.11


Others 3386147827.13 651636192.00 1800297523.36 326709500.84

Total 105887340789.98 16561437021.81 93585384289.90 14644877571.11

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities not offset

Ending Balance Beginning balance


Taxable temporary Deferred income tax Taxable temporary Deferred income

differences liabilities differences tax liabilities

Accrued interest 8004193370.39 1338930710.07 5290711334.53 968378001.20

Appraised appreciation

of consolidated assets of


enterprises not under the

common control

Usufruct assets 841445774.92 207082853.09 207344779.05 46010700.88

Assets amortization 1178075518.52 185886711.77 1750007228.31 271416568.54

Changes in fair value of

derivative financial 174933139.85 27862021.19 23731530.82 3970875.35


Changes in fair value of

other equity instrument 433527038.34 65029055.75


Others 2442258390.98 483228222.87 732645089.17 177387477.26

Total 15709140581.60 2871757157.58 12020003618.12 2271138444.62

(3) Details of deferred income tax assets not recognized

Page 250 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Deductible losses 5611793371.12 2599631551.36

Deductible temporary differences 3078969898.57 3281958579.26

Total 8690763269.69 5881590130.62

(4) The deductible losses of deferred income tax assets not recognized will be due in the following years

Investment Amount at the End of the

Year Beginning Amount












Open-ended 830867061.59 581765042.29

Total 5611793371.12 2599631551.36

Other non-current assets

Ending Balance Beginning balance


Impairment Impairment

Book balance Book Value Book balance Book Value

provision provision




products and

accrued interest


payments for 1196720503.05 1196720503.05 739880724.35 739880724.35


Advance project

funds and cash


pledge and


Advance land-

transferring fees 82948394.58 82948394.58 43959131.67 43959131.67

and others

Total 42575075185.94 76969740.55 42498105445.39 1070521086.45 30808387.19 1039712699.26

Assets with restricted ownership or right-to-use

End of Period


Book Value Restricted Reason

Required deposit reserve earnest

Monetary funds 36444669541.57

money etc.Accounts receivable 95386260.00 Pledged

Page 251 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

End of Period


Book Value Restricted Reason

Receivables financing 5033716307.04 Pledged

Contract assets 103189654.26 Pledged

Other current assets 9000000000.00 Pledged

Non-current assets due within one

1000000000.00 Pledged


Other debt investments 10090000000.00 Pledged

Long-term equity investments 310838556.07 Pledged

Fixed assets 2285127725.15 Pledged

Construction in progress 223626881.02 Pledged

Intangible assets 1436665729.28 Pledged

Other non-current assets 12180000000.00 Pledged

Others 13646580.00 Pledged

Total 78216867234.39


Beginning of period


Book Value Restricted Reason

Required deposit reserve earnest

Monetary funds 49215097504.03

money etc.Accounts receivable 239378920.65 Pledged

Receivables financing 12304327541.08 Pledged

Non-current assets due within one

3022847488.96 Pledged


Other debt investments 5700000000.00 Pledged

Other equity instrument investments 1965635734.92 Restricted shares

Long-term equity investments 293539194.32 Pledged

Fixed assets 976001655.74 Pledged

Intangible assets 1063362713.41 Pledged

Others 192982228.53 Pledged

Total 74973172981.64

Short-term borrowings

(1) Classification of short-term borrowings

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Pledge borrowings 13689816990.91 20215759226.93

Credit borrowings 11791884924.68 31117982271.80

Mortgaged borrowings 403850000.00 438390000.00

Page 252 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Pledge mortgaged and credit borrowings 318978953.96

Pledge and mortgaged borrowings 115500000.00

Mortgaged and credit borrowings 35500000.00

Guaranteed borrowings 900000000.00

Subtotal 26355530869.55 52672131498.73

Accrued interest 87945518.97 223719789.19

Total 26443476388.52 52895851287.92

(2) Overdue and unpaid short-term borrowings

None.Derivative financial liabilities

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Foreign exchange derivatives 4079919.91 184811894.98

Total 4079919.91 184811894.98

Notes payable

Type Ending Balance Beginning balance

Banker's acceptance bill 23741128400.12 38346486801.38

Trade acceptance draft 263414018.36

Total 23741128400.12 38609900819.74

[Note] As of December 31 2023 the Company had no notes payable that were due and unpaid.Accounts payable

(1) List of accounts payable

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Payment for goods and services 37687019566.61 30384290338.76

Others 3460339655.34 2471781150.11

Total 41147359221.95 32856071488.87

(2) Important payables aged over 1 year

None.Contract liabilities

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Payment for goods and pre-sale housing 13588771210.88 14972336715.45

Total 13588771210.88 14972336715.45

[Note] Contract liabilities mainly consist of advance payments from distributors for goods.Page 253 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Deposits from customers and interbank

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Time deposits 245243190.05 190606127.38

Current deposits 3188766.08 22144523.59

Subtotal 248431956.13 212750650.97

Accrued interest 6184943.22 6360418.64

Total 254616899.35 219111069.61

Payroll payable

(1) List of employee remuneration payable

Increase in the Decrease in the

Item Beginning balance Ending Balance

current period current period

I. Short-term wages and salaries 3887857360.44 11105934748.86 10728021808.72 4265770300.58

II. Separation benefits ? defined


contribution plan

Total 3897862091.84 11917994168.03 11527244873.58 4288611386.29

(2) List of short-term wages and salaries

Increase in the Decrease in the

Item Beginning balance Ending Balance

current period current period

1. Wages bonuses subsidies and



2. Employee welfare 429699.41 770490581.96 769038005.30 1882276.07

3. Social insurance premiums 2881491.17 330420482.50 326082508.89 7219464.78

Including: Medical insurance



Work-related injury


insurance premiums

Maternity insurance



4. Housing provident funds 4411203.23 388522174.53 389016435.18 3916942.58

5. Labor union expenditures and


employee education funds

Total 3887857360.44 11105934748.86 10728021808.72 4265770300.58

(3) List of separation benefits ? defined contribution plan

Increase in the Decrease in the

Item Beginning balance Ending Balance

current period current period

1. Basic endowment insurance



2. Unemployment insurance



Total 10004731.40 812059419.17 799223064.86 22841085.71

Taxes and dues payable

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Business income tax 2544807089.57 1856871168.58

Value-added tax 1393002309.22 1650439583.33

Page 254 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Others 399822161.49 312113887.57

Total 4337631560.28 3819424639.48

Other payables

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Dividends payable 5572388.92 5620664762.67

Other payables [Note 1] 5507694127.90 5291741904.22

Total 5513266516.82 10912406666.89

[Note 1] Other payables in the table above refer to other payables deducting interests payable and dividends


[Note 2] The Company has no interests payable at the end and the beginning of the period.

(1) Dividends payable

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Common stock dividends 602881.87 5614444494.87

Others 4969507.05 6220267.80

Total 5572388.92 5620664762.67

[Note] The Company has no important dividends payable aged over 1 year.

(2) Other payables

1) Other payables listed by nature of payment

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Intercourse funds 2617427058.95 2485922439.12

Enterprise borrowing and interest 1654225040.13 1621102937.08

Cash pledge and deposit 1236042028.82 1184716528.02

Total 5507694127.90 5291741904.22

2) Other important payables aged over 1 year

Reasons for failing to repay

Item Ending Balance

or carry-over

Unsatisfied repayment

Unit 1 1003043216.69


Total 1003043216.69

Non-current liabilities due within one year

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Long-term borrowings due within one year 20411257654.34

Long-term payables to be due within one year 104437399.09 188387613.61

Lease liabilities due within 1 year 89826019.60 66954923.96

Page 255 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Total 20605521073.03 255342537.57

Other current liabilities

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Sales rebate 50881332212.24 52515732341.58

Others 10177504966.53 5233085261.66

Total 61058837178.77 57748817603.24

Long-term borrowings

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Pledge borrowings 19537435550.95 3312962532.03

Credit borrowings 37768442020.95 24721907621.41

Mortgaged borrowings 2089219068.84 2718972309.96

Subtotal 59395096640.74 30753842463.40

Add: Accrued interests 51903548.69 30398747.81

Less: Long-term borrowings due within one year 20411257654.34

Total 39035742535.09 30784241211.21

Lease liabilities

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Lease liabilities 856833971.52 213791544.62

Less: Lease liabilities due within 1 year 89826019.60 66954923.96

Total 767007951.92 146836620.66

Long-term payables

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Financial liabilities formed after sale and leaseback 131465897.39 274393778.81

Others 18638250.00

Subtotal 131465897.39 293032028.81

Less: Long-term payables due within 1 year 104437399.09 188387613.61

Total 27028498.30 104644415.20

Long-term payroll payable

(1) Table of long-term payroll payable

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Page 256 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Net liabilities of separation benefits ? defined benefit



Total 195057663.00 175712728.00

(2) Changes in the defined benefit plan

1) Present value of obligations under the defined benefit plan:

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

I. Beginning balance 175712728.00 164408471.00

II. Defined benefit cost included in the current profits


and losses

1. Service costs in the current period 3238005.00 2945591.00

2. Net interest 5173500.00 5241236.00

3. Impact of adding new personnel 1530388.00 546530.00

III. Defined benefit cost included in other


comprehensive income

Including: actuarial gains (losses expressed with



IV. Other changes -6434424.00 -6031049.00

Including: Paid benefits -6434424.00 -6031049.00

V. Ending balance 195057663.00 175712728.00

2) Net liabilities (net assets) of the defined benefit plan:

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

I. Beginning balance 175712728.00 164408471.00

II. Defined benefit cost included in the current profits


and losses

III. Defined benefit cost included in other


comprehensive income

IV. Other changes -6434424.00 -6031049.00

V. Ending balance 195057663.00 175712728.00

(3) The descriptions of contents and associated risks of the defined benefit plan and its influences on the

Company’s future cash flow time and uncertainty are as follows:

1) Descriptions of contents and associated risks of the defined benefit plan and its influences on the

Company’s future cash flow time and uncertainty

The Company’s defined benefit plan is a supplementary post-retirement benefit plan for some retirees

early retirees and serving officers after normal retirement. Given that the amount involved in the defined

benefit plan is not significant it cannot have a significant impact on the Company's future cash flow.

2) Descriptions of significant actuarial assumptions and sensitivity analysis results of the defined benefit


Under the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 9 ? Employee

Compensation the discount rate adopted by the Company at the time of discount is recognized by the

market yields of high-quality corporate bonds in the treasury bonds or active market that match the

Page 257 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

obligatory term and currency of the defined benefit plan on the balance sheet date; the annual growth rates

and annual dismissal rates of all benefits are based on the actual measurement data of the Company; and

the death rate is recognized by referring to the experience life table for insurance business of China Life

Insurance (Group) Company.Deferred income

Beginning Increase in the Decrease in the Cause of

Item Ending Balance

balance current period current period formation

Related to

Government grants 3335077967.39 424153554.48 235076720.35 3524154801.52 assets/income



profit and loss

Others 5133362.84 1432566.24 3700796.60

from sale and


Total 3340211330.23 424153554.48 236509286.59 3527855598.12

Share capital

Increase in the Decrease in the

Item Beginning balance Ending Balance

current period current period

Total number of stocks 5631405741.00 5631405741.00

Total 5631405741.00 5631405741.00

Capital reserves

Increase in the Decrease in the

Item Beginning balance Ending Balance

current period current period

Share capital premium 560382088.91 560382088.91

Other capital reserves 496102011.66 1411326160.71 554905778.70 1352522393.67

Total 496102011.66 1971708249.62 1115287867.61 1352522393.67

[Note 1] The share of equity incentive ? employee stock ownership plan expenses in the current period

increased the capital reserves ? other capital reserves by RMB1 411326160.71;

[Note 2] In this period some subsidiaries engaged in equity transactions resulting in an increase of

RMB5476310.21 in capital reserves ? share capital premium;

[Note 3] The expiration of the lock-up period of the first phase of the employee stock ownership plan

and the fulfillment of the vesting conditions resulted in an increase of RMB554905778.70 in capital

reserves ? share capital premium and a decrease of RMB554905778.70 in capital reserves ? other

capital reserves;

[Note 4] Capital reserves ? share capital premium of RMB560382088.91 is offset by the purchase of

minority equity interests in subsidiaries and the expected payment of performance compensation.Treasury share

Page 258 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Increase in the current Decrease in the

Item Beginning balance Ending Balance

period current period

Repurchased share 5643935587.86 4108275713.17 4809487389.59 4942723911.44

Total 5643935587.86 4108275713.17 4809487389.59 4942723911.44

[Note 1] On February 3 2023 the Company transferred 77163880 shares from the Company's special

securities account for repurchase to the special account of "Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai ?

employee stock ownership plan phase II" through non-trading transfer and the treasury shares decreased

RMB3665952595.95 and the transferred shares accounted for 1.37% of the Company's total share

capital at that time. At the same time the confirmation of stock repurchase obligations in this period

increased the treasury shares by RMB1108073316.80;

[Note 2] In accordance with the Announcement on the Expiration of the Lock-up Period and

Achievement of Vesting Conditions of Employee Stock Ownership Plan Phase I of the Company the

appraisal period of the phase of the employee stock ownership plan of the Company has expired and the

performance indicators of the appraisal and vesting period have been met and the attributable stock

rights can be distributed. The Company derecognized the obligation to repurchase the shares of the

employee stock ownership plan phase I during the current period resulting in a decrease of

RMB1143534793.64 in treasury shares;

[Note 3] As of December 31 2023 the Company repurchased 91897967 shares in phase IV and the

repurchase amount was RMB3000202396.37. The repurchased treasury shares in this period accounted

for 1.63% of the Company's total share capital at that time and all of them were deposited in the

Company's special securities account for repurchase. During the deposit period they did not enjoy

related rights such as voting rights at shareholders' meetings profit distribution conversion of reserves

into share capital allotment and pledge.Page 259 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Other comprehensive income

Amount for the current period

Less: Amount

included in Less: Amount

other included in

comprehensiv other


Beginning Amount incurred e income in comprehensive Amount

Item attributable to Ending Balance

balance before income tax the previous income in the Less: Income attributable to the


in the current period but previous period tax expenses parent company


period transferred to but transferred after tax

after tax

the profits to retained

and losses in earnings in the

the current current period


I. Other comprehensive

income cannot be reclassified 1820479359.65 -1359257024.09 413925573.32 56550930.69 -1833796245.42 4062717.32 -13316885.77

into profits and losses

Changes arising from

remeasurement of the defined -72008226.00 -15837466.00 -15837466.00 -87845692.00

benefit plan

Other comprehensive income

that cannot be transferred to


profits and losses under the

equity method

Changes in the fair value of

other equity instrument -207534670.78 -657141237.24 83614348.15 -105580240.86 -635175344.53 -842710015.31


II. Other comprehensive

income to be reclassified into 222422245.39 97364238.49 8725200.15 8137406.29 66432933.68 14068698.37 288855179.07

profits and losses

Other comprehensive income

that can be transferred to


profits and losses under the

equity method

Changes in the fair value of


other debt investments

Reserves for credit

impairment of other debt -3667360.51 19004631.52 7464950.15 4440275.26 2753149.69 4346256.42 -914210.82


Page 260 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount for the current period

Less: Amount

included in Less: Amount

other included in

comprehensiv other


Beginning Amount incurred e income in comprehensive Amount

Item attributable to Ending Balance

balance before income tax the previous income in the Less: Income attributable to the


in the current period but previous period tax expenses parent company


period transferred to but transferred after tax

after tax

the profits to retained

and losses in earnings in the

the current current period


Cash flow hedging reserves 1073618.07 3244475.00 1260250.00 297633.75 1650685.72 35905.53 2724303.79

Differences arising from the

translation of financial 233285228.96 65508293.89 56222094.40 9286199.49 289507323.36

statements in foreign currency

Total 2042901605.04 -1261892785.60 8725200.15 413925573.32 64688336.98 -1767363311.74 18131415.69 275538293.30

Page 261 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Special reserves

Increase in the Decrease in the

Item Beginning balance Ending Balance

current period current period

Safe production



Total 25845351.28 5017397.69 3893105.53 26969643.44

Surplus reserves

Increase in the Decrease in the

Item Beginning balance Ending Balance

current period current period

Statutory surplus



Total 2241118692.92 2745557993.21 3255546661.73 1731130024.40

[Note 1] The reasons for the increase in surplus reserves for the current period are:

* According to the regulations the Company appropriated 10% of the parent company's net profit for

the current period to the statutory surplus reserves of RMB2704897285.76;

* The transfer of other comprehensive income to retained earnings resulted in an increase of

RMB40660707.45 to the surplus reserve.[Note 2] The transfer of treasury shares under the employee stock ownership plan phase II and the

acquisition of minority interests in subsidiaries resulted in a decrease of RMB3255546661.73 in

surplus reserve ? statutory surplus reserve.General risk provisions

Increase in the Decrease in the

Item Beginning balance Ending Balance

current period current period

General risk



Total 507223117.40 507223117.40

Undistributed profits

Amount for the current Amount incurred for the


period previous period

Undistributed profits at the end of the previous period


before adjustment

Total adjustment of undistributed profits at the beginning

of the period (increase + decrease ?)

Beginning undistributed profit after adjustment 91458073960.81 103475223000.17

Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the parent


company for the current period

Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves 2704897285.76 2237070151.57

Withdrawal of general risk reserves 1623761.10

Common share dividends payable [Note] 5613841613.00 22223874812.00

Page 262 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount for the current Amount incurred for the


period previous period

Influence of share-based payment and share



Purchase of minority shareholder's equity in



Add: Amount transferred from other comprehensive


income to retained earnings

Ending undistributed profit 112211650801.62 91458073960.81

[Note] Under the resolutions of the annual general meeting of shareholders on June 30 2023 the

Company distributed cash dividends to all shareholders at a rate of RMB10.00 (tax inclusive) per 10

shares. Based on the shares deducting repurchased shares 17564128 in the account for repurchased from

the Company's total capital shares of 5631405741 RMB5613841613.00 of cash dividends should be

actually distributed.Operating revenues and costs

Amount for the current period Amount incurred for the previous period


Revenue Cost Revenue Cost

Main business 174565470852.38 113508550549.59 153165839566.10 105573859862.27

Other business 29413795534.71 28116999197.36 35822543140.58 34210528020.51

Total 203979266387.09 141625549746.95 188988382706.68 139784387882.78

Information related to the revenues from the main business:

Amount for the current period Amount incurred for the previous period


Revenue Cost Revenue Cost

Classified by





Total 174565470852.38 113508550549.59 153165839566.10 105573859862.27

Classified by

product type

Including: Air















Others 1567791503.27 1336830342.05 1006009387.35 967478786.51

Total 174565470852.38 113508550549.59 153165839566.10 105573859862.27

Classified by region

Including: Sales in


domestic market

Page 263 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount for the current period Amount incurred for the previous period


Revenue Cost Revenue Cost

Export sales 24903536019.44 18988872419.76 23270725761.09 19923228263.14

Total 174565470852.38 113508550549.59 153165839566.10 105573859862.27

Interest income and interest expenses

Amount for the current Amount incurred for the


period previous period

Interest income 1038856837.77 1162289741.08

Including: Interest income from deposits in other banks


and central banks

Interest income from the issuance of loans and



Others 153156216.62 215641742.62

Interest expense 126399291.44 82118835.96

Including: Expenses from transactions with financial



Others 12565104.41 18390125.33

Net interest income 912457546.33 1080170905.12

Taxes and surcharges

Amount for the current Amount incurred for the


period previous period

Urban maintenance & construction tax 608933524.27 410993531.12

Education surcharge 443446170.48 296533867.57

Building tax 291022667.17 242591473.78

Land use tax 150553829.97 150191753.52

Others 620228300.94 511932783.41

Total 2114184492.83 1612243409.40

Sales expenses

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Sales expenses 17129639682.51 11285451112.27

Total 17129639682.51 11285451112.27

[Note] In 2023 the sales expenses mainly included the installation and maintenance expenses warehousing

expenses loading and unloading fees and promotion expenses totally accounting for more than 80% of the

total sales expenses.Administrative expenses

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Administrative expenses 6542161037.82 5267999733.62

Page 264 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Total 6542161037.82 5267999733.62

[Note] In 2023 the overhead expenses included the employees' remuneration material consumption

depreciation and amortization totally accounting for more than 80% of the total overhead expenses.R&D expenses

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

R&D expenses 6762136262.23 6281394430.40

Total 6762136262.23 6281394430.40

[Note] In 2023 the R&D expenses mainly included the employees' labor cost and direct investment cost

accounting for more than 80% of the total R&D expenses.Financial expenses

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Interest expense [Note 1] 2962205439.75 2836743431.08

Less: Interest income [Note 2] 6189969897.82 4646747718.69

Add: Exchange profits and losses -373003623.17 -500019034.67

Commissions 67736176.25 97740063.96

Interest expense for defined benefit obligation 5173500.00 5241236.00

Others 1336553.24 277430.67

Total -3526521851.75 -2206764591.65

[Note 1] The above interest expenses include borrowing interest expenses and discount interest expenses;[Note 2] Both the above interest income and the interest income in this Note “V. 56. Interest income andinterest expenses are capital income”.Other income

The amount included in

Amount for the current Amount incurred for the

Sources of other income non-recurring profits and

period previous period

losses in the current period

Government grants 716882751.82 866364721.39 680624707.59

Commissions refund

individual income tax and 183786384.13 13444790.66 40553390.36


Total 900669135.95 879809512.05 721178097.95

Income from investment

Amount for the current Amount incurred for the


period previous period

Investment income obtained from trading financial



Long-term equity investment income measured by the


equity method

Page 265 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount for the current Amount incurred for the


period previous period

Investment income from derivative financial instruments -334089576.80 5308155.89

Others 177491302.82 72102800.45

Total 217156605.23 86883941.74

Income from changes in fair value

Amount incurred for the

Sources of income from changes in fair value Amount for the current period

previous period

Derivative financial instruments 290358381.45 -389491823.26

Trading financial instruments 135772263.81 59588240.62

Others 11453343.46 -13672122.47

Total 437583988.72 -343575705.11

Credit impairment losses

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Bad debt losses -824454538.38 -504912773.22

Impairment losses of buying back the sale -3077495.66

Impairment losses of loans and advances 3486921.74 88544000.00

Total -824045112.30 -416368773.22

Asset impairment losses

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Inventory falling price losses -2077565556.79 -682224437.94

Goodwill impairment losses -206861546.92 -246572327.43

Impairment losses of contract assets -23251340.92 -41268491.89

Other asset impairment losses -185901249.45 3386247.75

Total -2493579694.08 -966679009.51

Income from disposal of assets

Amount incurred for the

Source of income from disposal of assets Amount for the current period

previous period

Gains from disposal of non-current assets (losses


expressed with "?")

Total 382923791.69 608425.71

Non-operating revenues

The amount included in

Amount for the current Amount incurred for the non-recurring profits and


period previous period losses in the current


Net profit from destruction scrap


of non-current assets

Page 266 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

The amount included in

Amount for the current Amount incurred for the non-recurring profits and


period previous period losses in the current


Including: Gains or losses from


destruction scrap of fixed assets

Government subsidies related to



Others 98758262.67 47413344.96 98758262.67

Total 128371808.52 59810331.36 128371808.52

Non-operating expenses

The amount included in

Amount for the current Amount incurred for the non-recurring profits and


period previous period losses in the current


Total losses from scrap of non-


current assets

Including: Losses from


destruction scrap of fixed assets

Others 119984960.59 72712838.55 119984960.59

Total 177448328.09 126522574.93 177448328.09

Income tax expenses

(1) Table of income tax expenses

Amount for the current The amount incurred for the


period previous period

Income tax expenses in the current period 6477401667.61 4911250568.93

Deferred income tax expenses -1380720743.01 -705210079.43

Total 5096680924.60 4206040489.50

(2) Adjustment of accounting profits and income tax expenses

Amount for the current



Total profits 32815703838.19

Income tax expenses calculated at the statutory/applicable tax rate 4922355575.73

Impact by different tax rates applicable to subsidiaries -41823864.43

Impact by non-deductible costs expenses and losses 50924079.26

Impact of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses on unrecognized deferred


income tax assets at the end of the period

Others -140011736.12

Income tax expenses 5096680924.60

Items of cash flow statement

(1) Cash flows related to operating activities

1) Other cash received related to operating activities

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Page 267 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Government grants 990758810.62 1505716278.65

Interest income 386430147.87 232202309.34

Net decrease in bill pledge deposits and guarantee



Cash pledges deposits and others 1461579187.30 1519632130.33

Total 2838768145.79 3887782462.69

2) Other cash payments related to operating activities

Amount for the current Amount incurred for the


period previous period

Cash payments for sales expenses 8562376407.52 7472508694.30

Net increase in bill pledge deposits and guarantee



Cash payments for overhead expenses and R&D expenses 1800397545.02 1687485005.09

Return of advance project funds 165658259.48 201388556.08

Payment of performance bid security and others 1117354876.06 1125497555.86

Total 17557320670.91 10486879811.33

(2) Cash related to investment activities

1) Cash received related to investment activities

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Redemption of monetary investment products large

certificates of deposit debt instrument investments and 21394360863.88 6820424111.41

other products

Total 21394360863.88 6820424111.41

2) Cash payment related to investment activities

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Payment of monetary investment products large

certificates of deposit debt instrument investments and 84266255633.47 13113484681.50

other products

Total 84266255633.47 13113484681.50

3) Other cash received related to investment activities

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Net decrease in fixed deposits 21131039386.45

Fixed deposit interest income 3556171690.87 3443556899.78

Others 28671249.18

Total 24715882326.50 3443556899.78

4) Other cash payments related to investment activities

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

The net outflow of forward foreign settlement and



Net increase in fixed deposits 25303307257.06

Page 268 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Others 3866295.73 39078603.18

Total 308198670.53 26048629646.87

(3) Other cash paid related to financing activities

1) Other cash payments related to financing activities

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Net decrease in pledge deposits on borrowings 19055112862.00

Collection of employee stock ownership plan funds 1108073316.80

Others 40000000.00 20000000.00

Total 20203186178.80 20000000.00

2) Other cash payments related to financing activities

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Cash payment for repurchased shares 3000202396.37

Net increase in pledge deposits on borrowings 12253655898.35

Others 1362342134.72 1425089651.60

Total 4362544531.09 13678745549.95

3) Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities

Increase in the current period Decrease in the current period

Item Beginning balance Non Ending Balance

Non cash

Cash changes Cash changes cash



Bank loans and



Bonds payable 899737500.00 12087909.84 911825409.84

Dividends payable 5620664762.67 5725035063.56 11340127437.31 5572388.92

Lease liabilities

(including lease


liabilities due

within one year)

Total 111670753772.31 74377619610.70 3697387050.99 101207186558.09 88538573875.91

Supplementary for cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary for cash flow statement

Amount in the current Amount in the previous


period period

1. Adjusting net profit to cash flow from operating activities:

Net Profits 27719022913.59 23011344353.11

Add: Assets and credit impairment reverse 3317624806.38 1383047782.73

Depreciation of fixed assets depreciation of investment


real estate and amortization of right-to-use assets

Amortization of intangible assets 475186591.56 372007224.51

Page 269 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Amount in the current Amount in the previous


period period

Losses on disposal of fixed assets intangible assets and


other long-term assets (income expressed with “?”)

Loss from scrapping fixed assets (income expressed with



Losses from changes in fair value (income expressed with



Financial expenses (income expressed with “?”) -3910047955.94 -3022815788.07

Investment losses (income expressed with “?”) -217156605.23 -86883941.74

Decrease in deferred income tax assets (increase expressed


with “?”)

Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (decrease


expressed with “?”)

Decrease of inventories (increase expressed with “?”) 3656838547.28 5509950723.66

Decrease in operating receivables (increase expressed with



Increase in operating payables (decrease expressed with



Others [Note] -4619339873.53 773200367.01

Net cash flows from operating activities 56398426354.17 28668435921.27

2. Significant investing and financing activities that do not

involve cash deposit and withdrawal:

3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:

Ending balance of cash 30914196186.41 31754656695.61

Less: Beginning balance of cash 31754656695.61 29951743758.00

Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents

Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -840460509.20 1802912937.61

[Note] "Others" include the increase in statutory deposit reserves of RMB121006301.94 the net

increase in bill deposits of RMB5911533582.83 and the apportioned expenses of employee stock

ownership plan for the current period of RMB1413200011.24.

(2) Net cash payment for acquisition of subsidiaries in the current period

Ganzhou Qianjin Real Estate


Co. Ltd.Cash or cash equivalent payment for business combination that occurred in the current



Including: Cash 239485900.00

Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by the subsidiary on the acquisition date 143501.61

Net cash payment for acquisition of subsidiaries 239342398.39

(3) Net cash from disposal of subsidiaries this year

Jiangsu Datong Fan Co.Item

Ltd.Page 270 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Jiangsu Datong Fan Co.Item

Ltd.Cash or cash equivalents from the disposal of subsidiaries in this period

Add: Cash or cash equivalents received this period from the disposal of subsidiaries in the


previous period

Net cash from disposal of subsidiaries 35000000.00

(4) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

I. Monetary funds 124104987289.62 157484332251.39

Including: Cash on hand 747248.45 678327.53

Bank deposits for payment at any time 12145466861.21 12976313644.11

Other monetary funds for payment at any time 470104370.06 342302803.81

Deposits in the central bank for payment at any time 6910095.46 6311554.32

Deposits in other banks for payment at any time 18290967611.23 18429050365.84

Time deposits and accrued interest not in the category of


cash and cash equivalents

Deposits with restricted use 36444669541.57 49215097504.03

II. Cash equivalents

III. Ending balance of monetary funds and cash equivalents 124104987289.62 157484332251.39

Less: Time deposits and accrued interest not in the category of cash


and cash equivalents

Less: Deposits with restricted use 36444669541.57 49215097504.03

Including: Statutory deposit reserves 1382019092.73 1261012790.79

Bill letter of credit and other deposits 35062650448.84 47954084713.24

IV. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents 30914196186.41 31754656695.61

(5) Restricted usage scope but still listed as cash and cash equivalents

None.Annotations to items in the statement of changes in owner's equity

None.Page 271 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Monetary items in foreign currencies

(1) Monetary items in foreign currencies

Converted into RMB in

Item USD converted into RMB Euro converted into RMB BRL converted into RMB THB converted into RMB Others


Exchange rate of

7.0827 7.8592 1.4655 0.2074 Not applicable Not applicable

December 31 2023

Monetary funds 3946995304.47 23691794.88 356888862.00 35089794.84 28028281.68 4390694037.87

Accounts receivable 3055728463.16 45559034.28 1115273168.07 62799772.25 127628045.32 4406988483.08

Other receivables 7033673.13 443276.56 358152.20 3504201.14 7545993.12 18885296.15

Short-term borrowings 1815817633.94 1815817633.94

Accounts payable 222105016.90 3985533.30 55643642.10 34361823.24 31043508.39 347139523.93

Other payables 185865733.39 12243392.79 2413819.79 2660553.66 203183499.63

(2) Description of overseas operating entities

None.Page 272 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


1) The simplified treatment of short-term lease or low-value asset lease expenses is RMB82935016.32.

2) Sale-leaseback transaction

Some subsidiaries of the Company transferred some machinery equipment to financial lease

companies and leased them back. In the sale-leaseback transaction the financial lease company cannot

dominate the use of the goods and obtain almost all economic benefits from it. The Company can dominate

the use of the leased assets and has not transferred the control of them. Therefore the sale-leaseback

transaction does not meet the requirements of sales. The Company continues to recognize the transferred

assets and recognizes long-term payables at the same time.

3) When the Company is a lessor

Including: Income related to variable

Item Rental incomes lease payments not included in lease


Operating lease as a lessor 129448972.66

Total 129448972.66

VI. Change in the consolidation scope

Business combinations not under common control

(1) Business combinations not under common control in the current period

Time Point of Equity Equity

Equity Acquisition Acquisition

Name of the Acquiree Equity Acquisition Acquisition

Cost Date

Acquisition Proportion Method

Ganzhou Qianjin Real Purchase


Estate Co. Ltd. by cash


Basis for Operating Income of Net Profit of the Cash Flow of the

Determining the the Acquiree from the Acquiree from the Acquiree from the

Name of the Acquiree

Acquisition Acquisition Date to Acquisition Date to Acquisition Date to

Date the End of the Period the End of the Period the End of the Period

Ganzhou Qianjin Real Acquisition of


Estate Co. Ltd. control

(2) Cost and goodwill of business combination

Cost of the business combination Amount

The total cost of the business combination 239485900.00

Including: Cash 239485900.00

Less: Fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired 239485903.54

Combination cost less than the share of fair value of


identifiable net asset acquired

(3) Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date

Ganzhou Qianjin Real Estate Co. Ltd.Item

Fair value on the acquisition Book value on the

date acquisition date


Page 273 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Ganzhou Qianjin Real Estate Co. Ltd.Item

Fair value on the acquisition Book value on the

date acquisition date

Monetary funds 143501.61 143501.61

Other receivables 19819308.24 19819308.24

Inventory 226354123.01 226354123.01

Other current assets 19778515.52 19778515.52

Subtotal of assets 266095448.38 266095448.38


Subtotal of liabilities

Net Assets 266095448.38 266095448.38

Less: Minority shareholders' equity 26609544.84 26609544.84

Net assets acquired 239485903.54 239485903.54

(4) Gains or losses arising from the remeasurement of equity held before the acquisition date at fair value

None.Business combination under common control

None.Reverse acquisitions

None.Page 274 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Disposal of subsidiaries

The Amount of

Difference Other

Between the Book Determination Comprehen

Fair Value

Dispo Disposal Value of Gains or Methods and sive

of the

sal Price and Proporti the Losses Main Income


Disposal Metho the Share of on of Remainin Arising Assumptions Related to

Disposal g Equity

Ratio of ds of Basis for the Remaini g Equity from of the Fair Equity

Price of at the

the the Determining Subsidiaries' ng at the Remeas Value of the Investment

Time Point of the Consolida

Time Time the Time Net Assets Equity Consolida urement Remaining of the

Name of Subsidiary Losing Time ted

Point of Point Point of at the Level on the ted of Equity on the Original

Control Point of Financial

Losing of Losing of Date of Financial Remaini Date of Losing Subsidiary

Losing Statement

Control Losin Control Consolidate Losing Statement ng Control at the Transferred

Control Level on

(%) g d Control Level on Equity Consolidated into

the Date

Contr Statements (%) the Date at Fair Financial Investment

of Losing

ol Correspondi of Losing Value Statement Profits and


ng to the Control Level Losses or

Disposal Retained

Investment Earnings

Tianjin Gree Xinhui

Cance Business

Medical Equipment 2023-10-30 100.00 None

led registration

Co. Ltd.SL Group Jingu Grain Cance Business

2023-8-25 100.00 None

Depot Co. Ltd. led registration

SL Group Songlin Cance Business

2023-9-22 100.00 None

Grain Depot Co. Ltd. led registration

DunAn Sensing Cance Business

2023-6-5 66.58 None

Technology Co. Ltd. led registration

Jilin Songliang Modern

Cance Business

Logistics Development 2023-5-6 100.00 None

led registration

Co. Ltd.Change of consolidation scope for other reasons

Newly established entity in the current period:

Page 275 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Net Profit from the Combination Date

Company Name Date of Establishment Net Assets at the End of the Period

to the End of the Period

Hunan DunAn Refrigeration Equipment Co. Ltd. 2023-2-7 22486643.44 2486643.44

Luoyang Herun Real Estate Co. Ltd. 2023-9-28 -51151.68 -51151.68

Gree Lintanyuan (Shanghai) Technology Co. Ltd. 2023-10-20

VII. Equity in other subjects

Equity in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the enterprise group



Place of Nature of Ratio (%) Voting Right

S/N Name of Subsidiary Business Acquisition Method

Registration Business Indirec Proportion (%)

Location Direct


Chongqing Chongqing Industrial

1 Gree (Chongqing) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. 97.00 97.00 Establishment

City City manufacture

Industrial Business combination

2 Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00

manufacture under common control

Industrial Business combination

3 Zhuhai Gree Electric Enterprises Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00

manufacture under common control

Industrial Business combination

4 Zhuhai Gree Xinyuan Electronics Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00

manufacture under common control

Industrial Business combinations not

5 Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00

manufacture under common control


6 Gree (Hefei) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. Hefei City Hefei City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Zhongshan Zhongshan Industrial

7 Gree (Zhongshan) Small Home Appliances Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture

Business combination

8 Zhuhai Gree Group Finance Company Limited Zhuhai City Zhuhai City Finance 99.54 0.46 100.00

under common control

Manaus Manaus Industrial

9 Gree Electric Appliances (Brazil) Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

Brazil Brazil manufacture

Kowloon Kowloon Business combinations not

10 Gree Hong Kong Electric Appliances Sales Co. Ltd. Sales 100.00 100.00

Hong Kong Hong Kong under common control

Shanghai Shanghai

11 Gree Shanghai Air Conditioners Sales Co. Ltd. Sales 90.00 9.70 99.70 Establishment

City City

Page 276 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai



Place of Nature of Ratio (%) Voting Right

S/N Name of Subsidiary Business Acquisition Method

Registration Business Indirec Proportion (%)

Location Direct



12 Zhuhai Gree Daikin Precision Mold Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 51.00 51.00 Establishment



13 Zhuhai Gree Dakin Device Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 51.00 51.00 Establishment



Zhuhai Gree Green Refrigeration Technology Research

14 Zhuhai City Zhuhai City research and 100.00 100.00 Establishment

Center Co. Ltd.development

Zhengzhou Zhengzhou Industrial

15 Gree (Zhengzhou) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture


16 Gree (Wuhan) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. Wuhan City Wuhan City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Zhengzhou Zhengzhou Industrial

17 Zhengzhou Gree Green Renewable Resources Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture

Ningxiang Ningxiang Industrial

18 Hunan Green Renewable Resources Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

County County manufacture


19 Wuhu Green Renewable Resources Co. Ltd. Wuhu City Wuhu City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Shijiazhuang Shijiazhuang Industrial

20 Gree (Shijiazhuang) Small Home Appliances Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture


21 Gree (Wuhu) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. Wuhu City Wuhu City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Shijiazhuang Shijiazhuang Industrial

22 Shijiazhuang Green Renewable Resources Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture

Shijiazhuang Shijiazhuang Industrial Business combinations not

23 Gree (Shijiazhuang) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00

City City manufacture under common control

Tianjin Green Renewable Resources Utilization Co. Industrial

24 Tianjin City Tianjin City 100.00 100.00 Establishment

Ltd. manufacture

Zhuhai Gree HVAC and Refrigeration Equipment Co. Industrial

25 Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment

Ltd. manufacture


26 Zhuhai Gree TOSOT Home Appliances Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment



27 Zhuhai EWPE Information Technology Inc. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Changsha Changsha Industrial

28 Gree (Changsha) HVAC Equipment Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture


29 Gree TOSOT (Suqian) Home Appliances Co. Ltd. Suqian City Suqian City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Page 277 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai



Place of Nature of Ratio (%) Voting Right

S/N Name of Subsidiary Business Acquisition Method

Registration Business Indirec Proportion (%)

Location Direct



30 Wuhu Gree Precision Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Wuhu City Wuhu City 100.00 100.00 Establishment



31 Zhuhai Gree Intelligent Equipment Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


32 Zhuhai Hengqin Gree Business Factoring Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City Finance 100.00 100.00 Establishment


33 Zhuhai Gree Precision Mold Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Gree HVAC and Refrigeration Equipment (Wuhan) Industrial

34 Wuhan City Wuhan City 100.00 100.00 Establishment

Co. Ltd. manufacture

Zhuhai Gree Intelligent Equipment Technology Industrial

35 Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment

Institute Co. Ltd. manufacture


36 Zhuhai Gree New Material Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment



37 Gree Precision Mould (Wuhan) Co. Ltd. Wuhan City Wuhan City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Zhuhai Gree Energy Environment Technology Co. Industrial

38 Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment

Ltd. manufacture

Hangzhou Hangzhou Industrial

39 Gree (Hangzhou) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture


40 Gree Information Technology Co. Ltd. of Zhuhai Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 51.00 51.00 Establishment


Chengdu Chengdu Industrial

41 Gree HVAC Equipment (Chengdu) Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture


Gree CNC Machine Tool Research Institute Co. Ltd.

42 Zhuhai City Zhuhai City research and 100.00 100.00 Establishment

of Zhuhai


Gree (Wu'an) Precision Equipment Manufacturing Co. Wu'an Wu'an Industrial

43 70.00 70.00 Establishment

Ltd. County County manufacture

44 Zhuhai Gree Transportation Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City Transportation 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Luoyang Luoyang

45 Gree Robot (Luoyang) Co. Ltd. research and 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City



46 Gree (Nanjing) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. Nanjing City Nanjing City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Luoyang Luoyang Industrial

47 Gree (Luoyang) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture

Page 278 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai



Place of Nature of Ratio (%) Voting Right

S/N Name of Subsidiary Business Acquisition Method

Registration Business Indirec Proportion (%)

Location Direct



48 Zhuhai Edgeless Integrated Circuit Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment



49 Zhuhai Lianyun Technology Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Chengdu Chengdu Industrial

50 Gree (Chengdu) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture


51 Gree Material Supply Co. Ltd. of Zhuhai Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment



52 Zhuhai Gree Green Control Technology Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Industrial Business combinations not

53 Hefei Kinghome Electrical Co. Ltd. Hefei City Hefei City 100.00 100.00

manufacture under common control

Zhuhai Gree Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Industrial Business combination

54 Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00

Co. Ltd. manufacture under common control

Chengdu Chengdu Industrial

55 Gree Precision Mold (Chengdu) Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture

Gree Electric Appliances (Luoyang) Washing Machine Luoyang Luoyang Industrial

56 100.00 100.00 Establishment

Co. Ltd. City City manufacture

Guochuang Energy Internet Innovation Center Information

57 Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 75.00 1.52 76.52 Establishment

(Guangdong) Co. Ltd. technologies


58 Gree Precision Mould (Anji) Co. Ltd. Anji County Anji County 100.00 100.00 Establishment



59 Zhuhai Gree Green Resources Recycling Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment



60 Gree E-commerce Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment

and retails


61 Zhuhai Gejian Health Medical Technology Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Zhuhai Gree Electrical Intelligent Manufacturing Co. Industrial

62 Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment

Ltd. manufacture

Chengdu Chengdu Medical

63 Gree Chengdu Xinhui Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. 75.00 1.52 76.52 Establishment

City City device

Songyuan Songyuan Business combinations not

64 SL Group Co. Ltd. Agriculture 75.00 75.00

City City under common control

Ganzhou Ganzhou Industrial

65 Gree (Ganzhou) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture


66 Gree (Linyi) Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. Linyi City Linyi City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Page 279 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai



Place of Nature of Ratio (%) Voting Right

S/N Name of Subsidiary Business Acquisition Method

Registration Business Indirec Proportion (%)

Location Direct


Real estate

67 Gree (Zhuhai Hengqin) Development Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment


Changsha Changsha Industrial

68 Changsha Kinghome Electric Appliances Co. Ltd 100.00 100.00 Establishment

City City manufacture

Research and

Business combinations not

69 Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City experimental 55.01 72.47

under common control


70 Zhuhai Mingruida Supply Chain Technology Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City Transportation 70.00 70.00 Establishment

Industrial Business combinations not

71 Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co. Ltd. Zhuji City Zhuji City 38.78 38.78

manufacture under common control


72 Zhuhai Gree Electronic Components Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment



73 Zhuhai Gree Digital Technology Co. Ltd. Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment

and retails

Zhuhai Gree Prefabricated Vegetable Equipment Industrial

74 Zhuhai City Zhuhai City 100.00 100.00 Establishment

Technology Development Co. Ltd. manufacture


machinery and

Shanghai Shanghai

75 Gree Lintanyuan (Shanghai) Technology Co. Ltd. equipment 40.00 15.30 55.30 Establishment

City City



[Note] The Company directly holds 38.78% equity interests in Zhejiang DunAn Artificial Environment Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "DunAn

Environment") becoming the largest shareholder of DunAn Environment which has the power to reorganize the board of directors of DunAn Environment and

nominate more than half of the directors. The Company has completed the reorganization of the board of directors of DunAn Environment and occupies more than

half of the seats on the board of directors. It can control DunAn Environment and include DunAn Environment into the scope of company consolidation.

(2) Important non wholly-owned subsidiaries

None.Page 280 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Transactions in which the share of owner's equity in the subsidiary changes and still controls the


In December 2023 the Company transferred 270.7232 million shares of Gree Altairnano (accounting for

24.54% of the total share capital of Gree Altairnano) held by 12 minority shareholders of its subsidiary

GREE Altairnano New Energy Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Gree Altairnano") the transaction price is

RMB1015328400. After the transfer of this part of the shares the Company controls the voting rights

corresponding to 799592600 shares of Gree Altairnano accounting for 72.47% of the total share capital of

Gree Altairnano. Among them the Company directly holds 606920600 shares of Gree Altairnano

(accounting for 55.01% of Gree Altairnano's total share capital) and arranges for the voting rights

corresponding to Ms. Dong Mingzhu's 192.672 million shares of Gree Altairnano (accounting for 17.46%

of Gree Altairnano's total share capital) through voting rights delegation.Equities in joint ventures or associates

(1) Important joint ventures or associates


(2) Main financial information of important joint ventures


(3) Main financial information of important associates


(4) Summary financial information of unimportant joint ventures and associates

Ending balance/Current amount Beginning balance/Amount incurred


incurred in the previous period

Joint ventures:

Total investment book value 1158934.68 1166358.97

The total number of the following

items was calculated based on the

shareholding ratio

?Net Profits -7424.29 -54555.22

?Total comprehensive income -7424.29 -54555.22


Total investment book value 4487808096.52 5891124209.84

The total number of the following

items was calculated based on the

shareholding ratio

?Net Profits 93229867.45 -3269732.02

?Other comprehensive income -1013488757.99 -4752978434.78

?Total comprehensive income -920258890.54 -4756248166.80

(5) Significant restrictions on the ability of joint ventures or associates to transfer funds to the Company


(6) Excess losses incurred by joint ventures or associates

Page 281 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Unrecognized losses in the Accumulated

Accumulated unrecognized

Name of joint venture or current period (or net unrecognized losses at

losses accumulated in the

associates profit share in the current the end of the current

previous period

period) period

Beijing Gree Technology Co.-571081.35-557806.42-1128887.77

Ltd.Eocell Limited -2002480.71 -8184268.64 -10186749.35

(7) Unrecognized commitments related to investment in joint ventures


(8) Contingent liabilities related to investment in joint ventures or associates

None.Important co-management

None.Equity in structured entities is not included in the Consolidated Financial Statements

None.VIII. Government grants

Government grants are recognized at the end of the period based on the amount receivable

There are no government grants recognized at the end of the period based on the amount receivable

Debt projects involved government grants

Items in Newly added grant Other income

Beginning Related to

financial amount in this transferred in this Ending Balance

balance assets/incomes

statements period period


3159328449.42 348896246.22 183078821.79 3325145873.85 Related to assets


Deferred Related to


income incomes

Total 3335077967.39 424153554.48 235076720.35 3524154801.52

Government subsidies included in the profits and losses this year

Amount incurred for the previous

Items in financial statements Amount for the current period


Other income 716882751.82 866364721.39

Non-operating revenues 26340308.60 11816261.51

Total 743223060.42 878180982.90

IX. Risks associated with financial instruments

Main financial instruments of the Company including monetary funds trading financial assets derivative

financial assets notes receivable receivables financing receivables loans issued and advances buying

back the sale of financial assets debt investments other debt investments other equity instrument

investments other financial liabilities arising from operation (e.g. payables). These financial instruments

aim to provide funds for operations of the Company.Page 282 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

The main risks caused by the Company's financial instruments are credit risk liquidity risk and market risk.Risks of financial instruments

(1) Classification of financial instruments

The book values of various financial instruments on the balance sheet date:

1) Ending Balance

Classification of financial assets

Financial assets

Financial assets

measured at fair

measured at fair

Item Financial assets are value with

value with changes

measured at changes included Total

included in other

amortization costs in other





1. Measured at amortized


Monetary funds 124104987289.62 124104987289.62

Notes receivable 87340130.52 87340130.52

Accounts receivable 16099477117.56 16099477117.56

Other receivables 826558622.42 826558622.42

Buying back the sale of


financial assets

Non-current assets due


within one year

Other current financial assets 22648940712.61 22648940712.61

Disbursement of loans and



Debt investment 1150744482.05 1150744482.05

Long-term receivables 62185327.12 62185327.12

Other non-current financial



Subtotal 210651181446.54 210651181446.54

2. Measured at fair values

Trading financial assets 9614423403.40 9614423403.40

Derivative financial assets 108919513.22 108919513.22

Receivables financing 10176089668.41 10176089668.41

Non-current assets due


within one year

Other current financial assets 3175475.00 5407350.00 8582825.00

Other debt investments 16363841665.96 16363841665.96

Other equity instrument



Subtotal 32765706131.63 9728750266.62 42494456398.25

Total 210651181446.54 32765706131.63 9728750266.62 253145637844.79


Page 283 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Classification of financial liabilities

Financial liabilities


measured at fair value with

Other financial liabilities Total

changes included in the

current profits and losses

1. Measured at amortized


Short-term borrowings 26443476388.52 26443476388.52

Notes payable 23741128400.12 23741128400.12

Accounts payable 41147359221.95 41147359221.95

Deposits from customers and



Other payables 5513266516.82 5513266516.82

Non-current liabilities due


within one year

Other current financial



Long-term borrowings 39035742535.09 39035742535.09

Lease liabilities 767007951.92 767007951.92

Long-term payables 27028498.30 27028498.30

Subtotal 166190137474.05 166190137474.05

2. Measured at fair values

Derivative financial



Subtotal 4079919.91 4079919.91

Total 4079919.91 166190137474.05 166194217393.96

2) Beginning balance

Classification of financial assets

Financial assets Financial assets

Item measured at fair measured at fair Financial assets

value with changes value with changes

measured at Total

included in other included in other

amortization costs

comprehensive comprehensive

income income

1. Measured at amortized


Monetary funds 157484332251.39 157484332251.39

Notes receivable 6818428.95 6818428.95

Accounts receivable 14824742623.45 14824742623.45

Other receivables 804277958.80 804277958.80

Non-current assets due


within one year

Other current financial assets 2646094959.26 2646094959.26

Disbursement of loans and



Page 284 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Classification of financial assets

Financial assets Financial assets

Item measured at fair measured at fair Financial assets

value with changes value with changes

measured at Total

included in other included in other

amortization costs

comprehensive comprehensive

income income

Debt investment 150351500.00 150351500.00

Long-term receivables 116084973.52 116084973.52

Other non-current financial



Subtotal 176982994992.45 176982994992.45

2. Measured at fair values

Derivative financial assets 3867203363.52 3867203363.52

Receivables financing 28427310345.20 28427310345.20

Non-current assets due


within one year

Other current financial assets 1260250.00 998950.00 2259200.00

Other debt investments 14340348882.97 14340348882.97

Other equity instrument



Other non-current financial



Subtotal 50714222878.81 8296205518.01 59010428396.82

Total 176982994992.45 50714222878.81 8296205518.01 235993423389.27


Classification of financial liabilities

Financial liabilities


measured at fair value with

Other financial liabilities Total

changes included in the

current profits and losses

1. Measured at amortized


Short-term borrowings 52895851287.92 52895851287.92

Notes payable 38609900819.74 38609900819.74

Accounts payable 32856071488.87 32856071488.87

Deposits from customers and



Other payables 10912406666.89 10912406666.89

Non-current liabilities due


within one year

Other current financial



Long-term borrowings 30784241211.21 30784241211.21

Page 285 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Classification of financial liabilities

Financial liabilities


measured at fair value with

Other financial liabilities Total

changes included in the

current profits and losses

Lease liabilities 146836620.66 146836620.66

Long-term payables 104644415.20 104644415.20

Subtotal 170129578447.56 170129578447.56

2. Measured at fair values

Derivative financial



Subtotal 184811894.98 184811894.98

Total 184811894.98 170129578447.56 170314390342.54

(2) Credit risks

Credit risk refers to a risk of financial losses suffered by one party due to the non-performance of

obligations by the other party of financial instrument.The Company only have transactions with recognized customers with a good reputation. Under the policies

of the Company all the customers who require the credit form for transactions shall undergo credit review.Besides the Company continuous to monitor the balance of accounts receivable to ensure that the

Company is not confronted with the major risk of bad debts.Financial assets of the Company include monetary funds receivables financing. The credit risks of these

financial assets come from nonperformance of the transaction counterparty and the maximum risk

exposure is equal to the carrying amount of these instruments.The monetary funds are deposited in state-owned financial institutions with high credit rating minimizing

the risk; the receivables financing is mainly banker's acceptance bills and the risk exposure is rather small.The book values of notes receivable receivables financing accounts receivable other receivables contract

assets loans issued and advances and long-term receivables in the Consolidated Balance Sheet are the

highest credit risk with which the Company may be confronted.As of the end of the report period the Company's notes receivables accounts receivable receivables

financing other receivables contract assets loans issued and advances and long-term receivables account

for 12.96% of the total assets (the beginning balance is 14.11%) and the above amounts are mainly due

within 1 year so the Company has no significant credit risk. The Company's credit risk exposure arising

from the above financial assets is disclosed in this Note “V. 4. Notes receivable” Note “V. 5. Accountsreceivable” Note “V. 7. Receivables financing” Note “V. 9. Other receivables” Note “V. 6. Contractassets” Note “V. 14. Disbursement of loans and advances” and Note “V. 17. Long-term receivables”.

(3) Liquidity risks

Liquidity risk refers to a risk of fund shortage generated when the enterprise performs the obligation to

settle accounts by cash payment or other financial assets.As indicated by changes in the Company’s financial instruments at the beginning and end of the period the

proportion of the Company's "Financial assets" to "Financial liabilities" at the end of the report period was

Page 286 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

1.52 (which was 1.39 at the beginning of the period) showing that the Company has adequate liquidity and

the risk in shortage of liquidity is low.

(4) Market risks

Market risk refers to a risk of fluctuation in the fair value or future cash flow of financial instrument due to

changes in the market price including fair value fluctuation risk exchange rate risk and interest rate risk.

1) Fair value fluctuation risk

The Company's financial investments mainly involve products such as stocks wealth management products

bonds negotiable certificates of deposit and forward settlement and sales. Except for the significant

fluctuations in the fair value of stocks the fair value of products such as wealth management products

bonds negotiable certificates of deposit and forward settlement and sales does not fluctuate significantly.The stocks held by the Company are mainly stocks traded on the open market and the quality of the

invested companies is relatively good.As of the end of the report period the Company's wealth management products bonds negotiable

certificates of deposit and forward settlement and sales account for 11.55% of the total assets (the

beginning balance is 16.62%) which are measured at fair value. The Company's fair value risk exposure

arising from the above financial assets is described in this Note “V. 2. Trading financial assets” Note “V. 3.Derivative financial assets” Note “V. 7. Receivables financing” Note “V. 13. Other current assets” Note

“V. 16. Other debt investments” and Note “5. 19. Other equity instrument investments”.

2) Exchange rate risk

Exchange rate risk refers to the risk of fluctuation in the fair value or future cash flow of financial

instruments due to changes in the foreign exchange rate.As of December 31 2023 the amounts of foreign currency financial assets and liabilities held by theCompany converted into RMB are presented in details in this Note “V. 74. (1). Monetary items in foreigncurrencies”.The Company minimizes the exchange rate risk by carrying out the forward exchange transaction business

and controlling the scale of foreign currency assets and liabilities according to changes in the market

exchange rate.

3) Interest rate risks

Interest rate risk refers to the risk of fluctuation in the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments

due to changes in the market interest rate.As of December 31 2023 the Company's liabilities with interests are as follows:

Statement Item Amount Interest Rate Range

Short-term borrowings 26443476388.52 1.10%-7.32%

Deposits from customers and



Other payables 1654225040.13 4.35%-5.00%

Non-current liabilities due within one



Long-term borrowings 39035742535.09 2.00%-5.80%

Page 287 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Statement Item Amount Interest Rate Range

Long-term payables 27028498.30 4.67%-6.20%

Total 87930784414.82

X. Fair value disclosure

Ending fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

Ending Fair Value

Item Measurement of Measurement of Measurement of

level 1 of the fair level 2 of the fair level 3 of the fair Total

value hierarchy value hierarchy value hierarchy

Continuous fair value


Trading financial assets 4210873172.60 5347467140.40 56083090.40 9614423403.40

Derivative financial assets 108919513.22 108919513.22

Receivables financing 10176089668.41 10176089668.41

Non-current assets due within


one year

Other current financial assets 8582825.00 8582825.00

Other debt investments 1168246004.63 15195595661.33 16363841665.96

Other equity instrument



The total of assets measured at


fair value continuously

Derivative financial liabilities 4079919.91 4079919.91

Total of liabilities measured at


fair value continuously

The basis for determining market prices of items measured within the level 1 of the fair value

hierarchy continuously and not continuously

Trading financial assets other current assets other debt investment ? bonds other equity instrument

investments and other non-current financial assets held by the Company and measured within level 1 of

fair value hierarchy are determined based on the quotation of corresponding products and investment

projects on the open market.Qualitative and quantitative information on valuation techniques and important parameters for

items measured within level 2 of the fair value hierarchy continuously and not continuously

Assets held by the Company measured within level 2 of the fair value hierarchy are determined using the

market approach and income approach;

Receivables financing held by the Company measured within level 2 of fair value hierarchy are the bank

acceptance bills and accounts receivable held by the Company and their corresponding transfer and

discounted amounts are used as the basis for determining their market prices.Trading financial assets and derivative financial liabilities held by the Company measured within level 2 of

fair value hierarchy are mainly forward hedging instruments and asset management plans and the

Page 288 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

determination of the fair value is based on the fair value confirmation letter issued by the trading institution

at the end of the period;

Non-current assets and other debt investments held by the Company measured within level 2 of fair value

hierarchy within one year are mainly negotiable certificates of deposit and the fair value is determined

based on the prices of the same or similar assets in the inactive market.Qualitative and quantitative information on valuation techniques and important parameters for

items measured within level 3 of the fair value hierarchy continuously and not continuously

Trading financial assets and non-trading equity instrument investments designated to be measured at fair

value with their changes included in other comprehensive income held by the Company and measured

within level 3 of the fair value hierarchy are mainly items that have no observable data validation in the

active market and use their data to make financial predictions.For continuous fair value measurement items in case of conversion among different levels during the

current period the reasons for conversion and the policy for determining the timing for conversion

None.Changes in valuation techniques and reasons for changes occurred during the current period

None.Fair values of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value

None.XI. Affiliated parties and affiliated transaction

Information on the Company's parent company

The Company has no controlling shareholders or substantial controllers.Information on the Company's subsidiaries

For details see Note “VII. 1. Equity in subsidiaries”.Joint ventures and associates of the Company

(1) For details of other joint ventures or associates that have affiliated party transactions with the

Company in the current period or have affiliated party transactions with the Company in the previous

period to form a balance please refer to this Note “V. 18. Long-term equity investments” and Note “VII. 3.

(6) Excess losses incurred by joint ventures or associates”.

Other affiliated parties

Relationship Between Other Related Parties and the

Name of other affiliates


Company that have a significant impact on it by the

Wuhu Green Renewable Resources Recycling Co. Ltd.Company.Shanghai Highly (Group) Co. Ltd. and its holding Company in which the Company holds over 5.00% of its

subsidiaries shares

Page 289 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Relationship Between Other Related Parties and the

Name of other affiliates


Companies where directors of the Company act as executive

Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co. Ltd.directors and general managers

Companies where directors of the Company act as executive

Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co. Ltd.directors

Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. Companies held by directors of the Company or where a

and its holding companies director of the Company acts as chair of the board

Companies where directors of the Company act as executive

Henan Gree Installation Engineering Co. Ltd.directors

Shandong Jierui Logistics Co. Ltd. Company held by the Company's supervisor

Company where the Company's independent directors serve

ETR Law Firm

as its partner chair

Shandong Red April Holding Group Co. Ltd. and its

Company held by the Company's supervisor

holding companies

Company where the son of the Company's director acts as

Henan Huizhong Yifeng E-commerce Co. Ltd.executive directors

Company that have a significant impact on it by the

Hunan Green Renewable Resources Recycling Co. Ltd.Company.Company where the Director and Vice President of the

Chang'an Bank Co. Ltd.Company serve as a Director

Affiliated transaction

(1) Affiliated transactions of purchase and sale of commodities provision and receiving labor services

1) Purchase of commodities/receiving labor services

Type of Content of Amount incurred

Amount for the

Affiliated parties Affiliated Affiliated for the previous

current period

Transaction Transactions period

Shanghai Highly (Group) Co. Ltd. and Material

Raw materials 1347112001.68 1823440035.04

its holding subsidiaries procurement


Beijing Gree Technology Co. Ltd. Accessories 16652917.66 39096011.43



Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co. Ltd. and its Service expenses and


holding companies procurement consulting



Henan Yuze Finance Leasing Co. Ltd. Interest expense 3549617.92 5633699.15


Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Material

Raw materials 488645.15

Co. Ltd. procurement

Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric

Accept money

Appliances Co. Ltd. and its holding Interest expense 62.23 83.91



Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Accept money

Interest expense 45.18 57.58

Co. Ltd. deposits

Shanghai Highly (Group) Co. Ltd. and Fixed asset Equipment


its holding subsidiaries procurement procurement

Lanzhou Guangtong New Energy Material

Raw materials 530973.42

Automobile Co. Ltd. procurement

Hunan Green Renewable Resources Material

Raw materials 15284.03

Recycling Co. Ltd. procurement

Shanghai Highly (Group) Co. Ltd. and Service Transport


its holding subsidiaries procurement service

DunAn (Tianjin) Energy Saving System Service

Design services 18867.92

Co. Ltd. and its holding companies procurement

Total 1382512762.67 1898457582.90

2) Schedule of commodities sold/services provided

Type of Content of Amount incurred

Amount for the

Affiliated parties Affiliated Affiliated for the previous

current period

Transaction Transactions period

Page 290 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Type of Content of Amount incurred

Amount for the

Affiliated parties Affiliated Affiliated for the previous

current period

Transaction Transactions period

Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree

Sale of goods Sales revenue 5885129357.41 5731889146.80

Trade Co. Ltd.Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade

Sale of goods Sales revenue 4673380959.10 4142114712.28

Co. Ltd.Shanghai Highly (Group) Co. Ltd.Sale of goods Sales revenue 1025827011.12 886224374.20

and its holding subsidiaries

Henan Huizhong Yifeng E-commerce

Sale of goods Sales revenue 22940080.25 101355077.81

Co. Ltd.Lanzhou Guangtong New Energy

Sale of goods Sales revenue 1747290.45 569555.04

Automobile Co. Ltd.Beijing Gree Technology Co. Ltd. Loan Interest income 647429.80 939755.42

Beijing Gree Technology Co. Ltd. Sale of goods Sales revenue 115919.47 417472.01

Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric

Appliances Co. Ltd. and its holding Sale of goods Sales revenue 74808.34


Eocell Limited Sale of goods Sales revenue 35657.27 27570.07

ETR Law Firm Sale of goods Sales revenue 2779.94 10250.01

Chang'an Bank Co. Ltd. Sale of goods Sales revenue 211.50

Shanghai Highly (Group) Co. Ltd.Loan Interest income 11901.29

and its holding subsidiaries

Hunan Green Renewable Resources

Sale of goods Sales revenue 2160.00

Recycling Co. Ltd.Henan Yuze Finance Leasing Co.Sale of goods Sales revenue 3074.34

Ltd.Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Commission

Loan 4.91

Co. Ltd. income

Total 11609901504.65 10863565054.18

(2) Associated trusteeship management/contracting or entrusted management/contract awarding


(3) Associated lease

1) The Company as the Lessor:


2) The Company as the Leasee:


(4) Associated guarantee


(5) Fund lending among affiliated parties


(6) Asset transfer and debt restructuring of affiliated parties


(7) Remunerations for key management personnel

Amount incurred for the

Item Amount for the current period

previous period

Remunerations for key management personnel 34081922.40 31583041.09

(8) Other affiliated transactions

Page 291 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

None.Receivables and payables of affiliated parties

(1) Receivables

Ending Balance Beginning balance

Item Affiliated parties

Book balance Bad debt reserves Book balance Bad debt reserves

Shanghai Highly (Group)


Co. Ltd. and its holding 246543051.23 12327152.54 287911901.16 14395595.07



Accounts Lanzhou Guangtong New


receivable Energy Automobile Co. Ltd.Wuhu Green Renewable


Resources Recycling Co. 2263529.62 1131764.81 6053077.41 3026538.71


Ltd.Receivables Henan Shengshi Xinxing


financing Gree Trade Co. Ltd.Receivables Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing


financing Gree Trade Co. Ltd.Receivables Shandong Jierui Logistics


financing Co. Ltd.Shanghai Highly (Group)


Co. Ltd. and its holding 124206884.12 221903936.78



Receivables Henan Gree Installation


financing Engineering Co. Ltd.Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree


Electric Appliances Co. Ltd. 5634448.65 54569724.30


and its holding companies

Shandong Red April Holding


Group Co. Ltd. and its 189907561.46


holding companies

Shanghai Highly (Group)


Co. Ltd. and its holding 16000000.00 800000.00



Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co.Advance

Ltd. and its holding 6082225.00 12164450.00



Shanghai Highly (Group)


Co. Ltd. and its holding 5641887.98 2349194.19



Advance Beijing Gree Technology


payments Co. Ltd.DunAn (Tianjin) Energy


Saving System Co. Ltd. and 172325809.58 129244357.19 172380562.38 86190281.19


its holding companies

Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co.Other

Ltd. and its holding 19519366.99 4879841.75 20000000.00 3000000.00



Shanghai Highly (Group)


Co. Ltd. and its holding 343266.03 19413.30 5000.00 350.00



Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co.Other non-

Ltd. and its holding 18500000.00 4625000.00 18500000.00 2775000.00

current assets


Contract Lanzhou Guangtong New


assets Energy Automobile Co. Ltd.Total 1596304574.11 291278781.07 3568552247.01 205483900.27

(2) Payables


Item Affiliated parties Ending Balance


Page 292 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


Item Affiliated parties Ending Balance


Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric Appliances

Accept money deposits 16192.56 16124.33

Co. Ltd. and its holding companies

Accept money deposits Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co. Ltd. 12068.59 11323.41

Shanghai Highly (Group) Co. Ltd. and its

Accounts payable 425094848.95 184621746.92

holding subsidiaries

Accounts payable Beijing Gree Technology Co. Ltd. 12029563.76 8942070.53

Hunan Green Renewable Resources Recycling

Accounts payable 2437065.09 2437065.09

Co. Ltd.Accounts payable Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co. Ltd. 249988.68 249988.68

DunAn (Tianjin) Energy Saving System Co. Ltd.Accounts payable 4716.98

and its holding companies

Lanzhou Guangtong New Energy Automobile

Accounts payable 17001014.00

Co. Ltd.Wuhu Green Renewable Resources Recycling

Accounts payable 3789547.79

Co. Ltd.Other payables Henan Huizhong Yifeng E-commerce Co. Ltd. 100000.00

Other payables Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co. Ltd. 21617.37 21617.37

Shanghai Highly (Group) Co. Ltd. and its

Other payables 14200.00 12200.00

holding subsidiaries

Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric Appliances

Other payables 204.24 204.24

Co. Ltd. and its holding companies

Other payables Shandong Jierui Logistics Co. Ltd. 0.26 0.26

Other payables Henan Yuze Finance Leasing Co. Ltd. 20065000.00

Contract liabilities Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co. Ltd. 566925018.21 589585262.00

Contract liabilities Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co. Ltd. 277427020.12 368281472.85

Contract liabilities Henan Huizhong Yifeng E-commerce Co. Ltd. 4027582.80 5780268.45

Shanghai Highly (Group) Co. Ltd. and its

Contract liabilities 1071224.64 416534.37

holding subsidiaries

Contract liabilities Eocell Limited 42382.22

Other current liabilities ?

Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co. Ltd. 73700252.37 76646084.07

value-added tax

Other current liabilities ?

Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trade Co. Ltd. 36065512.62 47876591.48

value-added tax

Other current liabilities ?

Henan Huizhong Yifeng E-commerce Co. Ltd. 523585.76 751496.78

value-added tax

Other current liabilities ? Shanghai Highly (Group) Co. Ltd. and its


value-added tax holding subsidiaries

Long-term payables Henan Yuze Finance Leasing Co. Ltd. 18027707.93 16053322.20

Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co. Ltd. and its holding

Long-term payables 7515470.87 83990713.19


Non-current liabilities due Sichuan Jinshi Leasing Co. Ltd. and its holding


within one year companies

Non-current liabilities due

Henan Yuze Finance Leasing Co. Ltd. 25690210.83 34595617.06

within one year

Total 1526767822.00 1590988786.75

Commitment of affiliated parties

None.XII. Share-based payment

Page 293 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

The overall situation of share-based payment

Item Content

On February 3 2023 the Company's special securities

account for repurchase transferred 77163880 shares to the

special account of "Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of

Total amount of equity instruments granted this year

Zhuhai ? employee stock ownership plan phase II" through

non-trading transfer. The total amount of equity

instruments is RMB1569513319.20.According to the Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Employee Stock Ownership Plan Phase I (Draft) (Revised

Draft) the Audit Report of ZHS ZI (2023) No. 0500065

issued by Union Power Certified Public Accountants

(Special General Partnership) and the Company's relevant

equity distribution the company-level performance

Total amount of equity instruments exercised this year

evaluation indicators of the Company's employee stock

ownership plan phase I have been achieved and the two

phases of attributable stock rights can be vested and

distributed. The total amount of equity instruments in the

employee stock ownership plan phase I is

RMB555550331.27.Total amount of various equity instruments that have


expired this year

The exercise price range and remaining contract term of

RMB14.36/share; half a year.shares issued to the public at the end of the period

No shares issued to the public or other equity instruments at the end of the period.Equity settled share-based payments

Item Content

Method for determining the fair

The Company determines the fair value of the employee stock ownership plan by

value of equity instruments on

deducting the grant price from the market price on the grant date.the grant date

By assessing the company's performance and individual performance per year the

Company takes the number of equity instruments held by incentive targets achieving

The basis for determining the the assessment goals as the basis. On each balance sheet date during the vesting period

number of exercisable equity the Company makes the best estimate of subsequent information such as the latest

instruments change in number of vesting employees to correct the estimated number of vested

equity instruments. On the vesting date the final estimated number of exercisable

equity instruments is consistent with their actual number.Reasons for significant

differences between estimates


in the current year and the

previous period

Accumulated amount of equity

settled share-based payments 1257651176.82

recognized in capital reserves

Total expenses recognized for

equity settled share-based 1413200011.24

payments this period

Cash settled share-based payments

None.Amendment and termination of share-based payment

None.XIII. Commitments and contingencies

Important commitments

Page 294 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai


(1) In accordance with the Equity Transfer Agreement entered into between Zhejiang DunAn Energy

Saving Technology Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhejiang Energy Saving") a holding subsidiary of

the Company and Shuifa Energy Group Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shuifa Energy") on

November 21 2019 the transfer of other debts or payment obligations (hereinafter referred to as

"contingent liabilities") of the target company DunAn (Tianjin) Energy Saving System Co. Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "Tianjin Energy Saving") before the audit base date (May 31 2019) including

but not limited to contingent debts and debts or liabilities arising after the base date due to the fault of

Zhejiang Energy Saving before the base date shall be borne by Zhejiang Energy Saving. If the above debts

are borne by Tianjin Energy Saving in advance or Tianjin Energy Saving is punished as a result Tianjin

Energy Saving has the right to recover from Zhejiang Energy Saving. If Shuifa Energy has money payable

to Zhejiang Energy Saving Zhejiang Energy Saving agrees that Shuifa Energy will directly deduct the

compensation to Tianjin Energy Saving. Tianjin Energy Saving has the right to continue to recover from

the Company for the insufficient part. The aforementioned responsibilities of Zhejiang Energy Saving can

be directly deducted from the equity transaction price payable by Shuifa Energy or the dividends of

Zhejiang Energy Saving in Tianjin Energy Saving and the shortfall will be compensated by Zhejiang

Energy Saving.

(2) The Company provides guarantees for mortgage loans for homebuyers in accordance with industry

practices mainly in the form of phased guarantees. The guarantee period starts from the effective date of

the guarantee contract and ends on the date when the real estate certificate and mortgage registration

procedures for the products purchased by the customer are completed and delivered to the bank for

management. As of December 31 2023 the outstanding guarantee amount is RMB2058.292 million.Others

None.XIV. Matters after the balance sheet date

Important non-adjustment matters

None.Distribution of profits

Under the resolution at the 18th meeting of the 12th session of the Board of Directors the Company's profit

distribution plan for 2023 is as follows: Since the total shares entitled to profit distribution as of April 29

2024 totaling 5521943646 shares (share capital of 5631405741 shares less 109462095 shares held in

the Company's repo account) is proposed as the base temporarily the Company plans to distribute a cash

dividend of RMB23.80 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares to all shareholders totaling RMB13142225877.48.This distribution plan still requires approval of the General Meeting of Shareholders.Page 295 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Sales return

No important sales return occurred after the balance sheet date.Divided as held for sale after the balance sheet date

None.Other important non-adjustment matters after the balance sheet date

None.XV. Other important matters

Correction of accounting errors in the previous period

None.Important debt restructuring

None.Asset replacement

(1) Exchange of non-monetary assets


(2) Replacement of other assets

None.Annuity plan

None.Discontinued operation

Profit from


Income tax operation

Item Revenue Expense Total profits Net Profits

expenses attributable to

owners of

parent company

Gree (USA) Sales Co.




Net cash flows from Net cash flows from Net cash flows from


operating activities investment activities financing activities

Gree (USA) Sales Co. Ltd. -3635051.24

Other important matters affecting investor decisions

(1) Company guarantee

As of December 31 2023 the total amount of Gree Altairnano guarantees is RMB2994536614.53 of

which the total amount of guarantees provided by Gree Altairnano subsidiaries for short-term loans long-

term loans accounts payable (E Xintong) and long-term payables is RMB1010834713.96; the total

Page 296 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

amount of guarantees provided to companies outside the consolidated statements is RMB1983701900.57

(the stock guarantee provided by Gree Altairnano for the financial leasing and car purchase business of its

bus company and other customers).

(2) Financial support

1) Gree Altairnano provided financial loans of RMB94200 RMB681400 RMB23019800 and

RMB17200 respectively to its original shareholder and its affiliated parties Wei Yincang Sun Guohua

Zhuhai Yinlong Investment Holding Group Co. Ltd. As of the date of this Annual Report the aforesaid

loans have not been recovered.

2) On November 21 2019 Zhejiang Energy Saving signed an equity transfer agreement with Shuifa

Energy. Zhejiang Energy Saving agreed to transfer its 65% equity and related rights of creditor of Tianjin

Energy Saving (and its subsidiaries and branches) to Shuifa Energy (hereinafter referred to as "Tianjin

Energy Saving Equity Transfer") with an equity transfer price of RMB390 million a payment for rights of

creditor transfer of RMB390 million totaling RMB780 million; after the completion of the Tianjin Energy

Saving Equity Transfer the shareholding ratio of Zhejiang Energy Saving in Tianjin Energy Saving

decreased from 100% to 35% and Tianjin Energy Saving became a joint stock company of the Company.Zhejiang Energy Saving's credit of RMB600 million to Tianjin Energy Saving thereby formed passive

financial support. Before Shuifa Energy paid for the rights of creditor transfer Zhejiang Energy Saving had

a credit of RMB600 million to Tianjin Energy Saving forming financial support of RMB600 million; After

Shuifa Energy paid RMB390 million for the rights of creditor transfer under the Equity Transfer Agreement

Zhejiang Energy Saving had a remaining credit of RMB210 million to Tianjin Energy Saving forming

financial support of RMB210 million.XVI. Notes to main items of financial statements of the parent company

Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable disclosed by account age

Account age Ending Balance Beginning balance

Within 1 year 5093333514.94 2801488718.60

1?2 years 99365598.67 122421456.35

2?3 years 72800967.64 19975735.77

Over 3 years 29800846.44 20339910.40

Subtotal 5295300927.69 2964225821.12

Less: Bad debt reserves 289922749.83 152602498.35

Total 5005378177.86 2811623322.77

(2) Bad debt accrual method by categories

Ending Balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proportion Credit loss

Amount Amount

(%) rate (%)

Page 297 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Ending Balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proportion Credit loss

Amount Amount

(%) rate (%)

Accounts receivable with bad

debt reserves accrued by 4715115.32 0.09 4715115.32 100.00

individual item

Accounts receivable with bad

debt reserves accrued by 5290585812.37 99.91 285207634.51 5.39 5005378177.86


Including: Account age



Free-risk portfolios 1016367518.38 19.19 1016367518.38

Total 5295300927.69 100.00 289922749.83 5.48 5005378177.86


Beginning balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proportion Credit loss

Amount Amount

(%) rate (%)

Accounts receivable with bad

debt reserves accrued by 4715115.32 0.16 4715115.32 100.00

individual item

Accounts receivable with bad

debt reserves accrued by 2959510705.80 99.84 147887383.03 5.00 2811623322.77


Including: Account age



Free-risk portfolios 845680143.00 28.53 845680143.00

Total 2964225821.12 100.00 152602498.35 5.15 2811623322.77

1) Accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by individual items:

Ending Balance

Company Name

Credit loss

Book balance Bad debt reserves Reason for accruing

rate (%)

It is expected to be

Unit 1 4715115.32 4715115.32 100.00 difficult to be


Total 4715115.32 4715115.32 100.00


Beginning balance

Company Name

Credit loss

Book balance Bad debt reserves Reason for accruing

rate (%)

It is expected to be

Unit 1 4715115.32 4715115.32 100.00 difficult to be


Total 4715115.32 4715115.32 100.00

2) In the portfolio accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by account age portfolio:

Account age Book balance Bad debt reserves Credit loss rate (%)

Within 1 year 4076965996.56 203848299.84 5.00

Page 298 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Account age Book balance Bad debt reserves Credit loss rate (%)

1?2 years 99365598.67 19873119.73 20.00

2?3 years 72800967.64 36400483.82 50.00

Over 3 years 25085731.12 25085731.12 100.00

Total 4274218293.99 285207634.51 6.67

(3) Bad debt reserves accrued recovered or reversed in the current period


Category Beginning balance Ending Balance

g back in the current period

Accrual by individual item 4715115.32 4715115.32

Account age portfolio 147887383.03 137320251.48 285207634.51

Total 152602498.35 137320251.48 289922749.83

[Note] There was no significant recovery or reversal of bad debt provisions during the current period.

(4) Accounts receivable actually written off in the current period


(5) Accounts receivable of the top 5 debtors in terms of ending balance collected by debtors

The total amount of accounts receivable and contract assets of the top 5 debtors in terms of ending balance

collected by debtors is RMB2721408204.31 accounting for 51.39% of the ending balance of accounts

receivable and contract assets and the amount of bad debt provision is RMB90515487.65.Other receivables

Item Ending Balance Beginning balance

Other receivables [Note 1] 4860219830.31 3602220649.55

Total 4860219830.31 3602220649.55

[Note 1] Other receivables in the table above refer to other receivables after deduction of interest

receivables and dividends receivable;

[Note 2] The Company has no beginning and ending balance of interests receivable and dividends


(6) Other receivables

1) Disclosure by account age

Account age Ending Balance Beginning balance

Within 1 year 4863865345.66 3593232529.73

1?2 years 6358344.91 8697524.27

2?3 years 1650917.24 8176823.31

Over 3 years 4910948.86 1389811.30

Subtotal 4876785556.67 3611496688.61

Less: Bad debt reserves 16565726.36 9276039.06

Page 299 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Account age Ending Balance Beginning balance

Total 4860219830.31 3602220649.55

2) Classification by nature of payment

Nature of payment Ending book balance Beginning book balance

Intercourse and free-risk funds 4739303404.07 3611496688.61

Asset transfer payments 137482152.60

Subtotal 4876785556.67 3611496688.61

Less: Bad debt reserves 16565726.36 9276039.06

Total 4860219830.31 3602220649.55

3) Disclosure by classification of bad debt reserves accrual methods

Ending Balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proportio Credit loss

Amount Amount

n (%) rate (%)

Other accounts receivable with

bad debt reserves accrued by

individual item

Other accounts receivable with

bad debt reserves accrued by 4876785556.67 100.00 16565726.36 0.34 4860219830.31


Including: Account age



Free-risk portfolios 4672712347.74 95.82 4672712347.74

Total 4876785556.67 100.00 16565726.36 0.34 4860219830.31


Beginning balance

Category Book balance Bad debt reserves

Book Value

Proporti Credit loss

Amount Amount

on (%) rate (%)

Other accounts receivable with

bad debt reserves accrued by

individual item

Other accounts receivable with

bad debt reserves accrued by 3611496688.61 100.00 9276039.06 0.26 3602220649.55


Including: Account age



Free-risk portfolios 3552066304.81 98.35 3552066304.81

Total 3611496688.61 100.00 9276039.06 0.26 3602220649.55

In the portfolio accounts receivable with bad debt reserves accrued by account age portfolio:

Ending Balance

Account age

Book balance Bad debt reserves Credit loss rate (%)

Within 1 year 191152997.92 9557649.90 5.00

1?2 years 6358344.91 1271668.98 20.00

Page 300 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Ending Balance

Account age

Book balance Bad debt reserves Credit loss rate (%)

2?3 years 1650917.24 825458.62 50.00

Over 3 years 4910948.86 4910948.86 100.00

Total 204073208.93 16565726.36 8.12

4) Accrual of bad debt reserves

Phase I Phase II Phase III

Expected credit loss for Expected credit loss for

Bad debt reserves Expected credit Total

the entire duration (no the entire duration

losses in the next 12

credit impairment (credit impairment


occurred) occurred)

Beginning balance 2058311.25 7217727.81 9276039.06

Accrual in the current



Transferring back in


the current period

Ending Balance 9557649.90 7008076.46 16565726.36

5) Other receivables that were actually written off in the current period


6) Other receivables of top 5 debtors in terms of ending balance collected by debtors

The total amount of other receivables of top 5 debtors in terms of ending balance collected by debtors is

RMB4751126676.83 accounting for 97.42% of the total balance of ending balance of other receivables

and the amount of bad debt provision is RMB6874107.63.

7) Other receivables due to centralized fund management

None.Page 301 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Long-term equity investments

Ending Balance Beginning balance


Book balance Impairment provision Book Value Book balance Impairment provision Book Value

Investments to subsidiaries 26797640354.59 26797640354.59 25037260734.86 25037260734.86

Investments to associates and


joint ventures

Total 29747429083.93 1940009.35 29745489074.58 29294388764.25 1940009.35 29292448754.90

(1) Investments to subsidiaries

Beginning balance Increase/Decrease in the Current Period Ending Balance

Investee Accrual of Impairme

Impairment Additional Decreased

Original value impairment Others Original value nt

provision Investment Investment

reserves provision

Gree (Chongqing) Electric


Appliances Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co. Ltd. 980129791.43 14845009.28 994974800.71

Zhuhai Gree Electric Enterprises


Ltd.Zhuhai Gree Xinyuan Electronics


Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Kaibang Motor


Manufacturing Co. Ltd.Gree (Hefei) Electric Appliances


Co. Ltd.Gree (Zhongshan) Small Home


Appliances Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gree Group Finance


Company Limited

Gree Electric Appliances (Brazil)


Co. Ltd.Hong Kong Gree Electric


Appliances Sales Limited

Shanghai Gree Air Conditioners


Sales Co. Ltd.Page 302 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Beginning balance Increase/Decrease in the Current Period Ending Balance

Investee Accrual of Impairme

Impairment Additional Decreased

Original value impairment Others Original value nt

provision Investment Investment

reserves provision

Zhuhai Gree Daikin Precision Mold


Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gree Dakin Device Co.


Ltd.Green Refrigeration Equipment

Engineering Research Center of 676040000.00 676040000.00

Zhuhai Gree Group Co. Ltd.Gree (Zhengzhou) Electric


Appliances Co. Ltd.Gree (Wuhan) Electric Appliances


Co. Ltd.Zhengzhou Gree Green Renewable


Resources Co. Ltd.Hunan Green Renewable Resources


Co. Ltd.Wuhu Green Renewable Resources


Co. Ltd.Gree (Shijiazhuang) Small Home


Appliances Co. Ltd.Gree (Wuhu) Electric Appliances


Co. Ltd.Shijiazhuang Green Renewable


Resources Co. Ltd.Gree (Shijiazhuang) Electric


Appliances Co. Ltd.Tianjin Green Renewable


Resources Utilization Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gree HVAC and


Refrigeration Equipment Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gree TOSOT Home


Appliances Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Ligao Precision


Manufacturing Co. Ltd.Zhuhai EWPE Information


Technology Inc.Gree (Changsha) HVAC Equipment


Co. Ltd.Page 303 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Beginning balance Increase/Decrease in the Current Period Ending Balance

Investee Accrual of Impairme

Impairment Additional Decreased

Original value impairment Others Original value nt

provision Investment Investment

reserves provision

Gree TOSOT (Suqian) Home


Appliances Co. Ltd.Wuhu Gree Precision


Manufacturing Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gree Intelligent Equipment


Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Hengqin Gree Commercial


Factoring Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gree Precision Mold Co.


Ltd.Gree HVAC and Refrigeration


Equipment (Wuhan) Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gree Intelligent Equipment


Technology Institute Co. Ltd.Gree New Material Co. Ltd. 30773083.23 2488168.72 33261251.95

Gree Precision Mould (Wuhan)


Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gree Energy Environment


Technology Co. Ltd.Gree (Hangzhou) Electric


Appliances Co. Ltd.Gree Information Technology Co.


Ltd. of Zhuhai

Gree (Wu'an) Precision Equipment


Manufacturing Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gree Transportation Co.


Ltd.Gree (Nanjing) Electric Appliances


Co. Ltd.Gree (Luoyang) Electric Appliances


Co. Ltd..Zhuhai Edgeless Integrated Circuit


Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Lianyun Technology Co.


Ltd.Gree (Chengdu) Electric


Appliances Co. Ltd.Page 304 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Beginning balance Increase/Decrease in the Current Period Ending Balance

Investee Accrual of Impairme

Impairment Additional Decreased

Original value impairment Others Original value nt

provision Investment Investment

reserves provision

Gree Material Supply Co. Ltd. of



Zhuhai Gree Green Control


Technology Co. Ltd.Hefei Kinghome Electrical Co.


Ltd.Zhuhai Gree Mechanical and


Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd.Gree Electric Appliances (Luoyang)


Washing Machine Co. Ltd.Guochuang Energy Internet

Innovation Center (Guangdong) 75000000.00 75000000.00

Co. Ltd.Gree Precision Mould (Anji) Co.


Ltd.Zhuhai Gree Green Renewable


Resources Co. Ltd.Gree E-commerce Co. Ltd. 100329005.60 1490145.35 101819150.95

Zhuhai Gejian Health Medical


Technology Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gree Electrical Intelligent


Manufacturing Co. Ltd.Gree Chengdu Xinhui Medical


Equipment Co. Ltd.SL Group Co. Ltd. 230223945.05 230223945.05

Gree (Ganzhou) Electric


Appliances Co. Ltd.Gree Electric Appliances (Linyi)


Co. Ltd.Gree (Zhuhai Hengqin)


Development Co. Ltd.Changsha Kinghome Electric


Appliances Co. Ltd

Gree Altairnano New Energy Inc. 1828403518.47 1015328446.32 654161.12 2844386125.91

Page 305 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Beginning balance Increase/Decrease in the Current Period Ending Balance

Investee Accrual of Impairme

Impairment Additional Decreased

Original value impairment Others Original value nt

provision Investment Investment

reserves provision

Zhuhai Mingruida Supply Chain


Technology Co. Ltd.Zhejiang DunAn Artificial


Environment Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Gree Electronic


Components Co. Ltd. VII.Zhuhai Gree Digital Technology


Co. Ltd. VIII. IX.Zhuhai Gree Prefabricated

Vegetable Equipment Technology 30000000.00 30000000.00

Development Co. Ltd.Total 25037260734.86 1687003995.00 30365623.06 103741247.79 26797640354.59

(2) [Note] Changes in Others are the expenses allocated by the parent company for the subsidiaries involving the employee equity incentive ? employee stock

ownership plan.

(3) Investments to associates and joint ventures

Beginning balance Increase/Decrease in the Current Period Ending Balance

Profits and Declared

Adjustment of Other

Investee Additional losses on distribution of

Impairment other chang Othe Impairment

Original value investment/disin investment cash Original value

provision comprehensive es in rs provision

vestment recognized by dividends or

income equity

equity method profits



Gree (Vietnam)

Electric Appliances 1940009.35 1940009.35 1940009.35 1940009.35

Inc.Outlook All Media


Co. Ltd.Wuhan Digital

Design and

Manufacturing 15239073.92 301716.52 150000.00 15390790.44

Innovation Center

Co. Ltd.Page 306 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Beginning balance Increase/Decrease in the Current Period Ending Balance

Profits and Declared

Adjustment of Other

Investee Additional losses on distribution of

Impairment other chang Othe Impairment

Original value investment/disin investment cash Original value

provision comprehensive es in rs provision

vestment recognized by dividends or

income equity

equity method profits




Technology Co.Ltd.Zhuhai Ronglin

Equity Investment


Partnership 4131807804.94 -279197890.11 -10162802.37 -1020652263.34




Henan Yuze

Finance Leasing 52591103.02 1627073.67 1642181.50 52575995.19

Co. Ltd.Zhuhai Jiayao Food

Technology Co. 989000.00 -181112.17 807887.83



Total 4257128029.39 1940009.35 -278208890.11 -6685965.10 -1020652263.34 1792181.50 1940009.35


Page 307 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Operating revenues and costs

Amount for the current period Amount incurred for the previous period


Revenue Cost Revenue Cost







Total 134653638564.88 87964474582.78 119790450591.45 84193036470.44

Income from investment

Amount for the current Amount incurred for the


period previous period

Dividend shares recognized for long-term equity investment


measured in the cost method

Investment income obtained from trading financial assets 280583705.07 12657637.64

Investment income from derivative financial instruments 135154303.55 9416978.74

Long-term equity investment income measured by the equity



Others 50600218.28 37642998.26

Total 4277964743.44 3978824626.50

XVII. Supplementary

Detailed statement of non-recurring profits and losses in this period

Item Amount Description

For details please

Profits and losses from disposal of non-current assets (including

324413866.77 refer to this Note V.

the write-off of accrued asset impairment reserves)

67 68 and 69

Governmental subsidies included in the current profits and losses

For details please

(but excluding the governmental subsidies closely relating to the 784275516.36

normal business operations of the Company conforming to refer to this Note V.Page 308 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Item Amount Description

national policies and regulations and enjoyed by a fixed quota or a 62 and 68

fixed amount in accordance with a certain standard)

Profits and losses from changes in fair value arising from financial

assets and financial liabilities held by non-financial enterprises

and profits and losses from disposal of financial assets and 553697207.25

financial liabilities except for the effective hedging business

related to the Company's normal business operations

Reversal of impairment reserves for the receivables under


independent impairment test

For details please

Non-operating revenues and expenditures other than the above

-21226697.92 refer to this Note V.items

68 and 69

Other profit and loss items conforming to the definition of non-


recurring profits and losses

Subtotal 1754108671.67

Less: Amount affecting income tax 301917937.60

Amount affecting minority equity (after tax) 264247.68

Total 1451926486.39

[Note] The number "+" of the non-recurring profit and loss item means income and "?" means loss or expenditure.The recognition of the Company's non-recurring profit and loss items is implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Explanatory Announcement No. 1

on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profit and Loss (Revised in 2023) (CSRC Announcement

[2023] No. 65).ROE and earnings per share

Earnings per share

Weighted average

Profits for the report period

return on equity (%) Basic earnings per Diluted earnings per

share share

Net profit attributable to common shareholders of


the Company

Net profit deducting non-recurring profits and


losses attributable to common shareholders

Page 309 of 3102023 Annual Report of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

April 30 2024

Page 310 of 310






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